Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The National Origin of Gypsies

The National Origin of Gypsies

Roma, a wandering people who originated in northern India and scattered all over the world. Roma and Sinti, who are closely related to them, are also called Gypsies or Gypsies. However, most Roma people think that the name "Gypsy" is discriminatory, so it is not used. There are also many countries in Europe that call Roma Zgang people.

Roma are famous for their mysterious images. Historically, they have been engaged in divination, singing and dancing. However, Roma have also suffered discrimination and persecution in history. Nazi Germany once put Roma in concentration camps and slaughtered them like Jews. Up to now, many people still have a very negative impression of Roma, thinking that Roma are beggars, thieves or traffickers.

For hundreds of years, international ethnologists have been keen to study the origin and migration route of the wandering Gypsies, especially this unique nation, and discuss it as a special knowledge. However, due to the lack of historical materials, scholars from all over the world often indulge in various controversial concepts or oral legends for a long time without facing up to historical reality. In the research, they expound their views on the basis of insufficient information, so it is inevitable that there are shortcomings or one-sidedness. He still has his own opinions and opinions, but he can't draw a unified and correct conclusion with sufficient historical evidence, and some even draw many wrong conclusions. One of the most common misconceptions is that they are regarded as Egyptians. This statement has been circulating for hundreds of years, and even some Gypsies themselves use this theory to talk about their ancestors. For example, a group of Gypsies who arrived in Paris in the winter of A.D. 1427 said that their origin was Egypt.