Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Lenovo-Golden Wood, Fire, Water and Earth

Lenovo-Golden Wood, Fire, Water and Earth

A: The name of Chinese medicine is for curative effect. Such as preventing wind and treating exogenous cold; Vision-insomnia, forgetfulness, anxiety; Polygonum multiflorum Thunb (the stem of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb)-premature ejaculation; Polygonum multiflorum-baldness and white hair; Albizia Albizia-fidgety, melancholy, insomnia, forgetfulness, compatible with Polygonum Multiflori Radix, the effect is good; Earthworms, common in rainy days, are called lumbricus-clearing heat and smoothing qi (that guy is good at drilling); Epimedium-impotence; Cistanche deserticola (university teacher's original words) "is a plant that grows after the semen sown by camels in the desert", so-impotence and premature ejaculation; Ejiao-donkey skin, "sweet", nourishing yin and moistening lung; Both are old tortoise shells, and the back shell is called tortoise shell-entering the liver meridian; The shell of the abdomen is called tortoise shell-it tastes cold, enters the heart, kidney, liver and neck, and nourishes yin; Platycladus orientalis leaves, both cypress trees (which don't shed leaves in winter and are dark green) and leaves in the north and shade-cold in nature, enter the lungs, liver and large intestine neck, and can cool blood and blacken hair; Cinnabar, heavy metal mercury, mercury and iron oxide containing magnesium sulfate can soothe the nerves; Glauber's salt, which grows in dark and humid corners, contains sodium sulfate and sodium nitrate-clearing away heat, moistening dryness and purging fire. Hu, who died nearly 100 people last year (prosecution has been filed), boiled mirabilite water in 8-imprint cauldrons (without mixing anything else), no matter what disease or terminal illness, it is effective (there is no doubt that Qigong, Shenshui and incense ashes all treat diseases-as long as you believe).

As we all know,

Eating lung and nourishing brain is not only the creed of traditional medicine, but also has penetrated into popular culture. But this concept is incorrect, because any food you eat must be digested and broken down into basic chemical components before it can be absorbed. Li Shizhen believes that human bones, flesh, gallbladder and blood are all used as medicine. There are 37 kinds of drugs for treating diseases in Compendium of Materia Medica, ranging from human flesh and blood to dandruff, earplugs, menstruation, meconium and fecal urine. Ginseng is shaped like a person and has a "nourishing effect". This is as Lin Yutang said: "Some China drugs come from word games or grotesque associations: toad's skin has wrinkles, so it is used to treat skin diseases;" Frogs growing in mountain streams are considered to have a "cool" effect on the body because the water in the streams is very cold. "Lu Xun's father is ill, and" edema is getting worse every day ". He used "a special pill: Baigupi Pill" because "an edema swells up and a broken drum skin can naturally subdue him". Because it has not been tested by scientific methods,' intuition' has arbitrary space and is often close to naive fantasy. Today, this witchcraft thinking and grotesque association are still the thinking characteristics and medication basis of traditional medicine. For example, pearl powder can beautify and make women's skin white and tender; Snakeskin is clean, so snakes and snake slough are used to treat intractable skin diseases. Insects such as centipedes and scorpions are good at crawling through, so they can "attack poison and disperse nodules, promote blood circulation and dredge collaterals" to treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The hornet's nest (i.e. yellow honeycomb) can dispel wind and attack poison, dispel wind and relieve pain, dispel wind and stop spasm, and even treat children's epilepsy by decoction, because "bee" is homophonic with "wind". In fact, in Compendium of Materia Medica, animal medical treatment is mostly based on this association. For example, the rhinoceros horn is in the middle and has a strange shape, so the rhinoceros horn can "connect the gods with water". Because of the superstition of deer, deer is worshipped for its longevity and frequent mating, so velvet antler nourishes, strengthens yang and prolongs life, and treats "impotence, nocturnal emission and infertility due to palace cold". (Note 7) "Elephant meat is bloated, and if people stab it with an axe blade, it will be harvested in half a day", so "golden sores are not suitable, so treat it with its skin ash". Lu Xun criticized that "menstrual semen can prolong life, hair nails can enrich blood, and defecation can cure all diseases". His thoughts are full of mysterious fantasies, so medication is also very strange. " Anyone who has a panacea will be hard to find, such as "sugarcane in first frost for three years", "a pair of crickets" and "those who want the original match, that is, those who are in the same nest". It seems that insects should also be chaste. "This is magic." (Note 9) Rare stones, lesions and special structures in animals are regarded as rare drugs. Therefore, Li Shizhen said: "The yellow of cattle (gallstones), the treasure of dogs, the ink of horses, the jade of deer, the sky of rhinoceros, and the answer of animals are all diseases of things, which people think are treasures." Ganoderma lucidum, Gastrodia elata and Cordyceps sinensis were all difficult to cultivate before, so they became precious medicinal materials and were given mysterious names, but now they are enduring because of mysterious names. More than 60 years ago, Zhou Zuoren was deeply impressed by the ignorant rumors about Cordyceps sinensis: "Today's China pharmaceutical scholars ... have developed general education in the past 20 years, but their common sense and interest seem to have not improved, covering up the old pollution." Today's social development and medical level are far from those of that era, but people's way of thinking has not improved much.

