Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Why do you see ghosts?

Why do you see ghosts?

Why would anyone see a ghost? 40 points

Many things can't be explained and explained. The world is too wide, and there are many strange things outside. I don't think many fans can solve it. From a scientific point of view, there are no ghosts. From the Taoist point of view, people will see ghosts, mostly because of their light personality and poor breath.

Why do I always see ghosts?

I have seen it several times. At first I thought it was an illusion, and I didn't care too much about whether it was true or not. Later, I played in the fields with my friends. At that time, it was a little dark We all played with flashlights, and I felt something was wrong. I used a flashlight to shine back, and everyone was scared. We saw a headless man, who floated and disappeared after about five seconds. If we run home as fast as we can,,,

How can I see ghosts?

It is something that ordinary people can't see, but some people can. What a strange and mysterious thing it is. Do you want to know more about yin and yang eyes? Or do you want to experience the taste of having yin and yang eyes?

Yin-Yang Eye is an ancient legend in China. The older generation in Guangdong believes that people with yin and yang eyes can not only see the present world, but also see another world-the underworld.

There are probably three situations in which people can have yin and yang eyes: first, some practitioners practice to a certain extent and their magical powers are proud. The eye-opening of Buddhism is an example. Second, they hope to see the world of yin and yang after their unsuccessful practice, so please ask someone with a path to open their eyes for them. Third, they are born with special functions. According to a more scientific statement, people with cloudy eyes will see very clear ghosts and foreign bodies when they are awake.

People who listen to stories are generally dubious. Some people think that this phenomenon proves the existence of ghosts. The fact is that people with yin and yang eyes suffer from an eye disease called charlesBonnetSyndrome. For various reasons, people with this disease have lost the visual function of the retina, and their brains will create a non-existent image in front of them, which can be an object, an animal or a ghost. It is similar to the brain forming an image in the blind spot of the eye.

Another way of saying this is that most people rarely see ghosts, because our frequency is not easy to receive, but we can often see the eyes of Yin and Yang with full frequency. If you are interested in or want to challenge someone with courage, you can use the following methods: (remember: it's no problem to see, don't use it indiscriminately, if it brings any serious consequences, you must do it yourself. )

1. Eat the crow's eyes alive (it will be useful for life)

2. Dig a small puddle in the open space, put the glass on it and peek inside. Until the last light in the evening, you will see the scene of hell.

On rainy days, dig a piece of wet mud and put it on your head, and hide in the corner to peep at the places where accidents often happen.

At midnight, I took off my coat and put my chest close to the ground for a while. The gossip in my body failed, from ruin.

5. Tomb-Sweeping Day closed the dew, sealed it with willow, and didn't see it for three days. Then apply it to your eyes, and you will see ghosts in a moment.

I found a lot of information about yin and yang eyes, but many of them are not well-founded explanations. The above is more organized and credible. Although the yin-yang eye is not established from a scientific point of view, if you hold the mentality that everything needs evidence, or only believe it with your own eyes or ears, then things beyond the scope of science or bizarre things are unacceptable.

1. cornea replacement: replace the cornea of a dead person and open your eyes, which is near "damn 10". There are many ways to see ghosts! The method is as follows. (Damn it, 1)

2. Pregnant women jump off a building: The moment you jump off a building, you will see what you don't want to see. (Hell 2)

3. Cup Fairy: A cup and a piece of paper. Everyone puts their fingers on the bottom of the cup, and ghosts come because of calling, but it is easier to ask ghosts than to send them.

4. Knocking at the intersection: It is said that the intersection is the place with the heaviest yin. Knocking at the intersection will attract hungry ghosts. You can't stop knocking at the door in the process, or ghosts will see you.

5. Ghost hide-and-seek: Find a black cat and play hide-and-seek at night, and ghosts will join in. Once you can't find anyone, let the black cat out and follow, and you can see ghosts. But be careful when you hit the wall.

6. Draw eyes with corpse mud: Draw eyes with mud buried in the corpse, you can see ghosts, but it may also be blind.

7. Open an umbrella indoors: Open an umbrella indoors, gather in the shade, and ghosts appear.

8. Comb your hair in the middle of the night: Comb your hair in front of the mirror in the middle of the night and you will see the ghost you want to see.

