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Complete works of Taoist spells

Encyclopedia of Taoist exorcism

I am Tianmu, and I am chasing the sky. Eyes like lightning and thunder, light shining octupole. See inside the table, there is nothing to hide. As urgent as the law.

Five-star town color, shining mystery. It's smart to protect me. The huge sky and fierce beasts subdued five soldiers. Five days of monsters, dead bodies deformed. Wherever he is, all the gods welcome him. As urgent as the law.

The rain curse said, "Five emperors and five dragons, send light and spread wind, spread moisture widely, and assist Lei Gong." . All corners of the country, water is the most sacred. God commands you, and Changchuan listens to you. Those who dare to violate it will not be tolerated by the thunder axe. As urgent as the law.

"Curse against Plague" says: "When you are young, you will command your whole life; If the cave is deep, you will be punished; As soon as the gold cymbals are cited, the thunder drums will thunder. Thousands of soldiers have become real souls. There is a powerful god in Xiao Jing's department. Use China to travel and describe the rules. Test the forbidden hole, look at the deep play. Grand ceremony? , hold Mozi. Yin and Yang solidify to regulate evil spirits. Demons and ghosts are fierce and send them to the poor spring. Dare to try and take it to the cave. Wind knives test the body, never the same. As urgent as the law.

The clean tripod curse says: Lingbao Tianzun, comfort your figure. The four sides of the soul, the five internal organs are mysterious. Dragon and white tiger, the group fights endlessly. Suzaku Xuanwu, guarding the figure. As urgent as the law.

Shen curse:

I serve heaven,

Rivers, the sun, the moon, mountains, oceans and stars are all in my hands.

I make the light bright and the darkness dark.

For 33 days, God has been under my law,

East is East, West is West,

Let the south become the south and the north become the north.

Seal me, don't cut my order.

Household mantra: the sky is high and the clouds are light, and the three lights are bright. A golden room and a jade room, five treasures were born. Yun Xuan Zigai, come and reflect me. Fairy boy and girl, give me a spirit Nine scenes, three lights together. Take the purple cover and board the court.

The following is what you must read when you gossip!

One worships Jizhou's first pass, and the other worships Jiu from Nanyang.

Worship Qingzhou three times and Youdui Liang four times.

Five worship the land of Zhou Yong and six worship the city of Xuzhou.

Seven worships Shen Kun Jingzhou boundary, eight worships Yingen Yanzhou city,

The altar entered the palace.

Ghost killing spell

The old gentleman taught me to kill ghosts, and I am with God. It's called jade girl. It's unlucky to take pictures. Mountaineering stone cracks, wear seals. Kui Gang, wearing a canopy and standing on tiptoe, held Liu Jia on the left and Liu Ding on the right. There is a yellow god in front and a chapter in the back. When fighting, the god division does not avoid the mighty, killing evil spirits first, and then cutting the night light. Why not dare to be a god? As urgent as law.

The curse of the plague

The ghost of oriental green plague, the essence of rotten wood; The ghost of the southern red plague, the essence of fire; The ghost of western blood disease, the essence of evil gold; The ghost of the black death in the north is the essence of the pond; The ghost of central yellow plague is dung essence. Four seasons and eight festivals, born in prosperous times. God does not nourish internally, but works as evil essence externally. The five poisons enter the human body. Cold or hot, restless. Nine ugly ghosts know your name. It's urgent to catch it, and it won't stop for a long time. As urgent as the law.

Anti-ghost curse: people come from heavy paper, ghosts come from mountains, and thousands of evils are not removed.

Xuanke forbidden wish spell yue

There are three wonders in the sky, the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky and ghosts and gods. If an evil soul comes, it will become evil in this place ... >>

There are too many Taoist incantations, so I suggest you go and see "All Laws Return to Ancestors", a Taoist classic, and many records of incantations, as well as "Taoist Collection" and "Yin Fu Jing", all of which are good.

Baidu searches for Taoist incantations and eight Taoist incantations.

What are the Taoist spells? The spell of flag falling.

Hang Bao, Puli, and the infinite gods protect the sky from sin.

After returning from the clouds, the purpose of obeying the law can no longer be delayed.

As urgent as ...

The divine law of the Jade Emperor

Nine planets curse

Jiuyao came all the way and began to wander from the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

Looking forward to my endless drop of glory, casting Zhu Jing to solve my stagnation and open my heart.

I have to stay in Fei Xia. Everything on earth makes me a prophet.

The curse of the earth god

Here, the most spiritual land god ascended to heaven and entered the darkness.

For me, I have to fight, and I can't stay on the day of meritorious service.

Mana curse

Sorrow, bitter and spicy all night, three fires in my throat.

I often want to be hungry, and when I sprinkle manna, it will be as cold as hot.

Second, sprinkle the water of the realm of Buddhism, and you will be fascinated. Third, sprinkle the water of compassion.

