Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Answers to the first mock exam of senior three in the 2009-2065 438+00 school year in four cities in northern Jiangsu.

Answers to the first mock exam of senior three in the 2009-2065 438+00 school year in four cities in northern Jiangsu.

I. Language use (15)

1.(3 points) Answer C.

Analyze this problem to examine the ability to "remember the pronunciation of common words in modern Chinese Putonghua", and the ability level is one level. The focus is on homophones, polyphones, variant characters and commonly used words that are difficult to read and easy to make mistakes.

a . quán Jiá/Jiāqiàn/Xiān; B.bà ng/pá ng Ryan Kutz; C. Ron Zeman; Kang/Hong Nú/Nǔ Luo/Luo.

2.(3 points) Answer B

Analyze this question to examine the ability of "distinguishing and modifying sick sentences". The ability level is E, and we can make a preliminary judgment by using trunk extraction method (such as item D) and language sense reading method (such as item A).

A mixed sentence can be changed to "At the same time, we have to play an irreplaceable role in public opinion mobilization, supervision and inspection" or "At the same time, non-governmental forces can also play an irreplaceable role in public opinion mobilization, supervision and inspection"; Item c is illogical. "Who can guarantee that he is driven by power and money" should be "Who can guarantee that he is not driven by power and money"; If the subject of item D is incomplete, delete the word "according to".

3.(4 points) Answer the influence ability of state organs or public service departments (1 point) to be recognized and trusted by the public in handling public affairs (1 point) (2 points).

This topic analyzes the ability of "compressing paragraphs", mainly examining the ability of refining content and summarizing semantics. The ability level is E-level. In order to screen keywords, we should first analyze sentences from the perspective of grammar, extract core components, and then compress them into keywords. This topic adopts the form of definition, which includes both the requirements of information collection and the examination of sentence organization.

4.(5 points) Answer examples: Be tactful, be skillful like a balloon (2 points), stay away from people when touched, and don't want to talk to people (3 points, 2 points for metaphor, semantic coherence 1 point).

Analyze this problem and investigate the imitation sentence patterns. The ability level is E-level. There are three imitations of this question: one is a figurative sentence; The second is to grasp the sentence characteristics of the imitation sentence before the horizontal line, such as the sentence "Being a man (doing things) must have (speaking) ……" in the first sentence; Third, under the premise of conforming to the principle of "content consistency", the sentence expression is coherent.

Second, classical Chinese reading (19)

5.(3 points) Answer B

This paper analyzes the ability of "understanding the meaning of common content words in classical Chinese", mainly examining the meaning of common content words in classical Chinese in a specific context. The ability level is B, and this question is investigated in the form of "three realities and one deficiency". We should naturally contact what we have learned in the text, and infer the meaning of words in classical Chinese on the basis of grasping the general idea of the whole text and combining with the specific context. The word "you" in item B means "because".

6.(3 points) Answer B

Analyze this topic to examine the ability of "filtering information in the text". The focus of the review is to show the specific content of information and judge the nature of information. The ability level is C. Among them, the second is to write that Fu Yi is appreciated and treated by Tang Gaozu, which shows that he is talented and cannot show that he is honest and frank; (4) means that Fu Yi knows how to guess the emperor's mind; ⑥ I don't believe in the book of Yin and Yang numerology, which is his "vertical" performance.

7.(3 points) Answer D

The purpose of analyzing this question is to examine the ability to "summarize the main points of the content and summarize the central meaning", focusing on the ability to grasp a certain level, a certain paragraph or the whole article. The ability level is C, and the item D of this question has no basis, "eventually died of drunkenness".

8.( 10) Answer

(1) (3 points) (Yi Fu) repeatedly reported Yu Jian's fault, but Yu Jian didn't hate him. (Score points: ellipsis, "ju", "guo", prepositional object)

(2) (3 points) I heard that "a person who criticizes filial piety has no parents in his eyes", which means you are drizzling! (Scores: "No", "Yes" and "Its Meaning")

(3) (3 points) Everyone is confused, and I can only sigh secretly. It's pathetic that everyone doesn't listen to my advice! (Score points: "confused", "stolen", "subordinate" and ellipsis)

Analysis of this topic examines the ability to understand and translate sentences in the text. The level of ability is Grade B. This topic involves the flexible use of sentence patterns and parts of speech in classical Chinese. When translating, attention should be paid to the context to achieve "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance". Candidates should also establish a sense of scoring. When grading, first look at whether the sentence is understood correctly, and then get points. If the whole sentence is misunderstood, even if individual scoring points are translated correctly, you can't score.

