Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The names of "the voice of God" and "God" in ancient Greek mythology

The names of "the voice of God" and "God" in ancient Greek mythology

There are countless gods, but the twelve gods and other gods are the most frequently heard, which will be mentioned below.

Twelve main gods:

Zeus, king of the gods

Tianhou Hela


Pluto Hades

Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty

Artemis, the goddess of the moon

Hermes, the messenger (the god of theft)

Kitchen God Hestia


Athena, goddess of war and wisdom

Vulcan hephaestus

Apollo, the sun god

Demeter, goddess of the earth and harvest.


Other gods:

Chaos, the God of Chaos (the God of Creation)

The gods of the sky, Urals and Cross.

Rhea, the goddess of time

Sleeping God Xiupu Ruosi

Death Tartus

Eros, the little goddess of love and beauty.


Hepai, the goddess of youth

Eris, the goddess of discord


Hai Hou an Filit te

Five creators:

Gaia, the goddess of the earth

Nyx, the goddess of the night

Euripides, the god of darkness.

Tarta Ross, the God of the Abyss.

Eros, the god of love and desire.

Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Ares, Hermes, hephaestus, Aphrodite, Athena, Apollo and Artemis.

The first chapter Prometheus

Heaven and earth were created, and the waves of the sea rose and fell, beating against the coast. Fish play in the water and birds sing in the air. big

There are many animals on the ground, but no advanced creature with soul can dominate the world around. So Prometheus

When he was born, he was a descendant of the ancient God-only family exiled by Zeus, and was the Partos born to his mother Gaia and Uranus.

The son of. He was smart and wise, knowing that the seeds of gods were hidden in the soil, so he picked up the soil and moistened it with river water.

Harmony, according to the master of the world, that is, the appearance of the gods, is shaped into a human form. In order to give life to the clay figurine, he took it from animals.

The soul takes two kinds of characters, good and evil, and is sealed in people's chest. Among the gods, he has a girlfriend, namely wisdom.

Goddess Athena; She was amazed at the creation of Son of God Titan, so she blew on this clay figurine with only half a soul and made it.

It gained spirituality.

In this way, the first batch of people appeared in the world. They thrived and soon formed a huge group, which spread all over the country. But there are many

For a long time, they didn't know how to use their limbs, nor did they know how to use the soul given by God. They saw it.

Invisible, inaudible, like a human figure in a dream, walking aimlessly, but not knowing how to play its role. he

Scientists don't know how to stone, burn bricks, cut down trees to make rafters, and then build houses with these materials. They are like ants.

Just like living in a cave without sunshine, you won't notice that winter has gone, spring has come, and summer solstice has come; They do everything without a plan.

So Prometheus came to help his creation. He taught them to observe the rise and fall of the sun, moon and stars; give him

Scientists invented numbers and words to let them know how to calculate and exchange ideas with words; He also taught them to ride animals to share him.

Children's labor makes them know how to put a reins on a horse to pull a cart or be a mount. He invented ships and sails to sail on the sea.

All right. He cares about all other activities in human life. Once upon a time, sick people didn't know how to treat diseases with drugs or how to apply ointment.

Or take medicine to relieve pain, many patients died tragically because of lack of medicine. Now, Prometheus teaches them to make drugs.

Drugs for preventing and treating various diseases. In addition, he taught them divination, explained dreams, and explained the signs of flight and sacrifice of various birds.

He guided them to explore underground mineral deposits and let them discover mineral deposits and mine iron and gold and silver. He taught them agricultural techniques and let him

Children live more comfortably.

Not long ago, Zeus exiled his father Cronus and overthrew the ancient family of gods. Prometheus was born here.

Only God's family. Now, Zeus and his sons are the new masters in the sky, and they begin to pay attention to the newly formed human beings.

They demand that human beings respect them as a condition for protecting human beings. One day, in Mercon, Greece, the gods gathered together.

Will negotiate and determine the rights and obligations of human beings. Prometheus attended the meeting as a defender of mankind. At the meeting, he was established.

The law prevents the gods from demanding sacrifices because they promise to protect mankind. The son of Titan is determined to use his wisdom.

