Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - If you want your family to get better and better, what flowers should you plant at home?

If you want your family to get better and better, what flowers should you plant at home?

Planting flowers is no longer something that old people like to do. Many young people also like to keep a few potted flowers at home, which can not only purify the air, but also be pleasing to the eye. Moreover, the process of planting flowers is also very interesting. Through self-care, a pot of flowers can grow more vibrant and have a sense of accomplishment. The following kinds of flowers can play a role in making family members better and better.

The first plant Anthurium andraeanum

Anthurium is one of the more precious flowers, not only because of its green leaves and bright "flowers", but also because Anthurium has a very meaningful flower word "smooth sailing". Anthurium has a long flowering period, and two-thirds of the year is spent in civilization. Anthurium andraeanum not only shows its unique charm, but also absorbs harmful substances in the air, such as trifluoroethylene, formaldehyde and benzene. Whether it is placed at home or on the desk, it is the first choice for flowers.

The second plant, Eupatorium adenophorum

Huwei orchid is a very common plant, and many people have it at home. As long as there is suitable soil, this plant will grow quickly. Huwei orchid can absorb a lot of carbon dioxide in the air and release negative ions. Putting it next to the computer can also play a role in radiation protection. Adjusting air humidity is a natural "scavenger".

The third plant chlorophytum.

Chlorophytum likes warm and humid environment, and fertile soil can accelerate the growth of Chlorophytum. Chlorophytum can purify the air and absorb harmful substances such as formaldehyde and carbon monoxide. Chlorophytum can also absorb nicotine in cigarettes, especially for people who smoke at home, and more pots should be raised.

The Fourth Plant Aloe Vera

A few pots of aloe can be raised in the newly renovated room, because aloe has a very strong ability to absorb formaldehyde and can purify the air. If there are harmful gases in the air at home, the leaves of aloe will change and some brown spots will appear, which can play a role in detecting air quality.