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Idioms and their stories

Idiom stories are part of the history of China, and idioms are the accumulation of history. Behind every idiom, there is a far-reaching story, which is the crystallization of people's wisdom for thousands of years. The following are 17 idioms and allusions I collected for you, hoping to help you.

When the idiom allusions 1 Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, there was an organization that collected ballads from all over the country and sorted out music scores, called Yuefu. Later, people called the poems collected and created by this institution "Yuefu Poetry". Later generations divided Yuefu poems into twelve categories, among which "Songs of Xianghe" was originally a folk ballad. In this speech, there is a famous article "Cockcrow", which tells the life situation of the rise and fall of famous families in Han Dynasty.

It was a strange phenomenon that the society was peaceful and prosperous at that time. Once people from humble origins gain power, they immediately become prominent royalty. However, they regarded their own strength as a blessing and finally had to be turned into ghosts by the sword.

Legend has it that there are five brothers, all of whom are idle people. By chance, they got the common sense of the emperor and became assistant ministers. Since then, their lives have undergone earth-shaking changes, and they have enjoyed endless glory and become the home of Ding Food.

The first residence, the Golden Carved Pavilion Gate, the glazed yellow tiles on the roof, the castles in the air, and Hong Ting Road, are like flying, which is really like the fairy residence. Above the hall, there are all kinds of exquisite wine bottles. They can party all night, and beautiful female musicians play music to entertain them when the wine is warm. In the pond in the back garden, 36 pairs of mandarin ducks flirted and played happily in the water.

Later, some of the five brothers committed crimes and once they became prisoners, they had to be punished. At this time, the other brothers swept the snow in front of their own houses, ignoring brotherhood and snuggling up to each other, making a lot of gaffes.

To this end, there is a folk song: "Five brothers, all assistant ministers, came at one o'clock on the 5th, and onlookers crowded the roadside. Gold wraps around the horse's head. Why worry? Peaches were born in a well, next to Li Shusheng peaches. Worms come to bite peaches. Trees are generations, and brothers still remember them! "

People take this opportunity to sigh: the peach trees and plum trees by the well are dependent on each other, and the peach trees are eaten by insects, and plum trees often wither and die on behalf of the peach trees. Li Shu can still remind himself that their brotherhood is not as good as that of Li Shu!

Idiom Allusions 2 Ji An was born in the era of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty and was respected for his honest and frank, justice and daring to tell the truth. He is informal, pragmatic and official. Although it is not so vigorous on the surface, it can manage a county in an orderly way. Therefore, the court transferred him from Donghai County to the court as a Lord and captain-an official position in charge of the appointment and removal of local officials.

On one occasion, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said that he would implement the Confucian policy of benevolence and righteousness and do good deeds for the people. Before the emperor had finished speaking, Ji An said, "Your Majesty is so greedy at heart, but on the surface he has to pretend to be kind. Why bother? " A word choked the emperor back. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty cried, his face changed greatly, and he announced a blow to the DPRK. All the civil servants in the Qing Dynasty were supporting the staff for Ji An, fearing that he would cause great disaster. After Emperor Wu returned to the palace, he told people around him that Ji An was too thick and straight.

Since then, Ji An's official position has never been promoted. When he was Qi Huangong and a surname, Gong and Zhang Tang were humble officials. Later, they continued to rise, Gong became prime minister, Zhang Tang became an ancient bachelor, but He Ji 'an still stood still. One day, Ji An said to Emperor Wu that your majesty's use of ministers is like chopping wood, and it is "the latecomers come from the top"! Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty certainly realized that this was an indictment. Then he turned to his deputies and said, "People really have to study! You listen to Ji An, more and more outrageous! "

This story comes from Biography of Historical Records and Zheng Ji. The idiom "coming from behind" often means that the latter can surpass the former. And Ji An said the original intention, very different.

Idiom allusions 3 Landlords peel chickens in the middle of the night every day, and then call the long-term workers who have just fallen asleep to work in the fields. As time went on, the long-term workers began to doubt the premature crowing of chickens. In order to find out this matter, one night, Bao Xiao, a small laborer, hid behind the cart and observed the movement in the yard alone. After a while, he saw Zhou skinned quietly coming to the chicken coop, craning his neck to imitate the cock crow, and then poking the chicken coop with a stick until the cock crow, and he didn't leave.