Huilai lied to the gods. He killed a big cow on behalf of his creation, and asked God to choose only the parts they liked. He offered

The sacrificial bull was cut into pieces and divided into two piles. A pile of meat, viscera, fat, covered with cowhide, with tripe on it.

Son; The other pile is full of cow bones, cleverly wrapped in beef suet. This pile is bigger than the other. Know everything.

Zeus, the father of Almighty God, saw through his trick and said, "Son of Partos, noble king, my good friend."

Friend, how unfair it is for you to share the sacrifice! "At this time, Prometheus became more and more convinced that he had fooled Zeus, so he smiled to himself.

He said: "Noble Zeus, the father of all gods, just choose a pile according to your own wishes!" " "Zeus was very angry,

But deliberately stretched out his hands to get white sheep fat. When he peeled off the suet and saw all the stripped bones, he has been pretending until now.

Only then did he realize that he had been cheated and said angrily, "I see, Iapetus's son, you haven't forgotten your deceptive words."

Two! "

Zeus was cheated and decided to get back at Prometheus. He refused to provide mankind with the last thing necessary for life:

It's on fire. But Iapetus's son was very alert and immediately came up with a clever idea. He brought thick and long fennel.

Straw, carrying it close to the coming solar car, put fennel straw into its flame and ignite it, and then return to the ground with a flashing light.

In fact, the first pile of firewood soon burned up, and the fire grew stronger and stronger, and the flames soared into the sky. Zeus flew into a rage when he saw the flames rising on the earth.

Isn't it, seeing that you can't take fire away from human beings, in order to offset the fire, you quickly come up with new disasters to punish human beings.

The welfare that society brings to mankind. He ordered hephaestus, the Vulcan, who is famous for his craftsmanship, to build a stone statue for a beautiful woman. Athena gradually

She was jealous of Prometheus and lost her kindness to him. She personally dressed the stone statue in a shiny white dress and covered her head with a veil.

She wore a wreath and a golden ribbon. This golden ribbon is also made in hephaestus. In order to please his father, he is very careful

Heart-shaped production, exquisite gold belt, belt decorated with different animal images. Hermes, the messenger of the gods, gave this charming fan.

The human body teaches language skills; Aphrodite, the goddess of love, endowed her with various attractive charms. So Zeus gave this beautiful shape.

The elephant was injected with a vicious disaster. He named her Pandora, which means "a woman with all talents" because all the gods gave her gifts.

Give her a gift that harms mankind. He sent this young woman to earth, a wandering god who enjoyed herself on the ground.

I was amazed at the incomparable beauty of this woman. She found Prometheus' brother Epimetheus,

Ask him to accept a gift from Zeus. Epimetheus has a kind heart and no suspicion.

Prometheus once warned his brother on Mount Olympus not to accept any gifts from Zeus, but to accept them immediately.

Give it back. However, Epimetheus forgot this warning and accepted this beautiful young woman happily. straight

It took him a hard time to realize that he had brought disaster. Before that, mankind listened to Prometheus' warning, because

There are no disasters, no hardships, and no diseases that afflict people. Now, the girl has a present in her hand. this is

A big closed box. As soon as she arrived in Epimetheus, she suddenly opened the lid, and the disaster inside was like black smoke.

Like flying out, it quickly spread to the ground. There is only one beautiful thing hidden deep in the bottom of the box: hope, but Pandora.

According to the warning of the father of gods, close the lid before it flies out, so that hope will be kept in the box forever.

Yes Since then, all kinds of disasters have flooded the earth, the sky and the ocean. Diseases spread and wreak havoc among human beings day and night,

And silent, because Zeus wouldn't let them make a sound. All kinds of fevers are raging on the earth, and death is flying around people.

Run wild. Then Zeus took revenge on Prometheus himself. He gave the enemy to hephaestus and two servants.

In their hands, these two servants are nicknamed Kratos and Pia, which means strength and violence. They dragged Prometheus to scottie.

The barren hills of Asia. Here, he was locked by a strong chain on the hanging rock of Caucasus Mountain and went down to the terrible abyss. Gerbe

Toth is unwilling to carry out his father's orders because he likes the son of Titan very much. He is his relative and contemporaries.

The descendants of his great-grandfather Uranus are also descendants of God. However, the two rude servants who carried out the cruel orders were due to

He said many words of sympathy and gave him a good scolding. Prometheus was forced to be locked on a cliff, and he was hung upright.

