Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Interesting games related to rabbits?

Interesting games related to rabbits?

In the park and in the wild, there are such a group of people who call themselves "hounds" and chase "rabbits" together. They shouted the password in English while running, completely ignoring the surprised eyes of others. After the game, those who violate the rules will be fined. This is a hash. If you don't know what HASH is, you should read the following article. How can you miss learning about such a novel leisure way after catching up with fashion?

What is a hash?

HASH is called hash house harriers, which translates into Chinese as hounds chasing rabbits. When a person hits a rabbit, the rabbit must design the route in advance and leave various marks with chalk or flour in parks and fields to set the finish line. A group of hounds are trying to find the finish line according to these marks. Don't think that just follow the mark, the cunning rabbit won't let you find the finish line so easily. Sometimes at a fork in the road, there are several arrows to guide the direction, and the hounds have to look for the right route separately. If someone finds a sign indicating the wrong road, they should inform their associates, especially if they find the right road! Hash embodies the spirit of teamwork. The hounds want Qi Xin to find the rabbit's nest together. But don't think it's OK to reach the finish line. Another important part of the game has not yet begun. Those who break the rules in the competition should be punished. What kind of punishment should they receive? A glass of beer!

You will laugh with relief: this is just a glass of beer. What's the big deal? In fact, wine is the essence of Hash's nonsense spirit. What's it like to sit on the ice and drink? What if the glass is replaced by a urinal, spittoon and toilet plunger? We can guarantee that the container is absolutely clean, but when you face the yellow liquid in this shape container, can you still let yourself drink it without association?

This is a hash. Most people who play HASH are white-collar workers with stable income, aged between 25 and 40, and have a positive and optimistic life philosophy. In order to relieve the pressure in life, or to break the fixed life, we have entered a hash. In the game, everyone puts down their shelves and looks for long-lost innocence in running. HASH is not just a game, it gives people a reason to exercise, and finding road signs makes exercise an interesting thing.

Introduction to hash rules

Role: rabbit, judge, hunting dog, hunting dog captain

Division of roles

Rabbits: There are usually 1~2 rabbits in the game. They are responsible for setting the route and leaving marks along the way. Some of these signs are true and some are confusing. In the game, the arrow indicates the right way, the fork indicates the wrong way, and the two circles are the end points.

Hunting dogs: The number of hunting dogs is the largest in the hash, ranging from 10 to more than 30. Hunting dogs should follow the trail of rabbits all the way, and the game time is usually 2 hours. Finding the right route to the finish line within this time is success.

Referee: There is only one referee in the competition, who is responsible for monitoring the violations of hounds and rabbits and punishing them in the final penalty.

Rabbits play different ways of life and death.

Hash games can be divided into dead rabbits and live rabbits. Dead rabbits are marked by rabbits first. The hounds will succeed if they find the finish line within two hours, and the failed rabbits will be punished.

The rule of live rabbit play is that the rabbit starts running 10 minutes in advance, leaving marks along the way, and can't be chased by hounds in the middle, otherwise the rabbit will fail and be punished, and the hounds will also be punished if they can't reach the rabbit's nest within two hours. The stipulated time of the competition will generally be adjusted according to the length of the route.

Sitting on the ice drinking.

Iced drinks are HASH's last prank. After the hounds reach the finish line, the judge will announce everyone's charges, such as taking a shortcut and ignoring their accomplices. The charges of spoofing, such as: you are too handsome or too beautiful, answering the phone in the game, eating in the game and so on. , are just the so-called. People accused of crimes should sit on the ice and drink beer. Drinking containers are very different, such as urinals and toilet plungers. Although the container is clean, if you can't resist your rich imagination and can't finish it within the specified time, the rest of the wine will fall on you.