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Lanzhou University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Professional Catalogue and Examination Subjects

The content is applied statistics, mathematics and China ancient literature, and the examination subjects are ideological and political theory, advanced mathematics and China modern and contemporary literature.

1, Directory: Applied Statistics is a major that does not distinguish research directions. The academic system is 3 years, full-time study, and the examination subject is ideological and political theory. Mathematics major is a unified examination major of mathematics subject under the category of Neo-Confucianism. The major of ancient literature in China focuses on studying and discussing the laws of the development and evolution of ancient literature, the ups and downs of ancient literary trends and schools, and the characteristics of writers' works.

2. Examination subjects: Ideological and political theory is one of the compulsory subjects for postgraduate entrance examination, which mainly examines candidates' understanding and mastery of Socialism with Chinese characteristics's theoretical system. As a language and literature major in China, advanced mathematics seems to have little to do with mathematics, but in some schools, advanced mathematics is still a compulsory subject, which mainly examines candidates' logical thinking and mathematical analysis ability. China's modern and contemporary literature is the core subject of China's language and literature major, which mainly examines the examinee's reading, understanding and analysis ability of China's modern and contemporary literary works, including important writers' works, literary schools and literary phenomena.