Moisten everything

A secret spell against mother's mysterious soul

Ling Xuanjie Rong Yongbao Changsheng Taixuan Sanyi keeps its original shape.

All the five internal organs and gods are safe.

Makoto yeuchi

Heaven and earth live together, and the nine-clean and filthy refining method is too true.

Guanbai Nanling solar terms are yin yin, yin yin.

The golden couple held a towel for me.

Xu Antai's purple crown gives me the feeling of being rooted in heaven and earth.

Golden spell

Xuanzong Wan Lingguang's robbery proves that I have great powers.

Inside and outside the three realms, only the golden light reflects me.

Turn a blind eye, turn a deaf ear, turn a deaf ear, including raising a group of students in heaven and earth.

Recite it again. There is light in the body. The Three Realms Guards greeted the Five Emperors.

The courtship of the gods made lightning, ghosts and demons lose confidence and their souls died.

There is a thunderbolt inside, and the name of Thor is hidden, and wisdom is overflowing.

Jin Guangsu is protecting real people now.

Jade emperor decreed

Break the curse of hell

There are many Mount Kumgang in the vast Dufeng.

Lingbao boundless light hole shines on the inflammation pool.

The soul of nine mysterious sins follows the clouds.

Dinghui utpala Shangshengshen Yong 'an

Cleaning spell

Lingbao Buddha comforted disciple Xuanming's soul and five internal organs.

The tactics of Qinglong White Tiger Team are different. Suzaku Xuanwu guards my porch.

Break Du Feng's curse of leaving the cold palace

The golden light of merit is slightly open, and the dark pool is really fragrant.

Lian Gai Sui Yunfu Qianling Chongyuan Hechangju 12 Floor

Lingbao's emergency declaration aims at free heaven.

Bamboo incense curse

Tao is the teaching of the heart, and the heart is false fragrance. K jade furnace guards its heart before the emperor.

In anger, I look forward to Xiange and porch. Today, I have been locked up for nine days.

Jingkou zhenyan

Dani, the god of mouth, spits out foul breath and removes breath and tongue, which is benign and healthy.

Luo Qian's teeth are cold and evil, and his throat is true, while the tiger is full of qi, resulting in body fluid.

Shen Xin Dan Yuan made me understand a truth, that the liquid refining channel K lasts forever.

Heart mantra

Too many stars on the stage should be prepared to ward off evil spirits, bind the charm and protect themselves.

Wisdom, clarity, peace of mind, three souls, eternal soul, no loss, no solution

An unjust curse

All living beings have many grievances, and it is difficult to end them all their lives.

Newspapers in the third world will not rest, and I will pass on the wonderful method to relieve all grievances.

Listen to the heart, listen to the enemy's self-destruction.

Zhenjun Luo's pet phrase

God first follows the path of darkness, and then he goes beyond darkness to a bright future.

De-hui Yang * * * Gao Jian blames the frost bell.

Take it to heart, once blessed, you will mock the true scriptures.

Tri-light food curse

Good scenery, clear sky, Wan Li.

Five-latitude traffic, three auras, Ming Baoning three fairs.

The emperor township will swallow nine old people and take a hundred skeletons to enrich Jinhua.

The body and the sun and the moon read the Tao, and before the holy day, there was endless life.

Mana food curse

Cold and cold manna is delicious and delicious, and it flows seven treasures.

Somehow, I was hindered by this diet.

Ford's noble food supply makes everything clean and hopeful.

Cosmic life commands you to pull out three pains and apply nine xuanqing.

When it comes to eating, the heavens praise the cold palace.

Looking back at the book of Emperor Zhenzong Zhongshan, the daughter of the Yuan Dynasty, Fu Bao with a clear spirit.

One thought rises too clearly, and then one thought converts to nothingness.

Lithospermum spinosum

Back to the curse of death

The method of diligently repairing the avenue is too subtle to be true.

The five internal organs are pregnant with babies, ghosts live in heaven, and the sky is sunny.

Fuhui has been supporting all beings here.

The curse of the land god

Yuan Shi 'an Town Gaopuwan Yue Ling Crossing Guan Zhen Land Spirit

Left-handers and right-handers must never jump back to the right path and be wiped out inside and outside.

Be vigilant in all directions. The altar court received an order to search for evil spirits.

Protect the god king, keep chanting, and convert to Avenue Yuan Henry Zhen.

Bathing soul curse

Noble morality, respect for advantages and virtues have been formed.

Shi Bao's self-support, compassion, sprinkling, using water and washing addiction.

Sanqing nunnery in Yongdu often talks about muddy mud.

Recommend the curse of death

Eliminating dust and filth makes it easy for me to return to the form of a child.

The ghost crossed over and flew away

Curse to save suffering and death.

