Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Measures for the administration of public security in Qinghai Province

Measures for the administration of public security in Qinghai Province

Article 1 In order to maintain social order, strengthen public security management, and ensure the normal development of people's cultural, sports and commercial activities, these measures are formulated in accordance with the NPC Standing Committee's Decision on Strengthening Comprehensive Management of Social Security, the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security, and relevant laws and regulations, combined with the actual situation in our province. Article 2 The term "public places" as mentioned in these Measures refers to places where people gather for entertainment, sports and business activities. Including:

(1) theaters, clubs, cultural palaces (museums, stations), youth palaces, dance halls (venues), video projection spots (rooms), electronic game rooms, amusement halls, museums, libraries and exhibition halls;

(two) gymnasium (field), swimming pool (pool), bath, skating (roller skating, water ice), billiards room (

Field), civil shooting range;

(3) Parks, zoos, amusement parks and scenic spots;

(4) Bars, cafes (museums), concert halls (teahouses), teahouses (gardens), cold drinks shops, hotels and restaurants;

(5) Fair trade and book market;

(6) Buses (stations), taxis (stations), squares and car parking lots;

(7) Places for holding large-scale order fairs, exhibitions, trade fairs, material exchange meetings and large-scale religious activities outside temples;

(eight) other places where public security management should be carried out for the masses to carry out social activities. Article 3 Public security organs at all levels are the competent departments of public security administration. Industry and commerce, culture, sports, radio and television, commerce, gardens and other departments to assist the public security organs, * * * to do a good job in public security management. Article 4 To operate the public places specified in Items (1), (2), (3) and (4) of Article 2 of these Measures, a written application shall be submitted to the local police station and public security sub-bureau, and after being examined and approved by the municipal and county public security organs, a Public Security Management Permit shall be issued, and the certificate shall be submitted to the administrative department for industry and commerce for examination, and the business license shall be applied for before starting business. "Public Security Management License" is uniformly printed by the provincial public security department and issued by the municipal and county public security bureaus.

When a public place is closed, moved, renamed or transferred for any reason, it shall cancel the public security management license or go through the formalities of change at the public security organ that originally approved the issuance. Article 5. If a large-scale order fair, exhibition, trade fair, material exchange meeting, cultural performance (except normal performance), sports competition and large-scale religious activities outside temples are held temporarily in public places, the contractor (main office) shall formulate a public security work plan and safety precautions, and apply to the local city and county public security organs five days in advance. The public security organ shall make a reply within three days after receiving the application from the contractor (main office).

Folk cultural and artistic groups from other provinces and districts performing arts, acrobatics, folk art, sports and other programs in public places in our province shall perform at the place designated by the public security organ with the approval documents of the organizer and the performance management department. Article 6 Opening an office must meet the following safety requirements:

(a) the buildings and facilities are firm and safe, and the access roads are set reasonably. The access door is bidirectional or externally open, and the total width of the door in places with more than 100 people should not be less than1.5m, and it should be kept open under any circumstances;

(two) fire fighting equipment is complete and effective, properly placed, and the staff knows how to use technology;

(three) open at night, to have good lighting equipment and emergency lighting equipment to prevent sudden power failure;

(four) shall not exceed the approved personnel capacity. Article 7 The volume used in public places shall be appropriate and shall not affect the normal work, study and rest of surrounding units, schools and residents. Article 8 Alcoholic beverages shall not be sold in the public places mentioned in Items (1) and (2) of Article 2, and those who drink too much shall not enter. Cafe (museum) concert hall (teahouse) shall not sell high-alcohol liquor with alcohol content exceeding 40 degrees. Other places that sell alcohol to drinkers should be moderate. It is forbidden to sell alcohol to people who drink too much. Ninth prohibit the establishment of billiards, video games, video screenings and other places within 200 meters in front of primary and secondary schools. Tenth commercial stalls in public places such as culture, sports, tourist areas, etc., must hold the business license issued by the administrative department for Industry and commerce, and operate in the designated place with the consent of the unit where they work. Don't obstruct the traffic and affect the safety. Eleventh units and individuals who sing (perform) songs in dance halls (venues), music (teahouses), bars and other public places must hold a license for singing (performing) songs issued by the municipal and county cultural management departments.

Minors under the age of sixteen are prohibited from entering the commercial ballroom (field). Twelfth all kinds of units that set up offices should take the initiative to accept and cooperate with the supervision and inspection of the public security management department and the local police station, and shall not refuse without reason. Measures should be taken to correct the public security problems that need to be rectified within a time limit, and no deliberate delay should be allowed. Thirteenth people entering public places must comply with the following provisions:

(a) strictly abide by the laws and regulations of the state and the rules and regulations of public places, and listen to the persuasion of the staff;

(two) according to the provisions of the parking of motor vehicles and non motor vehicles, are not allowed to stop the place;

(three) take good care of national cultural relics, historical sites and public facilities, and are not allowed to scribble, depict or damage them;

(four) no climbing, damage to flowers and trees, no harm to ornamental animals;

(five) without approval, it is forbidden to set off fireworks and firecrackers in the venue;

(6) It is strictly forbidden to illegally carry guns and ammunition, and control knives, inflammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive, radioactive and other dangerous goods and other contraband;

(seven) it is strictly prohibited to bully the city, sell tickets, drink and make trouble, fight, insult women, spread obscene articles, booing, littering and other acts that hinder social order;

(eight) it is forbidden to engage in gambling, fortune telling, fortune telling, divination, selling counterfeit drugs and other activities.