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Reading notes of root bird in sixth grade

Reflections on the fate of reading

A while ago, I bought a book in the Book City called "A Drop of Water Hides the Sea", which contains 300 classic philosophical stories. Now I'm going to taste a little story called fate.

"Destiny" is about the fate of two children, one is divined by a monk as the "number one scholar" and the other is a beggar. Twenty years later, the original champion became a beggar, but the beggar became a champion.

God said, "the talent I give to everyone accounts for one-third of his fate, and the rest depends on how he grasps it."

After reading this passage, I was very moved. Grasp, grasp the fate, what a simple sentence, but how many people really grasp their own destiny? Don't blame your own talent, let alone your own fate, because fate is in your own hands and can be changed at any time! As long as you are willing to

Thoughts on Reading A Farewell to Arms

A person who bid farewell to weapons is either a prisoner of the enemy or a prisoner of love. I am not bad at self-protection, but I am really a person who gives up self-protection. Just like the database of life, you can open all programs and read all files at any time without entering a password. The prisoner I'm talking about is a prisoner in this sense. When I put myself in the sun, I understand that I can't pretend anymore. The thought of hidden days is disturbing. When I realized the helplessness of resistance, how much time was irreversible and how many memories faded out of my heart. In the final analysis, the prisoner is an irresistible person, that is, he must have enough courage to give up hope and bear all the pressure of survival. Originally, in a personal space, he could immerse himself in his own fantasy and open virtual flowers from the dust. And a person who gives up self-protection can't even fool himself.

Reflections on Hamlet

Shakespeare's Hamlet is a classic. This book is not much different from historical legends in surface plot. It tells the story of the Danish prince's revenge for his father, full of bloody violence and death.

Horatio, a dramatist, said: You can hear the ending of rape and murder, abnormal repair, unconscious judgment, accidental slaughter, skillful murder and self-mutilation. The tortuous plot revolves around revenge.

Hamlet rushed back to China from wittenberg to attend his father's funeral. What he couldn't accept was that he didn't attend his father's funeral, but witnessed his mother's wedding with his uncle Claudius, which made Hamlet suspicious. In addition, he saw his father's ghost on the terrace of the palace castle at night, complaining that this atrocity was done by Hamlet's uncle and demanding his revenge for his father. At this point, he began a difficult journey of revenge.

Random thoughts on The Count of Monte Cristo

Love thoroughly, hate thoroughly, appreciate thoroughly and retaliate thoroughly. This is my biggest feeling after reading The Revenge of Monte Cristo. There's a saying in China that revenge is never too late. Revenge also needs to be recharged, and you can't act rashly with a temporary mood. The count of Monte Cristo explained this proverb in the most concrete way. Fourteen years in a dungeon, a benefactor and an enemy. After identifying the person he was looking for, he didn't go through fire and water to stab the enemy to death at any cost, as we saw in martial arts novels. He chose his own path. He tried his best to support the shipowners who had been kind to him, silently, in various ways, but never let them know that he actually came to repay the kindness.

Reflections on dream interpretation

Freud (1856-L939) is a famous psychiatrist in Austria and the founder of psychoanalysis. His works have spanned half a century, and have exerted extensive and profound influence on literature, philosophy, theology, ethics, aesthetics, politics, sociology and popular psychology. If the scope of influence is taken as a measure of greatness, then Freud is undoubtedly the greatest psychologist. Freud initiated another Copernican revolution in the history of human thought. He pointed out that people's unconsciousness is not controlled by consciousness, and people's subconscious contains huge psychological content. He used the most rational voice to talk about human irrationality. Interpretation of Dreams is Freud's pillar academic work. Through the study of dreams, it has greatly expanded the scope of human exploration and had a far-reaching impact on our lives.

Reflections on Red and Black

What the writer shows is, first of all, a typical window of the whole French society-the political structure of the small town of Villiers. Mayor Draena, who was born in nobility, was the highest representative of the Restoration Dynasty here, and regarded it as his bounden duty to safeguard the restoration regime and prevent bourgeois liberals from seizing power. Vanod, the director of the poor shelter, is an ordinary citizen. He got the fat job now because he took refuge in the secret organization of the Catholic Church. So as to bind themselves to the restoration regime. Father Ma Si Long, a copy of the church, is a spy sent by the church, and everyone's words and deeds are under his supervision. In this era when the throne and the altar support each other, he is a hot person. The three-headed politics of these three people reflected the situation that the restoration forces monopolized power in Villier. Their opposites are very heavy. A radical bourgeois liberal with strong economic strength. On the one hand, Stendhal described the tyranny of royalists to people; on the other hand, he made people draw the conclusion that the bourgeoisie with economic strength will be the final winner politically. Before the July Revolution of 1830, Stendhal seemed to understand the inevitable trend of this historical movement.

