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The relationship between yin and yang

The relationship between yin and yang

(A) the opposition between Yin and Yang

Everything in the universe, including celestial movement, climate change, and even human society and the human body itself, generally has a "two-end phenomenon."

For example:

Sky, sun, light, sky, heat, rising, advancing, strength, growth, rising, outward movement, rigidity ...-Yang

Earth, moon, darkness, night, cold, descent, retreat, weakness, extinction, descent, interior, quiet, soft ...-Yin

(2) Yin and Yang are interdependent

1. Neither "Yin" nor "Yang" can exist independently without each other. -"Yin and Yang are interdependent" and "Yin and Yang are mutually rooted".

2. "Yin" and "Yang" are mutually conditions of "birth", "growth" and "transformation". Just like the creatures (animals and plants) on the earth, we can't lack sunlight or rain. -"Lonely yin is not born, and lonely yang is not long."

3. Between Yin and Yang, mutual penetration and mutual tolerance breed each other's components, that is, there is a "gene" of Yang in Yin and a "gene" of Yin in Yang. -Yin has Yang, Yang has Yin; Yin and Yang Can are divided into Yin and Yang.

For example:

celestial body

Sun (sun)


Moon yin (lunar calendar)

Nanyang (Shannan and Yangpo)


North shade (mountain north, shady slope)

Please remember: Yin and Yang are interdependent in unity;

Yin is rooted in Yang, and Yang is rooted in Yin.

Solitary yin is not born, and solitary yang does not rely on yin and yang.

There is yang in yin and yin in yang.

(C) the balance of the growth and decline of Yin and Yang

The unification of Yin and Yang is always in the constant movement of "Yang eliminating Yin, Yin eliminating Yang"!

◎ Please look at the changes of Yin and Yang movements during the day:


In the morning, the yang grows, and the yin fades-there is yang in the yang.

In the afternoon-yang declines and yin grows-there is yin in the yang.

Night shade

In the middle of the night-yin grows and yang declines-yin has yin.

In the middle of the night-the yin fades and the yang grows-there is yang in the yin.

◎ Look at the changes of Yin and Yang in one year:

Vernal equinox-yin and yang are equally divided, cold and hot day and night;

Summer-the pole of yang, the beginning, the south;

The autumnal equinox-half cloudy and half sunny, evenly cold and hot day and night;

Winter solstice-the cathode and the sun begin to arrive, the sun begins to reach the south, and gradually grows to.

Winter solstice-→ vernal equinox: Yin gradually disappears and Yang begins to grow;

Vernal equinox → summer solstice: Yang grows and Yin disappears;

Summer solstice-→ autumnal equinox: Yin begins to grow and Yang gradually disappears;

Autumnal Equinox → Winter Solstice: Yang gradually disappears and Yin gradually grows.

The general law of the growth and decline of Yin and Yang:

When the yang is strong, the yin begins to arrive; Yin sheng is the beginning of yang;

The yang is getting longer and the yin is getting smaller; When the yin grows longer, the yang gradually disappears.

In the process of the rise and fall of Yin and Yang:

When the yang is in the rising state, the yang in the yang is the yang in the yin;

When it's cloudy, it's cloudy in the yang and cloudy in the yin.

The ebb and flow of Yin and Yang is the basic form of the unity of opposites of Yin and Yang, and it is a gradual process!

The ups and downs of Yin and Yang are as follows:

There is a certain range (or limit) ... there is a degree;

There is a certain regularity ... order;

Maintain peace and harmony ... harmony.

Only in this way can we:

Good weather and abundant crops.

Good health, all the best. -In the human body.

If you lose order and harmony, you will:

Create disasters (droughts, floods). -In nature.

Dan is ill. -In the human body.

(D) the mutual transformation of Yin and Yang

When the ups and downs of Yin and Yang reach a certain limit, they will transform into each other, that is, "Yin turns to Yang, and Yang turns to Yin".

Yin-yang transformation, there are two situations:

Yin and yang push each other, such as: pushing each other day and night;

The cold and summer in a year push each other.

Yin and yang "suddenly change", such as: "heavy yin must be yang, double ninth must be yin";

"Extremely cold produces heat, and extremely hot produces cold."

Before it rains, it is often sultry. )

The transformation of Yin and Yang is a special form of the movement of unity of opposites between Yin and Yang. It has certain conditions:

"Pole"-the rise and fall of Yin and Yang reaches a certain limit;

Chóng- too much yin and yang.

