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What, what, four-word idiom Oriental Encyclopedia

1. Four-character idioms in the idiom encyclopedia run everywhere.

More refers to being forced by life, or running around for some purpose. Stumbling means walking unsteadily and out of control.

Also refers to an object that is not tilted correctly. The east helped the west pick it up from here and fell there by itself.

Metaphor attend to one thing and lose another. Also described too many bad habits, corrected this point, and that point revived.

Donglao Saixixi Lao: Shrike. Metaphor lovers, friends leave.

Talk for a while and talk for a while. Speak in disorder and without center.

Originally, when Dongli Zhao Xi painted the dragon body, it was covered by clouds, but a dragon forest was painted in the east, and a dragon claw was exposed in the west, but the whole body of the dragon could not be seen. Metaphor is a fragmentary thing.

Anger in the East and resentment in the West are metaphors of taking it out on others. Running around is a metaphor for running around.

Eating in the east and living in the west is a metaphor for insatiable people who want all kinds of benefits. Tu Tu Tu and Mo Tu: The original metaphor is engaged in literary works.

Metaphor is to write and draw casually with a pen. According to ancient myths and legends, there is a jade rabbit in the moon and a three-legged golden sun in the sun, so Wutu and Wutu represent the sun and the moon respectively.

The moon rises and the sun sets.

Swinging from side to side describes walking unsteadily. Metaphor is easy to shake and not firm.

Look in all directions: Look. Describe looking around.

The Western Expedition refers to sending troops in all directions to crusade. Looking around is a metaphor for worrying too much.

Hit the east and hit the west to describe running around without a fixed goal. Use "running around"

Asking east and west means asking east and west, asking around. Look around: look; Look: Look into the distance.

Describe looking in all directions to see what is going on. Rolling around to describe the mess when fleeing.

It's a mess. Master Sishe is still talking about his neighbors.

Neighbors who live nearby. Cut east and cut west, that is, fight on all sides

Stumbling everywhere, there is still a saying that there is a wall everywhere. Cheating means lying everywhere and cheating everywhere.

Things refer to pedestrians coming and going. Block by block means trying to stop.

Look around blindly. East quantity and west quantity: weighing.

Discount: loss. Refers to the loss of food within our means.

Hunting in the east and fishing in the west means dabbling everywhere but not specializing in it. Neighborhood neighbors.

Scatter east and west. Describe decay.

Scatter east and west. The fingers of the east and west are fragmented and scattered.

Flowing from east to west, refers to wandering around. With "spread from east to west".

East flows west, water flows east, and people flow west. Metaphor is people's nostalgia for their hometown.

Moving east to west refers to moving around, and the place of residence is uncertain. Knocking on the east and knocking on the west, extortion and persecution everywhere.

Look around and point. Go east and west, pointing in the opposite direction.

Describe moving east and west, trembling and evasive. Entertainment or entertainment.

Threatened to attack this side, but actually attacked the other side. Looking around means looking around and collecting.

Look around to describe looking around. With "look in all directions".

Talking about the east and the west covers a wide range. Run east and run west: run away, run around.

Run east and then west. Running around.

The expedition to the east and the west is to send troops to crusade in all directions. With "exploring the east and seeking the west".

Seeking the east and the west means sending troops to crusade in all directions. With "exploring the east and seeking the west".

Stealing things secretly. Running around.

More refers to being forced by life, or running around for some purpose. Use "running around".

It is described as involuntary and unstable. East and west are short and incomplete.

Look around to describe looking around. With "look in all directions".

Running here and there describes running here and there without a fixed goal. Use "running around"

Moving from east to west means moving around and staying indefinitely. With "moving eastward and westward".

I pointed everywhere. "Things" means going anywhere.

East and west describe it as difficult to walk. Look in all directions is look in all directions.

Cover the west in the east, that is, cover the left and cover the right to hide the truth. East, west, west, blame and plead everywhere.

Dongyang in the west means begging for help everywhere. Wandering around means wandering around.

Wandering around, doing nothing, wandering around. Wandering around, doing nothing, wandering around.

Use "wandering around" East resentment and west anger refer to arbitrarily accusing others.

Look around, describe it, look around. With "look in all directions".

Look around. With "look in all directions".

Shang Tang's expedition to the east and hatred to the west was originally one of the expeditions, and others complained that he didn't come to save himself first. Later, the emperor advocated benevolence and righteousness for the people, which was deeply supported by the people.

East branch and west branch refer to vague and perfunctory words and deeds. Running around in the west describes running around without a fixed goal.

Use "running around" Eastern and western festivals mean saving in all aspects.

