Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Is there a relationship between constellation and face value? Why does this constellation specialize in top beauties and popular lovers?

Is there a relationship between constellation and face value? Why does this constellation specialize in top beauties and popular lovers?

To say that 202 1 was a hot year, Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin finally got together.

Yan value max's fairy couple!

It makes sense that Hyun Bin, as one of the three major real estates in South Korea, has always kept its appearance hardware well-

With style and gentleness, the growth of age has precipitated elegance, but it has also brought a youthful shyness and freshness. So far, there are many fans:

The little expression is very poking.

Beautiful boys' temperament elite can be controlled, with a little aggressive and expensive:

The side is also very lethal.

Being called * * * has property, not only needs to be handsome, but also often needs to be handsome on the popular aesthetic channel, commonly known as "popular lover".

And if we make an inventory from the perspective of "constellation", we will find that Hyun Bin's Libra is really beyond the general cognition of handsome guys. In this regard, it has long been observed that:

Is Libra really the most handsome constellation?

It is conceivable that there are no statistics for the general public. But only from the entertainment circle, this constellation is really handsome-

From the highly recognized Asian grass John Lone (the treasure of the town shop):

Libra male

For the candidate Asian grass Takeshi Kaneshiro (there are also three continents, John Lone, Takeshi Kaneshiro and Kimura Takuya (Scorpio)):

Libra male

Then I went to Daniel Wu, where the recognition of straight men is also very high. Everyone's Bai Yueguang, Louis Koo and Edison Chen are all Libra men:

Any one of the other constellations can be a treasure of the town house. In Libra, it can only be moved down below the grass level.

Frozen age good temperament male god, Jimmy Lin Zhang zhen Chun Wu, Libra male:

Jimmy Lin is actually not a special Libra, as will be mentioned later.

Handsome cartoon with exquisite facial features, Gao Xiu in South Korea, Masao Sakai in Japan, Roy Chiu in Taiwan Province Province, Libra male:

Boys in this constellation generally bring their own sense of tenderness. If it is not gentle and honest, there are also many examples of gentle scum that the masses love to see:

The devil wears Prada, within a safe range, won't be really wild.

In recent years, limited husbands, whether abstinence or lust, actually have a high appearance rate of Libra men:

Although they have different temperaments, they are both Libra men.

Then to everyone's beloved brother, the proportion of Libra men is also very high:

Liu Haoran looks like a Libra, and so does Bai Jingting.

What are the characteristics of this constellation in hardware? Why is it so easy to produce handsome guys, especially popular lovers?

Where on earth is this handsome boy handsome? What kind of temperament and style is it suitable for? What do girls love about them? While I was in a good mood at the weekend, I listened to Jenny today, and I told you-

It doesn't matter if you don't believe in constellations. In this issue, you can look at American writing as a handsome guy, and you don't have to look at the text (but I think it's also very interesting), but the picture is very poor, so don't look at blood loss!

(Attachment: If you want to ask why someone is a Libra but not handsome enough to meet the description in this article, please see the title, "Libra Handsome Boy"-the handsome people are almost the same, so I don't need to say the second half. Open the lid and run)

0 1 typical Libra handsome guy

Skeletal contour

When commenting on handsome guys and beautiful women, Jenny I sometimes use "this person looks like a Libra" to describe it-

The question is, what are the characteristics of a typical Libra man?

Unlike beautiful women, handsome men's handsomeness depends largely on the outline. The typical skeleton outline of Libra men can be found in the following puzzle first-

Did you find sex?

Did you find it? Generally, it belongs to the narrow and exquisite face preferred by this era, and it also conforms to the handsome face template analyzed by Jenny before.

More specifically, Libra men (not just Sun Libra, Venus Libra or Ascending Libra) often have a very underdeveloped cheekbone-

In this way, from the front, their faces tend to be narrow, the transition from temples to cheekbones is smooth, and their faces are regular without obvious abrupt. This outline is white, gentle, non-aggressive and has a sense of tenderness.

