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Details of gardenia

Chinese name: gardenia huazi

Chinese aliases include Peony, Xianzhi, Stefanie, Peach, Shuihengzhi, Zhi Zi Flower, Gardenia Flower, Yellow Egg, Huang Zi, Gardenia Flower, Gardenia Flower, Yu Lian and White Toad Flower.

Latin scientific name gardenia

Biological classification: angiosperms, dicotyledonous plants, Rubiaceae, Gardenia.

English: Jasmine blossoms.

brief introduction

Gardenia. It belongs to Rubiaceae. It is an evergreen shrub. Leaves opposite or 3 leaves, leaves obovate, leathery, green and shiny. These flowers are white and very fragrant. Berries are oval, yellow or orange. I like a humid, warm, sunny and well-ventilated environment, but I don't want to be exposed to strong light. It should be planted in loose and fertile acid soil with good drainage. It can be propagated by cutting, layering, dividing plants or sowing. Flowers can be used as the spice of tea, and fruits can diminish inflammation and dispel heat. This is an excellent fragrant flower. Gardenia usually refers to the variety of gardenia with double petals for ornamental purposes.

Distribution of origin

It is cultivated in most parts of the country.

Distributed in Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Guizhou, southwestern Shaanxi and other provinces.

Gardenia is also the city flower of Yueyang City, Hunan Province. (1July 2, 986)

morphological character

Evergreen shrubs or small trees, 100-200 cm high, most plants are relatively low. Dry gray, green branchlets, opposite leaves or whorled main branches, obovate oblong, 5 ~ 14 cm long, suspicious and shiny, full lines, solitary branches or leaf axils, white and fragrant; Corolla salverform, 6-lobed, fleshy. Fruit ovoid with 6 longitudinal edges; The seeds are flat, the flowering period is from June to August, and the fruit maturity is 10 month.

Evergreen shrubs, woody flowers. It is more than 1 m, with opposite leaves or 3 petals, short stalks, leathery leaves, obovate or oblong obovate, tapering at the top, slightly dull and shiny on the surface, and short hairs clustered only in the axils of lower veins, showing sheath shape. The flowers are large, white, fragrant, with short stems and solitary branches; Calyx lobes obovate to oblanceolate, spreading, anthers exposed. There are 6 petals, double petals (gardenia). The flowering period is long, from May to June to August. Maturity 10 month, yellow fruit, oval to oblong, 5-9 straight wings, cells 1 cell. There are many seeds embedded in the fleshy placenta.

Ecological habit

Gardenia likes warm and humid climate and is not cold-resistant; The sunshine is good but can't stand the strong sunshine, so it is suitable for living in a slightly shady place. Suitable for growing in loose, fertile, well-drained and slightly sticky acid soil, it is a typical acid flower.

Sex likes warm, moist and sunny, but it should avoid strong direct sunlight. It likes acidic soil with high temperature and good ventilation, and requires loose, fertile and well-drained soil. It is a typical acidic soil plant. Not cold-tolerant, semi-cloudy, afraid of stagnant water, can only be used as greenhouse potted flowers in northeast, north and northwest China. Gardenia is resistant to sulfur dioxide and can absorb sulfur to purify the atmosphere. 0.5 kg of leaves can absorb 0.002 ~ 0.005 kg of sulfur.

breeding method

Propagation is mainly by cutting and layering, in addition, it can also be propagated by sowing and dividing plants.

(1) cutting propagation

Cuttings can be cut at any time from June 10 to June 1 1 in the north and from April to beginning of autumn in the south, but the survival rate is the highest between summer and autumn. The cuttings are healthy 2-year-old branches with the length of 10- 12 cm. Cut off the leaves below, dip them in vitamin B 12 injection and then insert them into the sand. Under the conditions of relative humidity of 80% and temperature of 20 ~ 24℃, they can take root for 65438 05 days. If it is soaked in the -6 power of 20* 10 to the -6 power of 50 *10 for 24 hours, the effect will be better. Rooted seedlings can be transplanted or planted in pots when they begin to grow, and can bloom after 2 years.

(2) Layered propagation

In April, robust branches, 25 ~ 30 cm long, were selected from 3-year-old mother plants for layering. If there is a trigeminal branch, three seedlings can be obtained at the bifurcation. It usually takes 20 ~ 30 days to take root, and it can be separated from the mother plant in June, and it can be planted or potted separately in the next spring.

