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Interpretation of Nouns in Pre-Qin Historical Prose

1. What are the essays and historical essays of pre-Qin philosophers? Noun explanation 1. Prose of philosophers refers to the works of various schools in the Warring States period, which reflects the ideological tendencies, political opinions and philosophical views of different schools.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, "a hundred schools of thought contend and nine streams converge." Representatives of various schools of thought have written books and published their own social and political opinions.

All kinds of philosophers' articles have their own styles. During this period, Confucianism, France, Taoism and Mohism were four important schools.

2. The concept of historical prose is related to philosophical prose. Philosophical prose focuses on theoretical analysis and debate, without taking notes; Historical prose mainly describes the evolution of historical events, and the earliest historical prose is Shangshu.

Historical prose has three bodies, which are divided into "country", "chronicle" and "biography".

The historical function of "historical prose": China's ancient narrative prose occupies a high position in historical works, and its source is in the pre-Qin period.

In particular, mature historical essays formed during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period-Zuo Zhuan, Mandarin, Warring States Policy, Yanzi Chunqiu, etc. , has a wide and far-reaching impact on later generations. Sima Qian's Historical Records not only adopted a large number of historical materials of Zuo Zhuan and Warring States Policy, but also absorbed their writing skills and language style.

For example, Zhao Shijia is very similar to Zuo Zhuan, Biography of Ping Yuanjun, Wei Gongzi and Warring States Policy. The criticism of right and wrong in the Spring and Autumn Annals and the spirit of no argot in Zuo Zhuan have been inherited by the good history since Sima Qian and become the writing principles of historians of past dynasties.

Since Sima Qian, historians have been full of praise for him, which is also inspired by Zuo Zhuan. The author of Zuo Zhuan often expresses his views and comments on historical events and figures through the mouth of "gentlemen" or others, which is also inherited by later historians.

The eloquence of strategists in The Warring States Policy directly influenced political writers such as Jia Yi and Chao Cuo in the early Han Dynasty. Famous ancient Chinese writers since the Tang and Song Dynasties, such as Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan, Ouyang Xiu, Wang Anshi, Su Xun, Su Shi, Su Zhe, Ceng Gong, etc. , have studied the historical prose of the pre-Qin dynasty.

Their narratives and biographies are greatly influenced by the historical prose of the pre-Qin period in terms of language and expression. For example, although Han Yu is "Zuo's grandiose", Dong Gong's rhetoric to the stars is very similar to Zuo Zhuan.

Liu Zongyuan was not sad about Guoyu on the so-called "sage's way", but he admitted in his article that he was "deeply impressed" and advocated "participating in Guoyu to enrich its interest" (Comments on Teacher's Way in Liuhe East Collection), Zuo Zhuan and Guoyu. For Su and his son, the influence of the Warring States policy was particularly obvious.

Su Xun's historical theories, such as Quan Shu and Lun Heng, and Su Shi's strategic theories and books, such as Warring States Policy, Ce Bie, Ce Duan and Zhi Lin, all absorbed the beneficial experience of studying Warring States Policy. It can be said that Chunqiu directly inspired the writers of classical Chinese novels in later generations, while Mu Zhuan and Yi Zhou Shu can be regarded as the origins of rap literature in later generations.

Baidu Encyclopedia _ Historical Prose Baidu Encyclopedia _ Prose of Various Scholars.

Second, the noun explanation Pre-Qin narrative prose from the Shang Dynasty to the Warring States period, China's prose slowly developed from germination to maturity.

The culture of ancient historians in China is very developed, and narrative prose describing historical events first appeared in the history of prose. The earliest source of China's prose can be traced back to Oracle Bone Inscriptions.

People in the Yin Dynasty used tortoise shells and animal bones for divination, and then engraved the date of divination, the diviner and the things divined, and some even included the fulfillment of good or bad luck in the future. This is Oracle Bone Inscriptions. Oracle bone inscriptions were discovered in Anyang, Henan Province in the late Qing Dynasty. It is a relic of the migration from Pan Geng to the demise of the Yin Dynasty, with a history of more than 3,000 years.

Oracle Bone Inscriptions is rich in content and simple in narration, which can be regarded as the bud of narrative prose in the pre-Qin period. In the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, some inscriptions often appeared on bronzes.

