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About the humanities and social science competition

Materialism is a philosophical thought. This philosophy holds that between consciousness and matter, matter determines consciousness, and consciousness is the reflection of the objective world in the human brain. That is, "material comes first, spirit comes second, the origin of the world is material, and spirit is the product and reflection of material". Dialectics is a philosophical theory about unity of opposites, struggle and movement, universal connection and change and development. It originated from the Greek "dialego", which means the skills of conversation and debate, and refers to a form of logical argument. Dialectical materialism epistemology. Advanced stage and scientific form of materialist epistemology. It is a scientific theory about the essence, source, development process and law of cognition. Its basic principle is the reflection theory of power revolution, that is, the practice theory. It adheres to the route of understanding from matter to consciousness, and holds that understanding comes from practice and develops with practice. The fundamental purpose of cognition is practice, and the truth of cognition can only be tested and proved in practice. It is believed that the development process of cognition is a dialectical process from perceptual cognition to rational cognition, and then from rational cognition to actively transforming the objective world. A correct understanding often needs to go through many iterations between matter and spirit, practice and understanding; Endless social practice determines the endless development of knowledge. Outlook on life refers to the view of life, that is, the view of the purpose, value and significance of human existence. The outlook on life is determined by the world outlook, the ideology of a certain society or class, and the product of certain social and historical conditions and social relations. The formation of outlook on life is gradually produced and developed in the process of people's real life, and is restricted by people's world outlook. People in different societies or classes have different outlook on life. (1) Since the socialist market economy decided the reform and opening up of the socialist legal system, with the diversification of ownership structure, marketization of economic entities, systematization of market development and indirectness of macro-control, China's economic system reform has gradually embarked on the direction of establishing a socialist market economy. The establishment and development of socialist market economy has accelerated the legislative work of socialist law. At the same time, the socialist market economy, as the operation mode of the socialist economy, also determines the content of the socialist law and the ways to develop and improve it. Socialist law must be based on serving the socialist market economy. (2) Socialist laws actively serve the socialist market economy. Market economy naturally needs law. Without law, there will be no real market economy. Because: first of all, the law is produced to meet the needs of the commodity economy. Engels pointed out when talking about the emergence of law: "At the very early stage of social development, there is such a need to summarize the repeated production, distribution and exchange of products with the plan of * * *, and try to make individuals obey the general conditions of production and exchange. This plan was initially manifested as a habit and later became a law. " On the origin of law, argument is the irreconcilable product of class contradiction, which is only one aspect of the problem, and the other is the inevitable product of law and commodity economy. Market economy is a developed commodity economy, and it is inseparable from legal adjustment. Secondly, the healthy development of market economy needs legal norms and guarantees. Market economy is characterized by fair competition, but market competition is driven by individual or local interests of market subjects, which often leads to disorderly competition and damages the overall interests of society. In order to ensure the fairness, justice and order of competition, legal protection is also needed. Therefore, only by perfecting the laws needed by the market economy and legalizing and standardizing the relationship and order of the market economy can we ensure the effective operation of the market economy. Thirdly, the market itself also has weaknesses and defects, which need legal guidance and restraint. For example, the law of value can not only stimulate competition, but also form a monopoly, and once a monopoly is formed, it will exclude competition, destroy the market mechanism and cause the loss of efficiency. Another example is the spontaneous adjustment of the market, which is lagging behind and blind. Relying solely on market mechanism to allocate resources may not meet the requirements of social development goals and overall planning, and cannot ensure the comprehensive and effective utilization of resources. This requires socialist countries to formulate a series of legal norms to regulate the behavior of market participants and strengthen macro-guidance and regulation of market activities to make up for the shortage of the market. Three. The Role of Law in the Socialist Market Economy: The goal mode of the ongoing economic system reform in China is to establish a perfect socialist market economic system. To achieve this goal, we need to play the role of law. China's laws and legal systems, like other laws and legal systems, play an important role in the socialist market economy. As the result of historical choice, the representation of modern material civilization and the role of economic laws, economic marketization has finally been gradually accepted in China. Moreover, the market economy to be built in China is a socialist market economy, and it is a new form and development of modern market economy to combine the essence of modern market economy with the basic socialist system. This market economy, like other market economies, is essentially a legal economy or an economy ruled by law; At the same time, its relationship with law also has its own characteristics. To build a socialist market economy, we need to understand its relationship with law, especially the role of law in establishing and perfecting the socialist market economy. (1) Market economy is essentially a law or rule of law economy. No matter what kind of market economy, the relationship with law and the urgent need for law are much more prominent than other types of economy. Therefore, it is often said that the market economy is essentially a legal system or an economy ruled by law. This is mainly manifested in: First, the market economy is an independent economy. The behavior of the subject of market economy needs to be regulated by law. The subject of market economy needs the status of independent operation, self-financing, self-development and self-restraint established by law, as well as the property rights and other economic rights of economic activities such as commodity production and exchange confirmed and guaranteed by law. Second, the relationship between market economy and contract economy. All kinds of activities in the operation of modern market economy are almost realized through contracts. Although there are many differences in form, the production, market exchange, distribution mode, product consumption, social security and other links of products are essentially the performance of contractual relations. Without a legal contract, there would be no market economy. From identity to contract is the main symbol from natural economy to market economy. The contractual relationship is a kind of legal relationship, which is bound by law and needs legal confirmation and guarantee. Third, the market economy is an economy with free competition and equal competition. A game is a game, and the game must have a game plan; To compete freely and equally, there must be norms to guarantee freedom, equality, fairness and justice, so as to realize free and equal competition. The main manifestation of such rules and norms is the laws formulated by state organs. Fourth, the market economy is an orderly economy. The market operation needs a normal order, and it needs a normal order of market entry and market transaction. To make the market economy an orderly economy, it is inseparable from the role of the legal system and the rule of law. Fifth, a market economy or an open economy. The internal dynamic mechanism of modern market economy makes it expand, and this expansion makes the economic ties of all countries in the world tend to be closer. The guarantee of maintaining this relationship is mainly international economic and trade laws, rules and practices. This feature of modern market economy makes the domestic market internationalized, which requires sovereign countries to be familiar with and good at using international economic and trade laws, rules and practices on the one hand, and to pay full attention to and be good at bringing their foreign-related economic and trade laws and regulations into line with international economic and trade laws, rules and practices on the other. (B) the role of law in the macro-control of market economy Modern market economy needs the state to implement macro-control mainly through indirect means. The government uses economic, legal and necessary administrative means to manage the national economy and does not directly interfere with the production and business activities of enterprises. This is of course because the operating mechanism of the market economy has outstanding advantages, but it also has weaknesses that need to be suppressed. As economic entities with independent management rights and self-financing, market economic entities generally conduct business activities according to their own interests and their own understanding and judgment of the market. This inevitably makes market regulation driven by local interests, often with certain blindness, impulsiveness and lag, which easily leads to the imbalance of total supply and demand. Under the market mechanism, the market often only reflects the immediate economic phenomenon, and it is difficult to accurately reflect the trend of economic development. In addition, the economic situation in different parts of China is very different, so it is difficult to make the economy develop in a balanced or coordinated way only through the role of market mechanism. In this case, to develop the economy well and establish and improve China's socialist market economic system, we need not only the "invisible hand" of market economic mechanism, but also the "visible hand" of national macro-control, and use this "visible hand" to make up for the deficiency of market economic system and realize the overall goal of national economic development, the goal of macro-aggregate balance, the goal of fair distribution and the goal of industrial structure adjustment and optimization. (3) Regulation of laws on microeconomic behaviors The laws and characteristics of market economy not only determine the necessity of macro-control by the state, but also determine the necessity of promoting its micro-activation. To enliven the micro, we need to give full play to the role of law. Market economy (also known as free market economy or free enterprise economy) is an economic system. Under this system, the production and sales of products and services are completely guided by the free price system of the free market, not by the state as planned economy. Market economy is also used as a synonym for capitalism. In the market economy, there is no central and coordinated system to guide its operation, but in theory, the market will produce complex interactions through the supply and demand of products and services, and then achieve the effect of self-organization. Supporters of market economy usually believe that the egoism people pursue is actually the best interest of a society. Chinese characters are one of the characters with the longest use time, the widest space and the largest number of people in the world. The creation and application of Chinese characters not only promoted the development of China culture, but also had a far-reaching impact on the development of world culture. About 6000 years ago, in Banpo ruins and other places, more than 50 kinds of carving symbols have appeared. They are neat and regular, with the characteristics of simplified Chinese characters, which scholars think may be the germination of Chinese characters.