(3) sowing and breeding

Mostly in spring, seeds germinate slowly, about 1 year after sowing, and bloom after 3 ~ 4 years, so it is difficult to receive seeds in potted plants in the north.

Commonly used cutting and layering propagation. Cutting: In the rainy season, the shoots with the length of 15 cm are inserted into the seedbed, and roots are produced from 10- 12. Layering: biennial branches, 20-25cm long, are selected in April, buried in the soil, kept moist, rooted in about 30 days, separated from the mother plant in summer, and planted separately in the following spring. Transplanting seedlings or potted plants should be carried out in spring and rainy season, with soil balls. Keep the soil moist during the growing period, and water it more during flowering and midsummer. Apply fertilizer 1 time every month, and apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer 1 time before flowering. Prune and reshape in early spring of the following year, and cut off dead branches and long branches in time.

The propagation of Gardenia includes seed propagation, cutting propagation and ramet propagation. Reproduction mainly depends on seeds.

Seed propagation

(1) Seed selection: Choose full, deep red ripe fruits and dry them in the sun or air as seeds. Before sowing, cut off the peel of the seeds with scissors, dig out the seeds, rub them with hot water to remove floating seeds or impurities, then take out the sunken and full seeds, spread them on bamboo mats, put them in a ventilated place to dry excess water, and then sow.

(2) Land selection and soil preparation: select sandy loam with deep, loose and fertile soil layer, plow 1- 1.5 feet, border 4-5 feet wide and 6 inches high, and apply 20-30 loads of human manure per mu. When the soil is dry, the clods are raked shallowly. A sowing ditch with a row spacing of 6-7 inches and a ditch depth of about 1 inch was opened at the border for sowing.

(3) Seeding and seedling raising: sowing in spring or autumn, sowing after rain in spring, sowing before and after autumn equinox in autumn, evenly spreading fire ash seeds in the sowing ditch, then covering the sowing ditch with fine soil or fire soil, covering with grass and watering, and always keeping the soil moist to facilitate seedling emergence, with 4-6 kilograms of seeds per mu.

Pay attention to weeding in time after emergence, weeding frequently at seedling stage, and be careful not to damage the root system of seedlings. After weeding, it is necessary to chase human excrement and urine, and it will take one year to transplant seedlings.

[Edit this paragraph] Protection and cultivation

The suitable potting soil is 40% garden soil, 15% coarse sand, 30% dung soil and 15% humus soil. Gardenia seedlings should pay attention to watering, keep the pot soil moist, and apply decomposed thin fertilizer frequently. It is best to water it with rainwater or fermented rice washing water. During the growing period, if the soil is irrigated with 0.2% ferrous sulfate water or alum fertilizer water every 15 days (the two can be used alternately), it can prevent the soil from becoming alkaline, and at the same time, it can supplement iron to the soil to prevent the leaves of Gardenia from turning yellow. In summer, gardenia should spray water on the leaves every morning and evening to increase the air humidity and promote the luster of the leaves. Potted gardenia, after flowering in August, only water, control the amount of water. /kloc-move indoors before the cold dew in October/October and place it in a sunny place. Strictly control watering in winter, but you can often spray leaves with clear water. From May to July every year, the vigorous growth period of gardenia will stop, and the plants will be pruned and the tips at the top will be removed to promote the germination of branches and make the plants beautiful and bloom more in the future.

Gardenia flowers are mostly propagated by cutting and layering, but they can also be propagated by sowing in separate plants, but they are rarely used. Cutting can be divided into spring cutting and autumn cutting. Spring sowing in the middle and late February; Autumn planting will be conducted from the end of September to the end of 10. Cuttings are 2-3 years old, cut into pieces of 10- 12 cm, leave two leaves on them, cut off half of them, and then insert them obliquely in the seedbed, leaving only one section on the soil surface, paying attention to shading and maintaining a certain humidity. Generally, it can take root in 1 month, and it can only be transplanted after 1 year. In the south, there is also a method of water-inserting propagation, that is, inserting cuttings on a disc made of reed stalks, floating it on the water, letting the lower part take root in the water, and then transplanting and cultivating it. Stratification can be carried out around Tomb-Sweeping Day in April or in rainy season. Select the annual robust branches of the three-year-old mother plant, pull them to the ground, and carve the buried parts on the branches. If the carved part can be dipped in 200ppm powdered acetic acid and then covered with soil for compaction, it will be easier to take root. Generally, you can leave the mother plant one month after taking root, and then transplant it with soil in the next spring.

