Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - I plan to travel to Turkey this year. Can you introduce any friends who have been there?

I plan to travel to Turkey this year. Can you introduce any friends who have been there?


Andromeda Peak and Stone Camel in Cappadocia Stone Forest. Stone Forest is located in the triangle between Avanos, Gulemei and Yurgup, about 280 kilometers southeast of Ankara, covering an area of several hundred square kilometers. In ancient times, the lava from five volcanoes here formed a volcanic plateau with peculiar terrain, which was covered with countless grotesque stalagmites, gravel and caves cut by volcanic rocks.

Because of its long history, important archaeological sites in the world, beautiful natural landforms and environment, and eclectic multiculturalism, Turkey has long been a place that tourists all over the world yearn for. Turkey is rich in tourism resources, with two of the seven wonders of the world: the Temple of Al themis and the Mausoleum of Luxi in Mao Se. In addition, the architectural relics left by the Eastern Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire are the treasures of world architectural art, and Yalova Hot Springs and Kush Lake are world-famous tourist attractions.

Andromeda Peak and Stone Camel in Cappadocia Stone Forest. Stone Forest is located in the triangle between Avanos, Gulemei and Yurgup, about 280 kilometers southeast of Ankara, covering an area of several hundred square kilometers. In ancient times, the lava from five volcanoes here formed a volcanic plateau with peculiar terrain, which was covered with countless grotesque stalagmites, gravel and caves cut by volcanic rocks.

Now, why can Turkey continue to attract the attention of so many tourists? It is the blue sea water, the beautiful scenery of antonia, its increasingly prosperous modern entertainment facilities and tourist facilities, and it is also an ideal place for shopping paradise and sports lovers.


Regular flights from major cities in the world to Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Antalya, adana, Trabzon and Dalaman.

International Line: There are regular flights to Turkey International Airport in major cities around the world.

By boat:

Passenger ships: In addition to many Mediterranean voyages, there are also some foreign passenger ships sailing in Trabzon, Samson, Dikili, Istanbul, Izmir, Sesme, Kusadasi, bodrum, Marma-Ries and Antalya. There are also passenger ships sailing on both sides of the Bosporus Strait.

Car ferries: There are many car ferries sailing for tourists who use family cars for sightseeing. There are liners from Venice, Ankara, Brindisi and Baji to Istanbul, Izmir, CesMIG, kusadasi, Marmazes, Antalya and other ports along the Turkish coast.


You can enter Istanbul by train from major cities in Europe.


Family car: It's about 3000 kilometers from London to Istanbul.

Northbound routes: Belgium, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey.

Southbound route: Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, by sea to Turkey.

Bus: There are regular flights between Turkey and Austria, France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Greece, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Syria.

Turkish food is very famous in the world. Although the carefully prepared dishes look simple, the delicious fresh ingredients are incomparable to ordinary delicacies. There are also many kinds of dishes: there are all kinds of soups, all kinds of cold dishes, and all kinds of meat dishes and fish dishes. After dinner, there are famous Turkish snacks and cakes, and finally Turkish coffee. Turkey grows all kinds of fruits and vegetables. Because Turkey is surrounded by the sea on three sides, it is rich in all kinds of fish. So Turkish food is made of fresh materials.

Roast whole sheep is a special dish for Turks to entertain VIPs. Roasting whole sheep means removing the feet and sheepskin of a tender lamb, hollowing out its internal organs, then filling an empty stomach with rice and roasting it on the fire. There are many raisins, almonds and pine nuts in the rice. Roasted mutton tastes delicious, and the mutton is fragrant and tender. The rice in a sheep's belly is just like China's eight-treasure rice, but it's a little salty.

Turkey's alcoholic products are also one of the local characteristics, among which Turkish beer, locally produced wine and Turkey's unique wine (fennel) are all first-class.

Casinos and Casinos: Like Libira, Monte Carlo, Atolantic City and Las Vegas, you can legally enter casinos for gambling in Turkey. Adventure-loving tourists can enjoy themselves in casinos and casinos in major cities or tourist attractions. Casinos are generally located in high-end hotels, and you need to show your passport to enter.

Nightlife: Turkey has a variety of nightlife for people to enjoy at night. In Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir and other big cities, the national symphony orchestra, opera and ballet performed works by Turkish or other national composers under the direction of world-famous Turkish or foreign conductors. In Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, there are not only performances by various Turkish art groups, but also performances by foreign art groups. In addition, there are nightclubs and various luxurious song and dance performances. No matter which street you are on, you can enjoy Turkish food in nightclubs until the next morning. Tourist attractions and dance halls in big cities are equipped with the latest equipment.

You can bring 200 cigarettes, 1 liter of wine, 3 liters of perfume and goods equivalent to 100 US dollars into the country. Antiques, black tea, coffee and spices are forbidden to be taken out of the country. When you enter or leave the country with Turkish currency equivalent to 100 USD, you must declare it. Turkey has no exit tax.

Top hotels and restaurants should pay 10% tip. As for porters in airports and restaurants and waitresses who clean rooms, just give 1 USD.

There are many hotels in Turkey that can be used by tourists and are relatively cheap. Their biggest feature is that they have comfortable rooms like home, so they are very popular with tourists.

There are also many star-rated hotels mostly located in western Turkey, namely: Istanbul, Aegean coast, Mediterranean coast, central Anatolia and eastern Anatolia.

Turkey tourism

Open classification: tourism

Turkey, look at the history of convergence

Turkey is bordered by the Black Sea in the north and the Aegean Sea in the west, spanning Europe and Asia. The word "Turkey" evolved from "Turkic". In Tatar, "Turkic" means "brave" and "Turkey" means "the country of brave people".

