Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The representative of the apocalypse and providence

The representative of the apocalypse and providence

Deism (also known as "Apocalypse Theory") holds that morality comes from the revelation of gods and the stipulation of supernatural power.

Main points:

Objective idealism. Dong Zhongshu said: "The Three Cardinal Principles of the King can be sought from heaven" and "The great source of the Tao comes from heaven". Confucius "was born with virtue" and attributed the origin of morality to heaven. Medieval scientists in Europe believed that morality originated from God, the Ten Commandments of Moses in Christianity (honoring parents, not killing, not committing adultery, not stealing, not perjury against others, not greedy for ill-gotten gains, etc. ); Buddhism's "Five Commandments" (no killing, no stealing, no fornication, no lying, no eating and drinking) is said to be a revelation from God, and later it became a religious moral precept, which is an objective idealism theory.