Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Why is there a saying that "men account for 258 and women account for 369" in rural areas?

Why is there a saying that "men account for 258 and women account for 369" in rural areas?

There are many classic sayings and old sayings in rural areas, which can be passed down to this day and are known to modern people. We should feel honored and keep exploring and studying with a learning attitude! So, what is the truth of this seemingly simple rural old saying "258 males and 369 females"? What does this mean?

"Male accounts for 258" means that in the past rural areas, it was generally believed that if a boy was born in February, May and August, it would mean that he was very lucky, which meant that he was safe and blessed all his life.

"Women account for 369" means that if a girl is born in March, June and September, she must be a virtuous, filial and lovely child.

In short, the idea of this rural old saying is that the birth month of men and women is related to the fate and personality of individuals; Of course, this is a statement without any scientific basis, even with some superstitious colors;

In contemporary society, we naturally don't pay attention to whether the month of birth will have a good or bad influence on a person, because there is no so-called basis; However, the reason why this statement has appeared and spread to this day mainly reflects the good expectations of the older generation in rural areas for their children's growth and hopes that their children can have a good future;

Another old saying, "Men are not allowed to go to the first grade and women are not allowed to go to the fifteenth grade", has different meanings, but the essence is the same;

Because in the past, China folks paid more attention to some cultures, especially the time when children were born, which was taboo in rural areas; The first day is New Year's Day. Children born on New Year's Day are dying, but parents dare not discipline them, for fear of interfering with their parents in the future. The fifteenth day of the first month is the Lantern Festival. If a girl is born at this time, she will be playful when she grows up and become a "crazy girl", which will hurt her parents. Therefore, there is a saying that "men are not allowed to be in the first grade and women are not allowed to be in the fifteenth grade";

But in a word, in the eyes of knowledgeable people in agriculture, the birth time of a child is not an absolute standard to consider personality. These subtle expressions of the older generation in the past may be the solidification of ideas. No matter when the child is born, the appearance of the child is a symbol of family happiness!