The result of the transformation of yin and yang is to form a new harmonious relationship of unity of opposites between yin and yang!

Please remember: the basic points of yin-yang theory:

1. In the material world, there is a universal correspondence between Yin and Yang:

Everything has the attributes of "yin" and "yang"; ......& gt& gt

There are several groups of Yin and Yang in the gossip about the relationship between Yin and Yang, namely, Gan Kun's Yin and Yang, Gen Dui's Yin and Yang, Zhen Xun's Yin and Yang and Li Kan's Yin and Yang. Although these are all yin-yang relations, they are different and cannot be generalized. Specifically, there are the following parts: the relationship between Yin and Yang of Gankun, in which the mutual body means that both sides exist because of each other's existence. Generally speaking, it is the concept of the earth that makes the concept of the sky above the earth relatively available. On the contrary, the sky refers to the sky on the ground. Without this day, there would be no corresponding ground. Heaven exists because of the existence of earth, and earth exists because of the existence of heaven. The relationship between yin and yang is the relationship between education, and education here refers to the ability to produce, nurture and create new things. The interaction between the two hexagrams will breed and create new things. According to Fuxi Yi's theory, according to the orientation of the circular map in Fuxi's sixty-four hexagrams Fiona Fang map, Dui Palace is in the southeast and Gen Palace is in the northwest, which accords with the geographical environment of China. From the point of view of the Central Plains, the southeast is the sea, the northwest is the plateau, the southeast is the direction of the duke, and the northwest is the direction of the duke, which just conforms to the law revealed by Fuxi's 64 hexagrams and Fiona Fang map. This is why the people bred on the land of China have unparalleled creativity, courage and wisdom, and can overcome all difficulties and enable the Chinese nation to live for at least 6,000 years. It is precisely because of the Yin-Yang effect of the root exchange that new discoveries, inventions and creations can be made in China, and it can exist and develop forever, constantly adapt to the changes of the times and bravely stand in the forefront. These are all manifestations of educational functions. "Man" and "land" are not function words, they contain rich connotations, and people and land will interact with each other. The homologous relationship between yin and yang in earthquake disasters refers to: homology, that is, the significance that the two hexagrams of earthquake disasters originated from earthquake disasters. Li Kan's opposition between Yin and Yang refers to two completely opposite functions. These two opposite effects, one is the external influence on the other side, and the other is the internal influence on the other side, which are completely different. It can be seen that the yin and yang in gossip are not exactly the same. When it comes to Yin and Yang, there is only one-sided concept of opposition between Yin and Yang, and we should also pay attention to different treatment, follow * * *, and distinguish the differences. The beauty of operation lies in one heart.

The relationship between yin and yang, eight diagrams, five elements and the book of changes. Are Yin and Yang, Eight Diagrams, Five Elements and I Ching four independent disciplines? Yin and Yang, gossip and the Book of Changes are one thing. The Book of Changes is about Yin and Yang gossip. Five elements is another theory. The Five Elements is China's ancient material view. Mostly used in philosophy, Chinese medicine and divination. The five elements refer to: gold, wood, water, fire and earth. It is believed that nature is composed of five elements, and with the rise and fall of these five elements, nature changes, which not only affects people's fate, but also makes everything in the universe circulate endlessly. According to the theory of five elements, everything in the universe is composed of the movement and change of five basic substances: wood, fire, earth, gold and water. It emphasizes the whole concept and describes the structural relationship and movement form of things. If Yin and Yang are an ancient theory of unity of opposites, the five elements can be said to be an ancient general system theory.

Which one came first? I think the Book of Changes appeared earlier. The Five Elements appeared in the late Warring States Period.

What is their relationship? It doesn't matter, it's two different systematic methods.

Briefly describe the meaning of yin and yang and their relationship. Taoist philosophy, also known as "yin and yang complement each other", refers to mutually opposing yin and yang, which are interdependent, mutually metaplastic, mutually useful and attractive in a unity.

Yin and Yang are interdependent.