A dog, the love of a lifetime.

-Read "Farewell, Only Lu"

(36 102 1) Class 7, Grade 2, Jimei Middle School Xiaohui Li/Published in Chinese for Middle School Students (Excerpt)

I fell in love with cats and dogs when I was very young, not only because of their cuteness and simplicity.

There is a Japanese writer named Shi Heihao. He said that there are many dogs in his life, and they seem to be his destiny takes a hand.

Even, he got great comfort and encouragement from the dog, so he wrote the book Goodbye, Kelu.

When I got this book, I was immediately attracted by its cover. On the cover was a lying Labrador, deep

Black background.

That look, that gesture, it's so familiar I can't help but put my hand gently on its nose.

Suddenly, it seems to evoke a memory in my heart. There is a strange feeling in the palm of your hand, as if you really have warm and moist breathing.

Warm my hands. That eye tells me its life.

Kailu is a purebred Labrador. Maybe he should be an ordinary pet, but he is

It's a guide dog. It was not until I read this book that I realized what a great animal a guide dog is.

It will help car owners get on and off, guide car owners to take safe roads, stop at intersections and avoid obstacles.

Stop when the red light is on-walk down ... You can imagine how much the blind will rely on the behavior of guide dogs.

All because of their love for people.

Keru is a Japanese guide dog. After retiring, he was adopted by a couple named Ren Jing. At that time, Ke Lu was already a weak person.

Old dog. The book says that Lu is dying, probably because his lungs are compressed and he feels difficult to breathe. It is frequent.

Gestured to turn over, but in the end, it didn't even have the strength to signal. Mr. Hitoshi kept stroking its head,

Mrs. Ren Jing rubbed his back and said to him in a calm tone, "Thank you, Xiaoke, you don't have to work so hard anymore." .

Ok, you can rest slowly. When you arrive in the kingdom of heaven, you should accurately state your name' Ren Jing Kelu'. "just

Say that finish, Lou stopped breathing. Seeing this, I was so sad that I finally cried, for the fall of this lovely life.

Autumn, for a creature I think is extremely noble.

Foster said, "In this selfish world, a person's only selfless friend, the only friend who doesn't abandon him,

The only ungrateful friend is his dog. It can be described as "a dog, the love of a lifetime."

Dogs regard human beings as their own gods. Even if people fail them, betray them and hurt them, they will not die.

Far is the most loyal partner of mankind, accompanying our loneliness without regrets.

They are loyal and hardworking, but they don't ask for anything in return. In some secular people, these virtues have gradually disappeared.

After all, there is an extraordinary divinity in the nature of dogs, but there is a shameful beast in human nature.

This society is becoming more and more secular and indifferent, and the gap between people's hearts is getting bigger and bigger. I want to know, there are still

Who is keeping constant loyalty? Who else told you to call and leave, regardless of your rude treatment,

And indulge you endlessly?

From then on, I told myself to love dogs more, and I hope to tell others to love dogs.

Composition evaluation:

Articles from dogs to people, from books to themselves, from themselves to others, all stem from their favorite dog personality; writing

Zhang engaged in theoretical writing, from abroad to China and back to the world, all revealed a kind of love and a kind of humanistic care. "Wen seems to see the mountain."

Xi Ping, Xiaohui Li's article has this advantage, which is worth learning.

Reading Notes of Who's Who

The Biography of Who Is Who was written by the famous French writer romain rolland. The works of Beethoven, Michelangelo and Tolstoy were all written in the early 20th century, which had a wide influence at that time and later. In these three biographies, romain rolland firmly grasped the similarities between these three artists and their respective fields, and made great efforts to depict their long-term pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty.

Three famous people in the world are written in this book. The first is a German composer: Beethoven; The other is a talented Italian sculptor: Michelangelo; The last one is a famous Russian writer: Tolstoy.

