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Yuan Ang killed Chao Cuo.

Wrong element and spiced yuan ang are not good, sitting in the wrong place, ang needs to avoid; Sit upright and avoid it by mistake; These two people have never spoken the same language. And mistaken for an ancient scholar, the official case suffered the prince's finances and made amends. Forgive me for thinking that Shu Ren.

Yuan Ang is from the State of Chu. His father used to associate with robbers, but later he moved to Anling to settle down. During Lv Hou's time, Yuan Ang was the retainer of Lv Hou's nephew Lv Lu. When Emperor Wendi ascended the throne, Yuan Ang's brother Yuan Kuang recommended him as a corps commander.

Yuan Ang has always disliked Chao Cuo, where Chao Cuo sat, and Yuan Ang often avoided it; Where Yuan Ang sits, Chao Cuo will avoid it, and they have never talked together. Emperor Wen of Han died, Emperor Jing of Han succeeded to the throne, and Chao Cuo became a physician. He sent officials to investigate Yuan Ang's acceptance of the property of Prince Liu Bi, and punished him according to the seriousness of the crime. The emperor pardoned Yuan Ang as a civilian.

Chao Cuo is from Yingchuan. I once studied Shen Buhai and Shang Yang's theory of criminal names in Mr. Zhang Hui of Jixian County, and I was classmates with Luoyang people Song Meng and Liu Li. He is an anecdote with profound knowledge of ancient books.

Chao Cuo is strict and upright, but harsh. During the reign of Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty, no one studied Shangshu. I only heard that Fu Sheng of Jinan was a doctor of the Qin Dynasty. He has studied Shangshu and is over ninety years old. Because he was too old to recruit him, Wendi ordered him to send someone to study too often. Too many times, Chao Cuo was sent to Mr. Fu to study Shangshu. When he came back from studying, he took the opportunity to report to the emperor about benefiting the country and the people, saying that he quoted and explained the Book of History. Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty issued a letter, appointing Chao Cuo as the Prince's Scheeren, the doctor under the door, and the Prince's family order. Chao Cuo, with his eloquence, was favored by the prince, who called him a "brain trust". When Emperor Wendi was in China, Chao Cuo wrote many times, talking about reducing the vassal power and amending the law. After dozens of letters, Emperor Wen of Han did not adopt them. Instead, he thought that he had a unique talent and was promoted to traditional Chinese medicine. At that time, the prince was full of praise for Chao Cuo's strategy, but most of Yuan Ang and other heroes didn't like Chao Cuo.

Chao Cuo was promoted to the position of an ancient adviser, and requested that the fief be reduced due to the sins of the vassal states, and that the counties and cities along the border of the vassal states be recovered. When the document was submitted, the emperor ordered officials, Hou and members of the royal family to discuss it together. No one dared to criticize Chao Cuo's suggestion, only Dou Ying argued with him, so there was a gap with Chao Cuo. There are 30 chapters in the law amended by Chao Cuo, and the governors all loudly oppose it, and they hate Chao Cuo's guts. Hearing the news, Chao Cuo's father came from Yingchuan and said to Chao Cuo, "The emperor has just succeeded to the throne. You are in power, encroaching on and weakening the power of governors and alienating others' flesh and blood. People are talking about hating you. Why are you doing this? Chao Cuo said: "It should be like this." Otherwise, the son of heaven will not be respected and the country will not be at peace. Chao Cuo's father added, "At this rate, Jiaping Liu's family will be in danger." . I want to leave you and go back. "He died of taking poison casually, and before he died, he said," I can't bear to watch disaster drag me down. "

Later, Wu and Chu rebelled, and Chao Cuo said to Shicheng and Shi: "Yuan Ang once received a lot of money from the king of Wu, so he was bent on covering up the plot of the king of Wu to rebel, saying that the king of Wu would not rebel; Now that the prince of Wu has really rebelled, I request to deal with Yuan Ang. He must know the conspiracy of rebellion. " Yu Shicheng and Shi Yue said: "If there is no rebellion before, Yuan Ang's crime can be punished, and his rebellion can be stopped; But now that the armies of kings have attacked Beijing from the west, what's the use of punishing Yuan Ang? Moreover, Yuan Ang will not participate in the rebellion. " Chao Cuo hesitated, and someone told Yuan Ang the news. Yuan Ang was very scared after hearing this, so he rushed to see him overnight to explain the reason of Wu's rebellion, hoping to go to Jingdi and personally explain it to Jingdi.

