Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Tarot wisdom-combining rigidity with softness

Tarot wisdom-combining rigidity with softness

Above the strength of the license plate No.8 in Grand Alcana is a peaceful and natural woman. She subdued a fierce lion with only two hands, and the infinite symbol on her head symbolizes her infinite strength. Relying on wisdom, gentleness, charm, tolerance and acceptance, and sincere and strong willpower from the heart, she subdued this lion full of masculinity and beast, which means that softness and tenacity, intelligence and strength, and violence will have nothing to hide. The inner "strength" is the innate wisdom and the charm that emanates from the heart. Based on this principle, nothing can beat her.

The book Influence once talked about "social judo": as long as you set a person's self-image in the position you want, then this person will naturally follow a set of requirements consistent with this new self-image.

If you want your boyfriend to love you more, your husband to be more responsible, your girlfriend to be more beautiful and lovely, your children to work harder and better, your employees to work hard, and your debtor to pay back the money as soon as possible, yes. . . . . . Try to praise them, such as praising each other as a delicate and elegant little fairy, then she will really become more beautiful; If you often praise your boyfriend for being gentle, considerate and self-motivated, then he will act according to the image you set for him; Of course, you can also praise someone as an honest and trustworthy person to everyone, then he will gradually agree with this image and identity, and the matter of paying back money will be solved.

There is a principle in human cognition, which is called "the principle of contrast". Take out the cheap ones first, and then take out the expensive ones, which will make the expensive ones look more expensive. Just as the same bucket of water looks colder or hotter because of the water temperature that the hand has touched before, the seller can also make the price of the same thing look higher or lower-it all depends on the price of the first display item.

If you have bad news to tell your family, you might as well make up some worse news first and then state the real situation, as follows:

Dear mom and dad:? I'm sorry, I haven't written home since I went to college. I want to report my recent situation to you, but please sit down before reading. Don't read it back until you sit down, okay? ? Ah, I'm all right now. I almost recovered from my concussion in skull fracture-I just arrived here and fell out of the window because of a fire in my dormitory. I've only been in the hospital for two weeks, and now I'm basically back to normal, and my annoying headache only comes once a day. Fortunately, when I jumped out after the dormitory caught fire, the young man at the gas station next door saw it. He immediately called the fire brigade and called an ambulance. He also visited me in the hospital. As I had nowhere to live after the fire, he kindly invited me to live in his apartment. It's actually a basement, but it's cute. He is a very nice person. We are deeply in love and ready to get married. We haven't set a specific date yet, but it must be before others can see that I am pregnant. Yes, mom and dad, I'm pregnant. I know how much you want to be grandparents, and I know that you will welcome my baby and give him selfless love and care, just like when I was a child. The reason why our wedding date was postponed was that he had a slight infection, and our blood test before marriage failed because I was accidentally infected by him. I know you will welcome him into our family with open arms. He's fine. Although he is not well educated, he is very self-motivated. Ok, ok, I'll bring you my real situation. What I want to say is that there is no fire in the dormitory, no concussion, no fracture, no hospitalization, no pregnancy, no engagement, no infection and no boyfriend. However, I got a "D" in American history and an "F" in chemistry. I hope you can look at these scores from the right angle.