Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Aesop's fable short stories

Aesop's fable short stories

Aesop's fable 1 The old lion was very ill and lay in a hole. All the animals except the fox went to meet the king. The wolf took the opportunity to frame the fox in front of the lion, saying that the fox was courageous, despised the king and dared not meet him. Just then, the fox came in and heard the wolf's last words. The lion roared at the sight of the fox, and the fox immediately asked him to explain a few words. He said, "Of all the animals that greet the king, who is as loyal as I am, running around for you, visiting famous doctors and looking for a wonderful prescription?" The lion immediately ordered him to tell the prescription. The fox said, "Peel the wolf alive and wrap it around him while it is hot." The wolf immediately turned into a corpse and lay there. The fox smiled proudly and said, "You shouldn't encourage your master to have evil thoughts, but you should induce him to be kind."

This story shows that people who often calculate others will often reap the consequences.

Aesop's fable story 2 was deeply inspired after reading Aesop's fables. Although there are short stories in it, there are some great principles behind each story, which makes people memorable. The most impressive stories are cats and chickens.

This story tells that the cat held a birthday party and invited many chickens to attend it without any good intentions. As soon as the chickens arrived, the cat closed the door and ate them all. In other words, don't have any good hope for the enemy, or you will suffer even greater misfortune.

The touching stories in Aesop's Fables have taught us a lot about being a man, and also taught me the essence of human nature and the ability to distinguish good from evil. Its short stories will benefit me for life.

Aesop's fable short story 3 Aesop's fable is a classic story that we are familiar with. There are more than 300 excellent stories in this book, each of which has extraordinary significance and contains the truth of teaching people to be human. So, I want to say: short stories are truth, but we can't underestimate it! Recently, I bought this book from the bookstore and read it heartily. Among them, two stories deeply touched me.

The first story is about a farmer and a snake. It is about a farmer who saved a frozen snake with his kindness. After the snake warmed up and survived, instead of thanking the farmer, it bit the farmer to death. This story reminds me that we are in a complex society, and we should keep a kind heart both in life and in the process of learning, but kindness needs teeth and cannot be killed because of kindness. This is the key to prevent people.

The second story is "The Tortoise and Rabbit Race", which is very simple. We have known it since childhood. It tells the story of a rabbit and a tortoise meeting in a race. The rabbit thought he would win, so he fell asleep halfway. As a result, the tortoise overtook him and took the lead in the race. After reading this story, I was inspired. It's good to be talented. We should appreciate people with extremely high talents, but we should not be discouraged, because diligence and tenacious perseverance can also make us get good grades. More importantly, we should not be complacent, otherwise the result may be unexpected failure.

After reading Aesop's fables, I admire the wisdom of the ancient Greeks in their efforts. Obviously, we can't judge a person's value and ability because of his identity. Because in this world, many smart people seem insignificant, so we should learn to be modest and low-key.

Short stories and great wisdom perfectly explain the core values of Aesop's fables, which makes me full of gains!

Aesop's fable story 4: On a hot summer day, the dog who accompanied his master ran all day. At night, he lay groggy on the wet grass by the pond and fell asleep. The puppy slept soundly, and the frogs by the pond barked in unison as usual. The puppy was awakened by their barking and was very angry. He thought that if he jumped into the pond at once and screamed a few times to scare them, he would definitely make them stop making noise and then sleep comfortably. He shouted several times in a row, but to no avail, he had to go back to the pond and say angrily, "I'm so stupid." How can these naturally noisy things become gentle and considerate? "

The story is that those arrogant people are always arrogant and do whatever they want, regardless of others.

Aesop's fable 5. The donkey heard the cicada singing and was moved by the wonderful singing. He wanted to make the same beautiful sound, so he asked them enviously what they had eaten to make such a beautiful sound. Cicada replied, "Eat dew." The donkey ate only dew and soon starved to death.

This story tells people not to expect what they don't deserve.

Aesop's Fables 6 I like Aesop's Fables very much and read it all at once. In these short stories, there are many great truths, which remind me of this sentence: short stories, great truths! This book can open the window of culture and knowledge for us.

There are different kinds of fables in this book, such as man and beast ... I like man best, because there are many gods, such as Zeus and the goddess of luck, and there are many stories between them, such as Zeus and man.

When Hermes created human beings, he implanted wisdom into the human body according to Zeus' command, so Hermes injected equal wisdom into everyone. As a result, short people are full of wisdom and become extraordinary, while tall and enlightened people can only pour their wisdom above their knees, so they are not as smart as short people.

Feelings: This story is suitable for satirizing people with developed limbs and simple minds.

Our children are the future of the motherland, and the important task of building a strong country falls on our next generation. Therefore, our primary task now is to learn scientific and cultural knowledge well in school, which can lay a solid cultural foundation for building a strong country dream. At the same time, we should also actively exercise to make ourselves have a strong body. If we are listless all day, what can we talk about building a country with illness? Therefore, we should pay attention to the comprehensive and balanced development of morality, intelligence and physique. Be a future successor with both ability and political integrity.