Of course, this description will be a bit abstract, and we can compare it:

Pay attention to the cheekbones at the arrow. If it is strong here, the whole face will be wide, unsmooth and aggressive.

Old readers should be able to think that this flat and thin skeleton is often in line with the aesthetic of the lens-

High cheekbones usually don't smile at the edge of the bone support, but at a piece of risorius, while low cheekbones will make the photogenic effect cleaner:

Gao Xiu is a typical Libra male with a flat face and even a little concave.

What's more, low-level cheekbones and face shapes are easy to line up with high brow bones and bridge of the nose, and the side effects are generally good-

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. This kind of low-level depression on the surface will also be more prone to tears and decrees than the full skeleton. If the physical condition is not good, there are not a few people who are swollen at a young age:

Simply put, the middle part can't hold, and the meat tends to sag.

The reason why this outline is called "Libra Male Typical" by Jenny is not that I intentionally hacked them, but based on statistics:

Remember the key words mentioned earlier?

Low cheekbones, high brow bones and bridge of the nose, flat or even sunken face are prone to drooping lines-this is also the outline mentioned by Hyun Bin at the beginning:

Of course, he is fuller than Gao Xiu, so his muscles are in better condition.

The same is true of Haoran's younger brother, whose face is flat and his nose is high, his face is flat and his lines are slightly drooping.

It's amazing to polish the left side, and you can see that the meat is a little loose on the right side.

Allen's stereoscopic degree is closer to Gao Xiu (the nose tip is not high, and the whole is flat), but if you look closely, it is also the outline combination of the middle brow bone and the bridge of the nose in this low flat cheekbone:

High-definition live photos can also show that the facial skin is slightly drooping.

These people are still literary and artistic, and the overall development of bones is not high, so the problem of facial concavity is not big.

The relatively difficult combination is Hans Zhang and Takeshi Kaneshiro-

Their faces are also flat, but the bones in the lower court are stronger and more masculine than those in the front, but the overall outline is also prone to overwhelming shoes:

It's not really the chin. It's just that the middle part is too low and the lower part is stronger, and the whole face feels a little banana.

At this point, Takeshi Kaneshiro should be the most serious Libra man. Otherwise, with the outline of his five senses, he should not be rated as "less and less handsome, and he feels good on his face":

Can you feel a little concave in the middle from these two angles?

Of course, for the camera, the central flat concave is really not a big problem, and pre-polishing or micro-sticking filter can greatly alleviate it:

John Lone is not concave, but it is also flat.

Takeshi Kaneshiro itself is actually quite aggressive, with thick eyebrows and domineering proportions. Is the low cheekbones soothing temperament, overall tenderness or Libra's specialty?

Even though the brow bone and nose are high, they are still gentle because the cheekbones are weak.

In this sense, Daniel Wu actually looks a little less like Libra, and his eyebrows are too heroic-

But watching the animation, the outline is quite Libra, and the plane is relatively flat, highlighting the high nose bridge:

But he is more aggressive than a typical Libra man.

At this point, the least Libra man, Jenny, I want to choose Andy Lau:

Pay attention to the differences in cheekbones and overall face shape.

The abnormal cheekbones make Liu Tianwang's temperament more "handsome" than "scholar" and feel much "hard", which is also an anomaly among Libra men.

Daniel Wu is hard in the eyebrow eye, and the heavenly king is hard in the nose and outline.

Of course, it is not only the bones that affect the overall contour, but also the skin and flesh-the combination of the two will form the final effect.

As far as Jenny is concerned, although Libra men generally have flat faces and low bone development, they also have less meat.

When I was young, I felt very clean, which can be said to be "youthful".

Compared with the dewlap next to Dawn, during the period of Takeshi Kaneshiro's single eyelid, the dewlap is also small and looks neat.

This "youth" is not only reflected in their own temperament, but also in the golden age of hardware-

As mentioned earlier, the typical skeletal appearance of Libra men is that the cheekbone surface is low. In severe cases, the overall outline has a sense of shoehorn. When he was young, his meat was low and tight, but it was easy to draw depressions on the surface:

These two depressions are obvious, showing bitterness and luxury.