Tiantuan management

Gardenia likes fat, but it is advisable to apply more thin fertilizer. The soil likes acidity and has good drainage. After transplanting seedlings, topdressing can be done once a month; Pruning once a year from May to July, cutting off the top to promote branching and form a complete crown. Removing dead flowers from adult trees is beneficial to vigorous flowering and prolonging flowering period. Potted gardenia should be poured out in time after the rain, and Huang should apply alum fertilizer in time.

In the north, gardenias introduced from the south tend to be big in the first year, but they become smaller in the second year, and their leaves become Huang Yi and fall off. In severe cases, the plants die. The main reason is that the soil in the north is alkaline, the climate is dry and the water quality is not suitable for its growth. Therefore, the introduction from the south should be transplanted with soil as much as possible. Usually, the stored rainwater is watered or soaked in grass and peel, and it can also be fermented with salt-free swill. If 0. 1 kg ferrous sulfate can be added to 50 kg water, the effect will be better. In the vigorous growth period, grinding water and topdressing can promote lush foliage and bright leaves. In spring and autumn, the growth is slow. Apply 1 diluted liquid fertilizer every 2 ~ 3 weeks. After the summer, the temperature rises, and the growth is gradually vigorous. Liquid fertilizer can be applied every 7 ~ 10 day/time. In the morning and evening, clear water can also be used to spray leaves and nearby ground to increase air humidity. Before the autumn frost comes, transfer it to an environment where the winter temperature is not lower than 0℃ for winter.

Land selection and preparation

Sandy loam with deep soil layer should be planted on sunny hillside. It can be planted in the corner of the field or interplanted with leguminous plants.

Before planting, all the land should be reclaimed, the pockets of miscellaneous trees should be removed, and the pit should be dug at the row spacing of 4×4 feet, with the pit width 1 foot square and the depth of 0.8- 1 foot. 65,438+00-65,438+05 kg of soil miscellaneous fertilizer was applied to each hole, and it was planted after mixing soil in the hole.

Field planting

1, land selection and soil preparation: Gardenia jasminoides Ellis has low requirements on soil, and can be cultivated on hillsides, soil workshops, fields and corners. Dig a pit at the selected site with a row spacing of 4-6 feet (if the soil is good, the distance can be larger, otherwise it will be smaller), with a hole diameter of one foot and a depth of 0.8- 1 foot. Apply soil mixed fertilizer, green manure or human and animal manure as base fertilizer, and plant it after the soil fertilizer is uniform.

2. Planting: Planting should be carried out in cloudy days from March to April. After the seedlings are unearthed, they should be planted in time. Don't be exposed to the sun and wind. If the transportation is far away, it is advisable to use yellow mud to irrigate the roots, cover with grass to keep moisture, plant one plant in each hole, and then cover with soil, compact and spray water.

3. Field management: After planting, weed and topdressing once a year in spring and summer, and human and animal manure, manure, compost and cake fertilizer can be applied. Before flowering in summer, it is best to apply fertilizer with more phosphorus and potassium content, and fertilization is generally carried out after weeding and loosening the soil.

control of insect

Gardenia flowers tend to turn yellow, which is caused by many reasons, so different measures should be taken to prevent it. Yellowing disease caused by lack of fertilizer: this yellowing disease starts from the old leaves at the lower part of the plant and gradually spreads to the new leaves. Nitrogen deficiency: the leaves are yellow and the new leaves are small and crisp. Potassium deficiency: Old leaves turn from green to brown. Phosphorus deficiency: Old leaves are purple or dark red. Under the above circumstances, decomposed human excrement or cake fertilizer can be forcibly applied. Yellowing caused by iron deficiency: this yellowing disease is manifested in new leaves. At first, the leaves were pale yellow or white, and the veins were still green. In severe cases, the veins turn yellow or white, and eventually the leaves will dry up and die. Spraying 0.2%-0.5% ferrous sulfate aqueous solution can prevent this situation. Yellowing caused by magnesium deficiency: this yellowing disease is gradually developed from old leaves to new leaves, and the veins are still green. In severe cases, the leaves fall off and die. Spraying 0.7%-0.8% boron and magnesium fertilizer can prevent this situation. Overwatering, freezing, etc. , it will also cause the leaves to turn yellow, so pay special attention in the maintenance process. When the indoor ventilation is poor and the temperature and humidity are too high in winter, gardenia is prone to scale insect harm and soot disease. You can scrape off scale insects with bamboo sticks, or spray 200 times of water with 20 # petroleum emulsion. For soot disease, clean water can be used to scrub or spray carbendazim 1000 times solution.

