Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Significance of divination

Significance of divination

A superstition. In ancient times, tortoiseshell, yarrow, etc. It was used, and later generations used copper coins and dental cards to infer good or bad luck. In ancient China, "foresight" means "observation" and "divination" means burning tortoise shells. It is believed that luck can be predicted by observing the crack shape of turtle shell. Other countries generally use crystal balls, cards and other divination.


The appearance of an object through the combination of surfaces or lines: Huluyu, named after the gourd in the middle of two mountains.

2 behavior; Appearance: send a message: pants and plaster beam: don't affect this shape!


(1) with "crack".

② Irregular patterns made by porcelain during firing.

Copper coins:

1. Ancient copper token. Round, with a square hole in it, with the smallest value. It has been used for several generations, but the shape is different. After the use of copper coins in the late Qing Dynasty, it gradually stopped circulating.

2. Generally refers to money and banknotes.

Tortoise shell:

The tortoise's hard shell was used by the ancients for divination. The tortoise shells used for divination in the Yin Dynasty have been preserved to this day, and there are records about divination engraved on them. See [Oracle Bone Inscriptions].

Tooth card:

1. Paper money made of ivory or bone horn.

2. Ivory waist tag. After the Song and Yuan Dynasties, it was an official identity card.

3. Domino. Gambling tools.

4. Prepare and sign the wine order.