Most of these inscriptions were written by nobles such as kings, princes and courtiers. They are long and short, but they also describe social life. Inscriptions in Shang Dynasty are generally simple and have a fixed form.

In the Zhou Dynasty, the number of words in Ming culture increased and the content became more complicated. There are not only words to remember things, but also words to remember words similar to Shangshu.

The narrative of many inscriptions has reached a certain scale. Thus, the bronze inscriptions in Shang and Zhou Dynasties actually reflected the development process of China's early notes and characters from simple to complex.

Shangshu is similar to Oracle Bone Inscriptions and Jinwen in time span. Shangshu is a compilation of historical materials recorded in Shang and Zhou Dynasties, including Yu Shu, Shangshu and Zhou Shu.

Among them, Yu Shu Yaodian records the legends of Yao, Shun, Yu and others, which is a memorial for future generations, not a record of people at that time. However, Shangshu Pan Geng is a reliable work in Yin Dynasty and the ancestor of Chinese words.

"Zhou Shu" is mainly written in letters and oaths, among which the remarks about Duke Zhou are the most recorded. The words in Shangshu are simple and elegant, and their language skills surpass those of Oracle Bone Inscriptions and Jinwen. Moreover, these works are all single articles with complete structure, which directly influenced the maturity of historical narrative prose in the pre-Qin period.

Spring and Autumn Annals was originally a general term for the history of the Zhou Dynasty and various vassal states, and later it specifically referred to the Chronicle of Lu State revised by Confucius. It recorded the history of fourteen years from Lu Yinnian to Lu Aigong, and it can be said that it gave a concise description of the historical events in this period.

The book Chunqiu arranges historical events in chronological order, and the bookkeeping method is "taking events as the day, days as the month, months as the time, and years as the time", which has a clear concept of time and conscious bookkeeping consciousness. But the notes are very short, only more than forty words, only one word short.

Therefore, although simple and orderly, it is not a real narrative prose. Ideologically, it is the main tendency of Spring and Autumn Annals to maintain the rites of the week, oppose trespassing and breach of rites, and condemn heresy and atrocities.

Moreover, these ideological tendencies are not expressed in the form of argumentative essays in writing, but in a brief description of historical events. "Spring and Autumn Annals" also contains a word of praise and a word of disparagement, and expresses the author's love and hate with meticulous wording.

This practice was widely inherited by later historical biography literature. Zuo Zhuan is the abbreviation of Zuo Zhuan in the Spring and Autumn Period, also known as Zuo Chunqiu.

According to legend, Zuo Zhuan was written to narrate the Spring and Autumn Annals by Zuo Qiuming, a historian of Lu, but later generations doubted it. It is generally believed that this book was written in the early Warring States period, and the last editor must be a Confucian scholar.

Zuo Zhuan, like Chunqiu, not only lists historical events objectively, but also expresses the knowledge and understanding of historical events, sums up historical experiences and lessons from the standpoint of Confucianism, evaluates historical events and historical figures morally and ethically, and provides historical reference for people. Zuo Zhuan also adheres to the rites of the Zhou Dynasty, and respects the ceremony and the sun, and uses this as a norm to judge the characters.

At the same time, the author also saw the trend of social change at that time, which reflected the idea of attaching importance to the people and putting people first, from which we can see the progressive historical view of Zuo Zhuan. On the basis of Spring and Autumn Annals, Zuo Zhuan added a lot of historical facts and legends, narrated colorful historical events and described various historical figures.

It can be said that the short notes in Spring and Autumn Annals have developed into complete narrative prose. At the same time, Zuozhuan also developed the brushwork of Chunqiu, which mainly reflected its moral evaluation through vivid narration of the event process and description of the characters' words and deeds.

And created a new form, that is, directly introducing arguments in the narrative or after the narrative to conduct moral and ethical evaluation of events or characters. This form undoubtedly shows the author's position and feelings more clearly and enhances the narrative sense.

Therefore, Zuo Zhuan is called "the most narrative" in pre-Qin prose, which marks the maturity of China's narrative prose. Guoyu is a national history with 2 1 volume, which records the history of Zhou, Lu, Qi, Jin, Zheng, Chu, Wu and Yue respectively, and is a compilation of historical materials from various countries.