Turkey has a rich and changeable geographical environment. If you cross it from east to west, you can experience its long and cold winter, see the mountains covered with silver all year round, and see the birch trees blooming in spring on the plateau. You can also experience the cool long summer and watch the river flow endlessly. On the prairie, there are bare hills and endless wheat fields. Under the irradiation of the sun, this wheat field sometimes presents a vast purple carpet, sometimes emits gray light, and turns into warm color and golden gray in the blink of an eye, which is changeable.

As wonderful as the natural scenery is Turkey's long and splendid history and culture. From 2000 BC to AD 1500, Turkey was the center of world civilization. In the Anatolian Civilization Museum in Ankara, you will see a replica of the earliest farming society in the world around 7000 BC. The magnificent waterway bridges built by the Romans and the bridges built by the great Ottoman architects are scattered in the countryside. Hundreds of years later, they are still magnificent. The rich king of Lidya, the king of Chrissas who turned the stone into gold, and the famous king of Alexandria are also magical legends in this land.

It has been said that the landscape of Turkey is a mixed landscape of sound, sound and taste. Indeed, Turkey, located at the junction of Europe and Asia, is the only country in the world with both eastern and western cultures and history, and almost every great civilization has sparked a spark of history here. Nowadays, ancient ruins, magical legends, tall domes and shy veils constitute the Millennium yearning of tourists from East and West.

A Brilliant City-Istanbul

Istanbul is not the capital of Turkey, which may be beyond the impression of many people. The capital of Turkey is Ankara. But in any case, Istanbul still represents the land and history of Turkey in the eyes of the world. Just like from Dadu and Yanjing to today's Beijing, from Byzantium and Constantinople to today's Istanbul, as the imperial capital of three dynasties, although it has experienced sandstorms for thousands of years, it is still a sky shrouded by colorful tall domes.

The dome style of Istanbul architecture is almost a symbol of culture. Traveling around the world, you can almost see all kinds of tall domes standing on the ground. When I came to Istanbul, the birthplace of the dome, I felt the overwhelming solemnity and solemnity. St. Sofia Cathedral, which was built in the 4th century A.D., is now the Aya Sofia Museum and one of the most exquisite buildings left over from a long history. This cathedral, built in the 6th century, has a huge dome with a diameter of 33 meters and a height of 55 meters above the ground. Standing here, I feel that the silence seems to have stopped time. Topkapa Palace, located at the intersection of Bosphorus, Golden Horn and Marathi, was the center of the Ottoman Empire from15th century to19th century. In the maze of luxurious palaces, the sultans receive the audience and govern the country.

It is also said that if you go to Istanbul, you can't fully understand the city without taking a boat tour of the Strait. Bosphorus Strait is a famous strait winding between Asia and Europe. Along the Straits, past and present, gorgeous luxury and simple purity coexist so vividly: modern restaurants stand beside wooden villas, marble palaces are adjacent to quaint stone fortresses, and elegant European residential areas are adjacent to small fishing villages. It is natural to feel the ancient existence of this city from this angle.

Looking for the ancient rhyme at the end of Silk Road

Cities in Turkey are generally built on historical trade routes, especially on the ancient Silk Road, such as silk, spices and spices. On these lands unsuitable for farming, the traditional ancient cities in Turkey present exotic and localized architectural styles, reflecting the urbanization and complex architectural habits in this area. But they also have the same thing, that is, they all have a castle, one or more Islamic colleges, a traditional square equivalent to a market, a large number of public bathhouses, and bustling shopping streets around the city center square. Almost all families are arranged around these courtyards.

In the ancient city, there are also ancient customs. Turks love drama, and comedians, storytellers, puppeteers and shadow puppeteers in the city have all played an inestimable role in the development of drama here. There may be wonderful performances in big squares, pubs, coffee shops and even private apartments. The history of shadow play can be traced back to15th century. Even now, as long as there is an audience, there are actors who play the roles of night watchman, tax collector, treasure hunter and educated intellectuals, and take them as models to perform lifelike imitation performances.

Many interesting historical ancient capitals are located on the road leading to popular resorts and ancient civilization sites, such as Ba Lecoeur West, Chianakkare, Amasya and so on. As the third largest city in Turkey, Izmir also has a long history. It was founded in the 3rd century BC, when it was a city-state with extremely developed culture, and it was as famous as Troy. It is believed that this place was once the hometown of the poet Homer.

"This is a myth"-Aegean Sea

The Aegean coast has the most beautiful natural landscape in Turkey. The clear waters of the Aegean Sea lap the charming coast, and olive groves, cliffs, pines and cypresses cover the wide beaches.

Adelaide Bay, located in the northern Aegean Sea, has beautiful seashores, and the scenic Goose Mountain National Park is also here. The legendary number one in the world

A beauty contest was held here, and Prince Paris of Troy awarded the Golden Apple Award to Aphrodite. Nowadays, although the myth is gone, the unique landforms, quiet vegetation and numerous hot springs here are unforgettable.

In the South Aegean Sea, Effis, an ancient commercial center, is a popular choice for Turkish tourism in recent years. The ancient city of Ephesus was built for themis. The themis Temple, one of the seven wonders of the world, is located here. After many reconstructions, people can still see some fragments of previous miracles from the existing sites.

Efez is also a holy place of Roman Catholicism, which has been officially recognized by the Vatican. Legend has it that after the death of Christ, the Virgin Mary spent the rest of her life here. Up to now, a commemorative ceremony has been held here every August 15.