The interdependence of yin and yang means that both sides of yin and yang take the existence of their opposites as the premise of their existence, that is, yang exists according to yin and yin exists according to yang, and neither side can exist alone without the other. Up and down, up and down, cold and hot, light and dark, excitement and inhibition, etc. , are interdependent yin and yang sides: no upper, no lower, no upper; No rise, no fall, no fall, no rise; There is no darkness without light, and there is no light without darkness; There is no heat without cold, and there is no cold without heat. And so on, all show that the yin and yang side must take the existence of the other side as the premise of their own existence. Therefore, the interaction of Yin and Yang is a universal law in the universe and a conclusion drawn from the height of philosophy. Like the opposition between yin and yang, it has general universal significance.

The idea that Yin and Yang are born together comes from ancient philosophers' observation and understanding of various things or phenomena in nature and human life, and is born out of the concept of "relative treatment" of Yin and Yang. Because the concept of Yin and Yang came from the concept of relative therapy, the ancients observed that Yin and Yang are opposites, but they also realized that Yin and Yang are inseparable and interdependent. Since yin and yang are divided into two parts, there must be an internal mechanism to unify them; Since yin and yang have opposing concepts, they must have mutual roots and unified relations at the same time. Up and down, dynamic and static, up and down, left and right, hot and cold, light and shade, etc. , both opposites and interdependence, expressed the concept of unity of opposites of Yin and Yang. Like the Zhuzi school? Volume 74 says: "Although Yin and Yang are two words, one breath is news. As soon as you enter and retreat, it will be long, and when you enter, it will be yang, when you retreat, it will be yin, when you are strong, it will be yang, and when you disappear, it will be yin; It is only the ups and downs of anger that have made infinite things between ancient and modern heaven and earth. Therefore, yin and yang should also do one thing and do two things. "

If the interdependent relationship between Yin and Yang is destroyed for some reason, there will be "solitary Yin" and "solitary Yang". "Solitary yin does not grow, solitary yang does not grow", which is manifested in nature as the failure of various plants or animals to grow, and in human body as the suppression and destruction of survival opportunities, which eventually leads to the death of "separation of yin and yang"

Yin-yang interaction

The interaction of yin and yang means that on the basis of interdependence, some categories of yin and yang still have the relationship of mutual education and promotion. Such as "Huainanzi? Astronomical training says: "Yang is born in Yin, and Yin is born in Yang. "The interaction of Yin and Yang is very common in nature and human body. In nature, the change of seasons and the corresponding climate change are the result of the change of yin and yang movement. Although Yin and Yang are antagonistic and restrictive, they promote each other. For example, although it is hot in summer, it is born in the sun and the rain increases; Although it is cold in winter, the sun turns cloudy, dry and rainy. So the climate is relatively stable all year round. Therefore, "Su Wen? Yin and Yang should be the same: "Yang is born with Yin and grows, while Yang kills Yin and hides."

In the human body, the normal and orderly progress of life activities also reflects the mutual source interaction of some yin and yang categories. As far as the essence, the most basic substance that constitutes the human body and maintains the life activities of the body, essence belongs to yin and qi belongs to yang. Essence is the liquid essence in the body, and qi is a very fine substance with great energy. Essence is the metaplastic origin of qi and the metaplastic basis of energy, that is, yang depends on yin and metaplastic occurs in yin; Without essence, it can't be turned into qi, and the generation of energy depends on the decomposition of essence, so the lack of essence leads to less qi. Qi is the functional embodiment or state of essence, and it is also the source of power for refining essence, that is, the so-called yin depends on yang and turns into yang; It is difficult to produce sperm without qi, and the synthesis of essential substances is at the expense of energy, so it is impossible to produce sperm without qi. The relationship between essence and qi is mutual enrichment and promotion.

As far as the formation and maintenance of qi and blood in human body are concerned, qi is yang and blood is yin. Qi is the handsome of blood, which can produce, transport and regulate blood, so the normal and orderly operation of qi is helpful to the generation and operation of blood; Blood is the mother of qi, which can carry and nourish qi, and sufficient blood can make qi fully play its role. There is a relationship between yin and yang between qi and blood.

As far as the basic function of human body is concerned, excitement is yang and inhibition is yin. They are mutually restrictive and beneficial. Excited and energetic during the day, >>

The relationship between yin and yang and five elements is simply a qualitative contradiction classification. The five elements reflect the internal contradictions and interests of yin and yang. For example, heaven and earth are in the form of southeast, middle and northwest. For example, what is the basic substance of qi and blood that constitutes the human body in the system structure? What is the existing form of matter in physiological activities? What is its functional regulation mechanism? As long as we have a correct thinking, it is easy to generalize in the existing TCM theory.

