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Reflections on Reading The Romance of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Thoughts after reading The Romance of Sui and Tang Dynasties: The Romance of Sui and Tang Dynasties is a long historical novel in Qing Dynasty, with 100 chapters and more than 700,000 words. It is a novel with both heroic legend and historical romance. Based on the peasant uprising at the end of Sui Dynasty, this paper tells a historical romance of the collapse of Sui Dynasty and the establishment of Tang Dynasty. I would like to share with you my reading experience in Sui and Tang Dynasties, and welcome your reference.

Reading Experience of the Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties 1 The Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties records the history from the last years of the Southern and Northern Dynasties to the early years of the Tang Dynasty, and tells the wonderful story of the rise and fall of the Sui Dynasty and the sweeping away of various anti-Wang forces in the Tang Dynasty. The characters in the book are vivid. Once you read it, people will fall in love with it. The characters in the book are rich, including the devil in troubled times and the chivalrous heart.

The story that moved me most was the death of mccullough. One day, McCullough visited Li Shimin, and Tang Gaozong asked him to take back Zijin Pass. He was surrounded by Li and Li Yuanji, and McCullough was exhausted after many rounds of fierce fighting with the enemy. But Li and Li Yuanji didn't open the gate to help. Poor McCullough was shot dead by an arrow at Zijin Pass. It really makes people feel sorry for McCullough's death, and even more angry at the stupid things that Lee and Li Yuanji did.

Not only was Luo Cheng's death touching, but also many stories deeply touched people: the brothers in Wagangzhai recruited soldiers to create a democratic world for the feudal society at that time and conquered the Sui Dynasty with another seventeen-route anti-king. This selfless spirit of the Wagangzhai brothers is worth learning. In "It's too late for the King of Qin to drill the whip", the king of Qin wanted Weichi Gong with outstanding martial arts, so he killed Weichi Gong's master, and then Weichi Gong let and Cheng drill under his whip. And Cheng were all under his whip. Weichi Gong could have killed him, but he didn't, because he was deeply moved by his behavior!

The book Romance of Sui and Tang Dynasties not only increased my knowledge, but also taught me a lot about being a man. I recommend you to read it a few times to understand some profound truths.

Reading Experience of Sui and Tang Dynasties Romance 2 "Sui and Tang Dynasties Romance" is a novel with both heroic legend and historical romance. The author is Chu Renhuo, a native of Changzhou (now Suzhou, Jiangsu). The year of birth and death is unknown. Kangxi was alive twenty years ago. He has never been an official for life and has a high literary reputation. He is good at poetry and writing, especially interested in reading anecdotes about the history of past dynasties. He wrote many works, the most representative of his literary achievements is The Romance of Sui and Tang Dynasties.

The narrative of The Romance of Sui and Tang Dynasties began with the attack of Chen Zhu in Sui Dynasty. An Shi rebellion? After the Tang Dynasty, Ming Chengzu returned to Beijing. Its main content consists of three parts: one is the official story of the late Sui Dynasty with Zhu Guier as the central figure, and the other is, Dan and Cheng? Heroes in troubled times? The anti-Sui story centers on Ming Di-Yang Guifei in the Tang Dynasty? An Shi rebellion? The story of Guan Tuo in Tang Dynasty. In the book, the emperors of Yang Di-Zhu Guier and Yang Guifei-

As a subsidiary line, the marriage of the Tang and Ming emperors dissolved countless historical events and anecdotes into a huge and loose whole structure.

Among the anti-Sui heroes, Qin Qiong's life experience is the most typical. Qin Qiong used to be a local? Catching thieves is the head? Want to rebel? Business activities? Hesitated several times. What time? Thief? When Cheng, Wang Bodang and others gathered at home in the name of worshipping the temple, he risked his life to let them out out out of loyalty. After witnessing a series of soul-stirring events such as Uncle Ma eating people at night, he thoroughly recognized the extremely corrupt nature of the Sui Dynasty and took the initiative to embark on the road of resistance. After joining the uprising team, he used his reputation in the rivers and lakes to make a useful contribution to the growth of the peasant uprising team. In Wagangzhai, he became one of the backbones of Zharang Military Group.

Do you know who I hate most after reading this book? Let me tell you: what I hate most is Yang Guang, who killed his father for power and caused the world to split; The second is Shi Biao, who turns around and conspires to rebel. Although he was shot to death by random arrows, it doesn't change my impression of him. The third is Li Yuanji, who killed his brothers Li Yuanba and McCullough.

After reading this article, I understand a truth: love your parents, brothers and sisters, love your motherland and be loyal to society whenever and wherever. We should learn from heroes, defend our country and never be cowards!

I read the book The Romance of Sui and Tang Dynasties the day before. The Romance of Sui and Tang Dynasties is based on the history of Sui and Tang Dynasties and tells the legendary stories of the heroes in Wagangzhai.

At that time, the bad king was in power, and the victims complained bitterly, so they rose up against the tyranny of the Sui Dynasty and went through all the difficulties. Finally, he helped Li overthrow the Sui Dynasty and established the Tang Dynasty. There are many heroes in the movie, among which I like Qin Qiong, McCullough and Dan Xiong Xin very much. They are brave and resourceful and have done a lot of great work. He helped Li Shimin, the king of Qin, who was a famous emperor Taizong in history. There are also many people I don't like, such as Prince Li and King Li Yuanji of Qi. Are they jealous to avoid being heartless? . So, I don't like them.