The formation system of Chinese characters is the Shang Dynasty in16th century BC. Archaeology confirmed that in the early Shang Dynasty, Chinese civilization had developed to a fairly high level, and one of its main features was the appearance of Oracle Bone Inscriptions. Oracle Bone Inscriptions is an ancient writing carved on tortoise shells and animal bones. In Shang Dynasty, the king had to do divination before doing anything, and Oracle Bone Inscriptions was the tool of divination.

Oracle Bone Inscriptions should be treated before use. Remove the flesh and blood from the Oracle bones first, and then saw them flat. Then, use a knife to drill a notch on the inside of the nail or the back of the animal bone. The arrangement of these gaps is orderly. A fortune teller or wizard engraves his name, the date of divination and the questions to be asked on the Oracle Bone Inscriptions, and then burns the hole in the Oracle Bone Inscriptions with a torch. The cracks that appear when these depressions are heated are called "signs". The wizard analyzes the trend of these cracks, obtains the result of divination, and engraves the divination on the Oracle bone. After the divination came true, these Oracle bones engraved with Oracle Bone Inscriptions became official files and were preserved.

At present, archaeologists have unearthed more than 1.6 million pieces of Oracle bones. Some are complete, and some are just fragments without written records. According to statistics, there are more than 4,000 words on all these Oracle bones, of which about 3,000 words have been verified by scholars, and among these 3,000 words, scholars have interpreted more than 1000 words. The rest are either unreadable or scholars are seriously divided. Nevertheless, through this word 1000, people can already have a general understanding of the politics, economy and culture of the Shang Dynasty. Oracle Bone Inscriptions is a mature and systematic writing, which laid the foundation for the development of Chinese characters in later generations. Since then, Chinese characters have gone through various forms, such as inscriptions on bronze, seal script, official script and regular script, and have been in use ever since.