His book was written in the early years of the Warring States Period. The proportion of "language" in the book is different in different countries, and the deeds recorded in different countries also have their own emphasis. Guoyu mainly embodies the Confucian concept of respecting ceremony and valuing people, and the thought of respecting heaven and protecting people since the Western Zhou Dynasty has also been inherited in the book.

Although Guoyu still attaches great importance to the destiny, it has paid equal attention to the relationship between God and people, from the worship of destiny to the attention to personnel. This is actually an ideological progress.

Mandarin is mainly about memorizing words, most of which are courtship, feasting, satire, argument and response. His writing is meticulous in image thinking and logical thinking, but it is colloquial and vivid.

Although Guoyu focuses on memorizing words, it is not a simple argumentative or quoted record, but a series of stories, large and small, interspersed among them, which also shows the characteristics of narrative skills and plot conception, and sometimes can write vivid characters. However, as far as literary achievements are concerned, compared with Zuo Zhuan, Guoyu is still slightly inferior.

The Warring States Policy, Spring and Autumn Annals, Zuo Zhuan and Guoyu mainly reflect the differences of Confucianism, highlight the thoughts of strategists and reflect their outlook on life. The Warring States Policy * * * 33 volumes, miscellaneous notes on Eastern Zhou, Western Zhou, Qin, Qi, Chu,.

3. Explain the following terms (ancient literature) 1, prose of pre-Qin philosophers 2, prose style 3, prose of Tang Dynasty 1, and prose of pre-Qin philosophers: representative works of various schools from pre-Qin to early Han Dynasty, and each school is divided into ten schools: Confucianism, Taoism, Yin and Yang, Legalism, Ming, Mohism, Literature, Miscellaneous, Agriculture and Fiction. Pre-Qin philosophers 4324 "2. Three-body Dafu: It is the representative of Ci and Fu in Han Dynasty. It inherited Qu Yuan, Song Yu, the "ode to elegance" in The Book of Songs and the vertical and horizontal lobbying style in the Warring States Period. Most of its content is that the rulers praise the saints, their ideological tendency is vague, and their artistic form is too simple and rigid. Three-body Dafu is generally in the form of a question and answer between the subject and the object, with huge works and piled words. Describe things. 3. Ancient prose movement in Tang Dynasty: a literary innovation movement initiated by Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan in the middle Tang Dynasty. Its main content is to revive Confucianism. Its form is to oppose parallel prose, advocate ancient prose and advocate the unity of literature and Taoism. Its essence is a literary innovation movement with changes in style, style and literary language. 4. Eight masters in Tang and Song Dynasties: the collective name of the eight masters in Tang and Song Dynasties. Namely Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan in Tang Dynasty and Su Shi, Su Xun and Su Zhe in Song Dynasty (Su Xun is Su Shi's father and Su Zhe's brother. Su Shi, Su Xun and Su Zhe are called), Ouyang Xiu, Wang Anshi and Ceng Gong (who once worshipped Ouyang Xiu as a teacher).

Fourth, a brief explanation of nouns in pre-Qin literature "pre-Qin literature"

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What is "pre-Qin literature"? How to explain or define?

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The literature from ancient China to Qin Shihuang's unification of China (22 BC1year) is called pre-Qin literature.

Pre-Qin literature is the first stage of the development of ancient literature. During this period, poetry and prose were the main literary forms, forming realistic and romantic creative methods. It is a rich and solid foundation for the development of China literature, and it is also a glorious and good beginning for the development of China literature.

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In the more than 200 years after the Book of Songs, the creation of folk songs has never stopped, but because of social unrest, no one has collected it. In high society, poetry has basically replaced poetry. The Book of Songs has become a textbook of politics, ethics and life, and it has been widely spread and applied, which has triggered the evaluation and research of the Book of Songs. The poetics of Confucius, Mencius and Xunzi actually began to study the nature, purpose and social function of literature, which can be said to be the beginning of China's ancient literary criticism.

The appearance of Qu Yuan, the first great poet in China, broke the long-standing lonely poetry circle. He is the product of ethnic conflicts, Qin Chu's hegemony, the trend of political reform and the decadent Chu aristocratic group. As a promising young politician, he appeared in the court of Chu State in Chu Huaiwang's time, but later he was forced to believe in flattery and jealousy, shattered his ideal of "American politics" and was alienated and exiled. Naive and easy to repair, the strong will to die without regret supported him to write a poem that can win glory with the sun and the moon in adversity.

