Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Which animal has the best quality in the zodiac? Why? (Only one kind)

Which animal has the best quality in the zodiac? Why? (Only one kind)

Rabbit, can be called: gentle, intelligent and polite, only eating green grass, radish and vegetables, leisurely, gentle, noble and bright eating is enough to be superior, not to mention from thunder: gambling, fighting, cheating, prostitution, not to mention the record of corruption and escape, murder and arson, and even Lian Xiao smiled and farted. Do you think there is anything as kind as a rabbit in the world? Is there anything better and higher in quality than it? Those are: rats steal dogs and bark (even Lv Dongbin bites), dragons are lustful (singing), horses abuse (jumping), tigers are vicious, monkeys hate pigs and stupid, sheep are lazy and chickens are cheap, cows are ignorant, and the zodiac is the best: who is the rabbit?