Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Appreciation of the Translation of Complete Works of Bai Yujing: Metaphor of Land and Money

Appreciation of the Translation of Complete Works of Bai Yujing: Metaphor of Land and Money

Metaphor from land to money

original text

Once upon a time, there was a poor man who was walking on the road and occasionally found a bag of money on the road, and his heart jumped with joy, even if he counted it. Weeks failed [1], and the owner suddenly arrived, but he still took the money. At that time, he regretted not seeing a doctor and was very upset.

The same is true of people who meet Buddhism. Although it is worth Yasuo Fukuda's three treasures [2], he is not diligent and convenient, practices good deeds, dies suddenly, and falls into three evil ways. Like a fool, he took the money to his master and left. As Luo said:

"Camp today and build tomorrow. If you are happy and don't look at the pain, you won't feel that the thief is dead. In a hurry, everyone is mortal. If he counts money, he also counts money. "

To annotate ...

[1] Week: Time.

[2] Sambo Fukuda: Sambo, the honorific title of Buddhism to Buddha, Dharma and Monk. Futian, you must believe in Buddhism, just like planting a blessed land.

[3] Happiness without suffering: coveting pleasure, regardless of the pain behind you.


Once upon a time, there was a poor man who happened to pick up a bag of money while walking on the road. He was so happy that he immediately squatted down to count the money. Before counting, the owner suddenly came back and asked for all the money back. The poor man regretted not leaving at once, and his chagrin made him feel very painful.

Some people who meet Buddhism do the same. Although they met Buddha, Dharma and monk Fukuda, they were not diligent in practice and established good deeds. When their lives ended, they fell into three evil paths. Just like the fool who found the money and was invited back by his master. As Luo said:

"Do this industry today and be busy tomorrow. Clinging to the present without considering the future, sudden death comes. Do this and that in a hurry, everyone does. Just like a man who counts money, so does what he does. "

Comment and analysis

The fundamental precept of this fable is: I hope that Buddhist disciples will seize the opportunity of meditation and enlightenment, practice diligently, and don't neglect Buddhism and Taoism because of their lust for impermanence and triviality, and eventually fall into the three evils. People pick up other people's money and naturally want to go back, but the poor man in the story is so angry. But putting aside social morality, the poor man really lost a good opportunity.

Story quotation

You must practice.

The road was muddy just after the rainstorm. An old woman went to the temple to make incense and accidentally fell into a mud pit, covered in yellow mud, and the incense thread also fell into the mud. She didn't get up at once, but continued to fish in the mud.

At this time, the rich man who has always been kind happened to pass by in a sedan chair. Seeing this, he wanted to help her, but he was afraid of getting his clothes dirty, so he asked the servant to help the old lady out of the quagmire and gave her some incense money. The old lady was very grateful and quickly thanked her.

Seeing that the old lady was covered in mud, a monk quickly dodged and said, "How can the Buddhist holy land be defiled? Let's clean this mud and come back. "

Just then, a Zen master happened to pass by here and saw this scene. He went straight to the old lady and personally helped her into the hall. He smiled and said to the monk, "There is no place to rob. If you talk about life and death, it will be a disaster. " The flesh is impermanent fly ash, which has nowhere to come and nowhere to go. Life and death are illusory. "

Hearing this, the monk asked, "Everywhere, not everywhere. Don't even the heart of becoming a Buddha exist? "

The Zen master pointed to the rich man in the distance, and a wry smile floated around his mouth: "I can't give up, I can't break, I'm still turning in the mud!" " "

Hearing the words of the Zen master, the monk suddenly felt extremely ashamed and lowered his eyes.

When the Zen master returned, he instructed his disciples: "Gold and silver jewelry is donkey excrement and horse dung, and personal practice is the real Buddhism. If you can't give up your life, what qualifications are there to talk about becoming a monk? "

Hard work will pay off.

There was a farmer who got up early and worked tirelessly, but he was still poor. One day, he came to a forest far from home to collect firewood. I met an old monk on the road. The old monk said to him, "I have been observing you for a long time. I see that you are working hard every day, but what you get is negligible. " I want to help you. Now I'll give you my mord, which can make you rich. "

The farmer was very happy after hearing this. When he was about to receive the mord from the monk, the monk stressed: "Say what you want, turn the mord in your hand, and you will get what you want immediately." However, you must remember that this mord can only realize one of your wishes, so you must think clearly before making a wish. "

The farmer took a mord and set foot on his way home excitedly. In the evening, the farmer met a businessman, so he took out his mord and told the businessman his strange experience. The businessman knew it very well, so he invited the farmer to stay at his house at night. Late at night, the businessman came to the sleeping farmer. He carefully replaced the farmer's mord with the same mord. The next day, when the farmer woke up, he thanked the businessman and went on his way.

The merchant waited for the mord easily, and when the farmer left, he couldn't wait to close the door and said, "I want 120 million gold!" " "Turn mord. Miracle really appeared, countless gold rained down, and the merchants were killed by gold before they could run.

A few days later, the farmer came home and told his wife the story of this mord and asked her to take good care of it. Unable to restrain her excitement, the wife said to her husband, "Why don't we try and let it bring us a lot of land?"

"No, we must be careful with our wishes. Don't forget that this mord can only realize one of our wishes. " The farmer explained, "We'd better work hard for another year, and we will certainly have more fertile fields." The farmer's wife agreed.

From then on, they worked harder and got enough money to buy the land they wanted.

Later, the farmer's wife wanted a cow and a horse. The farmer said, "honey, why don't we continue to work hard for another year?" A year later, they bought back cows and horses.

"We are the happiest people." The farmer said, "Let's stop talking about Maud. As long as we are young, we will have solid hands. When we are old, think about that Maud again. "

Forty years have passed in an instant, and the farmer and his wife are old. Their hair has turned gray, but the mord is still well preserved.