Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Travel dramas are so popular, what will you bring back to ancient times?

Travel dramas are so popular, what will you bring back to ancient times?

If I can cross it, I will bring some drawings about the manufacture of daily necessities, a history encyclopedia, cameras and batteries.

Drawings related to the manufacture of daily necessities

This includes soap, toothbrush, perfume extraction, how to make sweaters and so on. I brought these drawings to ancient times in order to have the capital to settle down. If history is true, then these pictures can be of great use, and maybe soap can be popularized by these methods. In addition, I can open a perfume shop and extract them in the most primitive way, which is absolutely unique. If these are too fancy, I can also consider opening a clothing store and attracting customers with some fresh knitting methods and clothes styles, which will definitely be great. The status of ancient women was not high. If they cross into slave maids, the living environment will be even more difficult. Therefore, it is important to have some skills to make money. Regardless of their social status, they can at least eat and drink.

Encyclopedia of history

Everyone has studied history, but they certainly know little about some very detailed parts. Therefore, traveling with an encyclopedia of history is undoubtedly the most secure. If we travel through real history, we can avoid many disasters according to historical trends, such as war and famine, and we can also actively promote the historical process, such as helping some great heroes avoid persecution by bad people. We can seize the opportunity according to the economic development trend at that time and become rich. It's all good. But if traveling through the past is not a real historical background, we can also learn some ways to survive in ancient times through this book!

Camera and battery

Of course, you should record the first crossing. You can punch in many ancient buildings and some ancient handsome guys and beautiful women with a camera and some batteries, but be careful not to be arrested as dementors. It seems to me that it is very meaningful to record some real life of the ancients with a camera. Although I don't know if there is a chance to cross back, I can come back in case. These photos can be kept as a souvenir and may inspire some archaeologists. The battery power is limited, even if I have more, I will run out one day. But relatively speaking, carrying a camera with me may remind me that I am a traveler and I will never forget my origins.

Crossing is a beautiful dream. The hero and heroine in the novel are always magical, and they can live a prosperous life in ancient times, but when they can really cross, I believe most people are still unwilling. The environment we live in has long made us accustomed to it, and no one knows whether ancient times are good or bad. So, let's cherish our present life.