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How to obtain a correct view of Buddhism

All Buddhist factions believe that obtaining a correct view is the most important prerequisite for practice. For example, "On the Essence of Buddhism" says that learning Buddhism should "take right view as the first step", because right view always takes precept and wisdom as the three learning methods. Professor Chen Bing regards "knowing what is right" as one of the four basic lines of Mahayana Buddhism, and according to Confucian classics and Gude's enlightenment, he asserts that "practice without correct views is called blind practice". Dragon Tree Bodhisattva compares the role of right view in learning Buddhism to "seeing the way before acting" when we walk. If you can't find your way first, you will go astray. Only a correct view can lead us to complete liberation. "Yixin Jing" says: "Being born in nirvana, right view is fundamental". Only a correct view is the guarantee for us to get rid of the misery of life and death and achieve nirvana. On the contrary, "all stupid ordinary people in the world are bound, the so-called Jaken. All sentient beings have fallen into hell because of Jaken, hungry ghosts and animals. " Jaken will only make us indulge in endless samsara. "Za Agama" said: "Jaken calls this shore; The right one is called the other side. " Just like if a farmer owns a fertile land, he can plant sweet fruits on it. When a Buddhist disciple has a right view, he can have all the good dharma in the world and abroad. The Buddha said in the Great Baojijing that only by holding a correct view can one become a true Buddhist disciple. "If you see the correct view, you will be a real Buddha." Therefore, Buddhist practice, the so-called Taoist truth, is essentially based on the right view. Since it is so important to obtain correct knowledge and correct views, how can a Buddhist disciple obtain correct views? According to the exposition of various Confucian classics, we sort out the ways to get the right view into three aspects: premise, helping righteousness and nine items. First, the premise of obtaining the right view 1, converting to Sambo, and having enough net trust. To truly obtain a correct view of Buddhism, we must take the correct belief as the premise, convert to the three treasures of Buddhism, take Buddhism as a teacher, take Buddhism as medicine and take monks as friends. Only by converting to the Three Treasures and establishing positive faith and pure faith can we produce positive views and enter the Buddha. In On Great Wisdom, Dragon Tree Bodhisattva said: "Buddhism is the sea, faith can enter, and wisdom can. ..... If people have faith and purity in their hearts, they can enter the Buddha; Without faith, people cannot enter the Buddha. " If a person doesn't believe that Buddha is an awakened person who has no understanding, that Buddha has great merits such as all-out and four fearlessness, that Buddhism is the most thorough truth in the universe, and that the sage disciples of Buddha are practitioners and witnesses of the truth of Buddhism, then he can't really understand and accept Buddhism, and of course he can't really understand Buddhism, so as to have a correct view. Those who have not established their true faith, even if they are proficient in the Three Zangs and Twelve Classics, will only return to Baoshan empty-handed and will not get the real benefits of Buddhism. As the Buddha said, "If you don't believe it, you can't enter my Dharma Sea. For example, a dead tree can't bear luxuriant fruit or samara. Although you shave your head and dye your clothes, you can't answer all kinds of scriptures, but you can't get anything from Buddhism. " This is precisely because there is no belief in the three treasures, and the premise and foundation for obtaining positive views are lost. In modern times, some people inside and outside the church put forward the idea of "secularization" of Buddhism, trying to restore it to a philosophical thought, which is in line with the rational and scientific "verve" characteristics of modern society. As everyone knows, this will be like putting lice on a lion, which is essentially a wrong idea that destroys the foundation of Buddhism and the wisdom of all beings. The Book of Hua Shou Jing said: "Classics don't obey, don't believe, don't praise, rather, the name is not justified." Without faith, it is precisely the biggest enemy we see. This is not only the duty of Buddhist disciples, but also the fundamental premise of producing positive views. 