Dou Ying entered the palace and explained the meaning of Yuan Ang to Jingdi. Jingdi summoned Yuan Ang, and Yuan Ang entered the palace to see Jingdi, who was planning troops and stores with Chao Cuo. Jingdi asked Yuan Ang, "You are the prime minister of the King of Wu. Do you know what Tian Lubo, the courtier of Wu State, was like? What do you think of the rebellion in Wu Chu now? " Yuan Ang replied: "What is there to worry about!" Emperor Jing said, "The King of Wu used bronze mountains as money and boiled sea water as salt, attracting heroes from all over the world. Now, at the age of white hair, he began to rebel. If he is not completely sure, how can he rebel? " Why is he incapable of making a difference? Yuan Ang replied, "The King of Wu really benefited from casting money and cooking salt, but he didn't attract any heroes. Even if they do get some heroes, they will help the king of Wu to do justice and will not rebel. The prince of Wu recruited young hooligans, fugitives and bad men who minted coins. These people colluded with each other to create a rebellion. "Chao Cuo said:" Yuan Ang analyzed it very well. " Jingdi asked, "What should I do? "Yuan Ang replied," I hope your majesty will let the ministers around you avoid it. "Scene emperor told everyone to step down, leaving only Chao Cuo. Yuan Ang said, "No minister should hear what I said. "Scene emperor called Chao Cuo also retired. Chao Cuo retreated to the East Room, hating Yuan Ang in his heart.

Jingdi then asked Yuan Ang if he had any suggestions. Yuan Ang replied, "Wu and Chu wrote to each other, saying that Gao Zu made his son king and each got land. Now Chao Cuo, an anti-thief, arbitrarily condemns the vassal and cuts off the land of the vassal, so he revolts and prepares to unite to the west, killing Chao Cuo with * * * and restoring the original land. This plan only needs to slay Chao Cuo, and the emissary will forgive Wu Chu's crime and return to his hometown, so the weapons don't need to be stained with blood, and the seven countries can rest. " Hearing this, Jingdi was silent. After a long time, he said, "I wonder if I can achieve the result after killing Chao Cuo? I will not apologize to the princes of the world because I love someone. " Yuan Ang said, "My stupid plan doesn't stop there. I hope the emperor will seriously consider it. " So Jingdi appointed Yuan Ang as Taichang and secretly packed his bags and took office. Ten days later, Emperor Jingdi ordered Prime Minister Tao Qing, Captain Chen Jia and Tingwei Ou Zhang to write a letter to impeach Chao Cuo: "What you have done is not in line with your master's kindness, and you want to alienate the feelings of the minister and the people; It is against the etiquette of ministers to give the city to Wu. Chao Cuo himself will be sentenced to the waist, and parents, wives and brothers, regardless of age, will be sentenced to death. " Jingdi approved: "I agree." And Chao Cuo knew nothing about it. On the 29th, Jingdi sent a lieutenant to summon Chao Cuo to trick him into marching through the city by car. Chao Cuo was beheaded in Dongshi wearing official clothes. Jingdi sent Yuan Ang and Zonghou, the son of the younger brother of the prince of Wu, to the State of Wu.

Yuan Ang sent an ambassador to Wu in an unusual capacity. The prince of Wu wanted him to be a general, but Yuan Ang refused. The prince of Wu wanted to kill him and sent a captain to lead 500 people to besiege Yuan Ang in the army. When Yuan Ang was the Prime Minister of the State of Wu, a servant girl secretly fell in love with Yuan Ang and had sex with him. Yuan Ang knew about it and didn't reveal it, and treated her as before. Shi Si was told that Yuan Ang knew about him and his handmaid and fled home from Shi Si. Yuan Ang personally drove to Shi Si, so he gave her to him and asked him to be his sidekick. When Yuan Ang went to the besieged state of Wu, Sima, a captain who was besieged in Yuan Ang, sold all his possessions and used the money to buy two loads of Luzhou-flavor wine. It happened that the besieged soldiers were hungry and thirsty, and the soldiers surrounded by the southwest corner of the city were drunk. Sima Cheng led Yuan Ang to get up at night and said, "You can go. The king of Wu agreed to kill you tomorrow morning. " Yuan Ang didn't believe it and said, "What do you do?" Sima said, "I have an affair with the historian's maid." Yuan Ang thanked him in surprise and said, "You are happy to have parents in class, but I can't get you into trouble." Sima said, "Just go. I will run away and hide my parents. Why should you worry?" So he cut the tent of the camp with a knife and led Yuan Ang out of the road blocked by drunken soldiers. Sima and Yuan Ang left separately. Yuan Ang untied the knot and held it in her arms. He walked seven or eight miles with crutches. At dawn, I met Liang cavalry who escaped, and finally reported Yuan Ang's mission to Wu to the emperor.