For this kind of appearance, on the contrary, after entering the youth of 25+, the skin is slightly relaxed and a little "filled", and the concave feeling becomes a flat feeling, which is more correct and tolerant of expensive.

The left side is obviously concave, and the right side is a little loose, but it is very flat and comfortable.

In this respect, Takeshi Kaneshiro is typical, and regular readers may remember that Jenny and I had a similar description when writing another classic handsome guy-Louis Koo.

Since we met in the Qing Dynasty, many people think that Cooper's outline has no shortcomings, but in fact, if we look at it patiently and carefully, his outline is also a very typical Libra man, and there were some minor problems in his early days:

Also pedantic.

This animation is too high, but you can also see some lines and droops:

But still handsome!

The low definition and strong illumination have made his face value peak, which is basically a typical young handsome man who entered the face value peak after 25+.

But even in the slightly swollen youth, Libra men's facial flesh is generally low, so their temperament is mostly warm, not soft or cute.

This is particularly obvious compared with the shooter man-

Sagittarius men often show the kind of fleshy appearance that looks a little baby-faced. In addition to the dawn before cue, Wallace Chung and Jin Mucong are also Sagittarius men in Jenny's view:

The amount of meat is obviously more than that of the previous Libra men.

This makes their cuteness tend to be the warmth and sweetness of juvenile collagen. The Liu Haoran Libra man's Yan Dian often needs to remove too much collagen, and his temperament is colder and more collectible:

Don't let everyone have never seen Wallace Chung in the white sugar cake period!

Of course, when it comes to baby face, some people may question it, but the famous baby face Jimmy Lin is also a Libra!

But combined with the above analysis, let's take a closer look at Jimmy Lin's physical outline:

In fact, the whole is still flat and fleshy.

You will find that his doll sense comes more from his soft and curvy facial features (unlike Libra). As far as the amount of bone and meat is concerned, he is actually quite Libra and quite young.

Libra male Jimmy Lin generally has less cheek meat, so he is more youthful; Shooter Wallace Chung's cheeks are fleshy and more lovely.

02 typical Libra handsome boy

Symmetrical facial features

Since I am writing about the beauty of constellations, I still want to talk about constellations (I hope I have done my homework)-

As far as the constellation is concerned, what does Libra stand for?

In fact, it should be a person holding the scale, and now it is almost simplified to only this scale.

In my opinion, the two sides of balance symbolize balance, harmony and coordination-these are important indicators for the public to gain aesthetic feeling.

More specifically, what is the aesthetic expression of this balance and coordination?

Or my personal observation should correspond to the "standard", especially the "proportional standard"-Libra men generally look more in line with aesthetic standards, that is to say, they are generally more comfortable, harmonious and attractive.

Especially this scale standard.

Specific performance 1. People in this constellation, regardless of their face value, are generally more symmetrical than the average person:

Compared with the previous example, Oho Ou is probably a handsome boy, but it is quite symmetrical when you look closely.

This is not to say that they are all carved from the same mold, and the proportion is the same-although there is a high degree of identity in the face, the size and width of the five senses are quite different.

And "coordination" often makes them even have some small bugs in proportion (such as small eyes and wide noses), which will not affect the overall effect too much.

For example, Xiaobai has a wide nose, but her mouth is generous, and her nose as a whole is not too abrupt, so she can only say that it is not particularly delicate:

The symmetry is also quite high.

Similarly, Li Xian's mouth is smaller, but the bridge of the nose and the alar are relatively narrow, which does not affect the overall effect very much and is still harmonious:

Because the whole is generally coordinated, even if it is not generally handsome, the average level of Yan value is generally higher.

Similarly, there is Hawick Lau. Although his small mouth is often criticized, his eyebrows, eyes and mouth are very small, and the whole set can be matched:

The nose is too big, destroying the proportion. After adjusting the eyebrows in the later stage, the proportion is much more comfortable, and the face value has gone up.

