Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How did the "corpse vegetarian meal" come about? Why was Xia and Shang Dynasties respected when they existed?

How did the "corpse vegetarian meal" come about? Why was Xia and Shang Dynasties respected when they existed?

Wu Ding was in power, which was the heyday of Shang Dynasty. In order to continue this prosperity, Wu Ding also tried his best, but everything could not be as he wished, such as the heir. Wu Ding wanted to pass it on to his eldest son Zuji, but Wu Ding valued him very much. Because Zuji was filial, it was also called Zuji? Filial piety? . Filial piety has to get up five times every night, not for other reasons, just to see if parents sleep peacefully. Wu Ding loves him very much.

So at a ceremony of offering sacrifices to ancestors, Wu Ding ordered his ancestral home to hold this position? Bodies? What is the name of this ceremony? Body sacrifice? . The so-called corpse sacrifice actually existed as early as the Xia Dynasty. This ceremony is very grand. The living should be ancestors, right? Bodies? . ? Bodies? It sounds terrible, but in this festival, it is a very respected existence, which must be filled by the eldest son or grandson, and is worshipped by hundreds of officials. Besides,? Bodies? You can just eat and not work. ? Vegetarian food in the body? It evolved from here.

The highest sacrificial place in Ming and Qing Dynasties: Temple of Heaven

Because Zuji acted as it? Bodies? And was worshipped by hundreds of officials, so he gained the actual status of a prince. This makes some people very dissatisfied, such as his stepmother. Zuji's mother died young, but her stepmother didn't like him very much and spoke ill of him in front of Wu Ding. As a result, his ancestral home was exiled to other places, and finally he died of depression, which is contained in Taiping Yu Lan? Yin has a virtuous and filial son, and his mother died early. The emperor was confused by his wife's words and let him die, and the world mourned. .

However, Wu Ding was one of the most famous monarchs in Shang Dynasty. Will he really exile his son and be the heir to the prince? I think not. So it's embarrassing for Wu Ding to do this? Lose virtue? The speech is wrong. In fact, Wu Ding's good intentions are as follows: First, his absence allowed him to avoid the contradiction with his stepmother and avoid being poisoned (this is the same as Zhuge Liang's plan for his son Liu Qi);

Secondly, Wu Ding was released when he was young, so he made friends with Fu Shuo and broadened his knowledge. Therefore, in order to cultivate his ancestors, it is actually a high expectation to put him in other places to observe the people's feelings. Unfortunately, Zuji didn't understand his father's painstaking efforts, didn't resist enough pressure, and finally died of depression.

Although the ancestral home is dead, the heir should be established. Zuji has two younger brothers, one is Zu Geng and the other is Zujia. Zu Geng has no talent, but Zujia has some aura, so Wu Ding wants Zujia to be his successor.

But Zujia thinks that Zu Geng is his brother after all. How can I cross it? And it's so useless that it's likely to be repeated? Ninth rebellion? Tragedy, so he followed his father Wu Ding, left the king's capital and ran to live among the civilians. So after Wu Ding's death, only Zu Geng succeeded to the throne.

However, Zu Geng did not have much talent, and Wu Ding had made a conclusion before his death; What's more, Zuji, who died young, has a reputation for filial piety, while Zujia, who ran away, has a reputation for virtue. Zu Geng is not only incompetent, but also ascended the throne because of his own mother's hand, so there are many criticisms from top to bottom among the government and the people.

Therefore, when Zu Geng died after seven years in office, Zujia was welcomed back to Wang Du to succeed him. Zujia was in office for thirty-three years, and he also made outstanding achievements. He inherited it? Wuding Zhongxing? He is an active and filial slave monarch, actively exploring and following the etiquette system. During his reign, the economy, culture and national strength of Shang Dynasty were very strong, and bronze culture reached its peak. According to legend, the world-famous Simuwu Dafang Ding was cast by Zu Geng and Zujia as a sacrifice to her mother.

Through modern research, what is the inscription on the inner wall of the tripod belly? Stepmother e? It's the temple name of Wuding's empresses. Stepmother Wu Ding was cast by Fan Taofa. In the late Shang Dynasty, the casting of Wuding, a stepmother weighing 832.84 kg, required at least 1 1,000 kg of raw materials, and was completed with the close cooperation of about 200 to 300 craftsmen. Wu Ding, the stepmother, is a masterpiece of bronze wares in Yin Dynasty in China, which indicates the development level of bronze casting technology in Shang Dynasty and the superb casting level in China.

