Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Notice on Strengthening the Content Management of Internet Audio-visual Programs Audio-visual programs under any of the following circumstances shall be cut and deleted in time.

Notice on Strengthening the Content Management of Internet Audio-visual Programs Audio-visual programs under any of the following circumstances shall be cut and deleted in time.

Two, the Internet audio-visual program service unit shall timely cut and delete audio-visual programs with the following circumstances:

(a) malicious misinterpretation of Chinese civilization, China history and historical facts; Malicious misinterpretation of the history of other countries and disrespect for human civilization, civilization and customs of other countries;

(2) Deliberately belittling or spoofing the images of revolutionary leaders, heroes, important historical figures, Chinese and foreign masterpieces and important figures in masterpieces;

(3) maliciously derogating from the image of the people's army, armed police, public security and justice; There are circumstances such as abusing criminals, extorting confessions from criminals or criminal suspects by torture;

(four) show the arrogance of illegal crimes, show the details of criminal acts, expose special investigation methods, and expose the images and voices of informants and witnesses that should be protected;

(5) Advocating religious extremism, provoking contradictions and conflicts between religions, sects, religious believers and unbelievers, and hurting the feelings of the masses;

(six) to promote fortune telling, geomantic omen, divination, exorcism and other feudal superstitious activities;

(seven) depicting major natural disasters, accidents, terrorist incidents, wars and other disaster scenes in a spoof way;

(eight) the specific performance of fornication, rape, incest, rape, prostitution, prostitution, sexual perversion, masturbation and other circumstances. ;

(9) showing or concealing the details of sexual behavior, sexual process, sexual mode and excessive physical contact related to it;

(10) intentionally exposed, covered with limbs only or covered with a very small cover for private parts of human body;

(eleven) with sexual hints, teasing, etc., which are easy to make people have sexual associations;

(12) propagating unhealthy contents such as extramarital affairs, polyandry, one-night stands, sexual assault, wife swapping, etc.;

(13) Taking adult movies, erotic films, pornographic films, sneak shots, exposures, dew points and various provocative words or pictures as the titles or categories of video programs;

(fourteen) there are strong stimulating murder, blood, violence, suicide, kidnapping, drug abuse, gambling, paranormal and other circumstances;

(fifteen) there are too scary pictures, subtitles, background music and sound effects;

(sixteen) the specific display of animal cruelty, killing and eating animals protected by the state;

(seventeen) invasion of personal privacy;

(eighteen) fighting, insulting others, swearing in a positive, approving tone or imitating way;

(nineteen) to promote a negative and decadent outlook on life, world outlook and values, and deliberately exaggerate or exaggerate the ignorance and backwardness of the nation or the dark side of society;

(twenty) the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television explicitly prohibited the spread of film and television programs and movies, TV series clips;

(twenty-one) in violation of the spirit of relevant laws and regulations.