Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Are there any full-time hunters like Flash and Tuan Yi? ! ! !

Are there any full-time hunters like Flash and Tuan Yi? ! ! !

There is also an article about hunters.

In heaven, a cross locked by love


I love you as much as you love me.

But the love between us is always just a mistake.

1 Love in the corner

(one of the cool cards)

One, two, three, I'm Cool Lapica. I like strange teeth.

Three, two, one, I'm Cool Lapika. I want to kill kiya.

One, two, three, I'm Cool Lapica. I like strange teeth.

Three, two, one, I'm Cool Lapika. I want to kill kiya.

"She made a wish with tears, and she exchanged her tail for love. She lost the voice of love, and she paid so much for the right to be loved. However, she was finally sentenced to death, and the people she loved couldn't think of her. She finally lost the bet and disappeared into the crying sky like a bubble ... "The dawn of the morning rose from the horizon, and a very sad voice floated from the depths of the fog, holding her heart a little. Cool buried his face in his arm and tried to escape. The sun fell on me through the thin fog, and some people retorted. The fog gradually dispersed, and suddenly it was cool to find that it was the child who kept dancing and spinning by the wishing pool singing this sad ballad. Her long black hair was swaying in the wind, and the sky was full of sadness.

"Dear prince, you really don't know her love, or you know it clearly, but you can't fall in love ..." Suddenly, a hand with a big pile of playing cards appeared in front of you, and you looked up in cold surprise with red hair. He smiled and looked cool. "If you want to predict the future, smoke one. Sir. "

After hesitating for a while, Ku took one and handed it to him without looking. He never talks, just looks cool by playing cards.

"There is no remedy? Is my old boss stunned? ! Are you stupid? What is wrong with me? What happened? Vinegar margin? Any suggestions to clean up the evil part of drowning? Hey, k? Cards? Forgive? br >; Wrong, sir. "He smiled and turned the playing cards over so that Cool could see the cards clearly in the morning light." You have a 50% chance to bet on something you love. See if you choose to forget or remember. "

A of spades.

50-50 chance of happiness.

"confused prince

Do you still want to miss her in the afterlife?

Is she willing?

Turn into foam again and disappear into the sky ... "

The child with long hair stopped spinning, turned his pretty little face and looked at the figure that ran away. "Momo, did he ...? "

"He's gone. Whether he is happy or not depends on him. "

Do you want to remember or forget?

Are you willing to bet on this one-half chance? If you are willing, crush this damn curse with me ... If you give up, then this time I will become a bubble and make you happy. ...

Do you want to remember or forget?

One-time 2

(Cool Notebook Card II)

I don't know your past, so I don't know your pain.

So fate doomed me to lose you.

So fate has doomed you to leave me.


For a whole thousand years, we have been begging for meeting, but the final outcome is still parting. ...

"Odd teeth?" Cool panted and pushed the door open, only to see another person unexpectedly.

"Ku ... lolo." Fei's green pupils contract together and gradually turn crimson.

"Rest assured. I just want to talk to you about something. " Culolo smiled and took a sip of coffee and pointed to the opposite sofa.

Hesitantly sat down and bit his lower lip. "You ... know ..."

"Everything about you and your brother." After saying his word, the chain has reached his neck, and the cold coming from the tip of his nose is close to the meridians.

"You ..."

"I said I came for the strange tooth." Culolo smiled and took back the chain indifferently.

"I grew up watching that child grow up. It seems that she hasn't smiled since she was six years old. " Culolo deadpan, speak slowly, as if telling a painful past.

"The education and training she received as a child are beyond your wildest dreams. I watched her grow up with a straight face until she was six years old. She left home that year. "

Six ... years old? Cool surprised to open beautiful green eyes. that's not ...

"In that year, engaged in a very difficult engaged. They happened to touch that strange tooth again. In a collision, she killed nearly 40 people and made a mountain out of a molehill. Therefore, my enemy took kiya to marry me. "

"Tooth was dragged back, according to his enemy's house rules, was the most cruel punishment. You can't imagine the cruelty. Outside the prison, I saw her sitting on the cold and wet floor wrapped in red gauze, smiling at the sky outside the only window, and whispering: Cu .........................................................................................................................................

Culolo slowly took another sip of coffee and squinted at the cold and painful green pupil.

"At that time, her bare skin almost festered and was covered with traces of electric shock. I heard from the servant that the strange tooth was hung in salt water, electrocuted and whipped day and night for two months before it was released. And in that kind of pain, she can still smile with a little hope, without flaws and impurities, all because of you. "

"That was the first time I saw him smile."