Bao Xiao told the long-term workers what he saw. Everyone was very angry and went to sleep in the fields. After dawn, Zhou peeled his skin and went to the field to see that the long-term workers were sleeping. He raised the stick, swearing and hitting. Unwilling to be oppressed, the long-term laborer came up with a way to deal with Zhou Pipi: that night, just as Zhou Pipi was learning to crow in front of the henhouse, Bao Xiao, who was hiding in the dark, shouted, "Stop thief!" Long-term workers who had already prepared came running over and beat Zhou to pieces. When the landlord heard the news, it showed that his old club had been beaten, and everyone stopped and deliberately showed surprise.

The landlord reluctantly helped Zhou peel the skin back to the house, and the long-term workers all laughed happily.

Idiom story 4 Confucius had many disciples, one of whom was Zaiyu, who was eloquent and eloquent. At first, he had a good impression on Confucius, and then he gradually revealed the truth: he was neither kind nor very lazy; Don't read and listen in broad daylight, but sleep in bed. To this end, Confucius called him "a rotten wood cannot be carved."

Another disciple of Confucius, Lian Lian, a native of Shandong, is thirty-nine years younger than Confucius. Yu Zi's figure and appearance are ugly. She wants to serve Confucius. Confucius began to think that he had low qualifications and would not succeed. However, after studying under a famous teacher, he returned with great concentration to cultivate himself, doing things aboveboard and not taking evil paths; Never go to the doctor for business. Later, Yu Zi came to the Yangtze River with 300 disciples. His reputation is very high, and his name is recited by various vassal States.

When Confucius heard about this, he said with emotion: "I only judge people's quality and ability by words, and as a result, my judgment on Zaiyu is wrong;" I only judge people's quality and ability by their appearance, and as a result, I was wrong about feathers again. "

Idiom Allusions 5 In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a man named Chen Mao. Every time someone encounters any dispute, they will ask Chen Ya to come out to uphold justice, because everyone knows that Chen Ya is an honest and sincere person, and everyone likes him and listens to him! One year, there was a famine in Chen Ya's hometown, and many people could not find jobs. Some people go to other places to work, and some people become thieves because they have no work to do, stealing other people's things!

One night, a thief sneaked into Chen Ya's house to steal something after sleeping in Chen Ya. The thief didn't know that Chen Ya found him hiding on the roof beam, but Chen Ya pretended not to see him and sat quietly in the living room drinking tea. After a while, Chen Ya called the whole family to the living room and said to them, "You know, people have only lived for decades. If you don't grasp the time of hard work, it will be too late to try again when you are old. Therefore, we should form a good habit of hard work from an early age, and only when we grow up can we make good contributions to society, family and ourselves! Of course, there are also some people who don't work hard and just like to entertain themselves. These people are not bad in nature, but they will do some bad things that endanger society only if they don't develop good habits. Now you look up, the gentleman on our roof is a living example. 」

Hearing this, the thief climbed down from the beam and knelt in front of Chen Ya: "Master Chen, I'm sorry! I know I was wrong, please forgive me! Instead of scolding the thief, Chen Ya said to the thief very kindly, "I don't think you are a bad person, maybe you are forced by the hardships of life. I will give you some money now. Stop stealing. Work hard. As long as you can correct your mistakes, you will still be a useful person! The thief was moved and cried and said to Chen Ya, "Thank you, Master Chen! I will definitely work hard! Later, the thief really got rid of his bad habits and tried to become a good young man praised by everyone! Later, people turned Chen Ya's words into the idiom "fish begins to stink at the head" to describe a thief who steals from others.

After Fu Wangmang, Emperor of Han Ping, usurped the Han regime, peasant uprisings broke out in various places, among which the Red Eyebrow Army and the outlaw heroes were the most powerful. In 23 AD, the peasant army fought a decisive battle with Wang Mang's 420,000 troops in Kunyang (now Yexian County, Henan Province). One of them, a general named Liu Xiu, was very active. This battle, follwed defeat, almost completely annihilated. Soon, the peasant army invaded the capital and killed Wang Mang. Liu Xuan of the royal family was honored as the son of heaven, while Liu Xiu was named Xiao Wang because of his great contribution.

Liu Xiu is a very shrewd man. He doesn't want Liu Xuan to be emperor. On the north bank of the Yellow River, Liu Xiu expanded his power while attacking the scattered peasant army against Liu Xuan. In AD 24, Liu Xiu defeated the Red Eyebrow Army in Weizhou and Puyang, and incorporated the surrendered troops. The commander of the surrendering army was Liehou, and other officers with troops also appointed official positions.

However, these surrendered officers and men were very uneasy and worried that they would be wiped out by Liu Xiu in the future. Seeing their heart disease, Liu Xiu took an unexpected measure: he ordered every general to return to the old headquarters and take charge of the original military forces; He only took a few followers to inspect the surrendered troops, and did not guard them to show his absolute trust in them. When these surrendered officers and men saw that Liu Xiu regarded them as one of their own, they immediately lifted their doubts and said to each other, "Xiao Wang has taken out his heart and put it in someone else's stomach. What are we worried about? " Shouldn't you go through fire and water for him? "Therefore, the officers and men are very obedient to Liu Xiu. The original words in "The Biography of Emperor Guangwu of the Later Han Dynasty" are: "Xiao Wang confided in his heart, so An did not report his death! "

According to this history, later generations summed up the phrase "confide in your heart" as the idiom "confide in your heart".

According to legend, in the far north, there is a barren land, where there is an endless sea called Tianchi. There is a fish in Tianchi, which is thousands of miles wide. No one knows how long it is. Its name is Kun. Kun became a big bird, Peng, with his back like Mount Tai, spreading his wings like a dark cloud covering the sky.

Dapeng bird hovers upward in the swirling hurricane. When it flaps its wings, it stirs up 3000 miles of waves at sea. It rides a whirlwind, flies high, soars into the sky, and can fly out of Wan Li at once. For such a long distance, it will take half a year for Dapeng bird to fly back to its original residence to rest.

There is a little sparrow in the swamp. He saw Dapeng flying high, smiled disapprovingly and said, "Where will it fly?" I jumped up, leisurely, but a few feet high, and returned to the ground, flying around in the wormwood, free, which is also a very proud flight. Why did you fly thousands of miles away? "

Later, people often used "Pengcheng Wan Li" to express congratulations or self-encouragement. Li Bai wrote in On Li Yong: "Dapeng rises with the wind one day and soars in Wan Li." Li Qingzhao, a poetess in the Song Dynasty, wrote in "Fisherman's Passion": "90,000 Li Fengpeng is the right move."

Idiom Allusions 8 In the Western Han Dynasty, there was a man named Zhao Yu who was involved in the lawsuit of Qiu Zhou Yafu. By chance, Liu Che, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, saw that his writing was sharp and meaningful, and thought that few people could match him at that time.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty greatly appreciated it, so he appointed Zhao Yu as the suggestion, and later he was promoted to Dr. Taizhong, who was responsible for formulating national laws together with Dr. Zhang Tang. In order to bind officials with strict legal provisions; According to the will of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, they supplemented and revised the original legal provisions.

At that time, many officials hoped that Zhao Yu would be merciful and amend the legal provisions to allow room for manoeuvre, so they invited him to have dinner with Zhang Tang, but Zhao Yu never thanked them. After several times, many people said that he was a big official; Look down on people.

After a period of time, Zhao Yu and Zhang Tang, after careful consideration and research, decided to enact laws such as "knowing the crime, not raising it" and "officials committing crimes" to restrain on-the-job officials and prevent them from running amok.

As soon as the news came out, officials asked them to persuade Zhao Yu not to make the law too strict. Officials came to Yu Zhao's house with heavy gifts, but Zhao Yu met them and just chatted everywhere. Ignoring the suggestions of officials asking him to amend the law, after a while, the officials got up and left when they saw that they couldn't go on. But before he left, Zhao Yu simply returned the heavy gifts they brought.

In this way, people really think that Zhao Yu is a very honest and upright person. Someone asked Zhao Yu, don't you consider what people around you think of him? He said: "I cut off the requests of friends or guests in this way, so that I can decide and handle things independently and do things according to my own will without interference." "

Idiom allusions 9 During the Spring and Autumn Period, the general son of Chu was entrusted by his brother, the King of Chu, to visit the State of Zheng. Zheng is very weak. In order to survive in the cracks, he tried his best to please the messengers of Chu. After all, with the protection of Chu, other powers dare not bully Zheng at will. Zheng's doctor, Gongsun Duan, decided to marry his daughter to Gongziwei for the benefit of the country, which shows that the friendship between the two countries is unbreakable.

My son agreed to this marriage, but he actually had other small plans in mind. At the wedding, the son took a lot of military forces with him and wanted to take them into the city to seize the political power of Zheng. I didn't expect Dr. Zheng to see through the tricks of the childe circle at once, so he was refused entry into Beijing.

Zi Chan sent Yu Zi to the guests of the State of Chu and said, "Our capital is too narrow to accommodate so many sons. If you must marry, please hold a ceremony outside the city! "

Gong was very angry and asked Taizai Bozhou Plough to reply, "How can there be a precedent for holding a wedding in the wild?" Before we came, we had already worshipped our ancestors in the ancestral hall. If we get married outside the city, isn't it a shame for our state of Chu? It seems that Zheng is too stingy. Besides, don't forget, I'm Chu Lingyin! If I really get married in the wild, I will be looked down upon when I return home, and I will no longer be qualified to be your wife. Therefore, the arrangement in your country is unacceptable to me. "

Yu Zi's face changed on the spot. He said seriously, "Yes, Zheng is a small country. However, it is not wrong for a country to be weak. It is wrong to rely on a big country without taking precautions. We want Chu to protect us through marriage, but Chu has ulterior motives and attacks Zheng's idea. How can you not take any precautions! "

Seeing that Zheng Zao was on guard, the childe around him really couldn't get cheap, so he had to promise not to bring him into the city, and Zheng allowed him to enter the city.

On the fifteenth day of the first month of this year, the son surrounded Zheng's capital, married Gongsun Shu's daughter, and left Zheng immediately after marriage.

The idiom allusion article 10 "It's snowing" is selected from the Biography of Shi Yang in Song Dynasty. Shi Yang was a famous scholar, philosopher and educator in Song Dynasty.

When Shi Yang was a teenager, he not only studied hard, but also studied modestly. His virtue of learning with an open mind was passed down as a much-told story.

In Song Dynasty, there were two famous Neo-Confucianism masters and educators, namely Cheng Ying and Cheng Yi, who enjoyed worldwide fame. Shi Yang has great respect for these two masters of science. On one occasion, he won the Jinshi, was sealed the official position, but did not take office, but went to Lingchang, Henan (now Xuchang County, Henan Province) to worship Cheng as a teacher and ask for advice with an open mind. A few years later, Shi Yang finished his studies and went home. When he left, he bowed to the teacher and reluctantly left. Cheng Ying looked at his fading back and said, "My Neo-Confucianism was taken to the south by him!"

Four years later, Cheng Ying passed away, and Shi Yang was deeply saddened by the bad news. He also set up a coffin at home to mourn his teacher. Soon, he asked his classmates to visit the old gentleman Cheng Yi in Luoyang. Shi Yang was almost confused this year.

They are not afraid of trouble and March forward rain or shine. One day, it was snowing heavily. He and his classmates came to Chengfu and heard his family say that Mr. Wang was sitting and dozing off. Shi Yang and Youzui didn't want to disturb the rest of the old man, so they quietly retreated to the door and stood respectfully outside Cheng Fu.

When Gauge woke up, the snow outside was more than a foot deep, barely reaching their knees.

Shi Yang was open-minded and eager to learn, and finally achieved something. He has served as a magistrate in Liuyang, Yuhang and other places, and also served as a professor in Jingzhou. Later, the official on the right suggested that the doctor and the son of the country provide drinks. In the Southern Song Dynasty, Emperor Gaozong ascended the throne, serving as assistant minister of the Ministry of Industry and straight bachelor of Longtuge.

At that time, Shi Yang's spirit of learning from teachers was widely spread. Later generations summed up the allusion of "Cheng Menxue Pear" from this story to emphasize the spirit of respecting teachers and learning with an open mind.

Idiom Allusions 1 1 During the Changqing period in Tang Muzong, it was said that there was a Chu Shi Ma Zheng, and it was said that an elderly man lived in Zhurongfeng, Hengshan Mountain. He took a little servant up the hill to visit the old man.

He climbed Zhurong Peak and saw an old monk with white hair and beard in a Buddhist temple. The old monk was very enthusiastic and insisted on leaving Ma Zheng for dinner, but the oil and salt in the kitchen happened to run out. The horse is telling the boy to go down the mountain to buy oil and salt. The old monk accompanied him out of the temple. Ma is standing alone by the temple enjoying the mountain view.

At this time, another hermit named Ma Xiaoshui came from the foot of the mountain. After the two exchanged names, Manuma said that he saw a tiger calling someone halfway up the mountain ... Ma Zheng asked the man's age, appearance and clothes and shouted, "That's my servant!" " Ma Ma added, "Strangely, after eating people, the tiger suddenly turned into an old monk with white hair and beard." Soon, the old monk came back, and his mother whispered to Ma Zheng, "It's this monk. "

It's getting late, and the old monk wants to invite them to live in the monk's room, but the two of them like to live in the fasting hall. They bolted the door tightly and observed what was happening outside. In the middle of the night, a tiger came and knocked on the door several times, but the two men struggled desperately to keep the door from being knocked down. Determined to get rid of this man-eating tiger, they finally came up with a good idea

Early the next morning, the two men said that a strange sound came from a well in the backyard and tricked the old monk to the well. When the old monk looked at the wellhead, Ma Ma gave him a hard push and pushed him down the well. As soon as the monk fell into the water, he immediately became a tiger. The two men took a big stone and smashed it to death. They got lost when they went down the mountain. Fortunately, they met a hunter and spent the night in a hut in a tree.

In the middle of the night, Ma Zheng was suddenly awakened by the sound under the tree. By moonlight, he saw dozens of people clamoring for revenge for the tiger. The hunter told them that all these people were eaten by tigers, but after their death, they cleared the way for tigers and became ghosts. Ma Zheng scolded: "You ghosts died in the tiger's mouth, and you have to cry to avenge it!" "

According to ancient legends, people who are eaten by tigers will become ghosts after death and still have to work for tigers. This idiom comes from this, and now it is compared to being an accomplice to the bad guys.

Han Yu, a famous writer in the Tang Dynasty, was raised by his sister-in-law after his parents died at an early age. He studies hard by himself. When I was young, I read widely and laid a solid foundation for learning. At the age of 35, he went to Beijing as a doctor of imperial academy, and later he was promoted to assistant minister of punishments. Buddhism prevailed at that time, and even Tang Xianzong worshipped Buddhism very much. He heard that there was a bone of Buddha Sakyamuni in a temple, and he was ready to make a scene. Welcome to the palace to worship. Han Yu was disgusted with this and wrote an article "Persuading Buddha's Bone Table" to oppose it. It is mentioned that after Buddhism was introduced into China, the emperor's reign was not long; Those who want to worship Buddha and pray for blessings will inevitably have a tragic ending. Tang Xianzong looked at his watch. Very angry, I think Han Yu is not only deliberately targeting himself, but also alluding to his short life with history.

So Han Yu should be put to death, but because of the intercession of the Prime Minister, he was banished to Chaozhou as a secretariat. During the mid-Tang Dynasty, the central ruling power was weakening day by day. After Xian Zong came to power, he reformed some disadvantages of the previous dynasty, and the rule of the central government was strengthened. In view of this situation, Han Yu, who was demoted to Chaozhou, once again praised Xian Zong as "Xie Shangbiao, the secretariat of Chaozhou", in order to regain his trust and return to work in the court. In this table, Han Yu complimented Xian Zong as a master of reviving Gankun, and suggested that Xian Zong go to Mount Tai to "worship Zen".

Closed meditation is a grand ceremony to worship heaven and earth. The ancients believed that Mount Tai was the head of the five mountains. Climbing to the top of the mountain to build an altar to worship heaven is called "peak", and laying a foundation stone on the mountain is called "mountain" The famous Qin Shihuang and Han Wudi in history. This ceremony has already been held. Han Yu's suggestion is to regard Xian Zong as an emperor with outstanding contributions. Han Yu also expressed vaguely in this form that he hoped Xianzong would let him attend the grand event of Zen Buddhism, and said that it would be a lifelong regret if he could not attend this once-in-a-lifetime event. Later, Xianzong transferred him back to Kyoto and became an assistant minister of the official department.

It means that such an opportunity comes once in a thousand years. It is very rare and precious to describe opportunities.

Idiom allusion 13 Confucius had a friend named Liu, who was a great saint. Liu's younger brother Zhi is a robber, and people call him a thief. One day, Confucius went to steal his feet, trying to persuade him to turn over a new leaf and be a respected person like his brother.

When the thief saw Confucius, he was so angry that he said to him, "You hypocrite who cheated the whole world! Today, if you obey my heart, I can spare your life, otherwise, I will kill you and eat your heart! "

Confucius was not afraid, and said, "With your talent, you can become a vassal all the way and enjoy all the splendor. But you became a robber. Is the word' robber' so beautiful? I advise you, you'd better stop fighting each other and infringing on the people. "

The thief felt that Confucius' words were not to his taste, so he said, "Don't tempt me with fame and fortune, I am not an ignorant person! Yao and Shun were emperors at first, but now their descendants have no place to stand. Therefore, I don't want to be prosperous. "

As he spoke, he changed the subject and continued: "Since the Yellow Emperor, wars have been going on everywhere in the world. When Yao Shun became emperor, he set up officials. Shang Tang rose up and even put his monarch mainstream in the South Nest. Zhou Wuwang rose up and even drove the monarch to self-immolate. Since then, society has bullied the weak by virtue of its strength, and most people have bullied a few people. Therefore, from Shang Tang and Zhou Wuwang, it was all conquest and killing, and we made the mistake of uprising.

"Now, you teach the theory of benevolence and righteousness to all people, and deceive the monarchs of various countries in order to seek wealth. It seems that you are the biggest thief in the world. Everyone in the world is really confused. Why not call me a thief, but you must call me a thief? "

Confucius had no choice but to return to Qufu. When he came back, he sighed and said, "I am really unlucky." I loafed around and took part in the risk myself. I tried my best to touch the tiger beard this time, but I was almost eaten by the tiger. "

During the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a famous painter named Wen, who was a master of bamboo painting at that time.

In order to draw bamboo well, Wen keeps drilling in the bamboo forest all year round, whether it is spring, summer, autumn and winter, whether it is windy or rainy, whether it is sunny or cloudy In dog days, the sun is on fire and the ground is hot. However, Wen and Ke still ran to the side of the bamboo forest, facing the sun and standing in the hot sun, watching the changes of bamboo with rapt attention. He measured the length of the bamboo joint with his fingers for a while, and then recorded how dense the bamboo leaves were. Sweat soaked his clothes and his face was sweaty, but he didn't even wipe it with his hands once, as if nothing had happened.

Once, a strong wind blew in the sky. Then, thunder and lightning, a heavy rain is coming. People are running home. Just then, Wen and Ke, sitting at home, hurriedly grabbed a straw hat, buckled it on his head and ran straight to the bamboo forest on the mountain. Hardly had he stepped out of the gate when the heavy rain began to splash water with the washbasin.

Wen and Ke are bent on watching bamboo in the wind and rain, but they can't stand sliding in the rain! He lifted his robe, climbed the hillside and ran to the bamboo forest. Panting, he ran into the bamboo forest and looked at the bamboo unblinkingly without wiping the rain on his face. I saw bamboo in the wind and rain, bent down and nodded, swaying. Wen and Ke carefully remember the posture of bamboo being hit by wind and rain.

Due to the careful observation and study of bamboo for many years, what changes have taken place in the shape of bamboo in spring, summer, autumn and winter? What is the difference between the color and posture of bamboo in rainy and snowy days? What's the difference between bamboo in strong sunlight and bamboo in bright moonlight? He knows exactly what different bamboos look like. So when you draw bamboo, you don't need to sketch at all.

There was a man named Chao, who praised Wen and Ke: Wen and Ke can draw bamboo, and they already have the answer.

Idiom allusion 15 Within half a year after Song Taizu ascended the throne, two armies of our army rose up against the Song Dynasty. Song Taizu himself went into battle and had a great effort to pacify them. Song Taizu is always uneasy about this matter. He thought hard and finally came up with a plan.

A few days later, Song Taizu gave a banquet in the palace, and invited several veteran ministers such as Shi Shouxin and Wang Shenqi to drink. After a few drinks, Song Taizu ordered the eunuch standing beside him to go out. He picked up a glass of wine and said, "Without your help, I wouldn't be in this position." But you don't know it's hard to be an emperor. Just be comfortable. "

Shi Shouxin and others were very surprised and quickly asked what the reason was. Song Taizu said, "Don't you understand? Who doesn't envy the status of the emperor? "

Shi Shouxin and others recognized the voice. Everyone panicked and knelt on the ground and said, "Why did your Majesty say such a thing?" Now that the world is stable, who dares to be half-hearted to your majesty? "