I can't sleep, bending my tired knees. "No matter how you complain and lament, it's useless.

Hephaestus said to him, "Because Zeus's will is unshakable, these have only recently gained power from others.

The god of power is very cruel. "The prisoner was sentenced to torture is permanent, at least thirty thousand years. Although he is very big.

Crying sadly, calling for the wind, rivers, oceans and the mother of everything, and the sun watching everything to do painful things for him.

Card, but his spirit is indestructible "No matter who learns to realize the irresistible force of fate,"

He said, "You must bear the pain of destiny takes a hand." Zeus repeatedly threatened him to explain his unlucky prophecy, namely

"A new marriage will destroy the king of the gods", but he never spoke. Zeus kept his promise and sent one every day.

An evil eagle pecked Prometheus' liver. How much the liver eats will soon return to its original state. This painful fold

He had to put up with it until someone died for him voluntarily in the future.

(1) refers to the marriage with the sea goddess thetis. His son has more power than his father.

The day has finally come to relieve the suffering of the unfortunate Prometheus. Now he is hanging from a hanging rock and has spent a long time in sorrow.

One day after the tragedy, Hercules came here to look for Hesperides. He saw the evil eagle pecking at the poor.

Prometheus' liver, then he took out his bow and arrow and shot down this cruel and evil eagle from the side of the liver of the suffering person.

Fall down. Then he loosened the chain, liberated Prometheus and took him away from the cliff. But in order to meet the conditions of Zeus, Hera

Cyrus left the Chiron Star of Ken Taulos, a centaur, on the cliff and became his body double. Although Kay Long Xing can claim eternal life, but for

In order to save Prometheus, he was willing to give his life. In order to carry out Zeus' judgment thoroughly, Prometheus must always

Put an iron ring on the Caucasus Mountain with stones. In this way, Zeus can proudly claim that his enemy is still

However, he was locked on the cliff of Caucasus Mountain.

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The word "hero" comes from the name of the Greek goddess Hera. The first heroes were those who obeyed Hera's will. One of the greatest heroes is Hercules, whose name comes from the Greek word "God". Hercules is the son of alcmene, the queen of mankind, and Zeus, the king of gods (that is, Hera's husband). Alcmene named his son "Glory of Hera", hoping to prevent Hera from getting angry because of Zeus' infidelity. But her hopes were dashed. Hera tried all kinds of misfortunes and great tests to pursue Hercules.

The main god in Greek mythology, the third king, is the ruler of Mount Olympus. Son of Cronus and Rhea, in charge of heaven; Known for his greed for flowers, many shrines and many Greek heroes on Olympus were born to him and different women. He used lightning as a weapon to maintain the order of heaven and earth, and bulls and eagles were his symbols. His brothers Poseidon and Hades were in charge of the ocean and hell respectively; The goddess Hera was Zeus' last wife.

Zeus is the son of Cronus. Cronus is a combination of creativity and destructive power of time. His parents are Uranus and Gaia, and his wife is Rhea, the goddess in charge of the passage of time. Rhea gave birth to many children, but every child was eaten by Cronus at birth. When Rhea gave birth to Zeus, she was determined to protect this little life. She wrapped a stone in cloth and lied that it was a newborn baby. Cronus swallowed the stone in one gulp. So Zeus dodged a bullet and was sent to Cronus's sister, the goddess water lily.

When Zeus grew up, he knew his life and was determined to save his brother. He married Metis, the goddess of wisdom, and took his wife's advice to induce his father Cronus to take emetic. After taking the medicine, Cronus kept vomiting and threw up all his children. They are Poseidon, Hades, Hestia and Demeter. In order to reward their brother Zeus, they agreed to give him the most powerful weapon, lightning.

Zeus was so disgusted with his father's tyranny that he contacted his brothers to wage war on his father. In order to win as soon as possible, Zeus followed the advice of his brother Prometheus and released the cyclops and the child prodigy imprisoned underground. These six sons of Mother Earth have extraordinary power, and Zeus and his brothers finally won. Their father and many Titan gods were sent to hell. After a great victory, it's time to decide who will be king. Zeus and his brothers refused to give way to each other, and there was a war between them. At this time, Prometheus proposed to decide by drawing lots. As a result, Zeus became the king of heaven, Poseidon became the king of the sea and Hades became the king of hell.

