Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Adversity and bad karma are also good knowledge to help us become Taoist priests.

Adversity and bad karma are also good knowledge to help us become Taoist priests.

One day, King Sudoku went to the Buddhist temple and saw 1000 and other emaciated Samanas in Ye Jia. He thought, "Although these monks are diligent, they have no solemn appearance. I want to persuade those imperial clan children who like pure practitioners to become monks with the Buddha. In order to select good-looking people from the royal family to become monks with the Buddha, the king ordered all the royal princes to go to the temple for a meeting tomorrow.

The next day, all the royal families were ordered to come to the palace. The king told his relatives: "When the prince was born, the Asita fairy saw his lover and predicted that if the prince didn't become a monk, he would become the wheel saint king and dominate the world." Now, since we are heavenly teachers, we should have well-dressed attendants around us. I want to invite the kindhearted and good-looking children of the clan to become monks and practice and respect the Buddha with dignity. "The audience all said" good "happily. After they left, they immediately made serious preparations to become monks and set out seven days later.

At that time, King Fan Hu's son Tioda said to his colleagues, "We are children of the royal family. Now we have given up worldly splendor and want to become a monk. We should put on the most beautiful clothes and jewels in the world and sit in an elephant carriage worth thousands of dollars. 」

On the day of departure, the princes were very solemn, and the road was crowded with people watching the farewell. At this time, the arranged scarf suddenly fell to the ground, and the elephant riding beside Qu He Li (also known as Li) suddenly fell to the sky and cried. As soon as the astrologer saw it, he divined, "People here are unlucky, and the rest should be enlightened. 」

These royal children went to the Buddhist temple to seek to become shamans. Although they are strong by nature, they are also willing to follow the teachings of the Buddha. Among them, Tiaoda, also known as devadatta and Dipodadou, means "hot weather". Because of its birth, people's hearts suddenly felt shocked and hot, so it was named. According to Zeng Yi Agama, when devadatta prayed to become a monk, he said, "Lord, please allow me to follow the Buddha. The Buddha advised, "You should be a dharma protector at home and give alms, because it is not easy for you to become a monk." So remind Brahma again and again that now is not the right time to become a monk. When Indra heard this, he had evil thoughts in his heart: "This Saman is jealous. Today you can shave your head and specialize in Sanskrit. Why do I need the permission of the Saman? " 」

After that, although devadatta became a monk, he committed a five-inverse felony. He came to Tathagata Jingju with evil thoughts, and his feet touched the ground. A raging fire broke out on the ground, and a gust of wind blew, and the flame instantly surrounded Divadata. Devadatta, who was burned by fire, regretted it and wanted to say that "there is no Buddha in the south". However, he only read "There is no Buddha in the South" and immediately fell into hell.

Ananda asked the Buddha with tears, "How long will the gods suffer in hell?" Sakyamuni Buddha replied: "He will be robbed in hell, rewarded four days after his death, and then reincarnated in his own heaven, and he will not fall into three evil ways after sixty robberies." Finally, he was named "Nanwu" because he said "Nanwu" on his deathbed. 」

At this time, the Venerable Master said, "I want to go to Abbey Hell to comfort devadatta and let him know what the Buddha gave him. 」

The Buddha said, "The sinners in A Bi can't understand people's voices. 」

The venerable master said, "I have sixty-four sounds, so I want to talk to him with these sounds." So, the venerable man stretched out his arms and instantly reached Abai's hell, shouting in the air: "God! 」

The jailer asked, "There are also devadatta who was supervised by Sun Buddha and Gaya Buddha. Which god are you looking for? 」

The venerable Master Mu Yulian said, "I am looking for the son of Uncle Sakyamuni, a layman. 」

In order to make Diwadata feel better, the jailer burned his body with fire and said to him, "Look up at the sky! 」

Devadatta looked up and saw the venerable one sitting on the lotus, and asked, "Why did the venerable one come here? 」

The venerable Tathagata said, "Tathagata has just given you a record. Although you fell into hell in A Bi because of harming the Buddha, you will eventually become a Buddha, named Nanwu. " Tipota said happily, "I heard that Tathagata gave me a record today. Even if I have to lie in the nasal prison on my right, I won't be tired after a robbery. 」

The venerable master asked again, "Will the suffering in hell increase or decrease?" 」

Devadatta replied, "In hell, a hot iron wheel ran over me, an iron pestle shattered my shape, a black elephant trampled on me, and a whole volcano crushed me. The robes of the past turned bronze, which was unbearably hot. I am here to bow to the Buddha and those who bow to Ananda to show my sincere gratitude. " The venerable returned to the Buddha's residence with God's feet.

Allusions are taken from: Sakyamuni, Volume II.


Sakyamuni Buddha once said in the Lotus Sutra: "Because of all kinds of good knowledge, I have six paramita, compassion and joy, thirty-two phases and eighty kinds of purple grinding gold, ten powers, four fearlessness, four shots and eighteen non-spiritual powers, and I have become a sentient being." It is known that Brahma is actually the upper edge of the inverse increase to help Sakyamuni Buddha become a Buddha.

Therefore, when we encounter setbacks or adversity, we should also face them with gratitude, so as to reflect on ourselves, review ourselves and improve ourselves. If we can work hard like this, adversity and adversity are good knowledge to help us become Taoist priests!