9. Look back: Bend forward and look back between your legs, and you will see the passage of another world. But when you attract the attention of any passerby, you must stop this action immediately. Ghosts will mistakenly think that you are a fetus ready to be born and invite it to reincarnate …

10 feign death: the ultimate damn way-die. Put on a shroud, put on makeup, play dead, and prepare a stick of incense. When you are asleep, you can go to hades, but remember to come back before the incense burns out.

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Why do some people see ghosts with their eyes? (This is true)

Yin and Yang eyes are psychic special functions in folk beliefs, representing the existence of supernatural phenomena such as ghosts.

The ability of yin and yang eyes has never passed the scientific test. However, many people still believe in the existence of yin and yang eyes. In folk beliefs, the eyes of Yin and He are congenital, or the magic gained by being "opened" because of curiosity.

Possible explanation

Some people think that the phenomenon of yin and yang eyes comes from hallucinations and delusions caused by schizophrenia or other mental diseases. Because it is realistic, the people you see can be described in detail and win the trust of others.

Others believe that Yin-Yang eyes originated from Charles Bonnet syndrome, an eye disease. Some people's retina has lost part of their visual function, and that part of the eyeball has hallucinations.

Yin and yang eyes in religion

Although the yin-yang eye has not been scientifically confirmed, in many religions, people can see the spiritual body with the naked eye. These people are usually gods (such as Jesus in Christianity), prophets, or holy figures.

In Buddhism, five eyes and "eyes are connected" can also be regarded as an explanation of yin and yang eyes.

About yin and yang eyes (paste)

1. Inherent

But there are two kinds of congenital.

(1) ancestral (2) Turn a blind eye when the voice is small.

I am second and my classmates are first.

2. Special channels

It is not surprising that such people with yin and yang eyes often have a short period of time and just happen to meet them at a certain moment. Usually most people have this kind of yin and yang eyes.

3. Joint relationship

My classmate and I happen to live in the same dormitory. On Halloween, a person in our dormitory saw a place in the toilet to go to Ling with us. In this case, even if the people with yin and yang eyes are very close, the probability is relatively small. As long as the people with yin and yang eyes are a little farther away, they will return to their original state.

Step 4 get sexually excited

I just know this method, but according to your system, there are many ways to stimulate the day after tomorrow. For example, a QQ named Chihiro invented the method of stimulating with black dogs, which is not suitable for everyone (my friend tried it, but it didn't work, and at most I saw white shadows)

It's not a good thing to have yin and yang eyes, but it's fun at best.

My classmate runs in the family. Her family stopped from her father's generation, and then all of them were transferred to her. Her grandfather is the best in their family and is most proficient in using tarot cards.

I was born with it.

And those who have prophetic dreams ~

It just means that you are more energetic than people who have never dreamed before.

That means you have a better chance of getting the eyes of Yin and Yang than others.

However, it is inevitable that "ghosts have more arcs than others".

That's all I have to say for the time being.

According to China proverb, Yin and Yang eyes are eyes with single eyelids; The other is double eyelids. The gossip book records that the single eyelid is called yin; Double eyelids are called yang, so they are called yin and yang eyes. Other expressions of ghosts and gods are superstitious. As we all know, Bao Zheng, a great official in the Song Dynasty, was a yin-yang eye. In fact, his portrait is a single eyelid and a double eyelid, but it has been handed down that he came to the underworld to see ghosts and gods. These are superstitious expressions, mainly expressing his spiritual symbol of being honest, fair and impartial.

Why can some people see ghosts?

Why are you confused by idealism? Because your knowledge is still in a shallow understanding, and if you improve your culture, you will get a materialistic point of view, then all this will be solved.

Why can people see ghosts?

Why can people see ghosts?

Ghosts really exist:

Ghosts exist after death. What is a ghost? In fact, the relationship between ghost and body is like the relationship between electromagnetic wave and walkie-talkie. A ghost is also a magnetic field, a magnetic field with memory. The relationship between the ghost and the body is like this: man is divided into two parts: the body serves the ghost and the ghost depends on the body. The existence of organs is reserved for the health of the body, so that ghosts will not disappear.

The formation of ghosts-when the fetus is in the mother's body, it is weak or even non-existent in the first three months. Its source depends on brain activity and the flow of body fluids (mainly blood, which is full of ions). For all animals, there are ghosts after death, that is, as long as there are electric ions flowing, biological individuals will form current, and if there is current, there will be a magnetic field. Three months after the fetus, the brain gradually develops, and the blood flowing to the mother increases, gradually forming a ghost. Newborn babies are close to primitive people, so many children (under 6 years old) will see ghosts. They are not looking with their eyes, but communicating with their ghosts (children under 3 years old have a close visual range). At this time, the combination of the child's body and the ghost is not very harmonious, and it is easy to be frightened and separated, which is what the saying goes.