Chu has long had a poem different from the Central Plains-Chu Song, or Nanyin. Qu Yuan has been immersed in Chu culture for a long time and influenced by the Book of Songs and Qilu culture. Based on the language, music and dance of Chu people, he absorbed the cultural essence between Jianghan and Huai Si, and completed the transformation from four-character poetry to Sao style. With amazing talent and creativity, he wrote the first lyric poem Li Sao and the group poem Nine Songs full of lofty ideals and politics in the history of literature, which greatly improved the expressive force of poetry and created a romantic new poetry school that embodied the realistic spirit of The Book of Songs. After Qu Yuan, there were Song Yu, Le Tang, Jing Ke and others in Chu State, who all studied Qu Yuan's leisure poems. They are famous for their poems (Historical Records, Biographies of Qu Yuan and Jia Sheng), and have turned lyric poems with music into a literary genre-Fu, which is divorced from music and "recited without songs". Although they "never dared to give advice directly" and were not as good as Qu Yuan in thought and courage, judging from Song Yu's existing works, they were good at laying out and describing and played a very good role in the development of literature, so later generations often called them "Qu Song".

The position of pre-Qin literature in the history of China literature Pre-Qin literature is not only the beginning of China literature, but also the cornerstone of China literature. The Book of Songs and Songs of the South are recognized as the source of the writing methods and artistic styles of realism and romanticism in ancient poetry, while the tradition of "* * *" has far-reaching influence and covers generations.

As far as prose is concerned. The works of this period are rich in ideas, unique and systematic. Especially Confucianism and Taoism, almost all writers of later generations were influenced by it. Although the authors in the period of great social changes in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period have different views, they have two things in common: First, they dare to face up to the social reality at that time and take running the world as the starting point. As "Biography of Taishigong in Historical Records" said: "The husband is yin and yang, Confucianism and Mohism, fame, dharma and virtue. This matter is also the ruler, and the way to do things differently from words is to keep its ears. " Second, they attach great importance to the "people", or say that the country is fundamental, or that God is the Lord, and even put forward the view that the people are more valuable than the monarch. Many philosophers lobby up and down with an attitude of * * *. These two spirits have become the fine tradition of China literature, and many outstanding writers in later generations have always paid attention to the national movement and people's livelihood, which are closely related to people's destiny.

The works of this period have various forms and styles. Poetry is coquettish, and literature is historical. The cautionary strategy of The Analects of Confucius, the preciseness of Mozi, the boldness of Mencius, the recklessness of Zhuangzi, the simplicity of Xunzi, the sharpness of Han Feizi, the vagueness of Chunqiu, the richness of Zuozhuan and the exaggeration of Warring States Policy can all be used for reference by future generations. Most of the styles of later generations are also considered to have originated from the pre-Qin period. As Liu Xie said: "Therefore, in the order of rhetoric, the Book of Changes takes precedence; When the policy chapter is played, the book originated; Praise, then "poetry" stands on its own feet; Ming, then "Li" will end; Ji, the Spring and Autumn Annals is the root: poor and high, with trees as the face, far away from Xinjiang. Therefore, a hundred schools of thought contend and eventually enter the ring. " ("Wen Xin Diao Long Jing Zong")

In the late period of pre-Qin culture, there was a trend from opposition to integration. From Miracle's scholar to Lv Qin's fearless scholar, thousands of scholars gathered together to learn from each other. After the Qin Dynasty unified China in 22 1 BC, the great social changes basically came to an end, a hundred schools of thought contended, and the literary journey entered a new historical stage.

Verb (abbreviation of verb) What is the most famous historical prose in the pre-Qin period? Hundreds of schools are the general name of various schools from pre-Qin to early Han Dynasty. Philosophers refer to the representatives of various schools and their masterpieces; Hundreds of schools refer to various schools.

According to Liu Xin's seven views, the author of Han Shu Literature and Art Records divides Confucian classics into six views. In "Views on Various Scholars", he divided the schools from pre-Qin to early Han into ten schools, including Confucianism, Taoism, Yin and Yang, Legalism, Ming, Mohism, Zongheng, Za, Agriculture and Novels. At the same time, he also recorded various works, "philosopher 189 people, 4324 articles."

One of the pre-Qin 10 novelists, collecting folk stories to examine people's feelings and customs. "Han Shu Yi Wen Zhi" said: "Novelists are all officials.