"Two years later, I saw her win everyone in the enemy's house with amazing advantages. She ran away from home for the second time after stabbing her mother. I secretly followed it curiously. Then I found you, Ku ............ "

"It looks exactly like the Cupirakt next to me, Curarpikt."

Culolo giggled, put the coffee on the table, got up and walked to the door and opened it.

The fire-colored sunshine outside is getting more and more dazzling along the doorway, and his expression can't be seen clearly under the backlight.

"I said, Cu, after all, she has paid so much for you, you can't just ask for it. So if kiya still can't remember you when he sees you, you must ... give up. "

"In that case, she will be happy."

When the door slammed, all the light disappeared again, leaving only a dim smell.

The darkness stung my heart.

I remember all our past.

So I'm too timid to admit it.

So I wanted to give up on you for a while.

So I once foolishly thought that if I forgot, I would be happy.

So, so. ...

So now that you look back, your figure has already been swallowed up by darkness.

I want you to come back ... this is ...

Is it too late?

3 memory

(The End of Cool Laptops)

I can pretend to be happy.

I can pretend to smile.

But losing you

But you forgot me.

This fact

No matter how you pretend, you can't hide it.

"You will never be happy! You will never get love! Cool Lapika! "

He took back the chain in his hand and watched her fall in a pool of blood with a ferocious face.

"Traveling away is all my happiness."

All the happiness.

all ...

Turning the handle gently, he pushed the door open.

A room was silent.

"Odd teeth?" He shouted.

Sitting on the bed, staring blankly in front of the mirror of Nuoda, the child turned his head in shock and opened his eyes wide, with hostility mixed with dark gray.

"Who are you?"

Who are you?

who are you ...

Close your eyes and bow your head in pain.

Fang, I really forgot everything.

Who are you?

who are you ...

How did he answer this question?

I am the one you love deeply, the one who loves you deeply, and the one who makes you forget me.

Isn't this ... ridiculous?

You will never be happy! You will never get love! Cool lapika!

How many years ago, a curse that the spider said was taken as a joke by him became a reality at this moment.

It's the curse of blood at work ...

or ...

What will happen if he gives up on himself?

After the extravagant happiness on the playground, Qiya forgot him. ...

As for kiya's innocent smiling face, he realized that happiness would never come back to him.

Always like this.

She did the most for him.

As long as he exists, she will suffer.

It turned out that giving up was right, but he foolishly wanted to save it.

give up ...

Let her fly. ...

Make her forget herself.

Something flows through the wet wetland on my cheek. That's so cool. Smile.

"Goodbye, kiya."

The door was gently closed.

Memories, all left.

Only the desperate heart outside the door.

Break into pieces.

The reason why I gave up on you is because I am too weak.

You forgot because you knew everything.

therefore ...

What's my reason for losing you?

I love you.

Four of you are lost.

If we meet in this life, it is because the past has passed by in a hurry.

So, why is the end of this life still parting?

A joke about fate?

Lost you ...

I can't find you here. ...

Another sea.

Can't see the endless sea.

and ..

The one who smiled at me and kept crying.

Who is he?

why ...

When I saw his brilliant golden broken hair ...

My heart will suddenly hurt ...

Do I love him? ...

Did I ... have that dream again? ...

The morning light shone through the dark blue window screen, dazzling.

I know I'm in love with that man.

I love blind men who don't even know their own names.

this is not ...

Is this ridiculous?

10 years can change a lot. I have long hair, just like before I was six.

Just like before I forgot everything.

And the silver hair on the ground.

Jay is finally with Momo. She has knee-length brown hair for Momo.

The afterglow of the sunset sprinkled on me, and I looked at my long hair and felt sad.

"Jay, why did you lose your long hair?"

"for dad."


"What about you? Odd teeth. "

"This is more convenient."

"Are you? Then why do you have long hair now? "

"Well, I don't know ..."

Time can really take everything away, and I gradually forget the person with green eyes in my dream.

Maybe I really forgot.

Maybe I don't want to remind myself anymore.

Why don't you remember him?

Well, I don't know. ...

The sky is very bright.

I was walking in the square when a man hurried past me.

I turned to look at the back of his sudden stop.

Look at his warm golden broken hair.

Then lower your head and leave silently.

The grey pigeons beside the wishing pool in the square have raised their wings and danced gracefully in the sky.

The sky is very bright.

I don't know why ...

Feel like crying.

It was fate that I met you.

It was also fate that made me miss you.

Fate, it is doomed that we will pass by in a hurry.

I love you as much as you love me.

But the love between us is always just a mistake.

In heaven, you have no cross.