Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Xiang Xue Yi Shu studies.

Xiang Xue Yi Shu studies.

One image: a symbol of yes. According to the relationship between heaven and earth, it is composed of-Yi Yin and-Yangyi, that is, Gan Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen and Dui Bagua, symbolizing heaven, earth, thunder, wind, water, fire, mountains and Ze. Later, more and more things were observed, and the relationship between hexagrams and hexagrams also needed to be discussed, so there were two hexagrams, that is, sixty-four hexagrams.

The image and mathematical meaning of Jiugong Bagua are the sky and the sun, which shows the function, consciousness and vigorous nature of the sky, and also represents ice, hail and graupel.

As the monarch, chairman and president of the country; Being a leader or principal leader in a unit; Be a father, an adult, an old man and an elder at home; Be a celebrity, servant and eunuch in society; Male, older.

In this place, Kyoto is a big city, a place of victory and a high place.

In azimuth, it is northwest, south (innate gossip azimuth), Shanghai, and high.

It snows for 45 days in autumn, September and October of the lunar calendar, the year of the Millennium, months, days and hours, and winter solstice.

The numbers are one (innate gossip number), six (acquired gossip number), four and nine (five elements of golden number).

These animals are horses, elephants, swans and lions.

In still life, there are jade articles, jewels, round objects, wood fruits, rigid objects, crowns and mirrors.

In the human body, it is the head, right leg (ninth house), lungs, bones and male genitals.

The colors are white, red and dark black.

Among the five flavors, spicy is the main one. Kun is earth, showing its functional, subconscious and submissive nature. In weather, it is also clouds, fog and frost.

At home, the queen and the first lady; Facing employees and the masses in the unit; Be a mother, grandmother, old mother, stepmother and old woman in the family; In society, for everyone, for fellow villagers, for villains, for big bellies, for cowards and stingy people; Sexually female; At the age of older women, older women.

In the field, for the earth, for the country, for the flat land.

In the southwest of azimuth, in the north (innate gossip azimuth), below, at the bottom.

When the time is June and July of the lunar calendar, when the date of the month is not, Chen, Xu and Chou He Wu are the dates of the year, month, day and hour, and it takes 45 days from autumn to the Millennium.

There are two numbers (the number of gossip the day after tomorrow), eight (the number of innate gossip), five and ten (the number of five elements).

Animals include cows, mares, cats and all kinds of animals.

Still life includes cement, bricks and tiles, grains, cloth, silk, square objects, soft objects, things in the soil, beef, food, carts and cans.

In the human body, there are abdomen, right shoulder (ninth house), spleen, stomach, muscle and female genitalia.

The colors are yellow and black.

Five flavors are sweet. Earthquakes are thunder, indicating the nature and state of vibration and rise. In the sky, there are thunderstorms, thunder, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

At home and at work, they are second in command; As the eldest son of the family; In society, they are drivers, athletes, policemen, judges, soldiers, pilots, train attendants, social activists, dancers, football lovers, lunatics and warriors.

These places are factories, radio stations, musical instrument shops, playgrounds, airports, launch sites, stations, dance halls, karaoke bars, downtown areas, battlefields, forests and lush vegetation.

East, northeast (innate gossip).

The time is February of the lunar spring, and the vernal equinox reaches 45 days in Grain Rain, on the year, month, day and hour.

The numbers are four (innate gossip number), three (acquired gossip number), three and eight (five lines of wood number).

These animals are dragons, snakes, singing horses, singing birds, insects and carp.

Still life includes wood, bamboo, reeds, musical instruments, vegetables, flowers, trees, telephones, airplanes, cars, rockets, firecrackers, alarm clocks and flowers. Hoof, meat, game.

In the human body, it is the feet, liver and gallbladder, left flank and abdomen.

Now the colors are cyan, green and blue.

Five flavors of acid. Xun is the wind, which means free movement and transparency. The astronomical phenomena represent wind, typhoon, hurricane, tornado and so on.

As the eldest daughter and eldest daughter in the family; In society, they are scientific and technical personnel, teachers, monks and nuns, immortals, qigong masters, practitioners, businessmen, salespeople, timber operators, craftsmen, skilled craftsmen, people with wide foreheads, people with long and straight hair, indecisive people and freelancers.

These places are post offices, pipelines, lines, narrow roads, corridors, temples, grasslands, reeds, elevators and conveyor belts.

Southeast, southwest (innate gossip direction).

At the turn of spring and summer, in March and April of the lunar calendar, in the morning of the fourth year, summer sowing grew for 45 days.

The numbers are five (innate gossip number), four (Jiugong number), three and eight (five lines of wood number).

In the human body, it is the thigh, humerus, gallbladder, trachea, nerve, left shoulder (ninth house) and the vitality of practice.

These animals are chicken, duck, goose, butterfly, dragonfly, snake, earthworm, hairtail, eel, eel and zebra.

Still life includes trees, wood, wood products, fiber products, silk threads, ropes, hemp, fans, dryers, airplanes, balloons, hovercraft, sailboats, mosquito-repellent incense, banksia roses, orchids, herbs, feathers, branches and leaves, belts, kelp and objects with mouths below.

Now the colors are green and blue.

Five flavors of acid. The ridge is water and the moon, indicating a difficult and dangerous state. In the sky, it is rain, thunder, dew and frost.