The contradictory interest pattern reflected by the five elements is

Kill me if it is harmful to me, give birth to me if it is beneficial to me, give birth to me if it is beneficial to me, and kill me if it is harmful to me; Think about it, nothing in the world can be connected out of this mode. If I am represented by elephant soil, then wood is harmful to me, fire is beneficial to me, gold is beneficial to me, and water is harmful to me. Of course, these so-called advantages and disadvantages are relative. (See Lei and Liu Yuzhen's Yin-Yang System Theory, Human Biological Rhythm and Physio-pathological System Theory of TCM for details).

It is said that yin and yang and five elements, so what is the relationship between yin and yang and five elements? yin-yang and five elements

Yin and Yang refer to two opposing and interrelated forces in everything in the world. As can be understood from the foregoing description, Yin and Yang are originally contained in Qi. Popular breath, infinite, tai chi, tai chi movement produces yin and yang, which in turn promotes the movement and change of the world and everything in the world. Five elements are categories used to summarize several basic elements in the world. They are named after wood, fire, earth and water, but they don't just refer to these specific things themselves, but take them as the basic framework, or take them as the thinking model, and divide all phenomena into five basic categories. The five elements are the basic elements of the world.

The theory of Yin and Yang originated in Xia Dynasty, which is the origin and foundation of China's ancient philosophy. The viewpoint of unity of opposites in today's materialist dialectics is consistent with the theory of Yin and Yang. Yin-yang theory is widely used in all fields of social life, and people use it unconsciously.

Yin and yang contain five elements, and the five elements contain yin and yang. Everything in the universe can be divided into yin and yang according to its attributes. "Yang" is vigorous, upward, budding, showing, extroverted, stretching, bright, positive and active; "Yin" is weak, downward, convergent, hidden, introverted, shrinking, economical, passive and quiet. I have the duality of yin and yang in any specific matter. That is, there is yang in yin and yin in yang.

Anything huge can't escape the category of yin and yang, and anything tiny has two aspects. Under certain conditions, Yin and Yang can be transformed into each other, and the phenomenon that the two poles meet is a manifestation of the transformation of Yin and Yang.

Everything in the universe can be systematically divided into five categories according to its characteristics: gold, wood, water, fire and earth. These five things are collectively called the five elements. Gold, wood, water, fire and earth do not refer to five specific single things, but are abstract summaries of five different attributes of all things in the universe. We should fully understand the true connotation of the five elements.

There is a relationship between the five elements, and the emergence of gram is two contradictory aspects, namely yin and yang. Mutual growth and mutual resistance are the universal laws of things, and they are two inseparable aspects within things. Birth is relative. No birth, no birth. Without grams, there is no life. If there is nothing, things will develop endlessly, go to extremes, produce extremes, and change from good to bad; If there is no life, things will be weakened and decline because they are suppressed too much.

In the contradiction between opposition and unity, whether excessive or excessive, the relative balance or unity will be broken because of opposition, and things will tilt to one side. In order to keep a relative balance, life and gram should contain each other. When they can't contain each other, the balance will be broken, and then things will change.

The five elements are mutually generated and restricted.

Aquatic wood, wood fires, fire produces soil, soil produces gold, and gold produces water.

Water can break fire, fire can break gold, Jin Kemu, Muketu, Tuke water.

Heavenly stems and earthly branches and Yin and Yang

Tiangan: A, B, C, D, E, Ji, G, Xin, Ren and Gui.

Dry on cloudy days: b, d, b, b, b, d, d, d, d, d, d, d.

Yang Tiangan: A, C, E, G, Ren

Dizhi: Zi, Ugly, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu and Hai.

Yangtu branch: Zi, Yin, Chen, Wu, Shen and Xu.

Yin branch: ugliness, hair, division, health, unitary and sea.

yin-yang and five elements

Five elements: golden wood fire, water and earth

Five elements and four directions: the east belongs to wood, the south to fire, the west to gold, the north to water and the center to earth.

Wuxing Ke Sheng

The five elements coexist: Jinshui, aquatic wood, Muhuo, Huotu and Tujin.

The five elements coexist: Jin Kemu, Muketu, Tuke Water, Fire, Water and Fire.

Five elements should be restrained and avoided:

Kim: First there is fire, then it becomes a container.

Gold can produce water, and water is heavy; Strong gold gets water, and it will defeat its front.