I think this book is very good, which can make us increase a lot of knowledge by combining life and study!

Aesop's fable 7: The mother crab said to the little crab, "Don't climb sideways, why don't you walk straight?" He replied, "Mom, please teach me how to walk straight, and I will follow your example." But the mother crab can't walk straight at all, and the little crab says she is stupid.

In other words, educators themselves must live and walk honestly in order to teach others.

Aesop's Fables 8 During the summer vacation, I read a book-Aesop's Fables. I can't put it down, because it tells a profound truth through a very simple and short story.

One story impressed me the most, and that is the story of two dogs. A man has two dogs: a hunting dog, and the hunter teaches him to hunt and helps him hunt; The other is just to look after the dog and help yourself look after the house. Every time the hunter comes back. Always give a big part to the watchdog. The hound was very unhappy and scolded his companion: "Hunting is very, very hard, but you didn't help me at all, but drank my achievements." The watchdog replied, "Friend, don't blame me, blame the master!" " He didn't teach me to work. "

This story tells us that watching dogs is because of the owner's doting, getting something for nothing and relying on others' bad habits. As a master, we should teach the watchdog to work and let it learn to survive by its own labor and ability. By the same token, all of us can form the habit of self-reliance from childhood.

Aesop's fables told me many philosophies of life and inspired me a lot. After reading this book, you can understand a lot of truth.

Aesop's fable short story 9 fisherman and big fish and small fish

The fisherman pulled up his fishing net from the sea. He immediately caught the big fish with a net and threw them ashore, but the small fish escaped from the net and returned to the sea.

In other words, small people are easy to be saved, while famous people are difficult to escape. As the saying goes, people are afraid of famous pigs and strong ones.

Children and frogs

Several children are playing by the swimming pool. When they saw many frogs in the water, they hit them with stones. Several frogs were killed by them. At this moment, a frog poked its head out and said, "Children, please stop fighting. This is your game, but it is the trouble of our life. "

In other words, don't base your happiness on the pain of others.

Cock and pheasant

A man feeds some cocks at home. One day, he met a domestic pheasant in the market, bought it and took it home, and raised it with the rooster. All the cocks chased him, but the pheasant thought he was a foreigner and was bullied. A few days later, he saw the rooster fighting, beating you to the death and refusing to give up. So he said to himself, "Now, I don't resent being bullied by them, because I saw with my own eyes that they can't tolerate each other."

This story shows that it is not surprising that smart people can't get tolerance from their neighbors and family when they see that they can't tolerate each other.

Donkeys, roosters and lions

One day, a rooster and a donkey lived together. The hungry lion attacked the donkey. When the rooster crowed, the lion was afraid of the rooster crowing and turned and ran. When the donkey saw that the lion was afraid to crow, he thought it was nothing, so he immediately ran after the lion. He chased so far that the rooster could not hear him. The lion suddenly turned around and ate him. The donkey died and sighed, "I'm really unlucky!" " How stupid of me! I'm not a competitor. Why should I fight? "

This story shows that don't underestimate your enemies, know how powerful you are, and don't show off in front of powerful opponents.

Rivers and oceans

The river flows into the sea, complaining about the sea and saying, "Our water is sweet and delicious, but you have turned us into undrinkable water." Knowing that they intended to blame him, Hai said, "Please don't flow into my body again, so you won't be salty."

In other words, we should see the general trend of things clearly and don't dwell on side issues.

Salt-laden donkey

A donkey crossed the river with salt on its back. His foot slipped and fell into the river, and the salt dissolved in the water. He felt much lighter and happy when he stood up. Then, one day, he crossed the river with a sponge on his back, thinking that it would be easier to stand up if he fell again. So, he fell on purpose. He didn't expect the sponge to absorb water, so he couldn't stand up anymore and drowned in the river.

In other words, some people are smarter than others and hurt themselves.

The lion and his three advisers

The lion called the sheep and asked him if he could smell the bad smell from its mouth. The sheep said, "I can smell it." The lion bit off the fool's head. Then he called the wolf again and asked him the same question. The wolf said, "I can't smell it." The lion bit the sycophant until his blood flowed. Finally, the fox was called and the lion asked him the same question. The fox looked around and said, "Your Majesty, I have a cold and I can't smell anything."

The story is that ambiguity, ambiguity will make people unable to grasp the handle.

black people

Someone bought a black slave, thinking that his skin color was due to the carelessness of the original owner. After taking it home, he tried to wash it with a lot of soap and water. But the color of the slaves didn't change at all, but they were seriously ill because of hard work.

This story shows that natural things will always remain the same.

Fishermen and tuna

Fishermen went out to sea to fish for a long time, but found nothing. They sat on the boat in dismay. At this time, a tuna was chased away and jumped on their boat. The fisherman caught it and sold it in the market.

Similarly, things that are often not available by technology can also be obtained by accident.

The fox and the leopard

The fox and the leopard quarreled because they boasted about their beauty. The leopard always boasts about his colorful stripes, but the fox says, "I am much more beautiful than you." My beauty is not reflected in the surface, but in my flexible brain. "

This story shows that the beauty of wisdom is better than the beauty of body.