Zeus, sitting on Mount Olympus, has supreme power and strength. He is the guide of justice, and his rule over mankind is fair and just. His suggestion is difficult to understand, his decision is irrevocable, and his will is prudent and correct.

Zeus is both the king of gods and the king of mankind, so people often describe him sitting on an exquisite throne. The solemn head shows the power to control the storm and the charm to control the starry sky.

The symbols of Zeus are eagle, oak and mountain peak; His favorite sacrifices are a female goat and a white cow with Jinjiao.

Athena is one of the twelve gods of Olympus in Greece, and the Roman name is Minerva. In ancient mythology, Athena was the goddess, the master of dark clouds and thunder, the goddess of fertility and the protector of peaceful labor. She teaches people to domesticate cows and horses, and to make cars and boats. She gave the world plows and rakes, spindles and looms, so she was regarded as the protector of women's labor, especially knitting technology. She has a nickname, Ergane, which means female worker. She is also the protector of science and the goddess of wisdom; She endowed human beings with laws and maintained social order.

Athena-Legend has it that Zeus was born with the goddess of wisdom, Metis. Because Achaia predicted that Medes' child would overthrow Zeus, Zeus swallowed her whole, so Zeus got a serious headache. All the mountain gods, including Apollo, tried to treat him effectively, and the result was in vain. Zeus, the father of gods and mankind, had to ask hephaestus, the god of fire, to open his head. The Vulcans did it. To the surprise of the Olympians, an elegant and determined goddess came out of the cracked head, radiant and graceful. It is said that she has the general strength of Zeus, and if combined with the innate strength of Egers, her strength will surpass all the gods of Olympus. She is the cleverest goddess and the perfect combination of wisdom and strength. She is Athena, the goddess of wisdom and knowledge, the patron saint of Athens.

Athena's name is abbreviated from Athena and Athanaia in Greece. It is written as Athene and Athenaee in Ionian dialect (this name can be seen on the relief map of the besieged city of Troy), Athena and Athenaea in Dorian dialect and Athenaea in Eolia dialect. (We can also see another way to write her name in a painting of Odysseus' home by French painter bouguereau: Athhnh. This word has no etymological explanation in Greek. Since Athena's name is the same as that of Athens, people have been debating whether the goddess is named after the city or the city is named after the goddess since ancient times.

In Greek place names, many city names end with -ene, such as Mykene, which means -ene is a typical place name suffix. But Athena has a nickname called Pallas Athene, which is often called Athena 1 in Homer's epic. This shows that the goddess originally had a name pallas. Later, with the development of Athenian worship, she was called Pallas Athena, which means "pallas of Athens". Later, Athena could be the name of the goddess alone. So finding out the meaning of pallas is the key to finding out the origin of Athena. Unfortunately, people have not understood the meaning of this word. Some people interpret it as a "girl", while others interpret it as a "sword dance". However, due to its shortcomings, it can not be universally recognized, and can only be regarded as a possibility, not as a conclusion. So we must go to the myth to find the origin of Athena.

Athena is widely worshipped in the Greek world centered on Athens. This city has a typical symbol of Greek religious art-the Parthenon. This name means a girl's apartment, which is the residence of the goddess maid. But Athena has been an important god since ancient times. Her name has appeared on the linear letter B, and there are a lot of fairy tale descriptions that retain the elements of ancient legends. Athena is also called "mistress" on Mycenae slate.

According to Pilaski's records, the goddess Athena was born on Lake Nice in Tritto. Three Libyan fairies found her, so they dressed her in goatskin clothes and took care of her growing up. When she was a little girl, she accidentally killed her little friend pallas in a play. In order to express her condolences, she put pallas's name before her own. She later came to Athens via Crete. (See apollonius)

