Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Brief Introduction of Riding Oath and Death Journey of Jungle Knight

Brief Introduction of Riding Oath and Death Journey of Jungle Knight

The bronze continent lives forever. For millions of years, the psychedelic jungle in akira has been full of vitality. Humans and all kinds of creatures have established their own territory and capital by controlling magical elements. After experiencing the ancient "frenzied period", the world as a whole tends to be peaceful. But there is a turbulent vortex brewing under the calm ocean. Coincidentally, the divination analysis of priests and astrologers of all ethnic groups showed that the bronze continent was "coming to an end", which caused all kinds of panic after the news came out. In order to avoid doomsday arrival, all ethnic groups put aside their prejudices and resumed their Covenant, and decided to hold another "crown war" and sacrifice the lives of the most powerful soldiers. For the knights of all ethnic groups who believe that "the body is only the temporary residence of the soul", in order to die gloriously one day and sacrifice their lives for the gods, the glorious moment of embarking on the journey of the undead has arrived.