Attachment: Reference translation

Fu Yi is a native of Ye County, Xiangzhou, and is very proficient in astronomical calendars. During Emperor Yangdi's reign, Yang Liang (the fifth son of Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty, later killed by Yang Di) served Hanwang as a grass. When Yang Liang started fighting, Yang Liang said to Fu Yi, "Now Mars has entered the position of Su Jing. What is the sign? " Yi Fu replied: "It is not a strange special phenomenon." Yang Liang is not happy. After Yang Liang's defeat, Fu Yi was saved from being killed because of this incident and was transferred to Fufeng. Tang Gaozu (Tang Gaozu) is a prefect of Fufeng and respects him very much. After the emperor ascended the throne, he summoned Fu Yi and appointed him Tai Shicheng. The Taishi ordered Yu to be frugal, because his father said in the Sui Dynasty that divination predicted good and bad luck, which violated the emperor's wishes, and he was put into prison and eventually died in prison, so Yu frugally took a warning; He was ashamed of being promoted by divination, so he recommended Fu Yi instead of himself, and Fu Yi was promoted to Taishiling. After Fu Yi and Yu Jian were in the same position, they repeatedly reported Yu Jian's fault, but Yu Jian did not hate him. At that time, people praised Yu Jian's kindness and kindness, but also praised Fu Yi's frankness and integrity. Fu Yi's performance of the changes in the astronomical phenomena met the emperor's wishes many times.

In seven years, Fu Shu demanded that the Buddha be destroyed, saying: The Buddha would harm the western regions and distant places. When local people translate Buddhist scriptures, the translator will add them at will according to his own understanding. As a result, the people were disloyal and unfilial, and some of them were cut into monks and rude to their parents and monarchs; Idle around and put on a robe to avoid taxes. Now monks and nuns, please let them get married in a secular way, there will be 100 thousand families with children, which is naturally beneficial to the country and can make the army sufficient. The country is free from disasters in the occupied territories, and the people know the majesty of the emperor and his own blessings. He published 1 1 again, and his words were sharp and frank. Gaozu gave his opinion to the ministers for discussion. Xiao Yu, the minister in the book, argued with him: "Buddha is a saint. Fu Yi's remarks are a rude slander on saints. Please punish him severely. " Fu Yi said: "Rites come from supporting parents and end in serving the emperor. Buddha (Sakyamuni) fled the city, his family and his father; Against the son of heaven with men, but abandoned their loved ones when they were young. Xiao Yu actually respects this fatherless teaching. I heard that' people who criticize filial piety have no parents in their eyes', which means that you are drizzling! " Xiao Yu couldn't answer, but crossed her hands and said, "Hell is for such people!" Gao zu's adoption of Fu Yi's opinion coincides with his abdication.

In the thirteenth year of Zhenguan, Fu Yi died at the age of eighty-five. On his deathbed, he warned his son that Buddhism disturbed the country and the people were in chaos. I can only sigh secretly by myself, and everyone will not listen to my advice. What a pity! You shouldn't learn Buddhism.

Yi Fu was ill on weekdays and never asked a doctor to take medicine. Although he had studied the technique of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, he didn't believe it. I often wake up suddenly when I am drunk and say, "I must die!" " "So, I wrote down the epitaph and said," Fu Yi, who was in contact with Qingshan Baiyun, died of drunkenness, alas! "His indulgence and broad-mindedness are reflected in such things.

Iii. Appreciation of Ancient Poetry (10)

9.( 1)(4 points) The answer is to combine feelings with scenery (1 point). The poem describes distant parting, distant boating, vast and quiet wilderness, vast sky and other desolate and lonely scenes (2 points), which reflects the poet's disappointment and lonely feelings (65433.