Run from east to west and from east to west. Running around.

To "escape from the east and escape from the west." Running around.

More refers to being forced by life, or running around for some purpose. Run here and there.

Running around. To "escape from the east and escape from the west."

Running here and there means going your own way and not being related to each other. Running around describes running around without a fixed goal.

Spreading from east to west means living in all directions. Wandering in the west is still a matter of words.

Wandering around is conquering everywhere. Hiding in Tibet describes hiding everywhere in order to escape disaster.

Hide: hide, avoid. Describe running around and hiding separately.

Describe extreme panic. East and west should mean that all aspects are interrelated and influence each other.

Scribbling is a metaphor for writing and drawing casually with a pen. Later, it was used as a modest word for writing or painting.

The same as "painting the east and painting the west". It's embarrassing and uncomfortable.

Borrow money from different places to collect money. Things mean borrowing everywhere and collecting money everywhere.

To "move east and gather west." Borrowing from the east and borrowing from the west means borrowing money everywhere.

Hitting east and west describes running around without a fixed goal. Floating east and west means drifting around, with no definite destination.

Wandering here without fixed fingers and landing. Also refers to floating without direction.

From east to west means wandering everywhere, with no definite migration. Patchwork is a metaphor for patchwork.

Supplementing the east and the west refers to borrowing money and collecting money everywhere. To "move east and gather west."

East guess west guess refers to many guesses. East guess west doubt refers to random doubt.

Hiding describes hiding everywhere in order to escape disaster. Mistakes from east to west refer to mistakes of one kind or another.

Describe the ineffectiveness of doing things Copy east and west, and copy other people's articles at will.

Talking about Silas describes talking about digression, without a center. Pulling things around means that things are intertwined.

Jude said to tear apart the East and make up the West. Hanging around means hanging around.

Wandering around is wandering around without purpose and direction. Run here and there.

More refers to being forced by life, or running around for some purpose. Run around with ".

2. What is the four-character idiom Dapao? Xu ā n rá n dà b not.

[Interpretation] A huge road that rises high. Metaphor is controversial or troublesome. Xuanran: It looks very high.

[Language] In "Four Records of Fighting in Yueyang Tower": "Xuan Ran * * *; The universe is embarrassing. "

[Pronunciation] Big; You can't pronounce "dài".

[shape discrimination] Xuan; Can't write "Xuan"

raise hell

[antonym] Piece of cake

[Usage] Used as a derogatory term. Mostly used for water surface waves; It can also be used for the development of events; In the crowd or in the minds of characters; The plot of the work conflicts. Generally used as subject and object.

[structure] is more formal.

