Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What are eight treasures (what are the eight ingredients of eight treasures porridge)?

What are eight treasures (what are the eight ingredients of eight treasures porridge)?

Which eight treasures do you mean?

1, eight kinds of food

2. Eight components

3. Eight seals

4. Eight names

5. Eight place names

eight treasure congee

Eight-treasure rice, cuckoo mouth, wild camel's hoof, deer's lips, camel's milk moose, roasted swan, purple jade cream, jet cream. "

During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, delicacies and delicacies entered the Eight Treasures. There are "eight treasures of land and water": sea cucumber, shark's fin, fish crisp bone, fish belly, bird's nest, bear's paw, deer tendon and frog; "Mountain Eight Treasures": bear's paw, deer's tail, elephant trunk, hump, civet, leopard's fetus, lion's milk and Hericium erinaceus: "Water Eight Treasures": shark's fin, fish lips, sea cucumber, abalone, skirt, scallop, fish bone and frog.

In the late Qing dynasty, eight treasures flowed to the people, and three kinds of eight treasures appeared. "Shangbazhen" refers to scarlet lips, hump, bear's paw, bird's nest, Hericium erinaceus, deer tendon, fish lips and breast; "Eight treasures" are shark's fin, fish lips, skirts, shad, tripe, tremella, civet cats and frogs; "Xiabazhen" refers to sea cucumber, ginger yaozhu, oyster yolk, mullet eggs, red scale fish, asparagus, pier blocks and bamboo shoots.

Judging from the above eight treasures, some foods are too far away from daily life, even rare, and cannot be accepted by more people. Later, Bazhen was generally called Bazhen, but the specific reference was diluted. With the development of food culture and medicated diet, Bazhen has been crowned with some new contents, and various diets and medicated diets named after Bazhen have also spread. Such as "Bazhen Liquor", namely, 90g of Angelica sinensis, 30g of Ligusticum Chuanxiong, 60g of Radix Paeoniae Alba, 30g of Radix Rehmanniae 120g, 30g of Ginseng, 90g of fried atractylodes, 60g of Poria, 45g of Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata, 240g of Cortex Acanthopanacis, low-fat red dates and walnuts 120g, and 20l of glutinous rice wine. Warm drink 65438+ 0 ~ 2 cups each time, three times a day. It is suitable for anorexia, listlessness, pallor, dizziness, shortness of breath, irregular menstruation and soreness of waist and knees. Bazhen Ointment consists of Radix Rehmanniae Preparata150g, Ginseng 30g, Atractylodis Rhizoma100g, Angelica 65438, Jujube 65438, Poria 80g, Radix Paeoniae Alba 80g, Chuanxiong 50g and Glycyrrhiza 50g. Wash the medicine, decoct it in water for 3 times, take 3000 ml of juice, concentrate it into paste with slow fire, and keep it for later use. Take it every morning and evening on an empty stomach 15g. It is suitable for the syndrome of deficiency of both qi and blood. "Bazhen Decoction" is made of mutton 500- 1000g, fresh lotus root 2350g, yam 50- 100g, astragalus membranaceus 15g, yellow wine, koji, distiller's grains, pickle powder and salt. The koji, distiller's grains and astragalus membranaceus are boiled for about 30 minutes to get juice. Wash mutton, lotus root and yam, cut into pieces, put into a pot, add yellow wine and pre-juice, and cook until the meat is cooked. Add a little salt and sprinkle with pickles when eating. Eat meat, lotus root and soup. Functions: invigorating qi and blood, invigorating spleen and stomach, nourishing yin and blood. It is suitable for deficiency of both qi and blood, weakness of spleen and stomach, anorexia, fatigue and dyspepsia. Especially suitable for the elderly, frail women and children. "Bazhen Yunpian Cake" is a famous cake made of japonica rice flour as the main raw material and jujube, chestnut, Polygonum Multiflori Radix, Poria, water chestnut, Lycium barbarum and lotus root as ingredients. In addition, such as "babao duck tongue" and "babao porridge", and so on.

2. The eight ingredients used for Babao Duck in Shanghai Old Hotel are ham, chicken gizzards, winter bamboo shoots, mushrooms, scallops, shrimps, lotus seeds and green beans. In fact, there is no standard for the use of accessories. Different flavors of Babel ducks use different accessories. According to the region and eating habits, there are more than 100 kinds of ingredients for Babel duck. In short, eight kinds are enough, that's all.