Aesop's fable 10 A little crow was very envious of the crow that became a fortune teller.

Crows who can predict bad luck and good luck have gained people's favor.

Seeing all this, the little crow is talking to himself. "If only I could predict people's fate like that crow."

It can be envied that the little crow can't have the talent of that crow.

So it decided to make up a story first.

It happened to see someone coming down the mountain road.

The little crow flew to the branch and sat down.

It looked at the tree, hesitated for a moment, and summoned up courage to say.

"Giggle, giggle! Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to contribute to your future. "

Passers-by looked up and felt incredible. They laughed at the little crow: "Hey, I was shocked. Oh, you little crow, you are so funny. "

But the little crow pestered passers-by for divination until passers-by couldn't stand it anymore and picked up the stone and smashed it.

The absurd fortune teller had to go back to his nest after being hit by a stone.

Aesop's Fables 1 1 Aesop's Fables This book deeply attracted me with its kind and lovely little animals and vivid and beneficial stories. Every short story has profound truth, which makes me understand what is beauty and ugliness, what is good and evil, and learn how to be a man.

The rabbit in the story "The Race between the Tortoise and the Rabbit" was arrogant, and finally the tortoise won. This story shows that people should not be proud, and the weak who work hard can also overcome the proud and complacent strong; The Farmer and the Snake advises people not to be kind to their enemies. For example, the story "The Lion and the Farmer in Love" shows that some people are easy to believe what others say and give up their unique strengths. Therefore, they are easily defeated by those who were afraid of them. Dog, Chicken and Fox tells people to be good at using their wisdom to defeat the enemy.

Among many fables, my favorite is The Lying Shepherd. There was a shepherd boy who drove the sheep to a distant village to eat grass. He always likes to lie and joke, and often cries out for help to the villagers, falsely claiming that a wolf attacked his sheep. At the beginning of two or three times, the people in the village immediately ran in a panic, and after being laughed at by him, they walked back uninteresting. Then, one day, the wolf really came, ran into the sheep and killed the lamb. The shepherd boy desperately called for help in the village, but the villagers thought he was lying and joking as usual, and no one paid attention to him. As a result, all his sheep were eaten by wolves. This story shows that people who often lie are not believed even when they tell the truth.

This book is very useful to me and gives me great inspiration. I want to apply the truth of the story to my future study and life and be a useful person.

Aesop's fable 12 A mosquito flew up to the lion and said, "I am not afraid of you, and you are no better than me. How good are you? Do you scratch with your claws or bite with your teeth? Only these tricks are used by women when fighting with men. But I am much better than you. If you like, we might as well have a game. " Mosquitoes blew their horns and rushed forward, biting the hairless area around the lion's nose. The lion was so angry that he scratched his face with his paws and finally demanded a truce. Mosquitoes beat lions, blew horns, sang triumphant songs, and flew around in the air, only to be stuck by cobwebs. When the mosquito was about to be eaten, he sighed, "I have defeated the most powerful animal, but I was destroyed by this little spider."

This story says that pride will not come to a good end. Although some people beat those who are stronger than themselves, they will also be defeated by those who are weaker than themselves.

Aesop's fable 13 A white man and Liu Li are wearing collars. The wolf saw it and asked him, "Who raised you so fat?" The dog said, "It's a hunter. I hope you don't suffer like me. Wearing a heavy collar is worse than starving. "

This story shows that even the best food is boring for people who lose their freedom.

Aesop's fables 14 Speaking of Aesop's fables, everyone should be familiar with them. It is a simple and vivid story, which reflects the subtle truth in life and makes us understand a lot of truth and knowledge in life.

Aesop, the author of Aesop's Fables, was an ancient Greek in the 6th century BC. His short stories are concise and easy to understand. The book basically does not use people to describe stories, but allows animals to imitate human thoughts, behaviors and languages through personification, metaphor and exaggeration.

The short stories in Aesop's Fables, such as Crow and Bird, Wolf Coming, Two Enemies, Wolf and Deer, Fox and Crow, are very attractive. Among them, the story of "crow and bird" touched me deeply. The story goes something like this: One day, Zeus will choose the king of birds among birds. The crow wants to be king, too, but he knows he is ugly, so he thinks of a way. It picks up feathers from other birds everywhere and sticks to itself. On the selection day, the birds saw the crow take their feathers and angrily went up and pulled them back. This story made me understand: with the help of other people's things, it will be exposed sooner or later. In fact, there are many such people in life: peeking at the answers in exams and lip-synching when singing. ...

We should keep in mind every truth in Aesop's Fables, cultivate a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, and have the will and ability to resist setbacks. Let these classic truths accompany us through life!

Aesop's fable 15 When the lion heard the frog shout, he turned his head to the direction where the sound came from, looked at it carefully and thought it must be some big animal. He waited for a while and saw the frog jump out of the pond. He walked over, stepped on it and said, "Such a small thing is screaming so loudly."

The story is that people who talk too much can do nothing but talk empty words.