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What is the land use system?

Informatization is the general trend of economic and social development in the world today. To strengthen the management of land and resources, promote the sustainable development of Fujian's economy and provide land and resources information services for the society, we must use modern information technology to establish a land and resources information system with complete structure, complete functions and advanced technology, which will drive the fundamental change of land and resources management methods, promote the protection and rational utilization of land and resources, and improve management efficiency and transparency. And limit all kinds of illegal activities, so that the management of land and resources will develop in a comprehensive, scientific and open direction.

System construction background

Land management is a technical, policy, timeliness and legal work. With the development of social economy and the progress of science and technology, the methods, means and management mode of land management are also undergoing profound changes. On the one hand, people's understanding of the value of land has gradually deepened, and the in-depth development and utilization of land, various forms of change and transfer have become more and more frequent; On the other hand, governments at all levels and land management departments themselves hope to master the rapidly changing land and related information, and provide timely, accurate and reliable basis for the government's macro-decision.

Land use survey is an important survey of national conditions and national strength. The basic task is to find out the area and spatial distribution, land ownership and utilization status of various land use types by county, and on this basis, summarize the total area and area of various types of land in townships, counties, prefectures, provinces and the whole country step by step according to administrative jurisdiction. Investigating the present situation of land use and the boundary of land ownership is an important prerequisite for construction land management and land registration. Therefore, land use survey is an important basic link in land management.

With the rapid development of economy, the structure and mode of land use are changing with each passing day. The development strategy in the new century puts forward higher requirements for dynamic monitoring and overall planning of land use. Because the data management of land use status involves complex information types, large amount of data, frequent dynamic updates and heavy workload of query and statistics, it is necessary to establish a land use management system with the help of computers.

According to the requirements of "Fujian Province Land and Resources Informatization Planning" and "Fujian Province Land and Resources Government Management System and Information Service System Construction Overall Plan", because ArcGis has high processing efficiency and multi-source data management function, ArcGis is chosen as the municipal land and resources Gis application platform to ensure the consistency of system construction, make it have powerful expansion functions and ensure the integration of the whole land and resources information system construction in the future. Therefore, it is urgent for land management to establish a database management system of land use status based on ArcGis platform.

System construction goal

This system is an information system integrating Gis (Geographic Information System), RS (Remote Sensing System), Gps (Global Positioning System) and other spatial information technologies. Upon completion, it will realize the dynamic computer management of graphs, data and images of land use status, realize the functions of updating, querying, statistical analysis and graph output of land information, provide timely and accurate information of land use status and changes for land management departments, provide computer-aided decision-making and scientific analysis for overall land use planning and land management, serve the scientific, standardized and information-based land management, and improve the level, quality and efficiency of management and decision-making. The construction goal of the system can be summarized as the following aspects:

(1) High-quality, dynamic, open and secure data management system

Data is the most important foundation of system construction and the foundation of system vitality. The establishment of the system itself includes the establishment of a perfect and high-quality city and county geographic database. Data can also serve other systems, such as the construction land management system, to realize the complete enjoyment of data. In order to make full use of data, the system needs to provide strict and unified specifications and standards. In order to ensure that the whole database is up-to-date and the whole system has continuous vitality, the system should provide an efficient and safe data update mechanism for this database, and provide convenient data query, statistics and data output functions. Land use status data is the public space information base of enterprises and society, which makes it a part of land information system. Through MAN, Internet or other means, we can enjoy urban spatial information resources and lay the foundation for "digitalization".

(2) Strict, efficient and scientific networked business management auxiliary information system.

On the basis of data management, we can quickly and conveniently query and count all kinds of land use data, make full use of the spatial analysis function of geographic information system, and provide decision support function for land management and land dynamic monitoring, thus facilitating business management, speeding up decision-making, improving the accuracy of decision-making, improving efficiency and reducing management costs and expenses.