In the family, it is a middle-aged man, a middle-aged man; In society, they are Jianghu people, boatmen, thieves, mathematicians, doctors, lawyers, fugitives, triads, fraudsters, laborers, drunkards, prostitutes and water company personnel.

These places are rivers, lakes, seas, ditches, canals, wells, springs, sewers, depressions, hotels, cold drinks shops, bathrooms, bathhouses, aquariums, basements, darkrooms, water supply companies, fish ponds, restaurants and brothels.

In human body, it is kidney, bladder, urinary system, reproductive system, blood, endocrine system, ear and anus.

Among animals, pigs, rats, foxes, waterfowl, fish, aquatic animals, horses with beautiful ridges, hardworking horses and vertebrates.

Still life includes oil, wine, vinegar, soy sauce, beverages, petroleum, medicines, waterwheels, wheels, instruments of torture, tribulus terrestris, thorns, fruits with stones, refrigeration equipment, duckweed and submarines.

The azimuth is north and west (innate gossip azimuth).

The time is November, year, month, day and hour of the lunar calendar, and the winter solstice is 45 days.

The current figures are one (nine palaces) and six (five elements of water, one and six waters).

The color is black or white (the colors of the stars flying in the sky are one white, two black, three blue, four green, Huang Wu, six white, seven red, eight white and nine purple).

Five flavors are salty. Fire and sky respectively indicate the essence and state of light and beauty. The sky is clear, hot, hot, scorching sun, drought, rainbow and glowing.

Middle-aged and middle-aged women in families; Serving as a middle-level cadre in the unit; The people in the middle class are beauties, beauticians, literati, writers, artists, actors, famous stars, revolutionaries, soldiers, painters, editors, scouts and discipline inspectors.

Places include Chaoyang places, historical sites, holy places, churches, gorgeous streets, cinemas, TV stations, painting academies, art galleries, printing houses, advertising towers, power stations, smelters and radiation rooms.

Bearing is due south and due east (bearing of innate gossip).

The time is summer, May of the lunar calendar, noon, June, Sunday and hours, and the summer solstice is 45 days.

The numbers are three (innate gossip number), nine (Jiugong number), two and seven (five elements of fire number).

In the human body, it is the eyes, head, heart and small intestine.

Among animals, there are pheasants, peacocks, phoenixes, cranes, shrimps, crabs, snails and shellfish, turtles, chameleons and fireflies.

Still life includes words, paintings, works of art, newspapers, publications, books, magazines, contracts, documents, contracts, letters, cameras, video cameras, video recorders, televisions, copiers, lighting appliances, advertisements, awards, telegrams, cartoons, cosmetics, stoves, lighters, matches, barbecue items, welding torches and neon lights.

Colors are red, red, suit and purple (nine purple).

Five tastes bitter. Roots are mountains and soil, indicating a state of rest and stability. The sky is a cloud, a fog and a haze.

In the families of boys and teenagers; In society, they are teenagers and children, civil servants, religious personnel, bureaucrats, nobles, heirs, guards, gatekeepers, miners, warders, masons and savings office personnel.

Sites are mountains, hills, high platforms, dams, lounges, cemeteries, temples, houses, prisons, public security organs, police stations, buildings, city walls, warehouses, ancestral temples, mines, quarries, banks and storerooms.

Orientation: northeast and northwest (innate gossip orientation).

At the turn of winter and spring, December, the first lunar month, ugly, lunar year, month, day and hour, beginning of spring was shocked for forty-five days.

The numbers are seven (innate gossip number), eight (Jiugong number), five and ten (five elements of earth number).

In the human body are nose, back, fingers, joints, left leg (ninth house), toes, breast, spleen, stomach and colon.

Among animals, dogs, tigers, rats, wolves, bears, cows and other animals with teeth and horns, as well as insects, reptiles, livestock and other animals with tails.

Still life includes rocks, hillsides, mounds, graves, walls, doorways, steps, door panels, stone tablets, heatable adobe sleeping platform, counters, tables and beds.

The color is yellow, brown, brown or white (eight white).

Five flavors are sweet. Change the jersey, change the rain, express joy and words. The sky is humid, with low air pressure, dew and rain. For girls in the family, little girls; In society, they are all jobs related to the mouth, such as lecturers, professors, speakers, translators, wizards, fortune tellers, matchmakers, messengers, singers, musicians, crosstalk performers, artists, prostitutes, dentists, surgeons and so on.

These sites are swamps, canyons, depressions, lakes, ponds, skating rinks, amusement parks, conference rooms, concert halls, teahouses, restaurants, ruins, old houses, mountain passes, caves and wells.

The direction of the west, southeast (innate gossip).

The time is August of the lunar calendar, year, month, day and hour, and the autumnal equinox to the first frost lasts for 45 days.

The numbers are two (innate gossip number), seven (nine palaces number), four and nine (five elements of gold number).

In the human body, it is the mouth, tongue, teeth, throat, lungs, right abdomen (ninth house), anus and so on.

Animals include sheep, leopards, jackals, apes, waterfowl, rabbits, swamp animals, chickens and ducks.

Still life is pomegranate, walnut, tableware, utensils with mouths, swords, scissors, toys, damaged items, trash cans and so on.

The color is white or red (seven red).

The five flavors are spicy and spicy.

In short, in Daoism, the Eight Diagrams of Nine Palaces cover everything in heaven, earth, people, time and space.