In this biography of Who is Beethoven, what moved me most was his story. Beethoven is a musical genius, and his talent was discovered by his father very early. It's a pity that Beethoven's father is not a good father. He asked Beethoven to practice the piano every day, no matter what his mood was, and he worked hard. Sometimes he even put Beethoven and a violin in a room for a whole day and forced him to learn music by violence. Beethoven's childhood was very miserable. His mother died when he was 16 years old, and his father became a profligate alcoholic. These misfortunes weighed on Beethoven's head together, leaving deep scars in his heart, which led to his grumpy and eccentric temper. But Beethoven did not sink because of this. He devoted all his energy to the music career he loved. Thanks to his talent and diligence, he soon became famous. When he was intoxicated with the happiness brought by music, the unfortunate thing happened again: he was deaf. For a musician, the most important thing is his ears, but a great musician who lives on music like Beethoven is deaf, which is unacceptable to ordinary people.

Beethoven's life is tragic and full of disasters, but why did he succeed? Why can he do what normal people can't? This caused me to think deeply. In my opinion, Beethoven's success is due to his perseverance and spirit of struggle. He is fearless in the face of difficulties. This is the secret of his success. In our daily life, when we encounter difficulties, we often think of asking others for help, instead of directly facing the difficulties and making up our minds to solve them. Beethoven, on the other hand, was eccentric and no one wanted to be friends with him. So in the face of difficulties, he can only fight alone. Although lonely, I have learned something that others can't: as long as I give myself unlimited courage, even the most terrible enemy can be defeated.

Romain rolland called them "heroes" and wrote with touching pen and ink their lofty courage to fight against fate and their great feelings to bear the suffering of all mankind. As early as 1930s and 1940s, they were translated into Chinese by Mr. Fu Lei, a famous translator in China. The enlightenment he got from Whose Biography is: "Only real suffering can drive away the suffering of romantic Dick's fantasy;" Only by overcoming the heroic tragedy of suffering can we help us bear the cruel fate; Only by holding the spirit of' who will go to hell if I don't go to hell' can we save a depressed and selfish nation ... "

So, for today's readers, what can the biography of Who give us? In the extremely rich material life and spiritual life.

In that era of relative poverty and weakness, in a society where people avoid the sublime and bid farewell to the sublime, whose biography may give us more.

Most of them are embarrassed, because the lives of these giants are like a mirror, which shows our meanness and smallness. In Michelangelo's biography,

Romain rolland finally said that a great soul is like a mountain. "I'm not saying that ordinary human beings can survive at the peak. But once a year

They should go up and bow. There, they can change the breathing in the lungs and the blood flow in blood vessels. There, they will feel closer to eternity. In the future, they will return to the vast plain of life, and their hearts are full of courage in daily fighting. "For our time, this is the truth." Who's Who confirms an old saying of China people: Those who have achieved great things in ancient and modern times must have perseverance.

Beethoven's Seeking Shelter in Sorrow and Forbearance, Michelangelo's The more I suffer, the more I like it, and Tolstoy's The more I cry, the more I get hurt.

Bitter, I just want the truth ",all show that a great life is an endless battle. Our times are ever-changing and full of machines.

When we met, we longed for success, but didn't want to struggle. What we want is to become famous overnight. Impetuousness and quick success may make us achieve epiphyllum.

Current achievements, but it can't make us immortal. Therefore, reading Who's Who may sober us up.

Jane Eyre is loved by many people because of the author's self-esteem and ordinary? In other words, it is Charlotte's self-esteem and ordinary. That is a woman with a hot soul and a simple appearance. This image is undoubtedly an immortal classic. But this image, like her husband Rochester, always speaks with a tone similar to pride? Their contempt for others used to make me happy more or less, but now it makes me uneasy. Charlotte entrusted herself to Jane Eyre,

This is what I know. But what I feel is that her contempt and almost hostile attitude towards high-ranking nobles is somewhat deliberate. On the other hand, I read the feeling of inferiority.

