Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What kind of immortal is a snake in Taoism?

What kind of immortal is a snake in Taoism?

Legend has it that the five immortals often mentioned in rural areas are: Huang Xian, Baixian, Foxian, Liu Xian and Huixian. Corresponding to weasel, hedgehog, fox, snake and mouse respectively.

These five "big immortals" are very mysterious in the countryside. According to legend, these "great immortals" are terrible. In some folk places, there are temples dedicated to them. Are they really that amazing? What are the unknown secrets hidden in those shocking means? Let's take a look.

Huang Xian —— Controlling People's Spirit

That is, weasels, people living in rural areas should be familiar with them. He is a famous chicken thief, but he can't fight. I can only persuade him not to come next time. What is the reason? This is because it is an animal with a grudge. In rural legends, it has the ability to control people's spirit. If you offend it, it will wait for revenge. Use spiritual power to make those who offend it. Is it really so amazing to become crazy and talk nonsense about things that you have never experienced?

In recent years, scientists have found that it does have the ability to disturb people's spirit, but it is not as powerful as the legend.

Weasels will release a special gas when they are in danger, which will harm the human central nervous system. When the central nervous system is invaded, people's speech and limbs are no longer controlled by the brain, but become like being controlled.

In the former countryside, farmers were often short of clothes and food because of poverty, so their physique was weak. Therefore, it is more vulnerable to attack. At that time, people could not explain this, so they deified the weasel. Therefore, the weasel has the ability to control the human spirit.

Immortality-curing people's diseases.

Fairy is a hedgehog, and the old lady in folklore is a variant of hedgehog, who is good at treating various diseases. Moreover, they can not only cure all kinds of diseases in the world, but also be used by Bai Xian to revive the spirit when the spirit of the immortal family is hurt.

But hedgehogs are short, slow and timid. Where does it come from that it can cure all kinds of diseases?

Hedgehogs and insects are the main prey, and they can eat about 200 grams of insects in one night. Some of these insects are poisonous, but hedgehogs will be fine after eating them.

Moreover, hedgehogs sometimes prey on some poisonous snakes, and even if they are bitten, there is no danger to their lives. Let me give you an example. In Europe, a hedgehog was discovered, which contained a specific antibody against the venom of the extreme northern poisonous snake. )

In the past, people didn't understand the high anti-poison ability of hedgehogs, thinking that their own poison could be cured. So hedgehogs can cure all kinds of diseases.

Fox fairy-charming mind

Fox fairy is a fox. Legend has it that they are good at becoming beautiful women and then seducing men. The most famous is the God of Su Daji. Because of its charm, Zhou Wang lost the legacy of his ancestors.

About them, it first appeared in the early Tang Dynasty. There is a record in Taiping Guangji: "Since the early Tang Dynasty, all the people have been involved in fox spirits. There was a saying at that time:' No fox charm, no village. Charm is interpreted as "the essence of old things" in Shuowen. Fox fairy refers to the fox fairy.

Only foxes can practice. Where did their fascinating skills come from?

In ancient times, people's thoughts were very conservative. I won't say directly about sex between the two sexes. But it will be implied by other words or words. In the Book of Songs, the fox, as a hidden reference, refers to sex.

In addition, in some strange novels and folk myths, most of the beautiful women described by foxes are extremely enchanting and affectionate. Since then, people have called sexy and charming bad women "foxes".

We all know that beautiful women always attract men's attention. Gradually, the folklore that foxes can bewitch people spread.

Liu Xian-exorcism ceremony protects people.

Liu Xian is a snake, which is said to be the most powerful of the five immortals. They have the ability to subdue demons. Therefore, there is a folk saying to protect the town house.

A kind of snake: golden snake.

If you haven't heard of Liu Xian, you should have heard of the word "keeping snakes". They have the same ability as Liu Xian. How does Liu Xian protect people and exorcise demons?

In fact, Liu Xian's "magic" is the mouse. Because rats in the countryside will go out for food at night and make noise. When people go to see what makes noise. But the mouse hides quietly, and people will mistakenly think that something unclean has entered the house.

As natural enemies of mice, snakes also move at night. They killed the mice at home, and people couldn't hear the abnormal noise at night.

Rat Catcher-Black Eyebrow Snake

And found that as long as there are snakes, the home is very quiet, and there is no abnormal noise at night. As a result, people gradually spread the saying that snakes can subdue demons and protect hospitals.

Grey fairy-collecting people's money

The fairy is a mouse. In folklore, they have the ability to predict the future and make people rich. Therefore, they are regarded as the god of wealth in some places.

There is a folk saying that "when a mouse crosses the street, everyone shouts". How can you become a grey fairy, one of the five immortals? What about their abilities?

About their ability to predict the future, this is because in ancient times, some magicians wandering around the rivers and lakes used mice to measure people's fate. Therefore, it is endowed with the ability to predict the future.

In addition, in the former countryside, there were almost no overnight dishes at home. And if someone has mice at home, it means that he is rich and has overnight food to attract mice. Therefore, in the former countryside, mice became a symbol of wealth, spreading their ability to gather wealth.


The five immortals are only the product of deification, because people don't know enough about the animals that are common in life. But animals have feelings and know how to be grateful, which is true. I believe you should have read many such reports, so please take good care of the small animals around you.

I will share it with you today. It is not easy to sort it out. I hope you can give me more praise and support! At the same time, you are also welcome to share this article so that more people can understand this knowledge. Finally, thank you for your support. One of the five immortals, with the highest ability. They have the ability to subdue demons. Therefore, it is called the praetorian guard and the town house among the people.