3. The so-called eight treasures refer to the eight seals of the emperor's exercise of power, namely, line seal, seal, letter seal, line seal of the emperor, letter seal of the emperor, seal of god and seal of order.

4. The story of babao rice: Yin is a famous tyrant in history. At that time, he was located in Zhou Wenwang, Shaanxi Province. He let the sages choose their talents, and used eight talented people, such as Bo Kui, Bo Shi, Zhong Tu, Xia Shu and Ji Sui, who were called "Eight Scholars". These eight men later became Zhou Wuwang's advisers and helped King Wu destroy the Shang Dynasty. Zhou Wuwang held a grand celebration in Haojiang, the capital of China. Zhou Wang Imperial Chef specially steamed eight kinds of treasures to make them look good, and poured hot hawthorn juice on the table to symbolize "the scholar turned to Zhou Wang in the eighth week". Since then, babao rice has been passed down from generation to generation. Now some eight-treasure rice is no longer watered with mountain juice, but eaten with shochu and brown sugar, which is not only interesting, but also can set off the atmosphere. Once the brown sugar is cremated, it has a strong aroma and a special taste.

What are the eight ingredients of eight-treasure porridge?

Eight-treasure porridge refers to porridge cooked with eight ingredients, but which eight ingredients are not fixed, except rice, the other seven ingredients are not fixed combinations. Eight common ingredients of eight-treasure porridge are lotus seeds, white lentils, coix seed, gordon euryales, japonica rice, lily, longan and red dates. There are also eight kinds of eight-treasure porridge: mung bean, rice, Redmi, longan, peanut, kidney bean, red bean and coix seed.

The simplest method of eight-treasure porridge

Choose a variety of whole grains, don't stick to any eight categories, just feel free. In my taste, there are several things that must be put, such as peanuts, dates, rice and rock sugar. Others, such as millet, coix seed, red beans, mung beans, medlar, lotus seeds, sorghum rice and black rice, are really free. It doesn't matter if you have more, but it doesn't matter if you don't.

Clean the whole grains, then put them into the pot and add water. If you like thin water, add more water; if you like thick water, add less water. In short, it is enough to add more water than cooking water. Generally, the inner container of rice cooker has the scale of rice and water, which can be done according to the scale. Finally, cook according to the porridge mode.

Common practice of eight-treasure porridge

1, soak, soak the beans in cold water overnight before cooking the eight-treasure porridge, so that the beans will swell and the porridge will save time.

2, boiling water, when cooking beans, because the internal and external temperatures of beans are different, there will be pressure to form many tiny cracks on the surface of beans, so that beans are easy to cook, starch is easy to blend into soup, and there will be no paste bottom, which is more time-saving than cold water porridge.

3, control the heat, first boil with a big fire and then turn to a small fire, that is, cook with a small fire, and the fragrance of porridge will come out.

4, stirring, in order to make the porridge soft and glutinous, stirring is the trick: when boiling water, stir it several times in one direction until the water boils, cover the lid and simmer for 30 minutes, then open the lid and turn to low heat, add longan and tremella, stir for 15 minutes until it is crisp and thick, and finally add sugar.

What are the eight treasures of Buddhism?

Buddhists' eight treasures are symbols of eight auspicious meanings among Buddhists. Eight Auspiciouss, also known as Eight Treasures of Buddhism. So what are the eight treasures of Buddhism? Let's take a look together.

1, umbrella. According to legend, in ancient India, whenever nobles or members of the royal family went out, they used umbrellas to block out the sun, which later evolved into ceremonial instruments, representing supreme authority. In our Buddhism, the umbrella is the guardian of Buddhism, which is used to cover up the evil influence and symbolizes the authority of Buddha's teachings.

2. Baoyu. Goldfish is an animal that travels in the water. Buddhism believes that the unimpeded movement of goldfish represents a yogi who transcends the world and seeks liberation freely and openly. In Tibetan Buddhism, a pair of male and female goldfish are often used to symbolize the highest liberation and the meaning of eternal life and regeneration.

3. Aquarius In Tibetan Buddhism, bottles in temples are filled with nectar and precious stones, and peacock feathers or wishful trees are inserted inside. It symbolizes good luck, complete wisdom and no loopholes.