Libra male with the most unbalanced proportion is estimated to choose Daniel Wu, with extremely heroic eyebrows and a very introverted and thin mouth:

Especially in the later period, the sense of disharmony is still strong.

But watching the animation of Yan Dian's youth, the lips are full and some lip movements are added. In fact, the coordination of eyes, nose and mouth is also quite high, and she doesn't particularly feel that her mouth is small:

In the later stage, the lips become thinner, and if they are out of balance, they will not look good at this time.

But from another perspective, "coordination" is also a double-edged sword-

From a good point of view, Libra handsome guys generally have correct facial features, average standards and no obvious abrupt shortcomings, so their face values are generally not low and their recognition is high.

In contrast, there is another appearance with outstanding advantages and disadvantages, which has a relatively small audience:

The so-called ugly and handsome type

But from another point of view, the overall collocation is comfortable and harmonious, and it is easy for people to stop appreciating the "whole" and pay attention to the excellent parts.

From this point of view, Libra's appearance is often raised for people with ordinary or even slightly poor facial features, because the whole is greater than the part:

For example, in Mark Chao, in fact, the five senses are average, but the overall effect is greater than the local.

But for Libra men who are very brilliant in part, they often suffer-or use specific examples to illustrate.

For example, Scorpio male Greg Han Hsu Xu has a flat face (no eyebrows), which can also be said to highlight a good mouth:

Other places are dull, but the excellent places are more prominent.

Another example is Song and Aries, which have many key points and are strong. On the whole, it is a very handsome and impactful feeling:

Handsome method of super thick face

The problem of Libra handsome boy's appearance template is that the five senses are relatively balanced alone (generally medium facial features), and they are very harmonious and comfortable together-

Of course, this makes them generally feel comfortable and attractive, but on the other hand, it also weakens the influence of their five senses. Even if they look beautiful individually, they are easy to "blend in" with the whole, and people will not notice them.

For example, Louis Koo has beautiful petals and lips, but I won't say that you may not pay special attention to it because it is so comprehensive.

So there are many Libra handsome guys, all of whom are handsome and reserved-

Implicit means looking at the five senses alone, as if they don't shine, but together they are handsome, and the whole is greater than some handsome.

Ekin Cheng is also a good example.

No matter what the style of personal facial features is, because the overall proportion is too large, handsome guys in this constellation generally feel gentle, gentle and a little light.

Handsome or handsome, but the whole is really handsome.

Rather than impact, strong, with a little bloody-even if handsome to the extent of Takeshi Kaneshiro and John Lone, the temperament is still calm and soothing, especially for the handsome boy.

It's good to just look at it carefully, but usually look at the whole.

Because the overall outline ratio is up to standard and the temperament is relatively uniform, the handsome Libra guy mainly looks at the five senses-

The kind of TV series with friendly facial features, which is easy to kill: at first glance, it is not very handsome (40w light bulb), but suddenly it is very handsome for you (200w light), which is actually an advantageous type.

Types with emotional scores higher than hardware scores

And the facial features are not as delicate as possible.

The five senses are too delicate. For boys, it is actually easier to bring femininity and whitewashing-just the right exquisiteness is the standard of top Libra men.

John Lone's facial features are exquisite, but not too beautiful, especially just right. They are honest and expensive, but they are not girls.

The typical counterexample here should be Roy Chiu. In fact, as far as the five senses are concerned, he should be comparable to Takeshi Kaneshiro's exquisite level.

However, because the facial features are too delicate and "good-looking", his overall temperament is too comic and handsome (it must be the kind of girl comic he is in love with). Compared with John Lone above, his temperament is a little petty, but Cao Zhou is definitely not enough.

Plus people are narcissistic, so it's easy to be petty-Takeshi Kaneshiro also caricatures handsome guys, but he can't.

