Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - 9 swords (representing anxiety and emotion)

9 swords (representing anxiety and emotion)

Nine swords

Sword nine implies intuition conveyed by dreams or worries about problems.

Bao Jianjiu's card depicts a person sitting on the bed as if he had just woken up from a nightmare. These nine swords are placed horizontally, and the ninth sword is located in this person's heart, linking thoughts with feelings or worries with feelings. The bedspread is decorated with red roses and the zodiac, which symbolizes the life cycle that each of us will experience in the process of planet running and time passing.

In the picture of tarot cards, Arthur Witt uses "imprisonment, doubt, confusion, reasonable fear and shame" to explain this card. It may have each of the above meanings, depending on which cards appear around it.

Nine is a card representing anxiety and emotional turmoil. This kind of worry may be about yourself or everything around you. Employment can represent vivid dreams or nightmares, and nightmares may convey a strong message that some mistakes in your life have emerged from your subconscious to your conscious level. When you wake up, you may find that you have a clear impression of your dream, or you may feel very tired. This kind of fatigue may be because vivid dreams interfere with your sleep quality. Suppose you write your dreams in a journal, you may find a clue or obvious information. Then your dreams can be an effective tool to get close to your subconscious.

Nine cards means that too much energy in your body is concentrated in your head. Maybe your focus and attention are focused on thinking, but you are not aware of the emotional or physical parts. In this case, you need to keep your feet on the ground. This is actually to get to know yourself again by contacting the earth, such as walking, exercising or spending more time with nature. Physical activity usually helps to redistribute energy throughout the body.

General meaning

Sword nine represents a powerful dream. Maybe your subconscious is trying to teach you something. Listen to your dreams. Maybe you are supporting a certain situation or philosophy, but it doesn't support you relatively.

Worry, headache and difficulty sleeping also mean this card. In terms of health analysis, it is about heart, superior pursuit, neck and head.

If there is a five-pointed star in the nine cards, then you may have money problems; And if you appear next to the holy grail card, you may be worried about sexual relations or feelings; Suppose you are carrying a staff card, there are two possibilities, that is, you are worried about going on a business trip or changing things, or you have too many physical things that need your immediate attention.

The importance of gender relations

In the analysis of gender relationship, Jian Jiu implies that you are worried about a gender relationship, or that you have a vivid dream to tell you what the basic problem is in a relationship.

Nine cards can also symbolize that you are afraid of the breakup of a relationship, and this fear may be unfounded. You must read it with the other cards on the deck to prove the significance of this. It's time to listen to yourself, so that you can be sure that you have met all your needs.


When Jian Jiu stands upside down, it indicates the intuition brought by dreams. You may act on the information revealed in your dreams. This card describes in detail the important events in your future life by suggesting a dream.

To put it simply, Jiuka says that your subconscious conveys your fears and desires to your consciousness through dreams. When you stand on your head, you should pay more attention to this message, because it is time for you to stop hiding yourself, your true values, your fears, or your unfulfilled wishes. Once you can face your fears, the nightmare will subside. It may also mean that you are not so worried about a particular situation.