From the book, I also realized that men dare to do things. For example, there is a chapter in the book about the garrison commander Shang Shitu, who is loyal to the imperial court and tries his best to defend the city. After the city was breached, he would rather die than surrender and commit suicide by drawing his sword. It fully embodies his heroism, as well as his bold and unyielding characteristics, which I also learned from the book. Every hero in the book has distinct characteristics, and everyone in the book is lifelike.

A story is widely known because it is full of eternal humanity, a history is told through the ages because it contains immortal spiritual legends, and a literary work is famous at home and abroad because it always plays the melody of truth, goodness and beauty.

Today, I read the novel Romance of Sui and Tang Dynasties by Chu Renhuo, a novelist in Qing Dynasty.

The book begins with an attack on Chen. Yang Guang is a two-faced man. Before his father, he was a good king of Jin who was diligent, law-abiding and loved the people, but behind his back, he was a king of Jin who was arrogant and extravagant. Later, Yang Guang framed Yong Yang as a prince, and finally he killed his father and became the emperor of Yang Di in history. After Yang Di ascended the throne, his nature was gradually revealed. Later, people became more and more dissatisfied with Yang Di's tyranny, and heroes from all over the world rose up in succession, with 38 heroes resisting. Thirty-nine heroes, including Qin Qiong, Dan Xiong Xin and Xu Maogong, became best friends in a hotel, and then recruited soldiers to capture Wagangzhai as a base and became the main force against the Sui Dynasty. Later, Shi Mi, the leader of Wagangzhai, was ignorant and helpless, and all the heroes of Wagangzhai were scattered. Since then, Tang Gaozu Li Yuan established the Tang Dynasty, declaring that the Sui Dynasty had been ruled for only 38 years before it died. Li Shimin, the king of Qin, was a clever master, so many warriors in the former Wagangzhai went to the account of Li Shimin, the king of Qin, and followed him to the Tang Dynasty. In the end, Li Shimin became emperor, that is, Emperor Taizong in history, and began the rule of chastity in history. After reading this historical novel, I was moved by the spirit of the characters. Wang Bodang is an archer. He served as prime minister in Wagangzhai, knowing that Shi Mi was fatuous, but he followed Shi Mi faithfully, and was finally shot with him. Although he follows a mediocre master, his loyalty is worth learning. He is not the main character in the Romance of Sui and Tang Dynasties, but in Yangzhou, in order to prevent the Sui Dynasty from hurting the 18th Route Anti-King, he held the sluice and bought time for the 18th Route Hero to escape. In the end, all the heroes escaped, but he was crushed to death by a thousand-pound brake. There is a spirit of self-sacrifice in him, which is worth learning. If we all learn the beautiful spirit in the Romance of Sui and Tang Dynasties, then our country and even our world will become more harmonious and beautiful, and people will be more trusting and United.

This book contains many truths, waiting for people to explore and learn.

During the winter vacation, I watched this version of the legendary "Romance of Sui and Tang Dynasties" filmed by Oriental TV. Because I went to Harbin on the way, I missed several episodes. I feel very sorry, but I watched everything else without exception.

This historical drama is about the extravagant life of Emperor Yang Guang of Yang Di at the end of the Sui Dynasty, killing his father and brother, and killing loyal ministers indiscriminately, which attracted the dissatisfaction of heroes from all walks of life and rose up in succession. This is an era when heroes come forth in large numbers, such as, Yuwen Chengdou,,,, Weichi Gong, and the sea? They rose up and fought to the death with other 17 righteous men who opposed the king and the court, not afraid of power. Finally, they overthrew the dark rule of Yang Di, established a new leader-Li Shimin, and started a prosperous period in the history of China-the rule of chastity.

My favorite character is an anti-Sui hero and Cheng. Qin Qiong has a steady personality and high martial arts skills, and has made a number of heroes around him. They gathered in Wagang Mountain with blood, and wrote a magnificent song of life with wisdom, courage and superb martial arts. Cheng is another hero in The Romance of Sui and Tang Dynasties. What is his nickname? The devil in the world? As the name implies, he has done countless things and is also a very funny character. With his three axes and half martial arts and luck, he also made a lot of contributions. In particular, he was extremely lucky all his life, living to 100 years old. He can be said to be the first lucky general among heroes in Sui and Tang Dynasties.

The person I regret most is Dan Xiong Xin, who is generous in aiding needy people and is brave and good at fighting. He helped poor Qin Qiong and gave him a lot of money when he left. Since then, they have forged a friendship between life and death. Later, he took refuge in the king and became a general. But Li Shimin occupied Luoyang, and Dan Xiong Xin would rather die than surrender, and was executed at the age of 4 1. When it was shown on TV that Dan Xiong Xin's Wagang brothers came to see him off one after another, he was full of heroism and had no fear of death. I can't help crying. My brother, who once swore blood, can only live where you are going now. What makes me even sadder is that Dan Xiong Xin didn't see Qin Qiong before his death and left this world with regret.

I spent many wonderful nights with the romance of Sui and Tang Dynasties. I admire the heroic behavior of those righteous men, and I am deeply moved by their spirit of serving the people, serving the country and being loyal to the country. I will learn from them in the future.