Jinneng Kemu, Mujin Duoque; When wood is weak and meets gold, it must be cut.

Gold is born in the soil, and more gold is buried in the soil; Soil can produce gold, and more gold changes with soil.

Fire: fire is flourishing, and water can help each other.

Fire can produce soil, and the soil is full of fire; A strong fire can only stop its flame if it gets soil.

Fire can kill gold, and gold can put out more fires; When gold is weak, it will melt when it meets fire.

Fire depends on wood, and wood is full of fire; Wood can make a fire, and fire burns more wood.

Water: A pond can only be formed when there is plenty of water and soil.

Water can produce wood, and wood shrinks when it meets water; Strong water gets wood, so you have to let it go.

Water can overcome fire, and fire is dry; A weak fire will never go out when it meets water.

Water is Lai Jinsheng, and gold is turbid water; Gold can produce water, and water contains gold.

Earth: Dredging can only be carried out when the soil is flourishing.

Soil can produce ... >>

What does gossip have to do with yin and yang? Eight diagrams is a basic philosophical concept in ancient China.

There are two sources: one is China's ancient theory of Yin and Yang,

The so-called "Infinity has its pole, which is extremely Tai Chi, giving birth to two instruments (Yin and Yang) and two instruments giving birth to four images (Shaoyang, Sun, Shaoyin and Taiyin).

Four elephants play gossip, eight eight sixty-four hexagrams ",this is Fuxi gossip, also known as innate gossip; One is Zhou Wenwang's Gankun theory, which holds that heaven and earth come first.

Everything comes into being when heaven and earth intersect. God damn it, Dikun. The other six hexagrams in the Eight Diagrams are their descendants: Zhen is the eldest male, Kan is the middle male, and Gen (pronounced as gèn).

For boys; Xun (pronunciation: Xun) is the eldest daughter, divorced from the middle daughter, and got the girl, that is, the gossip, also known as the acquired gossip.