Talk in the street and listen to what the speaker has done. Comprehensive school at the end of the warring States period.

It is named after "Confucianism and Mohism, the method of combining names" and "hundred schools of thought's way is consistent" (Han Shu Literature and Art Annals and Yan's Notes). Lu Chunqiu, compiled by the gathering guests in Qin Dynasty, is a typical miscellaneous book.

Nongjiale is one of the important schools in the Warring States Period. It is named after attaching importance to agricultural production.

This was sent by an official in charge of agricultural production in ancient times. They believe that agriculture is the basis of food and clothing, and should be put in the first place in all work.

On Mencius Teng Wengong, Xu Xing was recorded as a man, "for the words of Shennong", and it was put forward that sages should "plow with the people and eat, and eat for the people", which showed the social and political ideals of farmers. This evening also pays attention to recording and summarizing agricultural production technology and experience.

The chapters in Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals, such as Shang Nong, Man and Land, Border Land and Current Affairs, are considered to be important materials for studying farmers in the pre-Qin period. China, a strategist, used the strategy of vertical and horizontal cooperation to lobby governors and engage in political and diplomatic activities during the Warring States Period.

Be listed as one of the schools of thought. The main representatives are Su Qin and Yi Cheung.

During the Warring States period, the north and south were vertical and the east and west were horizontal. Su Qin advocated that Yan, Zhao, Han, Wei, Qi and Chu should unite to repel Qin, while Zhang Yi tried to break the alliance. The six countries of Lian Heng were under the control of Qin respectively, hence the name. Their activities had an important influence on the changes of political and military structure during the Warring States period.

There are a lot of records about its activities in the Warring States Policy. According to the Records of Hanshu Yiwenzhi, strategists wrote Sixteen Books and Seventeen Articles.

Celebrities are one of the important schools in the Warring States period, and they are called celebrities by later generations because they are engaged in the main academic activities of arguing names (names, concepts) and facts (facts). At that time, people called them "debaters", "judges" or "famous criminals".

Representative figures are Hui Shi and GongSunLong. Yin-Yang School Yin-Yang School is one of the important schools in the Warring States Period, which was named after advocating the theory of Yin-Yang and Five Elements and explaining social personnel.

This school originated from the ruling class in charge of astronomical calendars in ancient times, and its representative was Zou Yan, a Qi man in the Warring States Period. Yin-yang theory holds that Yin-yang is the opposing and transforming force of things themselves, which can be used to explain the law of development and change of things.

The five elements theory holds that everything is composed of five elements: wood, fire, earth, gold and water, and there are two laws that can be used to explain the origin and change of everything in the universe. Zou Yan combined the two, interpreted the attributes of the five elements as "five virtues" according to the theory that the five elements are mutually dependent and mutually resistant, and established the theory that "five virtues begin and end", which was the law of the rise and fall of dynasties in the past, and provided a theoretical basis for establishing a new unified dynasty.

Twenty-one kinds of works of this school are recorded in Hanshu Yiwenzhi, all of which have been lost. The Book of Rites and the Moon Order, written at the end of the Warring States Period, is said to be a work of Yin and Yang.

Some articles in Guanzi also belong to Yin and Yang works, and some Yin and Yang materials are also preserved in Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals, Yingtong, Huainan Custom Instructions and Qin Shihuang's Biography. Legalist school is one of the important schools in the Warring States period. It is called a legalist because it advocates the rule of law, "don't be intimate, don't be extremely noble, and be divorced from the law."

In the Spring and Autumn Period, Guan Zhong and Zi Chan were the pioneers of legalist thought. In the early Warring States period, Li Kui, Shang Yang, Shen Buhai and Shen Dao founded the Legalist School.

By the end of the Warring States period, Han Fei had integrated Shang Yang's "Fa", Shen Dao's "Teacher" and Shen Wu's "Shu" and combined the thoughts and theories of Legalists. Economically, this school advocates abandoning mineral fields, emphasizing agriculture and restraining commerce, and rewarding farming; Politically, it advocates abolishing the enfeoffment system, setting up counties, autocratic monarchy, taking advantage of the situation and ruling by severe punishment and strict law; In ideological education, we should ban the theory of a hundred schools of thought, take law as teaching and officials as teachers.