The growth and maturity of ghosts: With the growth of human body, ghosts are gradually closely integrated with the body. All human memories are stored by ghosts, and the brain acts as a medium, just like the relationship between information on the disk and magnetic powder on the disk, but it is not exactly the same. Ghosts don't depend entirely on the brain, they have their own independent magnetic field memory methods. Just as the information on the disk is sent in the form of electromagnetic waves, they can be received and displayed by the brain at any time. It should be noted that magnetic field memory depends on the structure of the brain (the position and arrangement of magnetic powder on the disk), and it will produce * * * if it is not suitable. If memory only works like "brain folds" as some scientists say, it is reported that there are fewer brain folds than normal people. Some scientists have experimented that the energy that people should produce by eating food every day is far greater than the energy that people consume by heating every day. So where is the energy difference? It is emitted by the brain in the form of electromagnetic waves. Some people may ask, why didn't I receive electromagnetic waves? With this question, please read on.

Ghosts leave the body-when human organs are damaged or the body is weak and aging, ghosts will be separated from the body. To be exact, the ghost will leave the body first, not after the ghost leaves the body. Ghosts will continue to exist after leaving the body and may be accepted by individuals with the same attributes as the original body. This is what people call ghost possession, so these possessed people will know many secrets of their original bodies. Some people worry that ghosts will not leave their possession, which is unnecessary. Although it is temporarily attached, the attached body is not exactly the same as the original body, so it will not provide energy to continue. After attachment, it will disappear and the energy will be exhausted. Some people will wonder, since ancient times, there should be many ghosts in the world, right? Are they everywhere? The answer is "no". Ghost is a kind of magnetic field, which will be broken when hit by other powerful magnetic fields, such as the powerful magnetic field generated by lightning. So many ghosts have been wiped out. This is why people can get their souls back if they don't encounter lightning weather after losing them.

The world is made up of matter, including time and ghosts. Time and ghost are just a new material form that we haven't fully understood.

Ghosts are also physical. They are a field similar to a magnetic field. I will call it "ghost field", just like there is a magnetic field between two magnets. Once this field is recognized and used by us, it will have a great change in history.

Ghosts have their own activities. When our bodies rest, sometimes they wander around endlessly and are stored vaguely, but without the help of our bodies, they are fuzzy. I wonder if you have this feeling: one day you went somewhere or the same thing happened.

I have never seen London, but it does exist.

Similarly, I have never seen a ghost, so I can't prove that there are no ghosts in the world.

But there is no evidence that there must be ghosts in the world.

I don't want to draw a conclusion until I get sufficient evidence.

I'm not an idealist, but I strongly object to the so-called materialistic theory of no ghosts.

......& gt& gt

Why is it easier for people to see ghosts before they die?

Hello, when people die, the yang will weaken, and then the yin will increase, so they will see ghosts and gods in the underworld. Those ghosts and gods will become their dead relatives and lead the dead to three evil ways, namely, the beast road, the hungry ghost road and the nose hell road. . . It's painful, and it can't be separated for thousands of years. I will give my dreams to those relatives who are destined to help them cross over. Nowadays, people attach too much importance to science and technology and think that Buddhism is superstition. Do you think it is wrong?

How can a person change after death to identify which of the six paths he will fall into?

From the body temperature of each part of a person after death, you can know where he went.

If a person dies, it is cold from his feet to the top of his head, and finally only the top of his head is warm and all other places are cold, you can know that he went to the Western Heaven, studied there, listened to Buddhist scriptures and did not travel.

If a person dies, it is cold from his feet to his eyes, and finally only his eyes are warm, and everything else is cold, you can know whether he has ascended to heaven or gone to Shura Road, which is hard to say.

If a person dies, it is cold from his feet to his heart, and finally only his heart is warm and everything else is cold, then you can know that his next generation is still human.

If a person dies, it is cold from the top to the abdomen, and finally only the abdomen is warm and the rest is cold, you can know that he is going to be a hungry ghost.

If a person dies, his knees are cold from top to bottom, and finally only his knees are warm, and everything else is cold, then you can know that he is going to become an animal.