2. Bodhidharma Bodhidharma is the foundation of Mahayana Buddhism and the seed and source for all beings to practice Buddhism. Mahayana sutra says that bodhicitta is karma, and all the achievements of Mahayana Buddhism are based on bodhicitta. If you leave bodhicitta, you will lose the seed of this spiritual achievement. Hua Yan Jing says that Bodhisattva has ten kinds of magic industries. The first is "forget bodhicitta and cultivate good roots." Only when Buddhist disciples make a vow to pursue non-Shanghai enlightenment and benefit all sentient beings can they pursue supreme bodhi with correct attitude, motivation, position and method and gain enlightenment. Only when a person develops bodhicitta can he see the fundamental conditions for success. The Tripitaka says: "Those who listen to Buddhism for bodhicitta are those who hear the sound; Just keep bodhi in mind; Viewing bodhicitta is right. " The true bodhisattva not only obtains positive results through bodhicitta, but also declares enlightenment for all sentient beings and guides them to the right path because of bodhicitta and compassion. 3. The causality and practice order of the three commandments of abstinence from wisdom are determined by abstinence from wisdom. Strictly observing the discipline of purity is the premise of Ding Hui's academic achievements. The right view based on insight and wisdom is not only based on the precepts of the two studies, but also contains the contents of the precepts. "The Tripitaka" said: "From what he heard, Buddhism was born in the right view. The so-called listener holds the precept of respect, so he respects the foot, respects the foot, gathers the wisdom foot, gathers the wisdom foot, and liberates the foot. " A truly insightful person is bound to keep the precepts clean. Similarly, if you want to get a complete view, you must also keep the precepts clean. Second, get help from the right point of view. In the process of studying Buddhism and practicing, you will encounter all kinds of good and evil karma. As a disciple of Buddhism, we should learn to judge the pros and cons, and have enough wisdom to decide what is beneficial to and what is not. 1, Stay away from evil deeds According to various Confucian classics, in order to gain positive opinions, Buddhist disciples must stay away from all kinds of foreign trades that will increase fools and destroy wisdom, never denigrate the three treasures, deny the fundamental dharma seal of Buddhism, have no doubts and regrets about Buddhism, and stay away from five kinds of evil opinions, namely, seeing from the body, seeing from Jaken, seeing from forbidden, staying away from evil friends, and not staying away from heretics and their classics. 2. In order to gain a correct view, Buddhist disciples who practice good deeds should not only stay away from all kinds of bad karma and mistakes, but also cultivate the wisdom of Fu De, the good deeds of body and mind, and the three good roots of growth without greed and ignorance. "Hua Yan Jing" said: "It is all sentient beings who achieve good deeds, good words and kindness, do not go against sages, believe in righteousness, and do good because of reason." In the theory of reality, it is said that there are four conditions that can make people grow up with kindness and Buddhism and achieve liberation. The first is to live in a good place, which means to be born in a place where Buddhism is prevalent, far from the five difficult places; The second is to rely on good people, which means to live and value the Buddhist world. The third is to repair the roots, that is, there are no disabilities such as deafness. The fourth is the spontaneous positive wish, that is, to learn Buddhism and get the right view. To sum up these four conditions, in fact, we should be able to meet Buddhism and practice it all the time. All Buddhist disciples know that this is actually a very difficult thing to do. If we want to meet this condition, according to the theory of great wisdom, in the final analysis, we should "see for ourselves and teach him to see for himself." "On Great Wisdom": "It is the Bodhisattva who is always happy for his words and loves good dharma, so he has to be kind to all beings at will, so it is called China. People born in China were not born in Jaken. Why? It is the Bodhisattva who always sees the truth by himself in the world, and teaches him to see the truth, praise the truth and praise the Dharma, so he does not create evil. Jaken's family 3. Get the right perspective. The Mahayana Sutra has always said that we should stop being good at knowledge, listen to the Dharma, think by reason, stop observing by action, grow up by observing by action, think by action, and truly know the four noble truths. For example, Zeng Yi Agama said, "There are two reasons and two origins. What is a cloud? Get legal education and think internally. "Yoga Master on the Earth" said: "From the sound he heard, the exhibition became a positive