His theory provides a theoretical basis and action strategy for the establishment of a unified monarchy. There are 2 17 legalist works recorded in Hanshu, and nearly half of them exist, among which Shang Jun and Han Feizi are the most important.

Mohism is one of the important schools in the Warring States Period, and its founder is Mo Zhai. The theoretical basis of this school is "mutual love and mutual benefit": treat others as yourself; Love is to love others as yourself.

The purpose of "mutual benefit" can only be achieved by "blind date in the world" Politically, he advocated respecting sages and Shang Tong without attacking; Economically, it advocates vigorously saving costs; Put forward the idea of respecting heaven and ghosts.

At the same time, it also puts forward the idea of "non-life" and emphasizes self-reliance. Mohism has a strict organization, and most of its members come from the lower classes. According to legend, everyone can get rid of fire and knife to motivate themselves.

His disciples are having a debate, which is called "Mo Debate". Those who engage in martial arts are called "Moxia"; The leader called it a "giant". Its discipline is strict, it is said that "Mohist law, the murderer dies, and the injured person is punished" ("Lv Chunqiu").

After Mo Zhai's death, he split into three factions. By the late Warring States period, it merged into two branches: one focused on the study of epistemology, logic, mathematics, optics, mechanics and other disciplines, which was called "Mohist post-study" (also known as "late Mohist"), and the other was transformed into a ranger in the Qin and Han Dynasties.

Taoism is one of the important schools in the Warring States period, also known as "Taoists". Based on Laozi's "Tao" theory at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, this school uses "Tao" to explain the essence, origin, composition and change of all things in the universe.

It is believed that heaven does nothing and everything is transformed naturally. It denies that gods and ghosts dominate everything, advocates that Taoism is natural, let nature take its course, and advocates that quietism and women should be soft. The political ideal is "a small country with few people" and "governing by doing nothing".

After Laozi, Taoism was divided into different factions. There are four famous schools: Zhuangzi School, Yang Zhu School, Song Yin School and Huang Lao School. Confucianism is one of the important schools in the Warring States period. It took Confucius as its teacher in the Spring and Autumn Period.

6. Seeking the explanation of the terms of pre-Qin literature ~ \ (≧▽≦)/~ Pre-Qin literature: "Pre-Qin" refers to the historical period before Qin Shihuang unified the six countries in 22/Kloc-0 BC. The pre-Qin literature is the earliest stage of the development of ancient literature in China, which includes the literature of various historical periods in the pre-Qin period. At this stage, many excellent works were produced, some of which became China ancient literature. There are The Book of Songs, which marks the glorious starting point of China literature, historical prose as the source of later historical biographical literature, hundred schools of thought's essays reflecting the contention of a hundred schools of thought during the Warring States period, fables in the pre-Qin period, and the romantic masterpiece Chu Ci, which lasts forever, and so on. It is colorful and many-hued, which has laid a solid foundation for the development of China literature for two thousand years. Pre-Qin literature is mainly composed of ancient ballads.

Seven, whether the pre-Qin historical prose belongs to the category of literary works or historical works: the prose in the pre-Qin era mainly includes two categories: historical biography and philosophers.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, China's ancient prose flourished and many excellent prose works appeared, which is the pre-Qin prose in the history of literature. There are two kinds of pre-Qin prose, historical prose and various schools of thought prose.

The former includes Zuo Zhuan, Mandarin, Warring States Policy and other historical works. The latter are the articles of Confucianism, Mohism, Taoism and Legalism, among which The Analects of Confucius, Mozi and Mencius are the words and deeds of Kong Qiu, Mo Zhai and Mencius, while Zhuangzi, Xunzi and Everything is done wrong are my own works. Form: country, chronology and biography.

Country style: through the independent arrangement and description of historical events in various countries, the narrative of a historical process is completed. National sports history books include Mandarin and Warring States Policy.

"Mandarin" is mainly to recite words and take notes; The Warring States policy is mainly based on notes. Chronological style: that is, taking time as the classics and events as the latitude to describe historical facts.

Its advantages are clear clues, clear background and good systematicness; The disadvantage is that it is not convenient to describe the characters deeply and widely. Spring and Autumn Annals, Zuo Zhuan and Zi Tongzhi Jian are all chronicles.

Biography: People-centered writing of history was originally created by Sima Qian. Twenty-four histories edited by ancient officials all adopted biographical style.