There are aphids, flea beetles and moth larvae that harm gardenia. The first two can be controlled by dimethoate and trichlorfon, and the latter can be controlled by 666 powder or captured manually.

3. Gardenia pest control

(1) pests

Gardenia is vulnerable to scale insects in the environment with high humidity and poor ventilation, so it can be cleaned with a small brush in time or sprayed with 20 # gasoline emulsion 100 ~ 150 times.

(2) disease

① soot disease: it occurs on branches and leaves. After it is found, it can be scrubbed with clean water or sprayed with 0.3 baume stone sulfur mixture, 1000 ~ 1200 times carbendazim.

(2) Rot disease: It often occurs on the lower trunk, and the stem expands and cracks. Immediately after discovery, it can be effective by scraping or smearing 5 ~ 10 degree stone sulfur mixture.

Leaf spot disease and yellowing disease often occur in pests and diseases. Leaf spot was sprayed with 65% zineb wettable powder 600 times, and 0. 1% ferrous sulfate solution was regularly added with water to prevent yellowing. Insect pests are harmful to moth, scale insect and whitefly. Spraying 3,000 times of 2.5% dimethoate emulsifiable concentrate on the moth, and 40% dimethoate emulsifiable concentrate of 1.500 times of scale insects and whiteflies.

Why does gardenia turn yellow?

There are many reasons why gardenia leaves turn yellow, and the common one is "green deficiency disease" caused by physiological diseases. Whether potted or planted in the ground, this situation is more common if the soil is alkaline or iron-deficient. Iron deficiency is characterized by bluish yellow between veins of young leaves, which will make the whole leaves yellow, even scorched leaves and branches wither, and finally cause plant death. Therefore, gardenia planted in the ground had better choose acid soil with good drainage and loose fertility; Potting should use 2 parts of decomposed soil, garden soil 1 part, and it is better to mix with some mountain mud. When yellow leaf disease occurs in the growth period from May to September, 0. 1% ferrous sulfate or 0. 5% ammonium sulfate can be added to the fertilizer solution, and it can get good results 1-2 times a month.

[Edit this paragraph] Cultivation and propagation

Commonly used cutting and layering propagation. Cutting: In the rainy season, the shoots with the length of 15 cm are inserted into the seedbed, and roots are produced from 10- 12. Layering: biennial branches, 20-25cm long, are selected in April, buried in the soil, kept moist, rooted in about 30 days, separated from the mother plant in summer, and planted separately in the following spring. Transplanting seedlings or potted plants should be carried out in spring and rainy season, with soil balls. Keep the soil moist during the growing period, and water it more during flowering and midsummer. Apply fertilizer 1 time every month, and apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer 1 time before flowering. Prune and reshape in early spring of the following year, and cut off dead branches and long branches in time. Leaf spot disease and yellowing disease often occur in pests and diseases. Leaf spot was sprayed with 65% zineb wettable powder 600 times, and 0. 1% ferrous sulfate solution was regularly added with water to prevent yellowing. Pests are harmful to moths, scale insects and whiteflies. Spraying 3,000 times of 2.5% omethoate emulsifiable concentrate on the moth, and spraying 1.500 times of 40% omethoate emulsifiable concentrate on the scale insects and whiteflies.

Garden use

Gardenia leaves are evergreen all the year round, flowers are fragrant and elegant, with green leaves and white flowers, which are particularly beautiful and lovely. Suitable for terrace, Chi Pan and roadside configuration, can also be used as flower bed fence and potted plants for viewing, and can also be used for flower arrangement decoration.

Gardenia has lush foliage, beautiful flowers and strong fragrance. It is an excellent landscaping material in the courtyard, and can also be used for potted plants or making bonsai and cut flowers. The peel is used as a yellow dye. Wood is hard and fine, and it is a good carving material.