Jane Eyre is a sensitive and easily injured woman. At first, it took too long to describe her childhood. But my feeling is that when describing Jane Eyre, Charlotte never left this body, so she didn't describe it from the perspective of omniscience. So, what she described can almost be regarded as her opinion. So, what I saw in Jane Eyre was some kind of emotional inferiority, and then it was almost legendary love? It's just that its legend shows some unreality and fantasy? There is a final ending, almost a bit hard. She met John Rivers. Although there is a pen in front, it is not so natural. Charlotte's handling of Jane Eyre is very real at the beginning and wonderful in the middle, but it hides anxiety. In the end, it's almost a cliche? It's a cliche. I expected that in the end, there is no doubt that everyone was happy and a little sad. Her bedding and connections are perfect, and she can hardly feel any flaws. But what I vaguely feel is that this is a story made up by a secular woman. It has lost its novel structure that makes me shudder? More often, I read Jane Eyre and left the villa, never to watch it again. If I were Charlotte, maybe I would go there. Because everything after that, in my opinion, is very clumsy compared with before.

Notes on Water Margin (1)-Drunk Jiang Menshen

Song Wu killed Ximen Qing, was sent to banishment in Mengzhou, and met Zhang Qing and Sun Erniang in Hengpo. But these are not exciting enough, but this episode of Song Wu's drunken beating of Jiang Menshen is the most exciting.

In this episode, Song Wu helped Mercy recapture the Happy Forest for personal friendship, and every wine officer on the way ate three bowls of wine. These two points show that he has a feeling of letting go of himself.

And his teasing before hitting Jiang Menshen was even more wonderful. He first found fault with the wine officer, and then provoked Jiang Menshen and beat him hard, which can prove that Song Wu was a careless person.

He can also be divided into several details when flirting. He changed the wine three times, and then said that he would let Jiang Menshen's concubine drink with him. If the wine is full, he will fight with them (including Jiang Menshen here).

After he killed Jiang Menshen, he was afraid that he would sue the official. When he asked Jiang Menshen for the third thing, he was afraid that he would sue officials and take back Happy Forest in the future, so he was told to leave Mengzhou and not to live here. This also shows how careful Song Wu is.

Notes on Water Margin (II) —— Four Tigers in Yiling

Li Kui jy saw the reunion of Song Jiang and his son and missed his mother, so he went to Baizhang Village in Yishui County to visit his mother.

On the way, I met Gui Li as a fake Li Kui jy threat. Gui Li was defeated and asked for forgiveness, saying that he had a 90-year-old mother. Killing him means killing him and his mother. Li Kui jy took pity on him, so he spared him and gave him a piece of silver to let him go.

I don't think the author likes people like Gui Li, so he let Gui Li and Li Kui meet again and let Li Kui kill him. One is that the author can vent his anger, and the other is to make those readers agree with him. After reading him, he has a heroic temperament, as if he were Li Kui jy. It's wonderful that Li Kui jy killed Gui Li.

But later, when Li Kui jy carried his mother through Yiling, the scene of killing the tiger was the most wonderful. First, I went to fetch water, and then I found my mother missing, and I found two tigers with two legs. I killed the tiger in a rage, and the male tiger and the female tiger came to seek revenge and were killed.

Unfortunately, he killed the tiger, was invited to his house, and was caught. After reading this, everyone wants to defend Li Kui jy, which shows the author's good intentions.

Notes on the Water Margin (III) —— Resentful Lion House

Song Wu was in yanggu county and went to Beijing for business. Only when I came back did I know that my brother Wu Dalang was dead. Song Wu became suspicious and discovered the truth. He went to sue the official, but the county museum took bribes. In desperation, he avenged Wu Dalang in Lion Building.

One of the highlights is the part that killed Ximen Qing in the final revenge. Although Wu Dalang died, Pan Jinlian and Ximen Qing got the consequences she deserved, and Song Wu was sent to Mengzhou to kill the people. I think it is possible that the author is satirizing the fatuity of the imperial court at that time. Ximen Qing's description here is simply "smelly", and almost anyone who reads it will scold him a word or two, which shows how good the author describes the characters!

Reading Notes of Water Margin (IV) —— Selling Knives in Bianjing City

Yang has no money, so he has to sell his treasure knife and earn some money in another country to make a living. Who knows that when selling knives, the local ruffians and scalpers insulted them in every way, and Yang Zhi couldn't bear it anymore. He killed Niu Er and went to the newspaper office. Finally, he was sentenced to banishment to Daming House.

The most interesting scene is that Yang Zhi sells knives. First, I asked who bought the knife. After Niu Er came, I asked him to try this knife. Niu Er tried every means to obstruct and humiliate him, and was finally killed. This tells us what some hooligans were like then. Niu Er's death not only vented his anger at the characters in the book, but also made readers feel relieved after reading it. Perhaps this is what the author wrote by grasping the reader's psychology.