view. In order to get rid of the dharma, and to practice the Tao, food is provided for easy observation. The second time you listen to Wen Hui, you will miss Hui. After thinking according to wisdom, wisdom will be cultivated. From this, we can see that Jaken really knows that this is Jaken, and you really know that this is the correct view. 1. According to Hua Yan Jing, which is based on good knowledge, "All Buddhism is achieved with good knowledge and based on good knowledge. "As recorded in Za Agama, the Buddha once told his disciples that only good knowledge can make us have positive opinions and increase them. Therefore, we should respect real good knowledge, please listen, be obedient and not rebel. Only in this way can we get correct teaching and teaching. Before we stop relying on good knowledge, we should try our best to observe whether it has virtues and evidence. We should examine it from many aspects according to the virtues of good knowledge described in Confucian classics. In today's era, a Buddhist disciple should at least have a correct understanding, a thorough and accurate grasp of the core of Buddhism, be good at observing the roots of his disciples and have a correct judgment on the road of practice. Buddhist disciples should have confidence in their destiny takes a hand's good knowledge, and can strongly feel the great power of Buddhism from their own knowledge, practice and personality. Once you decide to stop, you should regard good knowledge as your father and Buddha, and don't find fault with it with prejudice and demanding heart. You should teach it according to Confucian classics, believe it and get close to it. 2. I heard the Buddhist theory of reality say: "Seeing the truth must be born by listening to Buddhism, so we should learn this theory of Buddhism. "On the Great Bodhisattva" says that just as a discerning person can avoid difficulties and obstacles, a person can "know the law by listening more, be exonerated by listening more, be ungrateful by listening more, and be nirvana by listening more." "Mahayana observes the scriptures from the heart" says: "If a person believes in the scriptures, it can be seen that he can turn his back on his heart. "Hearing Buddhism is the starting point for generating positive views and positive beliefs. Buddhist disciples should listen to the enlightenment of learning good knowledge and read books on great good knowledge recognized in ancient and modern times. Especially in today's situation where there is very little knowledge of true goodness and there are a lot of people who say good, Buddhist disciples should go deep into the scriptures, read more Buddhist scriptures, take good and evil as the foundation, study the teachings seriously and systematically, and read the most important classics and theories repeatedly in order to have good opinions. No matter in the past or now, there are some Buddhists who, for various reasons, take part in meditation and have no distractions, read Buddhism and abandon philosophy, go crazy because of practicing secrets, or have no education, or are lazy or lazy, or despise the study of orthodox religion, thus destroying the foundation of right view. They not only cling to Jaken, but also blindly lead others to harm others. These mistakes are actually caused by the lack of listening and thinking. As Hua Yan Pu Jingxian said, "If you don't know, you will learn less. "At present, the traditional cultural literacy of the younger generation in China is generally low, and the ability to read classical Chinese and learn Buddhist scriptures is generally insufficient. Many people don't have the study habit and interest of reading Confucian classics in depth at all, but enjoy all kinds of fast food books on the market under the guise of Buddhism. They listen to the specious and similar laws circulating on the internet and can't tell what is Buddhism and what is not. They completely ignored that only the Buddhist scriptures and Sanzang preached by the Buddha and his holy brothers could be called Buddhism, but regarded what they heard through hearsay as Buddhism. The root cause has problems first, how can it be established? In this regard, I think that in addition to correcting mistakes, the Buddhist community should also bear certain responsibilities. Because the essence of this situation is the lack of Buddhist education provided by the abbot Buddhists to the four disciples. On the one hand, we ask Buddhist disciples to learn more and listen more, on the other hand, the Buddhist community should provide them with opportunities and places to listen to the Dharma. 