The analysis of this topic focuses on the ability to appreciate the image and expression skills of literary works. The ability level is D. When solving problems, we should pay attention to the appreciation from the perspective of "scenery" and "emotion" specified in the topic. The appreciation area of "scenery" is couplets, but the appreciation of "emotion" should pay attention to the connection between upper and lower poems.

(2)(2 points) The answer "mountain birds" refers to those dignitaries who only seek temporary happiness and peace and indulge in local security; "Jason Wu" refers to a man of insight who sees the crisis hidden behind the temporary prosperity and cares about the destiny of the country.

The analysis of this topic focuses on the ability to appreciate the image of literary works, and the ability level is D. When solving problems, we should pay attention to the author's background and life experience. The author pays attention to current events and expresses his dissatisfaction with the surrender policy of the imperial court with the real scene in front of him. "Rain is clearing up" and "Cold Sound is coming at the beginning" is a change of natural climate, which contains emptiness in reality and is a metaphor for the change of political climate. The poet endowed "Mountain Bird" and "Jason Wu" with humanity, and told people with concrete artistic image and lyrical style that the mountain bird is only happy for the sunny day, while the phoenix tree by the well is sensitive to the changes of the four seasons. The author takes this opportunity to show that in the era of confrontation between Song and Jin, those dignitaries who indulge in the local security situation only want temporary peace and happiness, and only people of insight who care about the fate of the country can see the hidden crisis.

(3)(4 points) Answer: Generally, most ancient people write sad autumn stories based on their own life experiences, writing without hatred and expressing their feelings, mostly expressing their feelings of "children's sadness" (2 points), while this poem expresses the thoughts of worrying about the country through sad autumn, showing the poet's heroic bearing and aspiration to cherish the world (2 points).

Analyze this topic to examine the ability to evaluate the ideological content of poetry and the author's attitude, focusing on the ability to appreciate the artistic conception and style of poetry, with a D level. Sad autumn is an important theme in Tang and Song poetry. Poets often use it to express their feelings, write about not hating or worrying, and have made many famous works, many of which are excellent, but it is rare to express their worries about the country by mourning autumn. The author ends up with the sophistry that "the husband's feelings are related to current events", and flatly despises the feelings that his children are sad in autumn and their children are hurt and feel sorry for themselves, vividly showing the whole theme and showing the poet's heroic bearing and great ambition.

Four, the memory of famous sentences and famous articles (8 points)

10.(8 points) Answer

(1) sleepless nights; (2) who didn't get up in Wan Li; (3) When did you suddenly see this house? (4) I don't know the joy of being a satrap; (5) What can I do to save money and use it for precipitation? (6) I don't know if the sky is high.

(65438 Add 0 point to each blank, and no score will be given for a wrong blank)

Analyze this problem to examine the ability of "memorizing famous sentences and articles", and the level of ability is a level. To strengthen memory in daily study, we should not only master some necessary paragraphs, but also extend them after class.

Five, literary text reading (23 points)

1 1.(6 points) The answer is to select the typical scenery of the cemetery and describe it in detail, and use happy scenes to contrast the sad mood and the loneliness of the ancestors (4 points), laying the foundation for writing that the ancestors are no longer lonely after resurrection (2 points). (That's right)

This topic analyzes the ability to "analyze the structure of the work and summarize the theme of the work", and the ability level is C. The "function" of the proposition topic to "express the content of the article" should be based on clarifying the lyric ideas of the full text and grasping the general idea of the article as a whole, and then analyze the relationship between this paragraph and the theme of the article from the perspectives of writing ideas and emotional tone.

12.(5 points) Answer ① the feeling of ancestors' death; Memories and admiration for ordinary and hardworking ancestors. (One points for 2 points, two points for 3 points) ② Feelings of ancestors who "live in another way" to protect their homes and future generations. (2 points)

To analyze this question and investigate the ability of "understanding the rich meanings of important sentences", we should focus on understanding the ideological content, and the ability level is C. When answering questions, we should grasp the main idea of the article as a whole, combine the contextual meaning of the sentence, and take the interpretation of key words in the sentence as a breakthrough to integrate the answers.

13.(6 points) Answer the question 1: The author used imagination (virtual realism or imitation) and detailed description to write The Living Ancestor. (2 points)

Question 2: (1) By imagining the details and scenes of ancestors turning birds into wind and returning to their hometown, they vividly and concretely show the ancestors' cherish of their homeland, (1) their expectation and concern for future generations (1), and express the author's gratitude and nostalgia for their ancestors (1).

