Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The king of Guabu asked Shou Yuan, who was born with Louis and Fu Tianquan, what was the solution of "Eight Eight plus Three Dreams", even though he knew life and death.

The king of Guabu asked Shou Yuan, who was born with Louis and Fu Tianquan, what was the solution of "Eight Eight plus Three Dreams", even though he knew life and death.

Dear, I'm glad I found this problem by accident ~ (* _ _ *)

This passage was originally from Kun Wang Gua Qian Wen 18 1:

"Divination tells you, you ask your birthday, you were born in Lu Yi and Tianquan. Although I know life and death, I have three dreams and nine springs. "

There are many explanations for the third sentence "brilliant withering" and "withering".

My personal understanding is:

I know from divination that you want to ask how long you can live.

From birth, food, clothes and money are needed. Everything in life is taken away by God.

Although I can predict people's life and death,

But when you add three to eight, you will dream of death.

The meaning of a signature will vary according to what you want or think.

So the content will be a little vague,

Of course, there are some meanings of "secrets can't be revealed", (* _ _ *)

So there will be more ambiguity.

The above is my own understanding,

And "Tianli" can be understood as being exercised and weighed by God, and can also be understood as Tianli Star.

"Eight plus three" can be understood as eighty-eight plus three, which is ninety-one.

It can also be understood as eight, eight, sixty-four, plus three, it is sixty-seven.

I hope I can help you ~ (* _ _ *)