Proportionality not only brings a sense of endurance and popularity to the public, but also brings a sense of correctness-

This constellation man generally feels upright (Edison Chen doesn't have a crooked mouth and drooping eyes), but he is not upright in fighting back the enemy, but upright and introverted in values.

So the handsome guys in this constellation want to be handsome, and they often don't do anything unique:

Yellow hair. No!

The skin is also better, so you should cultivate some extravagance and literary spirit. A flat head and a rotten face are sharp tools for reducing points;

Even if John Lone's face value is average, it's not very nice. Libra is not on this channel.

Finally, although the outline is photogenic and the proportion is correct, Libra handsome boy is not without shortcomings-

As the setting of Mars and the sun (astrolabe research results, forget it), the appearance of this constellation is generally not strong (too standard), and its aggression and impact are also weak (not the one that can choose three).

More specific performance should be in the mouth-this is a constellation with a high incidence of small mouth:

There are so many Libra men with small and thin mouths.

Not only that, as the wind released by alienation, Libra men's facial features are often slightly alienated, with sharp facial features (not pure circles) and moist lips:

Slightly cold lips, straight but not pointed.

Non-aggression is manifested in the nose. This constellation is usually a straight nose or a small eagle hook. As mentioned above, it is more "standard":

Generally, personality is not excluded.

In this sense, Jenny, I think Liu Tianwang and Ikuta Touma are very different:

The aquiline nose is too aggressive, and the lip shape is unruly, not as gentle as Libra.

I think both of them look like Scorpio, which leads me to always remember these two constellations wrong.

03 typical Libra handsome boy

Temperament and town location

After combing the hardware features and looking at the overall temperament, there must be many clues-

If I were to sum up the temperament key words of Libra handsome boy, I would choose "the gentleness of alienation" first.

Perhaps because of reconciliation, their warmth and coldness are like a layer of glass, controlled at a comfortable temperature, which will not burn or freeze people, but they will never burn people.

That faint warm feeling.

It is precisely because of this that they will never lose their temperament in the depths of the ocean or those who are desperate for them. The general theme of the story with them as the male host is not to be missed:

Libra says: If you miss it, you will miss it.

Love rat is too narcissistic:

Too constant temperature for others, high fever for yourself.

Their stories are often those with faint warmth or sadness, not much about where you will go-

Just like the sunshine at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, or the cool breeze blowing in summer, it is not necessarily what you like, but it is often something you can't resist.

Is that the feeling I said?

This "sense of alienation and tenderness" is particularly different from Scorpio next door:

Love you until you come back from the dead, and the plot temperament of coming back from the dead belongs to Scorpio rather than Libra.

I am in the plot of the clue "I want to see you"

The kind of temperament that loves you and the whole world is you and can't run away still belongs to the Scorpio man next door-

Libra men are generally not possessive, and walking away silently is their script.

The next sentence is like: Do you dare to run?

Love you to death, and I will die with you when you die. It still belongs to the Scorpio man next door-don't look for Libra man anyway!

Greg Han Hsu Hui: I think you want to die.

In addition to "the warmth of alienation", the second key word of Libra handsome Jenny, I summarized it as "introverted standard handsome".

Their handsomeness often comes from correctness and standards. Apart from their gentle temperament, they are actually a group of handsome men on hardware.

In other words, they don't provoke people with their expressions, they don't stimulate mood swings, they just emit a faint aura of beautiful things-they are not handsome for any reason, but often they are handsome themselves.

It's just that I can't say why I am handsome, but I am so handsome.

So boys who look like this need to be clean, fresh and normal more than others:

The owner is very handsome when he is clean and fresh.

Oil is strange and exaggerated, and ugly very quickly;

Make faces and big expressions.

Of course, this is not just a problem for Zhang Hans. He is as handsome as Takeshi Kaneshiro, and I find it strange that he plays a prodigal son-there is really no such cynicism.

Libra men's suitable vivid expressions, after thinking for a moment, seem to have only a strong sense of youth shyness-in line with their introverted temperament, so they are very harmonious.