The rebels have been breached, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty changed the son of King Yuan of Chu, Hou, from Pinglu to King Chu and Yuan Ang to Chu. Yuan Ang once wrote a letter suggesting, but it was not adopted. Yuan Ang was exempted from official duties due to illness, and lived at home, fooling around with the villagers and playing chicken and dog games with them. Meng, a native of Luoyang, once visited Yuan Ang, and Yuan Ang warmly received him. A rich man in Anling said to Yuan Ang, "I heard that Ximeng is a gambler. Why do you want to associate with such people? " Yuan Ang said: "Although Meng was a gambler, when his mother died, there were more than 1,000 cars for funeral guests, which was also because of his extraordinary qualities. Besides, everyone has a crisis. If you knock at the door in an emergency, you can get rid of it when your parents are away, and you don't have to refuse when you are not at home. The only people the world looks up to are Ji Xin and Ju Meng. Nowadays, there are often several cavalry behind you. Can you rely on these people in an emergency? " Yuan Ang gave the rich man a good scolding and never spoke to him again. Hearing this, the people all praised Yuan Ang.

Although Yuan Ang lived in seclusion at home, Emperor Han Jingdi often sent people to ask him for advice. Liang Wang wanted to be the heir of Emperor Han Jing, and Yuan Ang suggested him. Since then, this discussion has been shelved, so Liang Wang bears a grudge against Yuan Ang and sends someone to assassinate Yuan Ang. The assassin came to Guanzhong and wanted to know what kind of person Yuan Ang was. Everyone is full of praise. The assassin went to see Yuan Ang and said, "I took money from King Liang to assassinate you. You are a kind person, and I don't have the heart to assassinate you. But a dozen people will come to assassinate you in the future. I hope you are fully prepared! " Yuan Ang was very unhappy. Many strange things happened at home one after another, so he went to ask Mr. Meng for blessing. When I came home, an assassin sent by Liang stopped Yuan Ang outside Anling Gate and assassinated him.

After Chao Cuo's death, the vassal shot Deng Gong as a captain, and when he attacked Wu Chu's army, he became a general. After returning to Beijing, he wrote to report the military situation and advised the emperor. The emperor asked, "You came from the army and heard that Chao Cuo was dead. Has Wu Chu's army retreated? " Deng Gong said: "The King of Wu has been deliberately rebelling for decades. He was angry that you cut off his fief, so in the name of killing Chao Cuo, his intention was not in Chao Cuo. Moreover, I am worried that people all over the world will shut up and never dare to speak again. " The emperor said, "Why?" Deng Gong said: "Chao Cuo was worried that the vassals were too powerful to be subdued, so he asked to reduce the fiefs of the vassals to show his respect for the imperial court. This is really a good thing for generations. No sooner had the plan been put into practice than it was killed. The loyal minister was silenced by Du Du, but the enemy was avenged by the princes. I personally think that your majesty is not worthy of this. " At this time, Jingdi was silent for a long time and said, "You are right, I regret it." So Deng Gong was appointed captain Chengyang.

Deng Gong is a mature man with many unexpected skills. Jianyuan (former 140- former 145? ) years, the emperor recruited wise men, and all officials elected Deng Gong. At that time, Deng Gong was dismissed from public office, so he stayed at home and became nine ministers. A year later, he said he was ill, resigned and went home. His son Zhang Deng is very famous among court ministers because he studies the theories of Huangdi and Laozi.