If a person dies and starts to cool down from above to his feet, only the soles of his feet are warm and everything else is cold, then he has already gone to hell to suffer.

Buddha said: the holy eye is the top of heaven, the heart of heaven is hungry, the knees are apart, and the bottom of hell is out. Think about it, he knew it thousands of years ago, and now science has proved that people are two grams lighter after death than before. These two grams are the weight of the soul. In another 30 years, the camera will be able to show the appearance of the human soul. I haven't been to the western paradise either. It's hard to say for sure, but it's not in the west. Anyway, happiness without sadness, or it can't be called bliss. Practice hard and you will go to Elysium! Don't forget to come and see me then!

Why do some people easily see ghosts and gods?

It's not something that ordinary people can see. First of all, there must be fate, or natural yin and yang eyes, and then there must be certain skills to see practice.

Life in different dimensions in this space

The human body lives in three-dimensional space, that is, length, height and width, and time is four-dimensional. In fact, the dimension of this four-dimensional space that we see with the naked eye is very small. Now scientists have found that the universe has eleven dimensions. Theoretically speaking, the dimension of space is infinite, and every space may have life. Life in other dimensions is invisible to our naked eyes, but it does exist. The western scientific community is trying to explore this field. Dr. Bashi of Italy is a famous expert in studying spiritual life. His research method is to record the voices of these ghosts and gods with a special communication instrument. For decades, he has done a lot of successful research. His experiments are usually carried out in a large laboratory, with dozens of people, including experts, engineers and research objects. Experiments are usually carried out at 9 pm, because ghosts and gods often haunt at night. At the beginning of the experiment, Dr. Bashi tuned the communication instrument to short wave band, 7-9 MHz short wave, which can filter out general electromagnetic signals, such as TV, radio, mobile phone signals and so on. Then there was some normal noise from the loudspeaker. After ten to twenty minutes, the noise suddenly stopped and was replaced by a wind-like sound, mixed with singing, from far to near. After hearing this voice, Dr. Bash shouted into the speaker, "Friends, where are you?" Here we are. Go ahead. "After a while, there was an answer from the loudspeaker," coming, coming ",and the voice became more and more obvious. Sometimes it was the voice of one person, and sometimes it was the voice of several people. If the sound is clear, you can record it. Most of the participants in the experiment are mothers whose children have just died. They miss their children and want to talk to them. A dead child recorded this to his mother: "Dear mother, don't be sad. One day you will know our secret. When you leave the body, you will find that your soul has entered another life level. "Obviously, the child came back to comfort his mother. There are many such recordings, many of which are published in Dr. Bashi's thesis. Why can ghosts and gods come back? One reason is that mothers miss their children very much, and the power of missing can be felt. Confucius said in the Book of Filial Piety: "Filial piety reaches the gods and shines everywhere. "Sincere thoughts can cross different dimensions of space. If you think about it, you can read it back, damn it. Therefore, the human mind is incredible. Nowadays, science only works hard on matter, but does not delve into this "heart". This "heart" is really the master of all things in the universe. The second reason, although I'm thinking about it, someone has to call. Making phone calls is also an energy. The fluctuation of sound waves is energy, which can summon him. Japanese doctor Jiang Bensheng studies the influence of sound on water. People talk and play music in the water. Under the microscope, the shape of water molecules changes with different sounds and music. Beautiful music, crystal is beautiful, horrible music, crystal is ugly. Water is still like this, not to mention those spiritual life. Religion advocates chanting Buddha's number, because sound can travel through different dimensions, and the effect is incredible. Dr Bashi did many such experiments, and the most successful one was on the night of June 5438+February 5, 2004. When Dr. Bash tuned the instrument to the short-wave band and heard the voices of these ghosts and gods, Dr. Bash turned off the radio equipment again. There should be no sound when the device is turned off, but the sound in the speaker keeps ringing. This proves that communication equipment is not the real medium to communicate with ghosts and gods, because the equipment is turned off and the voices of ghosts and gods continue. If science can solve these mysteries, there will be a new breakthrough in science. What do ghosts and gods rely on? Not by materials such as equipment, but by people's hearts. The energy of thought is incredible, it can communicate different dimensions of life. So, what is the most real thing in the whole universe? Only the heart is the truest. The world's experts in spiritual life, as well as Dr. David from Britain, his ... >; & gt

What should I do if I see a ghost?

Dafa exorcises evil spirits

1, it is best not to have a mirror in the bedroom. If there is, don't face the bed.