(3) The important foundation of digital land system

The database management system of land use status is the preliminary project of digital land system, and its completion will lay a solid foundation for the construction of the whole digital land system.

system design

The database management system of land use status is an important part of land and resources management information system and an important symbol of land and resources business informatization. Therefore, in the process of system construction, we will design a management system according to the construction norms of software engineering, the relevance of land business and the characteristics of land management, combined with the specific reality. The system fully considers the future integration with office automation system, organically combines business processes with office automation processes, and forms an integrated government information management. At the same time, based on the idea of "unified management and overall arrangement", the system has interfaces with provincial, municipal and county government information management systems to meet the requirements of data exchange and realize data sharing throughout the province. In order to realize the connection with other land business systems, the system adopts the object-oriented method and constructs the whole land management system by constructing common components. It makes the whole land information management system easy to expand, maintain, reuse and upgrade, at the same time, it also ensures the data sharing between land business systems, reduces the data exchange, improves the data utilization rate, and truly meets the requirements of the Ministry of Land and Resources to improve the information level of land and resources management.

Key technologies of system development

According to the principle of system construction, in order to achieve the goal of system construction, the following key technologies will be adopted in the development of this system:

Geographic information system platform

The data characteristics of cadastral management determine that cadastral information management system must rely on Gis technology. The synchronous management of spatial geometry and attribute data can be realized by using Gis and database, and the simplified cadastral management business also needs the support of Gis technology for the spatial geometrical features involved. Therefore, GIS technology is the key technology of system construction.

GIS (Geographic Information System) is a new discipline that integrates computer science, geography, surveying and mapping remote sensing, environmental science, urban science, space science, management science and other related disciplines, and has risen rapidly in the past 30 years. Geographic information system is a computer information system that collects, simulates, processes, retrieves, analyzes and expresses geospatial data. GIS technology unifies the management of spatial location, attribute characteristics and time domain characteristics related to geographic information, and organizes and uses geographic information in a new way, so as to analyze and generate new geographic information more effectively.

ArcGis (product of ESRI) is the world's leading GIS brand, with powerful mass data management and spatial analysis functions. The secondary development of components is more conducive to the in-depth application of the system, and at the same time, it always actively tracks and deeply understands various mainstream IT technologies (such as networks, computers, operating systems, databases, human-computer interaction, software engineering and programming languages and methods). At the same time, the product structure and technology are optimized and reconstructed, which makes the new generation ArcGis series more suitable for the requirements of Gis users and can maintain the leading position of Gis in this field for a long time.

Object-oriented system analysis and design (OOA&; OOD) method:

System analysis and design will adopt object-oriented system analysis and design (OOA&; OOD) method. Rational Unified Process (RUP) method is applied to computer-aided system analysis, software design, development and document generation in the development process, so as to ensure that the system design and development conform to the specifications of software engineering, develop a standardized system with high portability and reliability, and improve the efficiency of system development.

The system analysis and design adopt UML unified modeling language. UML is a well-defined, easy-to-express, powerful and universally applicable modeling language, which combines new ideas, new methods and new technologies in the field of software engineering. Its scope not only supports object-oriented analysis and design, but also supports the whole process from requirement analysis to system development. In fact, UML has become a standard of object management group (OMG), and it will be the dominant standard modeling language in the field of object-oriented technology in the world for at least 10 years.

UML will run through the whole process of system requirements analysis, system design, system implementation and system testing. The specific application is shown in Figure 2- 1:

Application model of UML in system development

In addition, the analysis and design of the system will also adopt semantic analysis model, extract relevant semantic objects from urban management laws and regulations, establish semantic model, and combine UML model to establish a complete information model of the system.

Using Relational Database to Manage Spatial Data

At present, the latest trend of GIS technology development is to use relational database or object relational database to manage spatial data. Using ArcSDE's function of data management through RDBMS, we can use SQL language to perform various database operations on spatial and non-spatial data. At the same time, we can integrate spatial data and non-spatial data by using the massive data management, transaction, record locking, concurrency control, data warehouse and other functions of relational database, thus realizing a real client/server structure. OpenGIS alliance has put forward the simple spatial feature specification of SQL, and the GIS software developers mentioned above all follow this specification. Using relational database to manage spatial database will become the development trend of GIS, which will increase the interoperability of spatial data and integrate GIS into the mainstream of IT technology.

The system will use relational database to manage spatial data and attribute data to ensure the integration of spatial data and non-spatial data.