This topic analyzes the main expression techniques of the works and the ability to appreciate the connotation and understand the artistic charm of the works. The ability level is both C and D, so we should pay attention to the overall grasp of the text and make clear the common writing techniques (rhetoric, expression and "art"). The answer mode is: use … technique (skill) to express … (content) and have … effect.

14.(6 points) Answer (1) Although the ancestors have passed away, their spirit still inspires future generations and guides their life direction; (2 points)

(2) Although the ancestors have passed away, the descendants still feel that they are not far away, and they still care, care and nourish their descendants as if they were alive. (2 points)

(3) Although ancestors have passed away, ancestors are the source of children's lives, and children are the continuation of ancestors' lives. Ancestors live among their children in another way. (2 points)

(That's right)

The analysis of this topic examines the ability to explore the rich connotation of the work from different angles and levels, as well as the humanistic spirit of the connotation. The level of ability is F. To answer this question, we must grasp the key sentences in the text, such as "When they see the physical form change, their lives are getting better and better, and then they leave with peace of mind." ..... nourish the land, rivers, mountains and their descendants born in Sri Lanka with the phosphorus of the soul and the fat of carrion. ..... Our ancestors lived in another way and became a part of the earth. ..... the small grave is a road sign, ... supporting the direction of our life "and so on, and then integrated under the observation of the theme of the full text.

Six, about the text reading (15 points)

15.(3 points) Answer A (intended to naturally lead to the central topic of "fun")

Analyze this topic to examine the ability of "understanding the meaning of important concepts in the text, screening and integrating the information in the text, and grasping the thinking of the article". The ability level is both B and C. This kind of topic needs to master the full text, read the paragraphs involved in each option carefully, and find relevant materials for comparison and identification. That is, find out the interval of its explanation, find out the corresponding sentence in the original text, and then make the right choice. At the beginning of this article, the author quoted Basel's "special statement" in order to naturally lead to the central topic of "fun", not anything else.

16.(6 points) Answer (1) Features: ① cater to the ugly face of flattery; (2) the status of slaves; ③ The essence of hypocrisy; (4) tragic fate (ending). (4 points, each point 1 minute)

(2) Function: From the past to the present, it has completely exposed the hypocrisy and sour ugliness of the teaser, and fully proved the root cause of the teaser's "bad luck". (2 points)

Analysis of this question examines the ability to "summarize the main points of content, summarize the central meaning" and "analyze and summarize the author's views and attitudes in the text". The ability level is C. To answer this question, we should fully understand the essence of several arguments and understand the key words discussed by the author, and filter, refine, summarize and integrate on the basis of grasping the theme of the full text.

17.(6 points) The answer points out that fun seekers will only cater to and flatter their owners' interests and make them happy, and it is difficult to make a big difference; (4 points) ridicule the incompetence of the owner of the fun seeker (2 points).

Analyze this topic to examine the ability to "understand the meaning of important sentences in the text", focusing on sentences with rich connotations. The ability level is B. Understanding the meaning of sentences, focusing on three points: "the skill of two ugliness", "having to do it" and "playing the clown of playboy"

Seven, composition (70 points)

18. Writing skills

The word "initiative" in the title is a normal term. The definition of "initiative" in Modern Chinese Dictionary is: ① Act without external force (as opposed to "passivity"). (2) can create a favorable situation, so that the cause of development according to their own intentions. The text of the material is refined, with clear meaning and clear requirements. The vast majority of students are easy to understand, and there is no obstacle to reviewing the questions.

The topic is close to students' life experience and ideological reality, which is both positive and contemporary. Students have something to say and have something to say, and their emotional tendency is healthy and positive, which has certain educational significance. In the process of examining, conceiving, analyzing, thinking, refining and writing, students can not only be enlightened, but also be influenced by emotions.

The unity of restriction and opening. The word "initiative" has certain limitations in subject matter and requirements in conception, but it has a wide range of materials, which can be used to write about yourself and others; Individuals and groups can write; You can write about people and me, people and society, people and nature; You can write tangible things, such as explicit concrete things; You can also write some intangible things, such as quality, attitude and ideas. No matter how you choose materials, you must convey a positive attitude and enterprising spirit.