Mr. Guo Moruo originally named the tripod, calling it Simu Wuding. What does he think? Simuwu? What is that? Sacrifice mother e? . Now, play? Organization? Change to? After that? In fact, have you decided to put it in the past? Organization? Understand as? Sacrifice? Statement. Most experts think? Stepmother e? The naming ratio? Simuwu? , its meaning is equivalent to? Great, great, respected? , what else? After heaven and earth? Are you online? After that? Synonym. Change to? Stepmother e? Dedicated this tripod to? Dear mom? .

Ding is dedicated to his mother, Amyl.

Moreover, because Zu Jiaji had dealt with civilians and knew the sufferings of civilians, he restricted the oppression and plunder of civilians by slave owners and nobles, and even revised the punishment in the Tang Dynasty to restrict these nobles with heavy punishment. Although it was progressive, it attracted the opposition of the slave owners and nobles, and the internal contradictions in the Shang Dynasty led by the slave owners and nobles became increasingly acute.

Maybe Zujia invented it to distract everyone? Week sacrifice? Law. Businessmen pay attention to sacrifice, and they have to sacrifice if they have nothing to do, but the objects and order of sacrifice are chaotic and there are no certain rules. Therefore, Zujia stipulated that from the tenth day of the first month of each year, according to the heavenly stems of Wang Shang and his legal spouse, three main sacrificial methods, feather, Dan and temple number, were used for one week.

The weekly sacrifice is based on ten days, and every ten days is in the order of heavenly stems from the temple names of Wang and Yan. The heavenly stems on the day of sacrifice must be consistent with the temple names. For example, in the first ten days, Tian Jia was sacrificed, in the second day, and in the third day, until the first ten days; Sacrifice Taiyi (soup) on the second day of the twentieth day and Tai Ding on the fourth day; On the third day of March, Tai Jia was sacrificed, and on the third day, Wai C was sacrificed.

Therefore, the ten-day sacrifice has been offered to Zu Geng, the elder brother of Zujia. From Jia to Jia, it takes 90 days to sacrifice to the first king. After the sacrifice, the other two ways of sacrifice were used again until all the sacrifices were finished.

Zhou Sacrifice Law made the sacrificial system of Yin people more strict and standardized, so it prevailed in the second half of Shang Dynasty and gradually reached its peak. The Zhou Sacrifice Law founded by Zujia is the best embodiment of ancestor worship and religious system. In ancient civilization, each major nation had its own sacrificial system. The way of Zhou sacrificial ceremony was different from that of ancient Babylon and ancient Egypt, and it was a unique sacrificial system in ancient China.

In fact, when Wu Ding, Zu Geng and Zujia ruled 100 years, Shang Dynasty was in its heyday. During this period, the dominance and national prestige of Shang Dynasty spread far and wide, and the slavery civilization represented by bronze was also very brilliant. Zu Geng played a transitional role in this period. In the Shang Dynasty after Zujia, the national strength gradually declined and finally went to extinction.

After Zujia died, his son Xinxin succeeded to the throne.

According to the Annals of Bamboo Books, he was in office for four years and finally died of illness and was buried in Yin. During the ruling period, the Qiang tribes in the west rose and invaded the border of Shang, which often caused great losses to the garrison of Shang. Although he sent troops to conquer many times and enlisted the troops of Wei, Hu, Shou and other tribes, he never conquered these tribes. After Yan Xin's death, his younger brother Ding Geng succeeded to the throne.

Between Geng and Ding Nian, they continued to conquer Qiang tribes in the west, such as Fang and Fang. Although Qiang Fangbo was captured and killed, and part of the Qiang land was occupied, Yan Xin and Kangding won the final victory in the Qiang war because of active defense strategy, captured and killed Qiang Fangbo, occupied part of the Qiang land, and sent five families closely related to the royal family to defend.

But did not completely conquer it and become a hidden danger in the future? When Zhou Wuwang attacked Zhou, Qiang conveniently joined forces to destroy the business. Of course, that is another story. According to Oracle Bone Inscriptions's records, when Geng Ding was in office, he opened a hunting ground centered on Yin, which was used for hunting and military exercises, and also played a role in reclaiming wasteland.

Western witchcraft

Maybe too much attention is paid to sacrifice and divination. Geng Ding advocated witchcraft very much in his later years, which led to a great increase in witchcraft and even endangered the imperial power. Some scholars in later generations believe that Tang Sanglin's practice of preparing himself to worship God in prayer is the advice given by the wizard after divination. It can be seen that witchcraft even has the momentum to override the royal power, so will the later Shang kings be willing to do so?