Notes on Water Margin (V) —— Poems of Xunyang Tower

After Song Jiang arrived in Jiangzhou, he met Shen Xing Taibao and others. One day, drinking in Xunyang Building, I wrote an anti-poem on the wall and left my name. Huang Wenbing finally met him on death row.

This incident made Song Jiang laugh and cry for the readers. I don't know what to say about him, and this episode is nothing exciting. It's just that the author can write Song Jiang to the extent that readers can't say anything about Song Jiang. It's really amazing. I can only say that Song Jiang is too confused to mention any poems. It is with this episode that we can better set off the scene of the next episode. Song Jiang's poems were robbed for a while to set off the scene of cutting the court behind him. Indeed, it is better to be with Song Jiang's poems than with others. One is that you can't say anything, and the other is that you can make them stop the court for more reasons. So I think this episode is good.

Model essay on reading notes

Life is the most precious thing for people, and life belongs to us only once. A man's life should be spent like this: when he looks back, he will not regret wasting his time, nor will he be ashamed of doing nothing. In this way, when he dies, he can say, "My life and all my energy have been dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world-the struggle for the liberation of mankind."

-"How steel was tempered"

Model essay on reading notes ii

The straight mountain peak just seen from a distance stands on the throat. The mountain is like an axe, beautiful and elegant. (Case): It is ok to use "handsome" to describe "tall and straight" and "axe-cut" mountains, but it is not appropriate to use "graceful" to describe them. "Graceful" means graceful posture. How can a mountain as straight as an axe give people a soft feeling? You can change "graceful" to "tall and straight".

-A Brief Comment on Chinese.

Model essay on reading notes iii

I just want to express some hope while regretting.

First of all, of course, I hope everyone (not just intellectuals, but all party member, League members, all awakened youths and awakened laborers) can learn from them, especially those who still have some distrust of intellectuals and are afraid to confide in them, those who blindly strive for fame and gain, and even those who are half-hearted about the socialist motherland and envy the capitalist "paradise", and read more about their deeds. ……

Secondly, I want to say, I hope all the organs and party organizations where advanced elements work, every party member and even every honest citizen can show more and better concern for these advanced elements. ……

Thirdly, I would like to say a few words to the living comrades such as Luo. Party member is not afraid of hardship and death, and is ready to sacrifice everything at any time and place for the cause of * * *, for the socialist motherland and for the interests of one billion people. We are not the kind of people who think that a college student is "unworthy" to sacrifice himself for a farmer's life. If such a person were in another post, of course, he would not risk his life to save a primary school student or fight with one or even several gangsters with murder weapons. This is one aspect of the matter. But there is another side to the story. I don't think he Luo will definitely die (I don't know medicine, and I don't know whether Comrade Luo's "poorly differentiated malignant lymphoma" and various critical diseases suffered by comrades can be cured early, but I suppose so). If they are still alive and healthy, there is no doubt that they can make more and more significant contributions to the motherland and the people, although newspapers will not praise them so much. We often advocate self-sacrifice, but it doesn't mean that the life and health of a party member and an advanced molecule are unimportant. Life and health are the capital for us to defeat all enemies and build a great socialist motherland. They don't belong to us personally, but to the motherland and the people. For party member, they belong to the Party. We are opposed to protecting our lives and health at the expense of public interests and private interests, which leads to fear of death, but we still have to treat diseases, especially serious diseases, and we must cure them.

-Hu Qiaomu: Desire after Regret.

The fourth model essay on reading notes

Reflections on the fate of reading

A while ago, I bought a book in the Book City called "A Drop of Water Hides the Sea", which contains 300 classic philosophical stories. Now I'm going to taste a little story called fate.

"Destiny" is about the fate of two children, one is divined by a monk as the "number one scholar" and the other is a beggar. Twenty years later, the original champion became a beggar, but the beggar became a champion.

God said, "the talent I give to everyone accounts for one-third of his fate, and the rest depends on how he grasps it."

After reading this passage, I was very moved. Grasp, grasp the fate, what a simple sentence, but how many people really grasp their own destiny? Don't blame your own talent, let alone your own fate, because fate is in your own hands and can be changed at any time! As long as you want