In our medical magazines, we often see scientific research achievements such as "* * Chinese medicine can whiten skin" and "* * Chinese medicine can delay aging". This brings up a problem, that is, the standard to judge whether a drug has curative effect. If it is placed abroad, they will "shape" the drug to be tested, for example, put it into capsules, and then judge it according to the "gold" standard of "random, double-blind, controlled and repeatable" medical scientific experiments. In other words, hundreds of people who participated in the experiment were randomly divided into two groups, and no one knew whether they were taking drugs. The results were tested by statistical methods (statistical significance). But Chinese medicine "refuses to control" and refuses to test! Traditional Chinese medicine never tests and never compares (once tested, it will be over), because the core feature of traditional Chinese medicine is "dialectical treatment", that is, everyone's "certificate" is different, and "supervision" means no comparison. Therefore, it is inevitable that others will not learn. The foundation of TCM is the Yijing Yin and Yang five lines of gossip ("Baidu" search: university textbook "Fundamentals of TCM-Chapter II Yin and Yang and Five Elements") ... What traditional medicine can be preserved in the world-it is a miracle in our place, such as folk medicine, Greek medicine, Russian medicine, German medicine, French western medicine, Spanish medicine and so on. It is said that all effective substances can write structural formula and molecular weight, but they are not necessarily "chemical synthesis" (chemical synthesis is different from side effects). Insulin necessary for the treatment of type 2 diabetes must be extracted from animals (such as recombinant bacteria), and paclitaxel for the treatment of cancer must be extracted from Taxus chinensis, a national first-class protected plant. Foreign ancestors found that eating poplar bark can cure headache and fever, and modern people extracted salicylic acid, which is what we eat, also called aspirin and aspirin. They no longer boil bark to drink. Because there may be useless and harmful substances in it. As for the absurdity of Chinese medicine, scraping, qigong and acupuncture, I have talked about it in this column and forum, and interested friends can look forward to it. I have always thought that comrades who care about their health and that of their families should buy a set of college Chinese medicine (now you can Google the college textbook Popular Medicine Network, Chapter 2 of the Basis of Chinese Medicine) and at least learn some very common "knowledge" such as divination, physiognomy, divination and geomantic omen. Science and real science have no national boundaries. Foreign fertilizers can still work in China. Is the atomic bomb a "combination of Chinese and western"? Medicine is only true and false, not "Chinese and Western". Traditional Chinese medicine uses the irrelevant "Yin-Yang Theory" in the Book of Changes, rather than dissecting and understanding the human body objectively. The brain is useless waste in Chinese medicine, and the spleen, which has nothing to do with digestion, has become a digestive organ. What is fantastic, such as kidney deficiency and spleen deficiency, yin deficiency and excessive fire, heart fire and liver fire, qi in vitality, etc., has become the so-called "syndrome differentiation and treatment." Chinese medicine clinics at all levels are just a cover and signboard. At most, there are only 1-2 Chinese medicine clinics in provincial Chinese medicine hospitals, and the rest are CT, B-ultrasound, MIR, laboratory tests, surgery and penicillin. The general hospital, without Chinese medicine, is not up to standard and cannot be rated as a third-class first-class hospital, which is a hard indicator. Akebia Akebia, which leads to renal failure, is thick, spongy and even macaroni. Imagine what function it should have. Treatment of edema: much better than the rubber catheter used by our western medicine. This thing is inserted into the urethra, and the water will not be sucked out like a sponge. How can you have the heart to poke those boring and unprofessional old records? Not only can edema not be cured, but it is more serious after renal failure. Placenta placenta, an animal, is used to treat female infertility (presumably emerging hospitals consume a lot of placenta every day, oh, no, it is called placenta in Chinese medicine). Chicken gizzards are the stomach of chickens. In case you haven't noticed, chickens eat stones. Imagine the role of chicken's gizzard-membrane, yes! Can be used for treating dyspepsia. Of course, the above drugs should be compiled into a set of theories for you-of course, it is the result of "syndrome differentiation and treatment", what is deficiency of both yin and yang, and what is asking if you want to listen ... The ancient medical books discovered in Erbers in BC 1550 recorded about 700 drugs and 800 prescriptions. The medicine in Mesopotamia is very similar to that in ancient Egypt. Animal drugs commonly used in ancient Indian Vedic medicine include bile, blood, meat, feces and urine, and semen. A little later than Compendium of Materia Medica. It can be seen that in ancient times, the drugs used in countries around the world were similar to those used in China's materia medica, but the difference was that they were based on local materials, and there was no fundamental difference in concept. Essentially, they are all derived from sympathy witchcraft. In fact, China's traditional medicine has been influenced by Indian, Persian, Arabian and Eastern Roman medicine since the Han and Tang Dynasties, and many medical knowledge, drugs and skills were introduced from these places. The medicinal materials used in traditional medical treatment of ethnic minorities in China are all local animals and plants, which are generally similar to traditional Chinese medicine, but the difference lies in the differences in regions, products and cultures. The content of Chinese medicine in China is complicated only because China has a long history and accumulated too much, which has been advocated for more than half a century (there was no Chinese medicine school before liberation, and the Kuomintang government held many meetings from the Ministry of Health to the Kuomintang Central Committee; After liberation, hundreds of schools and hospitals were launched overnight only by the supreme instruction "Chinese medicine is a great treasure house, which should be excavated and improved". This is an unprecedented argument, and some statements and practices of modern medicine are attached, which will have a far-reaching impact.


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