This is from Hyun Bin:

I melted.

To Takeshi Kaneshiro:

It can't melt any more.

Then John Lone:

I can't take it out of the mud.

And think about it, women's aesthetics in this era like tenderness, tolerance and exquisiteness-isn't this the appearance and temperament of Libra men?

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why this constellation generally produces handsome guys, and it also generally produces handsome guys of popular lovers-the hardware is really handsome, and it does meet the aesthetic standards of the times.

Finally, every issue of constellation beauty (of course, see if there is a next issue), Jenny, I will choose the treasure of my town-

As far as Libra is concerned, John Lone is one of the treasures in the town, not only because he is handsome, but also because he looks like Libra.

Ah, it's very expensive

From the outline to the proportion to the five senses, he perfectly follows the "proportion" of Libra's aesthetic core-almost every place looks just right. Together, he looks handsome and his legs are broken, but apart, he looks handsome and his legs are long.

I can see that I am very happy and a little free.

Because John Lone wrote a special issue, let's fast-forward to Jenny Takeshi Kaneshiro, the baby of Libra II in my mind:

I chose him instead of Daniel Wu, Louis Koo and Roy Chiu because he is handsome in my heart.

If John Lone's Libra Shuai looks just right everywhere, Takeshi Kaneshiro's Libra Shuai is a combination of "contradiction and coordination"-

From a large proportion, he is actually quite domineering: the atrium is very strong, the facial features are very strong, and the eyebrows are very thick. Libra men rarely pick out three kinds of aggressive men without weapons and qigong.

The game Ghost Warrior based on him is very aggressive.

But at the same time, his extremely gentle and clear eyes, and a good balance of the proportion of facial features brought about by the attack gas:

This is the so-called star in the eye! Yes!

It is rumored that Takeshi Kaneshiro and Nicky Wu once chased Yang Caini in the period of single eyelid, but they were rejected-

Think about it, this will only happen when his face is sunken with an eyelid. Takeshi Kaneshiro in the period of double eyelids was so handsome that the sky would fall. I can hardly imagine a woman saying no to this face.

Extremely heroic eyebrows with extremely gentle eyes, eyes make people want to change in minutes:

Gentle and dedicated

He also has a Libra-specific sense of alienation, but because his face is flat and concave, he feels more like being alienated, not for narcissism and hurting people, but to leave some space for his little vulnerability:

He is very suitable to play the man with a little scar in his heart. He is obviously handsome, but he always has a little bitter and pure temperament.

His alienation shows no purpose: not to impress you, not to possess you, not to keep you, just to watch you.

If you haven't arrived in Takeshi Kaneshiro after reading If Love, I respect you as a man.

Another contradictory unity comes from his extremely handsome appearance and extremely introverted and shy personality:

Judging from his appearance alone, it is estimated that few people will question what kind of peerless handsome guy he plays. But even better, some of his everyday, intimate and even plain roles are actually very suitable.

This very life-like scene also suits him completely.

Let him play the piano and talk, and of course he is handsome-so Zhang Shuai's face is here, how handsome.

However, his introversion brought a sense of intimacy in daily life, which made his handsomeness not only touch his reason, but also his feelings.

It's like you'll show up in your bathroom and shave seriously:

It is also like eating canned pineapple in a convenience store downstairs;

Obviously handsome, but everyday.

Handsome to the extent of god, but it still makes people feel like someone-it is also a rather magical contradiction and unity.

So the people in lavender really suit him: the angel landed on the balcony of the hostess's house, which can explain why he is so handsome but makes people feel so close.

This play is really charming.

Takeshi Kaneshiro under the screen is also very handsome: handsome but not intimate.

People who really love him can go to see his Antarctic variety show. With penguins, he is as fantastic, magnificent, peaceful and soothing as the South Pole.

No beauty filter, but still very handsome.

Think about it, it is right, gentle and restrained. If there is no central air conditioning, I'm afraid it's hard for anyone to hate-this may be the charm of Libra!

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