Client/Server Structure and Internet/Intranet Technology

In the traditional MIS field, the client/server structure has matured, and Internet/Intranet technology has been widely used. In the field of GIS, the client/server structure is becoming more and more mature, and the Internet/Intranet technology is also developing, but it is still immature.

For applications that need to deal with a large number of graphic data, in order to improve the running efficiency, the mature client/server structure will be fully applied and developed based on the three-tier architecture. For data query and browsing applications, Internet/Intranet technology will be used as much as possible to publish spatial and non-spatial information through the Internet. It lays a foundation for the comprehensive transition to Internet/Intranet application mode in the future.

The whole component of internet geographic information system technology and its application

In addition to handing over spatial data to relational database management, GIS should also consider using full-component GIS when developing clients. All-component GIS software encapsulates the functions of GIS from data input, editing, processing (establishing topological relationship), query display, analysis (topological superposition, network analysis, grid analysis, TIN) to graphic output (layout) into components, and can freely customize the operation mode and interface according to the needs of users. Users can put GIS components and other components together and adopt common development platforms, such as Visual Basic, Delphi and Power Builder. , not limited by the secondary development language of GIS. Thereby greatly facilitating the secondary development and enhancing the expansion ability of the secondary development.

Multi-resolution seamless image database technology

The multi-resolution seamless image database technology is used to establish the database of aerial and satellite remote sensing images over the years. Multi-source data seamless integration technology and vector raster data synthesis and fusion technology are adopted to extract vector data of land use status and update the database. The application of multi-resolution seamless image database technology will make aerial and satellite remote sensing data directly applied to the system, so that staff and leaders can more intuitively understand various geographical information on the surface and enhance the usability of the system.

Application of time GIS technology

Since Langran and Chrisman put forward the concept of Temporal Geographic Information System (TGIS) in 1988, TGIS has been widely studied. Temporal database model, spatio-temporal analysis and reasoning, spatio-temporal database management system and spatio-temporal data visualization are hot topics in TGIS research field at present. The management information of land use status database is dynamic information, so time is a very important factor in land use status data management. Using temporal GIS technology to completely record and query the dynamic changes of land use information has always been an important factor in the construction of land information system. In the construction of the system, the dynamic integrated management of land use information will be realized based on object-oriented analysis, with the help of object-oriented spatial data model, relational database technology and TGIS technology.

System prospect

At present, the database management system of land use status mainly aims at the management of warehousing, updating, printing, query and statistics of land use status data. In the future, a land use planning system should be established on the basis of this system, and the overall planning map, regional planning map and thematic map should be superimposed to increase the spatial data volume of map load. Through the systematic operation of a series of work, such as land use approval, basic farmland protection, farmland occupation and compensation balance, the mechanism of land use data integration and dynamic update has been realized, the data utilization rate has been improved, the steps of data change have been reduced, the relevant land work structure has been integrated, the actual work efficiency has been accelerated, and the land informatization work has formed a complete, reasonable and benign operation state.

Overall function of the system

With the rapid development of national economy, land resources become more and more important as an important means of production for human survival. In order to formulate the national economic plan and relevant policies, it is necessary to ensure the present situation of detailed land survey data, find out the type, quantity, distribution and utilization of land and make scientific evaluation, so as to correctly analyze the agricultural level, rationally formulate land use indicators, and serve agricultural zoning, land consolidation, establishment of land statistical registration system and comprehensive land management.

Land use survey is an important part of daily cadastral management. Its task is to investigate the changes of land ownership and land use according to the results of detailed land survey and the initial cadastre established on this basis, update the daily cadastral results, meet the needs of changing land registration and annual land statistics, strengthen land management, effectively protect cultivated land, and provide accurate and reliable current information for formulating national economy and relevant policies, scientific management and rational use of land.

In the concrete implementation, the application subsystem will be divided according to the business function and organizational structure. Subsystem is actually a logical combination of application classes and components, and each subsystem realizes * * * sharing of data through * * sharing classes and components.

The overall structure of the system can be divided into four parts according to functions: land GIS data processing subsystem, land use status database management subsystem, data publishing subsystem and system management subsystem. The overall structure is as follows: