Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What kind of person is the most cultured?

What kind of person is the most cultured?

No matter when and where, educated people are the most popular, because educated people know how to respect people, care about people, know how to grasp the discretion and know how to be grateful. Truly educated people have these four characteristics. See if you have it.

First, people with high self-cultivation are gentle.

Treat people gently, in which "warmth" means that temperature can give people warmth and warmth, not indifference and indifference. "Harmony" means kindness, calmness, no irritability, no grumpiness and no arrogance.

Gentle people are compassionate, kind to all things in the world, and can "do to others what you don't want them to do to you" and "be dependent on the old and be young". Their eyes are calm and deep, full of kindness and love.

A gentle person, approachable and polite. They don't flatter the rich and despise the poor.

Gentle people, calm and calm, will not panic when things happen, and will not be happy or sad before honor or disgrace.

Gentle people are generous, just like Maitreya, always smiling. They are magnanimous, with a large pattern, like a vast sea, and can accommodate everything that is difficult to accommodate in the world. No matter who they are to, no matter what happens, they will never forget to smile

Gentleness is the charm of life, and it is also the great and deep power of life.

A fable about the sun and the wind is very enlightening.

One day, the wind said to the sun, "I'll prove my strength to you at once ... Did you see the old man wearing a windbreaker?" ? I can take off his trench coat at once, and then you will know who is stronger among us. "

Then, the wind blew, almost forming a hurricane, but the stronger the wind blew, the tighter the old man wrapped his windbreaker around him.

Finally, the wind had to stop.

At this time, the sun showed a kind smile from behind the clouds, and the sun gently sprinkled on the old man.

Soon, the old man wiped the sweat from his forehead and took off his coat.

Then, the sun said to the wind, "Anger and violence can never compare with tenderness and kindness."

The sun can make people undress more than the wind, which shows that approaching others in a loving and friendly way can make others change their original ideas, which is more effective than conquering others with violent attacks.

Second, people who can exercise self-restraint are all powerful people.

Going its own way, doing what it wants, seemingly free and unrestrained, in fact, this simply doesn't work in real life.

There is no absolute freedom in the world, and so is nature. All freedoms have boundaries.

"The sea is wide and the fish jumps, and the sky is high and birds fly." The freedom of fish lies in water, and water is the boundary of fish. If a fish can't restrain itself and must break free from the restriction of water, it will lose its life, so it has no freedom. Similarly, the atmosphere is also the boundary of birds. Birds can only fly freely in the atmosphere.

Only by self-discipline can a person be free. People who are good at self-restraint know this truth.

Some people say: losing your temper is instinct, and taking it back is skill. This skill is actually restraint. Restrain yourself, don't lose your temper, and don't do harm to others, which reflects a good life accomplishment.

A child can't control his emotions and often loses his temper for no reason. One day, his father gave him a big bag of nails and told him to hammer a nail in the backyard fence every time he lost his temper.

On the first day, the little boy nailed 12 nails on the fence.

After a few weeks, the little boy gradually learned to control his anger, and the number of nails nailed to the fence began to decrease. He found it much easier to control his temper than to hammer a nail into the fence ... finally, the little boy became less angry.

He told his father about his change. His father advised him, "If you can keep your temper for a day, pull a nail from the fence."

After a while, the little boy finally pulled out all the nails on the fence.

Father took him by the hand and came to the fence. He said to the little boy, "Son, you have done well. However, if you look at so many holes left in the fence by those nails, the fence is not what it used to be. When you lose your temper with others, your words, like these nail holes, will leave scars in people's hearts. What you do is like stabbing someone with a knife and then pulling it out. No matter how many times you say' I'm sorry', the wound will last forever. In fact, there is no difference between hurting people verbally and hurting people's bodies. "

Third, educated people are very low-key

The philosopher Schopenhauer once said, "The lower a person's external material requirements are, the higher his internal requirements are."

Truly cultured people are rich in spirit, and they are never willing to spend too much energy to pursue superficial luxury and exquisiteness. It is always simple and low-key.

They will not wear fancy clothes, drive fancy cars and drive BMW cars and parade in the city; But dressed simply and lived in seclusion. Will not be loud and grandstanding; But a pleasant countenance, gentle breeze and drizzle.

The higher their rank, the more they know how to keep their inner humility and peace. Because they know that epiphyllum is beautiful, but in the blink of an eye; Green trees are simple and ordinary, but they can last for a hundred years.

Keeping a low profile is really great wisdom for survival.

Franklin was called "the father of America". When he was a teenager, he visited an elder.

At that time, he was young, cocky and strutting, but as soon as he entered the door, his head hit the door frame and he couldn't speak.

Seeing Franklin like this, the elder said to him seriously, "Does it hurt? However, this is the biggest gain for you to come to me today. If a person wants to live safely in the world, he must always remember to bow his head. "

From then on, Franklin took "Remember to bow" as his motto in life.

Fourth, always being grateful is the embodiment of one's self-cultivation.

It can be said that "a drop of grace is rewarded with a spring", "not forgetting gratitude" and "gratitude for gratitude" are a noble moral realm and the greatest possession of life. Everyone should always be grateful and always do good deeds.

You can't forget the kindness of your parents. The kindness of husband and wife cannot be forgotten. The teacher's kindness cannot be forgotten. Gratitude and gratitude are the simplest ways to convey true love on earth. A person should be grateful to all those who have cared about themselves and try to care for people like them.

Even if life is not smooth, or in adversity, you can't submit to humiliation and complain. After all, there are still many good people in the world. After the storm, there must be a rainbow; Above the dark clouds, the sky is still clear. No matter what happens, you can't lose your gratitude.

American President Roosevelt is a man who is always grateful.

Once, Roosevelt's house was stolen, and many things were stolen. After hearing the news, a friend wrote to comfort him.

Roosevelt wrote in his reply: "Dear friend, thank you for your letter to comfort me. I'm fine now, thank God: first, the thief stole my things and didn't hurt my life; Second, the thief only stole some of my things, not all of them; Third, the luckiest thing is that he is the thief, not me. "

Stealing is absolutely unfortunate for anyone, but Roosevelt found three reasons to be grateful. This kind of accomplishment is worth learning.