Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Rust lake, what's going on with thepastwithin? In what context did it happen?

Rust lake, what's going on with thepastwithin? In what context did it happen?

This paper has been published for some time. Finally, before the new year, I made a complete analysis version. Let's take a good look at the background of this story. What other secrets does Albert have?

We go back to 1926. This autumn, Frank killed Albert on the chessboard. At the same time, Ross also saw the letter left by Albert. Obviously, Albert anticipated the possibility of his own death before playing chess, and made a reborn machine in advance. First of all, here, there are two problems.

First, how did Albert know that he was going to die, and he didn't build the machine until a few months before he died? You know, Frank returned to the family villa at 1924. Why did Albert study in the last few months instead of starting early? Second, how did Albert get the technology to connect with the future Ross? Even if William leaves all kinds of books behind, no matter how clever he is, he can't create such a masterpiece that transcends the times.

For the explanation of these two questions, only someone guides Albert in the dark, and nothing can do it except crows, owls, Harvey and william blake. In the mirror of 1926, a crow also appeared behind Ross, so we have reason to suspect that the crow is secretly guiding Albert's plan.

If Albert knew that he would be killed by Frank, he could have used simpler methods, such as poisoning food, killing people at night, and even killing the murderer at Frank's first day at home 1924, but Albert didn't. Knowing that he was going to die, he didn't kill Frank, but built a machine. This shows that he knows that Frank can't be killed, so why keep it? Being a son-in-law for your daughter?

Of course not. Anyone who has played with roots knows that Frank needs to find time fragments as part of William's rebirth. If the crow really guides Albert in the dark, it all makes sense. After all, William's resurrection is a big part of Rasdrake's plan.

Therefore, from these two questions, we can infer that the crow is secretly guiding Albert. And this strange machine, if nothing unexpected, should be made by crows with Albert's help, even crows are the initiators.

After this problem is solved, let's look at the plot. I know the game is very confusing and complicated. But in the final analysis, there are three problems.

1, what kind of world is it in thepastwithin? Is it real or virtual?

2. What is Albert's resurrection and great black state?

3. rust lake no longer has time and cycles to be broken, and the cracks are no longer healed. What does this mean?

In the first level of Past and Future, we can see that two Ross in the past and the future are operating two machines at the same time. They seem to be able to see each other, but it seems that only the future Ross who operates the machine can influence the past Ross, and the whole room is just like Ross's machine in the past. Albert also mentioned this in his letter, and the room will be affected by people's operations in the past.

However, when the energy from 1984 synthesizes the gold cube, the future Ross seems to have entered the machine of the past Ross, and his teeth, ears and blood are well reflected. Ross in the past operated outside the machine, and Ross in the future resurrected Albert inside the machine.

Here, let's sum up. At first, the future Ross started and operated the machine, which influenced the past Ross. When he got the Rubik's Cube, the old Ross manipulated the machine and could influence the future Ross. They are like each other's machines. In fact, a Mobius ring has been formed here.

Mobius ring is a topological structure, similar to Klein bottle. It has only one face and one boundary. A piece of paper can be twisted to 180 degrees, and then the two ends are bonded together to form a Mobius ring, so that the front and back sides are unified into one side.

At the beginning of the machine, both sides of the Mobius ring can see it, but the past can only be influenced by the future, and the past can only influence the future after obtaining the golden cube.

The idea of Mobius ring is also reflected in the end of the game. Albert holds the black gold cube, Albert holds the resurrected black cube, and both Ross hold it at the same time, and then there is an infinite cycle of the doll version.

In this way, the first problem is solved. The past is actually a Mobius ring created by machines and gold cubes in the real world, which connects the past and the future.

Now that we have reached this stage, the second problem has been solved. The resurrected Albert was resurrected in the old Ross machine, and Albert Darby was the rotting corpse of Albert who died in the past, just like Laura in the mill.

As for the meaning that rust lake no longer has time, I think it should be that after the Mobius ring is formed, the past and the present can merge, just like two Ross, so in this case, time loses its meaning of existence and rust lake loses time.

And what does the last sentence mean about cycle breaking and crack healing? In a previously officially released picture of rust lake 20,000 years ago, up also made a dark guess about what happened in rust lake 20,000 years ago around May this year. In that video, I suggested that rust lake is one family after another, and rust lake lured them to provide memories with eternal life.

Therefore, I think it is the family cycle that breaks the cycle here. At present, both the Islander family and the Vanderbilt family have ended in destruction. Breaking the cycle here should mean breaking the family cycle. When rust lake loses time, anyone on the whole space axis may appear in rust lake.

Just like an X-axis and a Y-axis, when we remove the X-axis, the Y-axis loses the limitation of the X-axis, and can be arbitrarily parallel and overlapped through the Mobius ring, and each Y-axis is like a family in rust lake. Therefore, it seems that it is not impossible for the islanders and the Vanderbilt family to behave each other in the future, and Frank, Caroline and others are also likely to reappear. At this point, the crack has also healed. The crack here should refer to death, or "wrongful death". When the cycle is broken, rust lake loses time. Those who died because of injustice will also come back and the cracks will heal.

To sum up, what does thepastwithin show? In those years when Albert lived alone, the crow secretly contacted Albert and led him to make friends with Ross. Later, Frank returned to the villa. The crow told Albert that Frank would kill him, so in order to revive him, he made a machine in advance and contacted the future Ross in some way in advance.

1926, after Albert died, the future Ross and the past Ross started working at the same time. The future Ross first manipulates the Mobius ring formed by the machine, puts the past Ross in a machine-like environment, and transfers the energy of 1984 to the past to produce a golden cube. After winning the Jin Lifang, the future Ross entered the machine of the past Ross, and the past Ross helped her resurrect Albert outside.

Finally, through this exercise, Albert came back to life, and rust lake lost time, so the curse of the rust lake family cycle was broken and the cracks healed.

Well, that's the whole story of this park. In fact, there are still some small problems that have not been fully explained, such as the energy of 1984. Why? Why does this energy produce a gold cube? Another example is how this infinite doll process makes them go out? Or why did the crow help Albert come back from the dead and let him do this to rust lake?

If you have other ideas, please leave a message in the comments section. See you next time.