The style is not limited, which shows a certain openness. This essay topic is suitable for writing narrative, prose and argumentative essays. Students can choose their own style of expression according to the content of the subject matter.

Reference answers and scoring criteria for additional questions

Look at the materials first and complete the 19 ~ 2 1 question. (10)

19.(6 points) If he is insatiable/the world must be afraid/the land given by the monarch/Zhibo must be arrogant and despise his enemy/neighbors must be afraid and blind date/treat the country that underestimates his enemy with blind date soldiers/then Zhibo's life will not be long (1 point, as long as there are no more than 6 places, he will get 1. )

20.( 1) method

2 1.(3 points) Playing hard to get. (1, meaning right) Greedy and arrogant people will cause public anger and lead to extinction. (2 points)

Reference translation

Zhi Bo asked Wei for land, but Wei didn't give it. Zhang Ren asked him, "Why not give it to him?" Huan Zi said, "I want it for no reason, so I won't give it." Zhang Ren said: "Neighboring countries must dare not claim land for no reason. If you have a big appetite and are not satisfied, the governors must be afraid. If we give him the land, Zhi Bo will become more and more arrogant. Arrogance will underestimate the enemy, and neighboring countries will naturally unite if they are afraid. Defend a country that underestimates its enemies with a United army. Zhibo won't live long! You might as well give him the land and make Zhibo more and more arrogant. " Wei: "All right." So he gave a city of thousands of families to Zhi Bo. Zhi Bo was very happy and asked Zhao for Cai, Gao Lang and other places. Zhao refused, and Zhi Bo besieged Jinyang. At this time, Han and Wei came back from abroad, and Zhao met from home, so Zhi Bo soon perished.

Second, reading the title (15 points)

22.(5 points) In items A and C(A), Li Wan should be recommended as the overall evaluation; "Chueh-min" in item C should be "Chueh-hui")

23.( 10) (1)① countermeasures, risks and chain measures. (3 points per meter, 1 minute)

(2) Example 1: Counterplot: Cao Cao sent Jiang Gan to persuade Zhou Yu, and Zhou Yu followed suit. Cao Cao was tricked into killing Cai Mao and Zhang Yun, and the water army won a great victory.

Example 2: Bitter plan: Huang Gai was beaten for contradicting Zhou Yu face to face, and Kan Ze went to Cao Ying to offer his condolences. Huang Gai cheated Cao Cao and took the opportunity to burn Cao Jun.

Example 3: Chain Plan: Cao Jun is not used to fighting on water, so Pang Tong provided Cao Cao with a plan to connect warships with chains for future fire attacks.

(protagonist 1, event 2. If the answer is "grass boat borrows arrows", you can score, if the answer is "Zhuge Liang borrows the east wind", you can't score. )

(2) Reference example:

(1) Grandet saw Charlie's dressing box in Eugénie, and was greedy, thinking that his daughter traded Yang Kim for Charlie's dressing box. "This deal is worth it." (2 points)

My wife is ill, and it costs money to treat her illness, which is simply "wiping her neck". But when he thought that he could save a bigger fortune by spending a few medical expenses, he thought that "this transaction is worthwhile." (2 points)

Iii. Material analysis and appreciation (15 mark)

24.(4 points) (1) leads to the "goal" of the full text, paving the way for revealing the essence of "learning hegemony" and putting forward a scientific academic attitude. (2 points)

(2) Without Cao Cao's epitaph, it is difficult to determine the authenticity of Cao Cao's tomb. (2 points)

25.(5 points) This sentence points out by analogy (1 point) that this argument of "bullying the weak by the strong" has turned into a struggle at the primary school level, which can only make the discussion of "true and false Cao Cao's tomb" lose the elegance of academic research (2 points), revealing the essence of "bullying the weak by the strong" by an expert from China Academy of Social Sciences (65438).

26.(6 points) ① The principle of "taking history as a mirror" should be followed; (2) The key to "boldly assume and carefully verify" is to implement it at the level of "carefully verify"; 3 To have a positive academic mentality is to allow the skeptics to express their doubts and not to be "schoolmasters".

(2 points per point)