[Edit this paragraph] Medicinal value

Gardenia fruit is used as medicine to treat fever, hyperpyrexia, dysphoria, toothache due to excessive internal heat, sores on mouth and tongue, nasal congestion, hematemesis, conjunctivitis, sores and swelling, icteric infectious hepatitis, bean diseases and hematuria. External use for treating traumatic hemorrhage, sprain and contusion. Root medicine is mainly used for infectious hepatitis, traumatic injury and toothache caused by wind and fire.

Gardenia picking and processing

Picking fruits from September to June+065438+1October, removing impurities such as fruit stalks, steaming or boiling with boiling water (alum can be added), taking out and drying in the sun. Fruit is not easy to dry, so it should be turned frequently to make it well ventilated to avoid mildew and deterioration. Dig roots in summer and autumn, wash and dry.

Gardenia began to blossom and bear fruit after 2-3 years of cultivation. 11-65438+The fruit begins to mature in February, and can be harvested when the peel is yellow-green. Picking in sunny days, the picked gardenias should be aired or dried in time.

Sexual taste orientation

Cold, sweet and bitter; Human lung meridian and liver meridian.

Efficacy indication

Clearing lung and relieving cough, cooling blood and stopping bleeding. Indications: cough due to lung heat, nasal congestion, expectoration and toxic swelling.

nutritional ingredient

Gardenia jasminoides Ellis contains triterpenes, geniposide A, B and jujube acid. In addition, it also contains carbohydrates, protein, crude fiber and various biological factors.

food therapy

1. Clearing heat and cooling blood Gardenia is bitter in taste and cold in nature, and can separate blood and clear away pathogenic heat. It is an adjuvant therapeutic food for sores, intestinal wind, diarrhea and blood heat.

2. The effective components of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis can inhibit the growth of bacteria, eliminate phlegm and dredge collaterals, and have the effect of eliminating phlegm and relieving cough, which can be used as a diet therapy for people with hot phlegm and cough.

3. Relaxation and cancer prevention Gardenia contains cellulose, which can promote large intestine peristalsis, help stool excretion, and prevent hemorrhoids and rectal cancer.


Gardenia is bitter cold, diarrhea due to spleen deficiency, and kidney-yang deficiency should be eaten carefully.

Prescription: ① Treating cold, lung phlegm with excess fire and lung heat cough: Gardenia three. Boil some honey. ("Southern Yunnan Materia Medica") 2 Treatment of nosebleed: several pieces of Gardenia, baked, blow your nose. (southern Yunnan materia medica)

Besides ornamental, its flowers, fruits, leaves and roots can be used as medicine. Gardenia contains geniposide, dehydrogeniposide, Paeoniflorin methyl ester and a small amount of geniposide, which has the effects of clearing away heat and promoting diuresis, cooling blood, detoxicating, yellowing, stranguria, conjunctival congestion, fire sore and lowering blood pressure.

If you encounter the following symptoms, you may wish to treat them with Gardenia.

Cold and high fever: 60 grams of Gardenia root, 30 grams of Chuanxiong root, 60 grams of Yajiaocun second skin and 30 grams of safflower root are decocted and taken, and the effect is very good.

Jaundice hepatitis: cook with 30-60 grams of gardenia root and lean meat. About half a month, jaundice can be gone.

Dysentery: Gardenia root rock sugar stew, the effect is very good, effective in 7 days.

Redness and pain: take 9 grams of Gardenia leaves and Chrysanthemum, 6 grams of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, Gentiana scabra and Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. Take it with water 15 days, and the effect is very good.

Ulcer: Squeeze the juice from Gardenia leaves and apply it to the swollen sore for 7- 10 days.

Hoarseness: 5-7 gardenias, brewed with boiling water, for making tea.

Stomach pain: stir-fry 7-9 pieces of Gardenia, add appropriate amount of ginger and decoct in water; 30 grams of gardenia root and 20 grams of rock sugar are stewed.

Nosebleed: Gardenia is baked and ground into fine powder. Blow a little into the nasal cavity at a time and hold it down with sterile cotton. Gardenia flower and Sophora japonica flower are 65438 00 g each and decocted in water for 65438±05min instead of drinking tea.