In Greek mythology, gods, messengers of Zeus, and gods with many functions such as commerce. Son of Zeus, one of the gods of Olympus. At first, it may be an ancient primitive god, the embodiment of natural forces. Later, he became the shepherd, the shepherd's protector. He taught people to make a fire on the altar and let people burn sacrifices. He also has the characteristics of a lower god, accompanying the dead to the underworld. His walking stick has magical power, which can make gods and mortals fall asleep and wake them up at any time. He is also the patron saint of envoys and heralds. Related to this, he protects pedestrians and is also the patron saint of various competitive competitions. Born clever and cunning, he secretly left his infancy soon after his birth and drove away 50 cows grazing beside Apollo without being noticed. Therefore, he is often regarded as a thief, and thieves often ask him for protection. During the Hellenistic period, he was confused with Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom, and became the patron saint of magic. During the Roman period, he was confused with Mercury, the Italian god of commerce, and Mercury gained all the functions he had. All kinds of images of Hermes are related to the change of his functions. At first, he was just a vague male image. Later, as a shepherd god, he was portrayed as a shepherd with a lamb on his shoulder. Since classical times, he usually wears a helmet and hat, a cloak, a snake stick and winged boots.

Li Shen, son of Zeus.

Lacypus, also known as Farnese Herakles, is a marble replica with a height of 365,438+00 cm. Now it is collected in the National Gallery of Naples, Italy. It was originally used as a bronze statue. Lacypus was founded in the fourth century BC.

The hero Herakles was born to Zeus and alcmene, the queen of Amphitryon. He is a descendant of Poerxiusi. Hercules was born to Zeus and gave birth to a powerful son to protect God and man from destruction. But Hera was jealous of Heracles, which prevented him from becoming the supreme king on the earth, even made him kill his wife and children crazily, and asked him to complete twelve hard tasks for his brother Eurystheus. Hercules had many great achievements in his life. In addition to the twelve most familiar jobs, he also released Prometheus and saved Admetus, the queen of Saglia. Hercules was finally poisoned by the poisonous blood of Nereus Centauri. After his death, Hercules ascended to heaven, lived on Mount Olympus with all the gods, and married Hepa, the goddess of youth.

In the 4th century BC, Greek society declined gradually due to long-term war, and the content of artistic expression was no longer the joy of victory in its heyday. There are more and more works describing characters' personalities, psychological contradictions and meditation pains, and their realistic ability and artistic expression skills are also more skilled. This statue of Hercules is a representative work of this era, showing the image of the hero Hercules resting after fatigue. In Greek mythology, Hercules is the greatest hero. He overcame many difficulties with tenacious fighting spirit, completed twelve dangerous tasks entrusted to him by the gods, and rescued Prometheus who stole fire for mankind. Hercules fought all his life and made great achievements, so the author chose the plot of his rest to express this great hero. In the statue, the human body is curved, the left leg supports the weight of the body, the left arm leans against the post, and the right arm is behind. This changeable attitude creates a more relaxed atmosphere. Although the characters are relaxed, they are still very strong, and there seems to be great power in the seemingly calm body. The statue's depiction of muscles is very exaggerated. Both the muscle volume and the sense of strength are saturated, which makes people feel as if they can burst into powerful energy at any time. The treatment of the body is not confused by the exaggeration of muscles, and the front side turns clearly, forming a solid and powerful overall shape. From the statue, we can also see Lisipas' aesthetic view of human body, that is, the length of the head is one-eighth of the body, which has a far-reaching impact on the later sculpture art.

Hercules was the first hero in Greek mythology. He is the son of Zeus and a mortal woman, so he is naturally jealous of Hera. It is said that Heracles means "the man cursed by Hera".

The second of Hercules' twelve great achievements was to subdue the monster Xu Dela. Xu Dela is a hydra. It haunts the grass and harms all directions. What's more frightening is that the biggest one in its head can't be killed. If you cut it off, it will give birth to two new heads, which is stronger than Niu Wangmo's ability.

Hercules doesn't believe in evil. He came to you. Xu Dela is much cleverer than a lion. He held his head high, waiting for Hercules to attack. Hercules stepped forward and cut off the biggest snakehead. To his great surprise, two new heads immediately appeared on the snake's neck, and ten heads were wobbly and creepy. While Heracles was thinking hard about the countermeasures, a big crab and Xu Dela were in cahoots and crept up quietly, biting Heracles's foot tightly with two big claws. Hercules turned around and smashed the cancer with a sudden blow from the tree.

