Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Magician apprentice a introductory course

Magician apprentice a introductory course

I didn't mean it when I said I was going to be an apprentice by correspondence at a magic school.

Recently, I have carefully studied the textbook Apprentice published by Gray School of Wizardry, and sorted out my notes to share with you.

First of all, I declare that the compilation of magic course textbooks is not classified according to the way I introduced. This is my own classification after reading the tutorial, which is convenient for interested friends to understand.

In textbooks, many topics and knowledge are intertwined. So after reading my notes, I have an impulse to buy textbooks, which makes me feel obscure. Don't blame me.

1. The enlightenment stage begins with the introductory class, which is the basic theory of magic.

Firstly, it expounds that magic exists objectively, is a discipline to develop human spiritual strength, and is an art to improve the probability of some specific details in the operation of natural laws.

In a word, the purpose of magic is to improve the probability, from impossible to possible, and through continuous efforts, it becomes very possible and even possible.

Compared with practical science, it emphasizes the tendency to prepare objective conditions, while magic emphasizes the maximization of human subjective initiative.

Learning magic can make you realize your own strength and explore your own value and potential, but it is by no means for you to use some illusory things for personal gain.

Modern people have experienced and enjoyed advanced technology, so they deny the existence that the senses can't recognize.

However, we must realize that human perception is limited. How much can we really learn from the macro world to the micro world?

So don't understand magic in a narrow sense. Magic is trying to explore the unknown with known laws and realize its own value in the process. It is different from the secular ideas and magic in literary works.

The textbook further explains the rules and basis of magic operation, and emphasizes the operation ethics and related common sense.

The ethical part is worthy of attention, which at least makes me believe that a qualified magician will never hurt the world or others. Even the author himself thinks that using magic is an explicit behavior, and the fastest causal law is fulfilled, which is what we call "retribution".

Therefore, it is absolutely possible for literary works to fall in love with the so-called "self-biting". If you don't respect the laws of nature and hold the pure mentality of benefiting others and the world, using magic at will may bring incalculable negative effects to yourself.

2. The second lesson is science. The basic knowledge and natural exploration of the four elements are explained in detail.

In the western magic tradition, the four elements refer to water, fire, earth and air. If they are inclined to the five elements, they will be added with spirit-the spiritual power of people or things.

The author also explains the elements in other cultures very rigorously, so that you can have a comprehensive view of the understanding and summary of the material world of all mankind.

Natural exploration is biased towards detailed practical courses, including some specific behaviors, such as how to create your own vegetable garden, garden, magical herb garden, how to conduct geological and mineral research, how to camp in the wild, etc. (even recommended a series of field survival guides. )

Why do you want to learn these things? Because a real magician must have a close relationship with nature. In fact, many living wizards are now living in seclusion, farming and producing by themselves, and living a life similar to a paradise.

3. Lesson 3: Explain dreams and control them.

Interpretation of dreams is somewhat similar to the complete works of Duke Zhou and China. Undeniably, every civilization has its own cultural context, so for the same thing, the western version and the eastern version have different symbolic meanings in dreams.

But interestingly, they all think that dreaming of snakes is a good sign.

China culture tends to regard snakes as the accumulation of wealth and contacts, while this magic course tends to regard snakes as the embodiment of wisdom and awakening. Of course, Freud, the psychoanalyst, thinks that snakes are the projection of sexual consciousness in dreams.

This course also includes how to maintain rational analytical ability in dreams, how to manipulate the direction of dreams, how to have lucid dreams, how to create things in dreams (somewhat similar to Inception), and the highest level-becoming a dreamer, that is, freely entering and leaving other people's dreams to help others achieve spiritual enlightenment or improve their health.

It also mentioned how to use specific tools to regulate dreams, including some methods to resist nightmares, such as using dream catcher and how to use crystals to purify dreams.

It is worth pointing out that even in the magic works hundreds of years ago (supported by historical data), wizards have put forward the theory of multiverse and parallel world.

Dreams are another world in their world view, and sleep is the entrance to another world.

Compared with this kind of advanced cognition in the field of physics, which has just emerged in China in the past decade, I suddenly feel that wizards have a higher vision than ordinary people.

From this perspective, magic is indeed a subject that tends to develop human spiritual potential. The study of dreams and self-awareness has always been a hot topic for human beings, especially in the field of psychology. Magic and science don't conflict here, they both have their own explanations.

Of course, I want to remind you not to try to become a dream master soon. All abilities need constant practice, accumulation and epiphany, from quantitative change to qualitative change.

4. The fourth kind is divination. Tell the principle and practice of divination.

May use tarot cards, crystal balls, calculation, according to their dreams. The related theories of the zodiac are also arranged here.

Why is divination feasible? Share an interesting phenomenon here: the patterns of ancient nautilus, tree rings all over the earth, the spiral structure of human genes and the spiral distribution of the Milky Way, all of which are strikingly similar in shape.

What are the rules? According to the magical world view, there is absolute similarity and connection between the upper world and the lower world, which is an abstract projection. Divination is an attempt to grasp the possible trend of the macro from a micro perspective.

Of course, divination class needs learners' observation ability, insight ability, excellent imagination and association ability. Non-genius people, even if they can perform related operations, the results obtained are not so reliable.

Moreover, before the course of divination began, the author put forward a magical principle from beginning to end, that is, the best divination is not to predict the future, but to change the present through a deep understanding of the law of cause and effect, thus changing the future.

5. The fifth is the basic practice course.

Specific instructions on which magic tools to use, such as wand, holy grail, candle, ritual sword, Chu Jiu, etc. And intimately guide the magician to wear what clothes, such as clothes, hats, belts, jewelry, amulets and so on.

This part of the book will tell you in detail what kind of cloth to use, how to cut it, and what kind of knot method to use to make your own wardrobe.

The course even includes cutting samples of clothes that have been marked with sizes and sizes, and takes pains to tell you how to make a medieval style belt.

To tell you the truth, I like the magician's costume very much. Although it looks old and conservative, the material is simple and natural. Students who want to use their brains can refer to The Lord of the Rings's dress style. The clothes displayed in the Harry Potter movies are relatively more modern.

The book even teaches you how to make your own amulet: using ancient characters or main elements, making personalized and customized signs with equal symbols such as stars, phases and moons, and making your own amulet with some special materials.

Of course, the exercises also include how to lay the magic altar, how to arrange the magician's residence, and how to create your own magic aquarium, insect museum, specimen room, library or other collections.

Among them, it even introduces in detail a kind of fun hand-made-the making of micro-entity landscape. Similar to the ecological box, we can see a miniature, colorful and lifelike world.

(To be continued)