4. Lotus. Since ancient times, the lotus has the quality of "emerging from the mud without being stained", so the purity and purity of the lotus is considered as a symbol of the beautiful quality of sacredness, purity, spotless and refusal to pollute in Buddhism.

5, white conch. It is recorded in Buddhist scriptures that when Sakyamuni spoke, his voice spread all over the world, just like the sound of a conch. Therefore, Falungong now often beats conch, especially the right-handed white snail in Tibet. It symbolizes the endless sound of dharma.

6. Lucky knot. Auspicious knots represent eternal love and can realize everyone's special wishes. In Buddhism, auspicious knots represent Buddha's heart. If you follow the Buddha, you can salvage more pearls full of wisdom from the living ocean.

7. Bao Zhuang. Baolou is said to be the military flag of ancient India, which is cylindrical. In Buddhism, it is also called victory building, which means to relieve troubles, overcome all difficulties in career, gain lofty social status and achieve great success.

8. Golden Falun. In ancient India, Falun Gong was a very deadly weapon. Later, it spread to Buddhism, which means that Buddhism keeps turning like a wheel and never stops. At the same time, it can also represent the Buddha's ability to open up all beings, symbolize controlling everything, and let people quickly master the power of success.

That's all for the eight treasures of Buddhism.

What are the eight treasures of Taoism?

The eight treasures of Taoism are related to the legendary Eight Immortals, and the eight treasures of Buddhism are related to Buddhism. Although they are all "eight treasures", the so-called "eight treasures" are even different because of different doctrines and cultures.

Eight treasures of Taoism

In fact, there are many versions of the Eight Immortals, and it was not until the Ming Dynasty's "The Spread of Eight Immortals" that the Eight Immortals were determined. The eight treasures of Taoism correspond to the eight immortals one by one.

Tie Guai Li corresponds to gourd. After becoming an immortal, he specializes in herbs and has excellent pharmacological skills. He is especially good at plasters for injuries from falls. He is honored as the "king of medicine" by the people, so the gourd has the meaning of relieving all beings. Zhong Liquan is equivalent to a fan, which has the function of bringing back the dead. Inspired by Tie Guai Li, he often showed his breasts and shook a big cattail leaf fan after becoming an immortal. The fish drum has the function of divination, corresponding to the famous alchemist Zhang, an old man with a white beard riding backwards. Lv Dongbin corresponds to a sword, which has the function of exorcism. Lv Dongbin is one of the most influential people in the Eight Immortals. He was born with crane vision and was very clever since he was a child. When he grew up, he met a real dragon to teach him fencing. When he grew up, he met Zhong Liquan, who was inspired by his "dream". Then he realized that he was not interested in officialdom and finally became an immortal. He Xiangu, corresponding to the lotus, is the only female fairy among the Eight Immortals, and the lotus has the function of self-cultivation. Lan Caihe corresponds to the flower basket, because it is said that he heard Yue Xian suddenly rise in the air, so he thought that the flower basket had the function of enlightening the gods. Han Xiangzi's bamboo flute is said to have the ability to breed all things. Yin and Yang plates correspond to Cao Guojiu. Because of its noble position and upright character, Yin and Yang boards have the function of purifying the environment.

Eight treasures of Buddhism

Buddhists believe that the eight treasures correspond to the parts of the Buddha and have their meanings. The canopy symbolizes the Buddha's top and authority; Aquarius symbolizes the Buddha's neck, which means auspiciousness; Pisces symbolizes Buddha wood, which means detachment; Lotus symbolizes the Buddha's tongue, meaning that it is a positive result; The right-handed snail symbolizes the Buddha's neck pattern, which means that the Buddha's voice is far-reaching; Auspicious knot represents Buddha's heart, which means that Buddhism is boundless; Zunshengzhuang represents the victory of Buddha; Falun symbolizes bergamot and symbolizes the immortality of Buddhism.

Folk babao

What tower of babel? There are many aspects.

The eight treasures in Buddhism are eight kinds of auspicious symbols in Tibetan Buddhism, which are Aquarius, Bao Gai, Pisces, Lotus, Right-handed snail, auspicious knot, Zunshengzhuang and Falun in turn.

Eight treasures of Buddhism;

Folk eight treasures;

Eight treasures of Taoism and flowers, birds and insects.