After killing the cancer, he also had a way to deal with poisonous snakes. He set fire to the big tree, killed the newly-grown snakehead with fire, then cut off the immortal snakehead with a knife, buried it on the side of the road, and pressed it with a big stone. Finally, Hercules cut the snake into several pieces and soaked his arrow with snake blood. From then on, any monster he shot could not be cured with any medicine.

Heracles (Hercules).

The great hero in Greek mythology. The Romans called him Hercules. Father is Zeus, mother is alcmene, wife of Amphitlaoun, king of Thebes, and descendant of Poerxiusi. Before alcmene gave birth, Zeus decided to let the descendants of Poerxiusi born on this day rule Mycenae. Hera, out of jealousy, delayed alcmene's delivery and brought Poerxiusi's grandson Eurystheus forward. Heracles was thrown into the wild by his mother after he was born. Hera passed by and fed him with her own milk without knowing it, so he was extremely powerful. When she was eight months old, Hera sent two poisonous snakes to hurt him, and he strangled her in the cradle. When he grew up, Count casto and Kay Long Xing Centaurs taught him all kinds of martial arts and knowledge. Because he killed his music teacher by mistake, he was sent to the countryside by Amphitryon to graze. He once killed a lion in Kitarong and put its skin on his body (he said he was wearing the skin of a Nimia lion). Before going to life, he refused the temptation of "the goddess of evil virtue" and decided to follow the advice of the goddess of virtue and benefit the people all his life. He returned to Tebai at the age of 18, defeated the miners and forced them to pay tribute to Thebes. To thank him, King Creon of Thebes married his daughter Megara.

Later, Eurystheus asked him to serve. He went to ask for a sign from God, and the sign confirmed that he would complete 65,438+02 jobs for Eurystos, and began to call him Heracles, meaning "Hera brings honor to others" or "a man who has achieved something because of Hera's persecution". Hera took the opportunity to make him insane and threw his children into the fire to burn them. During his service in Eurystheus, he made 12 great achievements:

(1) a fierce lion strangled by steel in the forest of Nemea;

(2) Killing hydra that harms people and animals in Lerner swamp;

(3) Capture the red deer alive with Jinjiao's bronze hoof in the Cragneria Mountains (Heracles killed by mistake);

(4) capture the wild boar alive in the dense forest of Mount Hermantos;

(5) In Augeas, a mountain of feces was used to divert water to clean the cowshed;

(6) Drive away the strange birds on Lake Stefano;

(7) Crazy cattle in Crete;

(8) Drive the cannibals of Diomedes from Thrace to Mycenae;

(9) Defeat Hippolyta, the leader of Amazon women, and seize her belt;

(10) Red Bull rushed back to Jiraun from Illetia Island, and erected two steep rocks (namely Hercules Stone Column) at the end of the Mediterranean Sea;

(1 1) won the golden apple in the sacred garden of Hesperides (for this reason, he supported the whole sky on behalf of Al themis. On the way, I also defeated the son of Gaia.

(12) Bring three dogs of Hades, Sai burroughs, to earth, and then send them back to Hades.

After being free, Hercules abandoned Megara and went to Okalia to propose to Iole, the daughter of Eurytos. At this time, his master's cow was stolen. In order to prove his innocence, he went out to look for it with Eurytos' son. Hera drove him crazy and killed his companion. In order to atone for his sins, he became a slave to Empler, Queen of Lydia, for three years. Legend has it that he also participated in the heroic voyage of Argo and the hunting of Kaludon, and attacked King Laomedon of Troy. When he attacked Pilars, Hades personally helped the local king nereus, who was badly hurt by him. Later, he married Diane Naira of Kaluton. On the way to Trakys with his wife, Nessus Centauri tried to take his wife away and was shot to death by him with a poisoned arrow. Before he died, the centaur persuaded Agnella to collect his poisonous blood so that it could be used to restore her husband's love for her in the future. Hercules captured Iolai when he attacked Okalia, so Anniya was afraid of being abandoned and gave her husband a shirt stained with toxic blood. After he put on this dress, he was in unbearable pain and finally threw himself into the fire. According to Zeus' wishes, he became the god of Olympus, and Hera reconciled with him and betrothed Herb, the goddess of youth, to him as his wife.

In modern languages, his name is synonymous with Hercules.