3. On the basis of producing a correct outlook on literature and wisdom, Buddhist disciples should further think about what they have heard and produce a correct outlook on literature and wisdom. Because according to Jie Shen's Secret Sutra, only Wen Hui can't win the understanding of the meaning of Buddhism. Only a perfect thinking can truly understand the meaning of Buddhism and accurately grasp the whole and basic principles of Buddhism. " "Za Agama" said: "Mindfulness, the unborn see life, and the born see reincarnation to broaden their horizons. "Classic Collection" said: "If there is no difference between the two methods, thinking is good and seeing is right. "On the one hand, we should start from the ultimate problems of cosmic life, such as the origin, life and death, cause and effect of the world, and compare Buddhism with other religions, philosophy and science. From the world outlook and outlook on life, we deeply realize that only Buddhism can truly reveal the ultimate truth of cosmic life, the only way to solve the fundamental problems of cosmic life, and the only reliance for all beings to get rid of the cycle of life and death and get free and free. Turn thinking into the power of wisdom, promote the complete transformation of outlook on life and world view, and establish firm and upright beliefs and mature beliefs with the power of correct outlook. " "On Practice" said: "There are two kinds of beliefs, one is to see life from the right, and the other is to smell life. Seeing life from the right angle, faith is powerful. You can't change from a stranger to this. "It is more important to think deeply about the basic principles of Buddhism, such as three dharma seals, real seals, four noble truths, two no-selves, cause and effect, nirvana silence and so on. It is necessary not only to make it clear on the logical level of thinking, but also to observe whether the essence of the inner and outer world of body and mind really conforms to what Buddhism said, thus giving birth to a definite solution and achieving the right view in the world and outside. 4. Practice ends with ideas According to Jie Shen's Secret Classic, although the wisdom of thinking can be "good at understanding righteousness and interests", the understanding of teaching theory still stays at the ideological level, and it is impossible to make the truth clear ahead, become a witness of the present quantity, and see the Tao. Therefore, on the basis of thinking and wisdom, we should follow the law, practice and stop the concept, realize perfect cultivation and obtain the correct concept of cultivation. The right view of cultivating wisdom is mainly obtained through meditation. The Nirvana Sutra says: "The name of Vipassana is right view. "Buddhist disciples use Vimalakīrti's thinking power to weigh and observe the positive cause and effect in the world, such as the two selflessness and the four noble truths in the world." Simple choice, minimal choice, minimal choice in law ",such as the empirical knowledge in Samadha, proved the reality of various laws indiscriminately with wisdom, and later gained wisdom and compassion to help the world, and gained an innocent and unlearned right view, which became a truly pure and complete right view. Meditation practice is a set of practical operations with strict order and technical essentials. Learners should study under the guidance of good knowledge, take the correct viewpoint as the guide, adopt the corresponding method of paying equal attention to wisdom and practice, study diligently, know their own mind, purify their own mind, gradually deepen, taste the law and reap huge benefits. Four. Conclusion The above three aspects and nine steps are the only way to obtain the right knowledge and correct view mentioned in Mahayana, Mahayana and Mahayana theories, especially the main line part, which is actually the four main lines after three conversions mentioned in the theory of yoga teachers and is a compulsory course for all Buddhists. Buddhist disciples should deeply realize the great significance of enlightenment to Buddhism, life and practice, and have great hope and desire for enlightenment, and as the Confucian classics say, they should have the support of Buddhism, such as practice. We should observe that "the human body is rare", as stated in the Youposai Sutra. Although you have one person, it is difficult to have all the roots. Although there are various sources, they are rarely seen. Although you have a positive view, you rarely have confidence. Although you gain confidence, it's hard to meet good friends. Although I met a good friend, it smelled bad. Although it is true, few people support it. "Buddhists should regard righteousness as life, protect righteousness as eyes, justice as treasure, be merciful and compassionate, help others with righteousness, make Buddhism last for a long time, and make all beings have a degree.