2. Don't draw the curtains, wake up in the middle of the night and don't look out of the window.

3. After going to bed, the slippers should be put outward, and the toes should not face the bed.

If you don't sleep in a person's bed for a long time, you should change your posture when you use it again to drive away evil spirits.

Don't just open the curtains and look out at night. At least, cough before opening them, otherwise, you may see something you shouldn't see (such as XF little woman).

6. When someone calls your name at night, don't say yes casually, especially in a desolate and remote place.

7. Go to the toilet in the middle of the night without looking in the mirror.

8. Before going to bed at night, you'd better unplug the TV computer.

9. Girls are full of yin. If a person is in the house, pay more attention.

Sikong should not leave the shade.

In physiognomy, nothing glows. If you leave a "shadow" on your forehead, it is equivalent to putting out this bright lamp, which will haunt you and make ghosts and gods easy to get close to you. Therefore, it is best to cut off or brush off your hair.

1 1, don't wear red clothes when shopping at night.

There are two taboos when going out at night. One taboo is to wear black clothes, because the color is dark. Ghosts and gods like to cling to it most. Second, don't wear red. For evil spirits, red is a unique color and easy to attract attention. Men and women who love to walk at night should remember.

12. The word "quit ghosts" is on my lips.

"Little devil", "degenerate ghost", "ghost cares about you" and "trouble" are the mantra of many people. Remember, don't say much about this, because the pronunciation magnetic field may encounter ghosts. If you often talk about the word "ghost", you really have to quit.

13, corridor lights

Many families have long corridors, and there is often no sunshine in the long corridors, resulting in a situation in which yin flourishes and yang declines. This is the favorite hiding place of ghosts and souls. Therefore, if there is a long corridor at home, remember to install an ever-burning lamp to enhance the sun's spirit, so as not to let ghosts stay.

14, wearing jade when climbing mountains.

Hiking is a good holiday leisure activity, but due to the high humidity in the highlands, many animals rot after death, which invisibly strengthens the negative magnetic field. If you don't want to see "dirty things", you might as well wear some jade ornaments to enhance your personal positive magnetic field.

15, don't play with ghosts.

Young people love to seek * * *, and they like everyone to play with the disc fairy and ask the spirits to predict the future. In fact, it is easy to feel the existence of "them" in daily life through such direct contact and communication with spiritual bodies. This kind of thing is especially taboo for those who find that Tang Yin next door is black and angry.

16, gossip blocks evil spirits

Funeral parlour is the place where ancestors funeral, filled with sad atmosphere, so the negative magnetic field is strong. Friends who live near the funeral home suggest putting a gossip outside the window. Among them, gossip represents righteousness and is full of righteousness. Nature is not afraid of evil spirits entering the house and living near the funeral home.

17, visit the family god first.

If you need to go to the hospital often, you may wish to worship a god in advance and seek peace of mind. If the patient you visit is your relative, it is especially effective to worship the family god; If the patient is a friend rather than a relative, he can go to the general temple to burn incense and pray for the blessing of the gods.

18, stay in a hotel and avoid Weifang.

Traveling and staying in hotels, many people say that the tail room is not suitable for sharing. This is indeed well-founded, because the tail room usually lacks sunshine and yang, and the spirit likes to wander in this dark place, so if you stay in a hotel and are assigned to the tail room, you might as well change rooms.

19 Reasons for the formation of hungry ghosts: the poor people starved to death in the old society. Appearance: I often ask you weakly for food. Hazard index: Preventive measures: As a poor family, most people are in a good mood. As long as they do what they say, their lives will not be in danger.

Second, Rise of the Legend's cause of death: He hanged himself, which was caused by resentment. Mode of appearance: It is often a woman who holds a rope with blood on it and asks you to take it home. Hazard index: 30-99 Note: Because of hanging, it depends on the severity of resentment, but don't promise her to bring a rope home.

Causes of ghosts with blood paste: dystocia death, resentment, appearance: usually seen by lying-in women, carrying a blood-red cloth bag with blood in it, which is filthy. Hazard index: 80 Precautionary measures: It is difficult to meet her now, because she died in childbirth in the old society, but if she does, it is best to ignore her.

Reasons for the formation of ghouls: According to legend, it is a monster in the water. How to appear: turn into a dead fish and seduce you. Hazard >>

Why can anyone see ghosts?

It is not that he can see ghosts, but that there are ghosts in his heart.