Human life is the movement of Yin and Yang, and what is the relatively stable structural relationship between Yin and Yang? Talking about medical production and species, thinking about groups, seeing geomantic omen, seeing doctors, diagnosing symptoms, always referring to yin and yang and five elements, inferring and treating pseudoscientific consciousness are actually some medical misunderstandings. Today, the abstract concept of Yin and Yang, Huangdi Neijing, is introduced, saying: Everything named after Yin and Yang is Yin and Yang, or directly draw Yang and Yin and Yang. On the theory of yin and yang separation: yin and yang are pushed by dozens, hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands, that is, yin and yang depend on each other. Yin and Yang not only mean that things have two opposite sides, but also mean that the original meaning of Yin and Yang is simple, which means that the sun returns to Yang, the shadow extends the cold and warm climate, and the left and right, internal and external transport state is restless and quiet. Generally speaking, all violent movements, extroversion, rising, warmth and brightness belong to yang; Adherence, internal security, depression, cold and darkness all belong to the interdependence of yin and yang, and it doesn't matter that any one can be separated from the other. Hot yang, cold yin and not cold are determined by the yin and yang properties of so-called hot things. Yin transforms Yang Yang into Yin and Yang, which is actually contradictory. The two are mutually transformed, interdependent and unified. The bilateral relationship between yin and yang is applied to medicine. 1. Explain the organizational structure of the body. The whole body is full of yin and yang. According to the theory of Baoming Boxing, the structure of the body cuts off Yin and Yang, and Yin and Yang are interrelated. The binary structure of Yin and Yang, inside and outside, outside, front and internal organs contain the system of Yin and Yang. 2. It shows that the theory of body and functional medicine recognizes that the two sides of body and life maintain a harmonious relationship, and the function belongs to the relationship of yin and yang, which embodies the interdependence between body function and matter. Tong Qi Lun said: The secret spirit of Yin Pingyang is rule; The separation of essence and yin and yang is the third. It shows that the pathological changes of the body maintain the coordination of the body's substance and function, and the occurrence and pathological process of diseases are related to the development of diseases caused by yin-yang imbalance, which refers to the structure and function of the whole body including the body's disease resistance. Pathogenic factors generally refer to various pathogenic factors, with yin and yang as attributes; The interaction and struggle between them are summarized as the disappearance of yin and yang (that is, the imbalance between yin and yang is weak), and the pathological phenomenon is transformed in the opposite direction, that is, the yang syndrome is transformed into the yin syndrome, and the yin syndrome is transformed into the yang syndrome. The heat in yang syndrome should belong to the degree that hands and feet can catch cold (medically called heat syncope); The degree of yang deficiency and coldness in the body can be manifested as fever, irritability and blushing. 4. For the diagnosis of diseases, any diseases with imbalance of yin and yang due to the occurrence, development and change of diseases, although the clinical manifestations are complex and changeable, are summarized by yin or yang. The theory of yin and yang should be like this: a good patient should look at the color and pulse first, and bid farewell to yin and yang. The diagnostic level is high. The primary task of medical treatment is to determine which kind of yin-yang imbalance is. Although syndrome differentiation and treatment are divided into yin, yang, exterior, cold, heat, deficiency and excess, the general category of yin and yang belongs to yang; Deficiency cold belongs to yin and yang, and the whole disease belongs to yin syndrome and yang syndrome. Analysis of four special pulse conditions. Looking, smelling, asking and cutting should be based on the properties of yin and yang, so that yin and yang can be distinguished. 5. Used for nutrition and disease treatment. It is recorded in the book "The Theory of Truth" that observing the leveling period of Yin and Yang, it is said that the fundamental purpose of medical treatment and prescribed conditioning is to analyze the unbalanced point of Yin and Yang and make the body return to the balance of Yin and Yang. Yin-yang theory is used to guide the treatment of diseases to determine the treatment principles. Yin-yang theory is used to guide the treatment of diseases to determine the treatment principles. Syndrome that Yin and Yang are superior to Yin or Yang is superior to excess syndrome is easy to damage yin fluid, while Yang is superior to Yin and Yang cold is easy to damage Yang and Yin are superior to their corresponding deficiency. If the rest are weak, they should consider supporting yang or benefiting yin and yang to treat heat, which belongs to the syndrome of excess heat. Use cold medicine to limit yang to treat heat, cold to treat heat, cold yin to overcome cold, and warm medicine to limit cold. Both of them belong to the therapeutic principles in empirical research. If the rest is damaged, the heat will be more than yang, and forsythia, chrysanthemum, lotus, even coptis and astragalus will be used to clear away heat and purge fire. When yin turns cold, clove, dried ginger, fennel, pepper and even cinnamon are used to explain the phenomenon of self-boundary. The classification of body tissues and species can be unique, and it is difficult to combine the holistic view. The dualism of yin and yang talks about bilateral relations, the relationship between medical conditioning, treatment and nourishing reality, and the relationship between hair conditioning and internal organs and tissues.

The relationship between yin and yang in the theory of yin and yang is opposite to each other, which is mainly manifested in mutual restriction and mutual growth and decline. The result of the mutual restraint and growth of Yin and Yang is to achieve a dynamic balance, which is the so-called "secret of Yin and Yang". If this balance is disturbed, it is the formation of disease. For example, human beings live in nature, and the changes of the four seasons have their own laws. If it is cold and warm in winter, people's life activities will also be affected, which will easily lead to diseases. According to the theory of Yin and Yang, under certain conditions, the opposites of Yin and Yang Can transform in opposite directions, such as Yin transforming into Yang. For example, patients with cold drinks are yin syndrome, but for some reason, cold drinks can turn heat into yang syndrome. Yang syndrome can also be transformed into yin, such as some acute fever, which consumes a lot of vitality because of its extremely heavy heat toxicity. In the case of persistent high fever, there may be a sudden loss of Yang Qi, such as hypothermia, pallor, chills in limbs, and slightly heartbroken pulse. The change of this symptom means that yang syndrome is transformed into yin syndrome. However, if the rescue is timely and handled properly, the limbs become warmer, the color pulse turns harmonious, and the yang is restored, the condition can be improved. It can be seen that the mutual transformation of yin and yang is conditional. The fluctuation (quantitative change) and transformation (qualitative change) of Yin and Yang are two inseparable stages in the whole process of development and change of things. Fluctuation is the premise of transformation, and transformation is the result of fluctuation. To sum up, Yin and Yang are relative diseases of things, so they are infinitely divisible. The opposition, mutual use, growth and decline balance and mutual transformation of Yin and Yang show that the relationship between Yin and Yang is not isolated and static, but interrelated, interactive and complementary. This is very important for us to understand the application of yin-yang theory in traditional Chinese medicine.