3. There are 500 four-word idioms, namely 1, the walking dead, the golden cicada shedding its shell, one in a hundred, happiness from now on, the last stop, Farewell my concubine, heaven and earth, not complaining about others, broad vision, omniscient feelings that have to be taken care of, Enemy at the Gates, blooming spring flowers, auspicious day of the ecliptic, westward journey, stealing the day. The Eight Immortals crossed the sea and got a happy marriage, all of which are the apple of their eye. They are all happy, all of them are free and happy, all of them are making legitimate money, all of them are in the paradise, and all of them are involuntarily. Fools move mountains, are obsessed with ghosts, give birth to nine dragons, fill the sea with jingwei, make a mirage, have high aspirations, and bear hardships and stand hard work. Three Emperors and Five Emperors, Ten Thousand Arrows pierce the heart, Shui Mu Tsinghua, My Fair Lady, Cross the rubicon, the ends of the earth, Cowherd and Weaver Girl, the United States, ecstasy, good luck, self-contempt, endless, learned five cars, eat drink man woman, hero, national unparalleled, lost horses, lights, stones. Bon voyage, happy-go-lucky, hordes, diamond cut diamond, the shoe buyer, whose future is uncertain, waited for the rabbit all his life, spent a full moon, lived in a paradise, stole the bell, gilded the lily, had childhood friends, had an affair, and made up numbers. In short, it was endless, prosperous and full. Dragon-horse spirit, love at first sight, love to hear, humble apology, three people become tigers, lion roar, Cheng Menxue pear, Jin Goma iron, smile, close call, talk on paper, good weather, Handan toddler, late bloomer, expert in solving cattle, sweet talk, thunderous, dreamy, eye-opening and full of vitality. Take precautions, do the opposite, learn the four virtues, * * *, climb high and look far, bow and snake, smell chickens dancing, be besieged on all sides, enter the room, decorate with lanterns, turn thirty, quench your thirst by drinking poison, make yuhua pear clouds, make dragons and phoenixes appear auspicious, go forward bravely, and take a side door on the left, and don't allow it. Success, confidante, childlike innocence, an arrow on the string, an affair, a hundred schools of thought contend, fascination with ghosts, a single spark can start a prairie fire, draw a prison, have three friends in a cold year, spend a world of flowers, be obsessed with money, want to be a fox, change and change, not ask for much, eat and drink, and have fun. No matter how clever a person is, he is also stupid. He is fickle, worldly desires, Dayu controls water conservancy, groundless, Meng Mu's Third Enrollment Movement, the Ninth Five-Year Plan respect, and Mo Xie's cadres follow their own inclinations, which bring out the best in each other. He is arrogant, blind and vain, sincere, and omnipotent. Conan's dream is full of duplicity, picturesque scenery, youth and smooth sailing. The crucial straw boat borrows arrows, has a heart of stone, longs for the back, is dizzy, washes the sand with big waves, travels all over the world, answers questions, does nothing, cuts the bottom, is picky, is busy, is in a secluded valley, hangs on the beam and stings, starts from scratch and returns to Zhao in a perfect state. A country of etiquette, birds of a feather, Pengcheng Wan Li, a man of magic, three wonders, all the animals and plants in this life, I would rather have no abuse, come back to life, dew husband and wife, taboo things, absurd and generous, purple gas from the east, ten thousand, a promise, an old horse knows the way, bound with flowers, Li Xia, flooded Jinshan. Freedom, while the dragon and the phoenix dance, the roots are deep, the rain is fine, the wind and waves are broken, the road is blue, the road is impermanent, the gentleman likes it, the whip is beyond reach, the fish is tired, the apprentice is successful, the firefly reflects the snow, the moth puts out the fire, feels sorry for itself, the speed is fast, and the white horse is not a horse, so retreat. A blockbuster, tireless, a Ma Pingchuan, astute, colluded, family happiness, brothers fooling around, blind people touching elephants, dancing happily, disparate, high-rise buildings, perseverance, going too far, dog tail continues mink, fighting wine. The door is empty, the truth is clear, supercilious, lawless, encouraging, adapting to local conditions, cutting to the chase, changing fate, Arabian nights, overnight fame, full of ambition, invincible, difficult to fly into the sky, desperate, nonsense, Kang Long regrets, a drop in the ocean, love me, love my dog, a glance,

4. Complete Works of four letter word, any four letter word can describe a character's demeanor: energetic, cheerful, energetic, energetic, cheerful, cheerful, cheerful, cheerful, cheerful, flustered, depressed, sad, frightened, restless, weak, hippie, glib and carefree. Embarrassed, blushing, stupefied. Words that describe the psychological activities of characters: anxiety, nervousness, anxiety, anxiety and longing. Words describing characters' qualities: selfless, strong, unyielding, loyal, unswerving, determined, indomitable, indomitable, indomitable, brave, selfless, spotless, honest and indomitable. Open-minded, conscientious, open-minded, generous, aboveboard, persistent, clean and honest, like traitors, seeking glory, shameless, greedy and afraid of death, brazen, ruthless, cruel, arrogant, picky, careless, selfish and selfish. Don't hesitate to enjoy your success. Gossip describing learning: learning is endless, but never tired of learning, good at learning, never tired of learning, diligent in asking questions, strong in body, forgetting to eat and sleep, racing against time and being tireless. Stupid birds fly first, smell chickens and dance, strive for self-improvement and strive for the upper reaches. Concentrate on one person's strengths, concentrate on one person's vision, stick to many a mickle makes a mickle, be hungry, and be diligent. As long as you work hard, grind the pestle into an embroidery needle, learn from each other's strengths, practice hard over time, learn less, and eat fish for three days. Two-day contact network describes modest words: not arrogant and impetuous, great wisdom, stupid, unsuccessful, not arrogant and impatient, all ears; Words to describe pride: teach an axe, be selfish, enjoy yourself, take credit for yourself, be arrogant, be arrogant, get carried away, be conceited, be complacent, be conceited, be self-righteous, and describe people's language: be eloquent, answer irrelevant questions, and flow. Laugh at the wind, speak loudly, rhetoric, rhetoric, words describing snow: crystal red dress wrapped in Ao Shuang and war snow, proud snow, proud snow, proud snow, bullying frost soldiers, no revenge, revenge, revenge, revenge, ice and snow, ice and snow kiln, ice and snow, snow. The wind bites the snow, the wind bites the snow, the door stands in the snow, the snow fights the frost, the proud snow bears the snow, the well bears the snow, the river bears the snow, the well bears the snow, the goose feather, the snow flies, the snow flies, the snowflake, the snowy night flies, the snow prints, the wind frost, and Melissa Zhou mix, but everyone sweeps the snow in front of the door, regardless of the frost on his tile. Snow flies, snow claws, mud dew, money, snow code, wind, wind, snow, snow, money, snow, sleep, snow, blanket, blanket, firefly, snow, donkey, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow. Tired snow, bone snow, fireflies mat snow bowl, wash snow, bear snow, moonlight wind, flower snow, firefly window snow case, firefly snow house braves the wind, flower snow, Guangdong dog barks snow, Yun Qi Xue Fei learns snow with soup snow, reflects snow, and fireflies press snow for oil, especially clouds.