Yea ... >>

Taoist incantations and incantations hang the treasure number Puli, and the infinite gods protect the heavens. After the mourning falls, the clouds return to the sky, and the law cannot be delayed. As the imperial edict of the Jade Emperor, the Nine Demons have been wandering all the way since the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and the spirit of the Ming and Yuan Dynasties has spread and the hope has been declining endlessly. I put my glory on Zhu Jing to solve my stagnation and pregnancy in Fei Xia. Everything on the earth made me predict that the most spiritual land god here would ascend to heaven and reach darkness. Out of the throat, always thinking about hunger and thirst, sprinkling nectar water is as cold as hot, sprinkling the water soul of the Buddhist realm, sprinkling the water of compassion, and nourishing the world. Nine paths are too true. Except for refinement, White Officials and Naling are all shaded by the new space, and their lives are extended. The golden couple held a towel for me, and Xu Antai's purple crown brought me health and made me live forever. Heaven and earth are the same as golden light, and Xuanzong's spirit is widely used to repair robbery, which proves that my magic power is unique in the three realms. Raise a group of students and recite it again. There is light in the body. The three realms guard the five emperors to meet God. The ceremony made reggae and demon lose confidence. There is a thunderbolt in the shape of the gods. The hidden hole is full of wisdom. The golden speed is full of breath now. Real people are anxious. Jade emperor's light drop method. In the vast Du Feng, there are many evils on Mount Kumgang, and Lingbao's endless light hole shines on Yanchi. The soul is troubled by the nine secluded places. With Xiang Yunyun, the gods are in Yu Dou. Yong' an mausoleum is taught by the heart, the heart is empty, the fragrance is passed on, and the K jade furnace keeps the true spirit in front of the emperor. I look forward to the immortal Lin Xuan, and now the minister has been closed for nine days. Dani, mouth god, vomit filth, get rid of the atmosphere, tongue god, and live in harmony. Luo Qian, the tooth god, cools evil, defends the real throat god, and the tiger's breathing god, leads Jin Xin. Dan Yuan made me understand the truth, refined the liquid, and became timid. There are too many people on channel 4, and the world will not stop reporting. I preach wonderful methods to solve all grievances and listen to the enemy's self-destruction. Lingxuan Festival, Rong Yongbao's long life, too mysterious, three righteousness to prevent its true shape, security guard Ning Gongde's golden light is dim, and Huachi is really flowing. Xiang Lian Beggars' Sect traveled with Ganling Chongyuan in Yunfu, and lived on the 12th floor. He urgently announced Lingbao, aiming at traveling in heaven, and taught me to kill ghosts and ask Jade Maid to take photos on my side and wear seals. On tiptoe, I left,

What are the witchcraft spells of Taoism? There are many Taoist spells to be effective, and basically every spell has a corresponding spell. There are Tibetan incantations in Tibetan law, body-fixing incantations in body-fixing law, stealth incantations in stealth law, five-thunder incantations in five-thunder law, and spells in flying swords, as well as ghosts bound and burned in harmony, dragons whipped, rain-praying, snow-capped mountains, dragons turned into snakes, stirred fog, autopsies, and Yuan gods who came out of their shells. What else is there? Do you want to list tens of thousands of spells one by one? What do you mean useful? Taoism pays the most attention to inheritance. Without inheritance, it is useless to eat books. Therefore, don't imagine that you can master the Tao by asking a few questions online. This is an idiotic dream. Just get to know it, don't think about how to use it. Without the teacher's instruction, it's useless to break your head.

Taoist spell, 10 useful golden spell.

Heaven and earth Xuanzong, ten thousand malaria jing.

Extensive destruction proves my magical power.

Inside and outside the three realms, the Tao is the only one.

There is golden light in my body, which reflects my body.

Turn a blind eye, turn a deaf ear.

Including heaven and earth, has raised a group of students.

I have been supported thousands of times and have a shiny body.

The Three Realms Guards were greeted by the Five Emperors.

All the gods salute and serve Ray.

Ghosts and demons lose heart, and their souls are on cloud nine.

There was a thunderbolt inside, and Thor was anonymous.

Dong Hui's body paste is thorough, and his five essays are devoted to protecting real people.

I'm in a hurry, old man.


If the whole body stays sick, the heart fire drops, the kidney water rises, the mind is clear, the eyes are bright, the five internal organs are cool, the five internal organs are in harmony, and the whole body is comfortable and full of strength. This is the true merit of Ji Ji's fire and water, and it is also the essence of taking the meaning of heaven and earth and refining the sun and the moon.

Why are Taoist spells more effective than Buddhist ones? Because Taoism is the law of inheritance and Buddhism is the law of convenience. Inheritance law is very strict, because mana itself is a kind of energy transmission. Therefore, people who study are very strict. Buddhism, on the other hand, focuses on cultivating the mind, but enlightens people orally and in writing. Buddhist scriptures have no power to inherit, so it is normal to be ineffective.

What are the spells of the thirty-six changes of Taoism? I have: Taoism has thirty-six disasters.

What are the famous spells of Taoism? Eight magic spells,,,