Cold and high fever: 60 grams of Gardenia root, 30 grams of Chuanxiong root, 60 grams of Yajiaocun second skin and 30 grams of safflower root are decocted and taken, and the effect is very good.

Jaundice hepatitis: cook with 30-60 grams of gardenia root and lean meat. About half a month, jaundice can be gone.

Dysentery: Gardenia root rock sugar stew, the effect is very good, effective in 7 days.

Redness and pain: take 9 grams of Gardenia leaves and Chrysanthemum, 6 grams of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, Gentiana scabra and Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. Take it with water 15 days, and the effect is very good.

Hypertension: making tea with gardenia leaves has the effect of lowering blood pressure.

Ulcer: Juice Gardenia leaves and apply them to swollen sores. The effect of 7- 10 day is remarkable.

Tracheitis: Gardenia 10g, fresh Gardenia root 30g, decocted in water.

Voice hoarse: 5-7 gardenias, brewed with boiling water, not tea.

Cough due to lung heat: three eggs are cooked and peeled, and then boiled with 30 grams of Gardenia for half an hour, and eaten three times a day; Gardenia 15g is marinated with 30g white sugar for half a day, a little at a time, and made into tea.

Furuncle swelling: Fructus Gardeniae, Herba Taraxaci and Flos Lonicerae each 12g, decocted in water, daily 1 dose, taken three times.

Selected document

Compendium of Materia Medica: "Yuese" is used in the cream of "Golden Wings". "

Materia Medica of Southern Yunnan: "Purging lung fire, stopping cough caused by lung heat, stopping epistaxis and resolving phlegm."

Healthy diet

1. Gardenia salad: 500g of Gardenia, chopped green onion and shredded ginger. Remove impurities from Gardenia, wash it, boil it in boiling water, take it out and drain it, let it cool and loosen it with chopsticks, put it in a white porcelain plate, sprinkle chopped green onion and shredded ginger, pour in sesame oil and mature vinegar, add salt and monosodium glutamate as appropriate, and stir well. This dish is fragrant and tender, and has the effects of clearing away heat and cooling blood, detoxifying and stopping dysentery. It is suitable for cough due to lung heat, carbuncle swelling, blood under intestinal wind, etc.

2. Gardenia egg flower: 200 grams of gardenia, 3 eggs, chopped green onion and shredded ginger. Removing impurities from Fructus Gardeniae, washing, blanching in boiling water for a while, and cutting into pieces; Beat the eggs into a bowl and beat well; Put the gardenia into the egg and stir evenly; Add oil to the pot, heat it to 80%, pour in gardenia eggs, stir-fry until cooked, sprinkle with chopped green onion, shredded ginger, salt and monosodium glutamate, and stir well. This dish is fragrant, crisp and tender, and has the effects of clearing away heat, nourishing the stomach, relaxing the intestines and benefiting qi. It is suitable for stomach heat, halitosis, gingival swelling and pain, and poor stool.

3. Fried bamboo shoots with gardenia: gardenia 200g, shelled bamboo shoots 150g, bacon 100g, chopped green onion and shredded ginger. Remove impurities from gardenia, wash it and blanch it slightly; Small bamboo shoots are sliced obliquely; Dice the bacon; Add oil to the pot, heat to 60%, pour Gardenia, bamboo shoots and bacon into the pot, stir-fry a few times, add chopped green onion and shredded ginger, stir-fry until cooked, and add monosodium glutamate and salt as appropriate. This dish is light and delicious, crisp and refreshing, and has the effects of strengthening the spleen and appetizing, clearing away heat and relaxing bowels. It is suitable for anorexia, anorexia, abdominal distension and constipation.

4. Gardenia fresh soup: Gardenia 150g, lean meat 100g, shredded mustard 30g, chopped green onion and shredded ginger. Removing impurities from Fructus Gardeniae, cleaning, blanching, and draining; Pork shredding; Add water to the pot, bring to a boil, add Gardenia, lean meat and shredded mustard, then cook until the pork floats, skim off the foam, add chopped green onion, shredded ginger and other five seasonings, and put them in a soup bowl. This soup is delicious and has the effects of nourishing the stomach, tonifying the middle energizer, clearing away heat and benefiting the intestines. Suitable for physical weakness, intestinal wind bleeding, poor stool, cough and expectoration, gingival swelling and pain.
