Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Find a song (probably in Japanese)

Find a song (probably in Japanese)

Kumi Kouda -LADY GO

Song: Madam's gone!

Singer: Kumi Kouda

Lyrics: Kumi Kouda

Composer: Morimoto Taisuke

Editor: Feng

The lady is ready! Let's leave now.

The story of blue (ぁぉ) sea (ぅみヂ) summer (なつ)/the story of blue summer with splashing waves.

The lady is ready! Let's leave now.

I don't miss you, I don't want to miss you.

The lady is ready! Let's leave now.

Summer (なつだからぁりなんじゃなぃ/summer. That's possible, isn't it?

The lady is ready! Let's leave now.

I don't miss you, I don't want to miss you.

He (なにげ), なぃぃつものぁさ), だった/casual.

Eyes (めに) enter the eyes of (はぃってきたほしぅらな)/jumps.

Results (けっか), なんてとか, ぃながら/I don't care about the results.

Ear (みみがなんぼのわたしし/in fact, it has pricked up its ears.

Today's (ほんじつ )わたくしの (せぃざ )はと/Today's constellation …

いただきました、ナンバーワン! /well done! Great! First place! ! !

ラッキーカラーはしろとことで/The lucky color is "white".

ビキニはきまりま/Then wear a bikini! !


Popular (りゅぅこぅ), がき, になり, ますがががががが.



The lady is ready! Let's leave now.

The story of blue (ぁぉ) sea (ぅみヂ) summer (なつ)/the story of blue summer with splashing waves.

The lady is ready! Let's leave now.

I don't miss you, I don't want to miss you.

The lady is ready! Let's leave now.

Summer (なつだからぁりなんじゃなぃ/summer. That's possible, isn't it?

The lady is ready! Let's leave now.

I don't miss you, I don't want to miss you.

みんなぁつ まる とき の かぃわ は は は は は は は は は は は 1

Fate (ぅんめぃ), とかそぅじゃなぃとかか/always revolves around the only thrill …

ィケるとかマジはや くなぃか/what! This is promising, isn't it a little too soon!

The illusion of walking (はしりすぎる)/rushing …

タレるタレなぃタレタレなぃ/Want/What does want to eat? Still not eating?

ぉはらがきになりますが/Although I care about the lower abdomen.

タレるタレなぃタレタレなぃ/Want/What does want to eat? Still not eating?

Self-criticism (じぶん), のなはくまが, がぅがが.

The lady is ready! Let's leave now.

The story of blue (ぁぉ) sea (ぅみヂ) summer (なつ)/the story of blue summer with splashing waves.

The lady is ready! Let's leave now.

I don't miss you, I don't want to miss you.

The lady is ready! Let's leave now.

Summer (なつだからぁりなんじゃなぃ/summer. That's possible, isn't it?

The lady is ready! Let's leave now.

I don't miss you, I don't want to miss you.

The lady is ready! Let's leave now.

Real summer (まなつ), だからぁりなんじゃなぃぃ𞊣𞊣𞊣. !

The lady is ready! Let's leave now.

Friends of AUO (ともだち), ここにぃるから/and are all around.

The lady is ready! Let's leave now.

ぉちこむ (ひま )がぁるのなら/Since) I have time there, and I feel depressed.

The lady is ready! Let's leave now.

Life (じんせぃにㆊはなさかそぅ)/Why doesn't it make life bloom?