The evolution of Chinese characters is a process of gradually standardizing and stabilizing Chinese fonts. Small seal script makes the number of strokes of each word fixed; The official script forms a new pen system, and the font gradually becomes flat and square; After the birth of regular script, the font of Chinese characters has tended to be stable: the basic strokes of "horizontal, vertical, left, dot, pick and fold" have been determined, the stroke shape has been further standardized, and the number and order of strokes of each character have been fixed. For more than a thousand years, regular script has been the standard character of Chinese characters.

Chinese characters are an ideographic writing system based on pictophonetic characters, with pictophonetic characters as the main body, totaling about 10 thousand, of which about 3 thousand are the most commonly used. These 3000 Chinese characters can form an infinite number of phrases, and then form various sentences.

After the appearance of Chinese characters, it has had a far-reaching impact on neighboring countries. The characters of Japan, Vietnam, South Korea and other countries are all created on the basis of Chinese characters. There are eight common figures of speech: 1. Metaphor: A rhetorical device that uses concrete common things, situations or reasons to compare abstract and unfamiliar things, situations or reasons. Function: It can make the language vivid and make abstract things concrete and vivid. Example: The bridge opening of the stone arch bridge is curved, just like a rainbow. Function analysis: Comparing the shape of the bridge hole of the stone arch bridge with that of the rainbow, it vividly describes the formal beauty characteristics of the stone arch bridge and arouses people's beautiful association. 2. Personification: personify things, personify things, and write a rhetorical method that has the same feelings and behaviors as people. Function: enhance the intimacy and vividness of language, make readers feel lifelike, and often have a very distinct emotional color. Example: peach trees, apricot trees and pear trees, I won't let you if you don't let me. They are all in full bloom. Functional analysis: The lively scenes of blooming spring flowers and contending for spring with peaches and plums are written in anthropomorphic ways, which makes readers feel cordial and vivid. 3. Exaggeration: a rhetorical method that vividly describes the image, characteristics, function and degree of things with rich imagination, so as to outline the outline of things more prominently and vividly. Function: It can enhance the image of language, highlight the characteristics of things or play a positive role in enhancing readers' subjective feelings, attitudes and understanding of the author. Example: When the river rises and falls, it loses its momentum. Functional analysis: vividly wrote how fast the Yellow River freezes, highlighting the severe cold in the north. 4. Parallelism: A rhetorical method of arranging three or more sentences or phrases with closely related contents, basically the same structure or similar tone to express similar or related meanings. Function: It is convenient to express complex content more intensively, thoroughly and with stronger feelings, so that the momentum is coherent and smooth, the form is neat and the syllables are loud. Ex.: He can't look up, open his eyes, breathe or walk. Functional analysis: It depicts Xiangzi's feeling of pulling a cart in a storm, and renders Xiangzi's pain and helplessness in a harsh environment, so that readers have an immersive feeling. 5. Duality: a rhetorical method of expressing two opposite or similar meanings with a pair of phrases or sentences with the same structure, equal words and related contents. Function: From the formal point of view, the sentence pattern is neat, which enhances the formal beauty of the language; From the content point of view, it is concise, concentrated and general, which strengthens the meaning of opposition and complementarity, and also makes the phonology harmonious, the rhythm clear, catchy and rigorous. Example: (Looking) Inside and outside the Great Wall, only the rest is boundless; When the river rises and falls, it loses momentum. Functional analysis: Describing the magnificent scenery with cold winter climate and snow cover in northern China, with sonorous tone and lively rhythm, which enhances the expressive force. 6. Repetition: A rhetorical method that makes the same word or sentence appear repeatedly according to the needs of expression. Include continuous iteration and interval iteration. Function: you can emphasize something, express continuous feelings or emphasize tone and highlight feelings. Ex.: Looking forward to, looking forward to, the east wind is coming, and the pace of spring is approaching. Functional analysis: the word "expectation" is repeated constantly, showing the love for spring and the eagerness to look forward to the early arrival of spring. 7. Question: A rhetorical method of asking questions first and then expressing your own views. Function: it can highlight the key points of the article, enhance the language momentum, attract readers' attention, make people think deeply and contribute to better lyric reasoning; At the same time, it can make the writing have waves and achieve a vivid and dull effect. Example: Who are the two riders? It was the eunuchs in the palace and eunuchs who did it. Functional analysis: This question highlights that the eunuchs who came to Miyagi wrote their arrogant demeanor. 8. rhetorical question: express the definite meaning in the form of a question to strengthen the tone. It is characterized by expressing negative content in a positive tone; Express positive content in a negative tone. Function: enhancing the language momentum can enhance the definite meaning, which is beyond doubt, with strong sense of language and appeal. Don't you think our soldiers are cute? Aren't you proud that our motherland has such a hero? Functional analysis: After describing the heroic deeds of volunteer soldiers, use these two rhetorical questions to express your feelings and praise the heroic behavior of volunteer soldiers. In a negative tone