Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The Game Attribute of Love Cultivation

The Game Attribute of Love Cultivation

Ultimate weapon: intelligence >; 900 Power > 900 Mana >; 900 charm > 900 temperament > 900 physical strength > 900 morality > 900 self-esteem > 900

Princess Maya: Intelligence >; 800 charm > 700 temperament > 700 morality > 700 self-esteem > 450 consideration > 450 rebellion > 500 Gawaine friendliness > 4?

Prime Minister: Zhi >; 800 charm > 600 temperament > 700 morality > 500 self-esteem > 500 popularity > 480

Exorcist: Intelligence >; 620 mana >; 700 temperament > 500 morality > 500 physical strength > 300 self-esteem > 500 popularity > 500

Father's marriage: intelligence >; 400 charm > 500 temperament > 400 morality > 900 consideration > 500 rebellion < 20

Five-star general: intelligence > 500 troops > 700 mana > 400 morality > 450 physical strength > 600 self-esteem > 400 rebellion 500.

Archbishop: Intelligence >; 480 mana >; 400 Temperament > 600 Morality > 450 Self-esteem > 400 Rebellion 400

Noble sisters: intelligence >; 500 temperament > 600 self-esteem > 450 popularity > 500 drama friendliness > 4?

Admiral's wife: intelligence >; 400 troops > 300 charm > 500 temperament > 500 morality > 400 consideration > 400.

Senate: Intelligence >; 700 Charm > 350 Morality > 400 Self-esteem > 400 Rebellion 380

Wolf Queen: Intelligence >; 300 troops > 420 mana >; 350 charm > 500 temperament > 500 physical strength > 600 self-esteem > 200 Joey friendliness > 4?

Gambling King: Intelligence >; 400 charm > 360 morality 12 times

Black street Boss: intelligence > 300 troops > 600 charm > 450 morality

Big star: Mana >;; 300 charm > 600 temperament > 300 physical strength > 350 self-esteem > 200 popularity > 600

Chief Justice: Intelligence >; 600 morality > 500 self-esteem > 500 rebellion < 50

Lawyer: Intelligence > 550 Morality > 400 Self-esteem > 400 Rebellion.

Combat partner: force >;; 600 charm > 400 self-esteem > 400 popularity > 300 Mathilde friendliness > 4?

Black boy: strength > 700 charm > 400 physical strength > 300 emotion 100

Doctor: Intelligence >; 500 morals > 350 self-esteem > 200 feelings > 100 considerate > 300 popularity > working in 300 hospitals > 12 times.

Civil servants: intelligence > 300 morality > 300 self-esteem > 180 consideration > 200

Dancer: Charm > 500 temperament > 500 popularity > 300 dance classes > 30 times.

Musician: Intelligence >; 300 charm > 500 temperament > 500 popularity > 300 music lessons > 30 times

Painter: Intelligence >; 300 temperament > 500 popularity > 300 art class > 30 times

Sister: Intelligence >; 200 temperament > 200 morality > 300 rebellion < 20 church work > 12 times

Special forces: force > 400 physical strength > 350 self-esteem > 100

Witch: Intelligence >; 300 troops > 400 troops

Maid manager: Charm > 400 considerate > 100 maid working in restaurant > 12 times.

Ordinary marriage: charm > 200 consideration > 400 rebellion

* This ending attribute requires an official data list, and it is forbidden to modify it! The rest of the endings are special endings, which need to be explored by players themselves.