Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What does the moon and Lilith 120 degrees mean?

What does the moon and Lilith 120 degrees mean?

The moon and Lilith 120 degrees have no special significance in astrology, because they are not directly related in astrology. In astrology, stars such as the moon and Lilith are usually used to predict personality and fate, but their correlation has not been scientifically confirmed.

Lilith, also known as the "dark moon", is portrayed as an independent and tenacious woman with strong female energy in some myths and religious traditions.

If you hear this expression in an astrological environment, it may be used to describe a person's strong personality and self-determination in a specific situation. But this explanation has no scientific basis and is for reference only.

If you have more questions or puzzles about personality analysis or horoscope, it is recommended to consult a professional psychological counselor or astrologer, who can provide more in-depth and accurate interpretation and suggestions.