Song Taizu shook his head and said, "I still don't trust you guys? I'm afraid some of your men and soldiers are greedy for money and put you in yellow robes. If you want to quit, can you? "

Hearing this, Shi Shouxin and others felt that disaster was imminent. They kowtowed repeatedly and said with tears in their eyes, "We are all rough people. I didn't expect this. Please show your majesty a way out. "

Song Taizu said, "I think of you. You might as well hand over the relieving power, go to a place to be an idle official, buy some farmland houses, leave some property for your children and grandchildren, and live happily in your old age. Wouldn't it be better if I married you and didn't suspect each other? "

Shi Shouxin and others said in unison, "Your Majesty is so considerate to us!"

As soon as the party was over, everyone went home. The next day in court, everyone handed in a letter saying that they were old and sick and asked to resign. Song Taizu sighting immediately, take back their relieving, reward them with a large sum of property, and send them to various places to do our time.

Historically, this incident was called "a glass of wine to release the rights of soldiers" ("release" means "release").

The original meaning of the idiom 16 is that how you treat others, others will treat you. Now it is used to describe a person who is inconsistent in words and deeds and capricious. I mean you, but I'll go back with you.

This idiom comes from Mencius, Hui Liang and Wang Xia: Zeng Zi said: Stop it! Those who exceed your expectations are those who go against your expectations.

During the Warring States Period, one year, a war broke out between Zou and Lu. Zou Guo was defeated and killed many soldiers. Zou Mugong was very unhappy and asked Mencius: "In this war, 33 officials under my command were killed, but none of the people worked hard for them. It is very hateful for them to see the first mate killed instead of saving him. " If you kill these people, they are too many to kill; If you don't kill it, it will be very hateful. What do you suggest we do?

Mencius replied: I remember one year when there was a famine, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled starved to death in the ravine, and thousands of mature people went out to flee, while the king's granary was still full and the treasury was sufficient. The official in charge of money and grain didn't report this serious disaster to you. They are aloof, don't care about people's sufferings, and endanger people.

Looking back on this painful past, Mencius went on to say: Do you still remember what Ceng Zi, a disciple of Confucius, said? He said, be alert! Treat others as you treat others. Now that the people have a chance to retaliate, they will treat those officers in the same way. Mencius finally told Zou Mugong: Therefore, your majesty should not blame them or punish them. If the benevolent policy is implemented, your people will love their officers and be willing to give their lives for them.

Idiom story 17 During the Three Kingdoms period, there was a man named Guan Ju, who was diligent and witty since childhood and only loved astronomy. At the age of fifteen, I became familiar with Zhouyi and divination, and gradually became famous. After a long time, it reached the ears of the official department minister and assistant minister Deng Hurricane.

This day happens to be the 28th of the twelfth lunar month. The two officials were bored after eating and drinking enough, so they sent someone to call Guan Lu for divination. Guan Zhi had long heard that these two men were confidants of Cao Cao's grandnephew Cao Shuang, and they used their power to run amok and had a bad reputation. He thought for a while and wanted to take this opportunity to teach them a good lesson and destroy their prestige. As soon as he saw Guan Ju, he shouted, "I heard that your divination is very effective. Hurry up and calculate my divination and see if I can get promoted and make a fortune. Besides, I dreamed that flies always stung my nose these nights. What is the omen? Guan Ju thought about it and said, "In the past, the Duke of Zhou was honest and clean, helping Zhou Chengwang to build a country, making the country prosperous and the people safe;" Now your status is higher than that of Duke Zhou, but few people are grateful to you and many are afraid of you. This may not be a good sign. Your dream is measured by divination, and it is also a disgrace! "Guan Ju went on to say:" If you want to turn disasters into blessings, eliminate disasters and take refuge, you can only follow the example of sages such as Duke Zhou, be kind to others, and do good deeds to accumulate virtue. " Deng Ju listened, but she didn't agree. He shook his head again and again and said, "These are all platitudes and meaningless." Peace was livid and said nothing. When Guan Yu saw it, he laughed: "Although it is a cliche, you can't underestimate it! "

Soon, when the New Year arrived, it was reported that Yanhe, Deng Wei and Cao Shuang were killed together because of the rebellion. After Guan Ju knew it, he repeatedly said, "They ignored the cliche, no wonder it ended like this!"