Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Zhouyi can deduce everything. What is its principle?

Zhouyi can deduce everything. What is its principle?

The Book of Changes is known as the first of the Five Classics (Poetry, Book, Ceremony, Book of Changes, Spring and Autumn; Also known as Six Classics, it is said that it was written by Zhou Wenwang Jichang, and it has been circulated for more than 3,000 years. But today, when we read Zhouyi, we all have an incomprehensible feeling; In fact, this is not a problem we just encountered today. As early as the Spring and Autumn Period of Confucius' life, Zhouyi was already an incomprehensible metaphysics. Its mystery is first of all due to the mystery of its source.

Regarding the origin of Zhouyi, there is an important saying in Cohesion that Zhouyi originated from the knotting notes in ancient times: "In ancient times, knotting was the rule, and later sages changed it to calligraphy." Another cloud said: "The ancients worshipped the king of the world, looked up at the images in the sky and looked down at the underground law ... so they began to gossip in order to understand the virtue of the gods and the feelings of all things." The so-called rule by tying the rope is not about politics (there is no point in ruling the country by tying the rope). The so-called "rule" is "ambition", ambition and chronicle. Rule by tying a rope, that is, tie a rope and aim, that is, tie a rope and remember.

What is the relationship between knotting notes and Zhouyi and gossip? "Say hexagrams": "Those who are hexagrams can do it. Hang the rope for people to see. " The Book of Changes says: "fortune tellers hang things to show people, so they are called divination." It is pointed out that the origin of "gossip" comes from knotting notes. But how do you remember? Zheng Xuan explained: On the rope, major events have big knots and minor events have small summaries. "Big event, big knot its rope. Things are small, sum up the rope. " (Kong quoted from Zheng Xuan in Yijing Justice) According to the sages quoted above, the way to tie a rope is to hang the rope to form a symbol, a symbol, to show people. This rope is the "six-pointed star" (hanging). There are generally eight ropes, so it is also called "eight ropes" or "gossip". Yu Yue said, "The ancient rope is called the rope, and eight ropes are eight ropes."

Let's go back to "tying a rope in ancient times, which later saints can easily use to write books", which means writing or engraving marks on sawdust. Abstracts knots into symbols and characters carved on bamboo or wood chips. Wood chips engraved with book deeds become a book after being worn away. "Only Yin Zu has books and classics." (Shangshu). In fact, books and classics are the products of knotting notes. The original meaning of a book is bamboo slips or wooden slips, which is an ancient recording tool attached to a rope. Events were recorded on bamboo pieces and wooden strips. Several examples of Chen Bu in the book are "code words". Canon is actually an ancient chronicle file, so Shuowen said, "Canon is also a book of five emperors." Classic books are obviously evolved from knotting notes. According to the relationship between books, we can find that books and what they record are the earliest sources of copula and rhetoric in Zhouyi.