Four words to describe action: intently looking at action, intently staring at action, staring at action, looking around, blinking, looking forward, looking far away, looking at action, looking at action, looking at action, looking at action, looking at action, looking at action, looking at action, looking at it, looking at it, looking at it, looking at it. Mixed feelings, touching, touching, passionate, passionate, passionate, grateful, grateful, frustrated, disheartened, disheartened, giving up, completely disillusioned, completely disappointed, heartbroken, heartbroken, compassionate, fussy, fussy, inexplicable. I can't help laughing and gloating. As if nothing had happened, I was considerate and kind. I'm depressed and embarrassed. I was surprised and suspicious. I'm confident and scared. I'm angry. I'm all ears, I'm all ears, I'm full of air, I'm alive, I'm full of spirit, I'm in a trance, I'm holding my breath, I'm smiling, I'm angry, I'm angry. Anger, anger, anger, tears, tears, sigh, tears, cry, laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh, think hard, laugh, laugh, be complacent, panic, panic, laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh. Stunned and dumbfounded, stunned and ecstatic, the two men stared at each other. They are depressed, depressed, frowning and afraid. They held their heads high and panicked. In A, the word AB is confused, careless, flustered, vulgar and eccentric. ABAB words worked hard to enjoy it.

5. What's the big deal about four-character idioms in Idioms? Do everything. It also shows that you are sure and can take responsibility.

Big Ben and Big Ben: fundamental; Zong: Ben, the theme. The most fundamental and important thing.

Mercy and compassion: give happiness to all beings with love; Sorrow: relieve the suffering of all beings with compassion; Compassion: Buddhist language, saving the suffering. Describe human charity.

Playing and playing means playing drums and music together.

Eat like a pig. Eating and drinking without restraint or plan. Refers to large-scale, high-grade eating and drinking activities.

Make a hullabaloo about, quarrel fiercely. Refers to the disorderly quarrel and commotion between the disputing parties without serious differences.

Play many musical instruments at the same time. Metaphor hype.

Dawu: I understand; Enlightenment: I understand. Describe a complete awakening.

Understand: understand; Enlightenment: I understand. Describe a complete awakening.

Openness and closure describe the loneliness, openness and closure of literary thinking.

Great kindness: kindness; DE: Ende, benefits. Mercy and compassion describe deep affection and kindness.

Rich and expensive means very rich and noble.

Big winds and waves refer to huge waves. It is a metaphor for the great turmoil and great changes in society. It also means that the struggle is sharp, complex, intense and arduous.

Make a hullabaloo about, describe hype and create public opinion.


Make a hullabaloo about, describe hype and create public opinion.

Big red and big green mean rich colors. She likes elegant clothes ranging from bright red to green.

Big red, big green means rich colors.

Big market refers to the general market price of goods.

It is useless to mobilize many people to do one thing in a rush.

Big red and purple describe prominence and pride.

The basic principles and provisions of the great sutra and Dafa.

Good luck is very auspicious and smooth. Used for divination and blessing in the old days.

Big wine and big meat means rich dishes and eating and drinking.

Speak out: express something; Release: to release, release. It means that the masses can fully express their opinions on some major issues.

Pretend to be arrogant.

Big gongs and drums describe hype.

Men and women refer to unmarried men and women who are over normal marriage age.

Destroy old things on a large scale and vigorously build new things.

Up and down, up and down. Describe a great change.

The invitation is big and the treatment is generous.

Righteousness describes generosity and respect for righteousness.

Da Ren Da Yong describes people as kind and brave.

Big right and wrong refers to the principled and fundamental right and wrong issues.

Big spendthrift originally meant big spendthrift. The latter is often used to describe that it is not easy to spend money.

Swing when you walk. Describe the arrogant attitude of thinking oneself great.

Big fish and big meat refers to a good and rich diet. Describe the richness of dishes.

Great wisdom and courage refer to extraordinary intelligence and courage.