Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Jane Eyre practice

Jane Eyre practice

1. Why didn't Jane Eyre marry Rochester? Because Rochester still has a living wife. 2. How did Mrs. Rochester die? Suicide by jumping off a building

3. Why is Mr. Rochester blind?

His wife set fire to the manor. In order to save people, one eye was inflamed and the other eye was bruised. 4. Why did St. John marry Jane? Love?

He wants to preach in India. He thinks Jane? Love is the wife of a suitable missionary. 5. Jane, who is the child who loves to teach? Adopted by who? 6. Adele; Rochester

6. Young Jane? Why was love once locked in the red house by menstruation? Fight with my cousin

7. Why doesn't Aunt Jane Eyre's family like Jane Eyre? Love?

My aunt looked down on Jane's mother. She demeaned herself and married someone else. Is aunt dissatisfied with uncle's taking Jane in? Love; My aunt's family doesn't like Jane? The character of love.

8. Why did Chester say that he wanted to marry Miss England and asked Jane to leave? Trying to test Jane's mind.

9. Jane, who is Love's favorite teacher at school? Miss temple 10. Jane? You died because you loved your best friend? Lung disease 1 1. Jane? Love is the way to find your first job. What is this? What is the job? Advertising; Be a tutor

12. At Thornfield Manor, Jane? Who did love bravely express love to? Rochester 13. Jane Eyre is the work of an English writer (), and it is one of the representative works of English literature in19th century (), written in119th century. The author and her two sisters () and () are also called () three sisters. Charlotte Brontexq, critical realism, Emily Bronte, Anne Bronte, Bronte 14. Jane Eyre has nothing (), two nothing () and three nothing ().

Prominent family background, proud wealth, outstanding appearance.

15. When Jane came home in the cold dusk, she felt very uncomfortable. If her fingers and toes are frozen, who else will be scolded? Nanny Bessie

16. What are the names of my aunt's three children? Eliza, Georgiana, John

17. Why did Jane sneak into a small breakfast room?

Because there is a bookshelf there, Jane can quickly find a book with many illustrations. She likes reading. 18. Who illustrated the book that Jane was reading at that time, and what was its title? History of British birds

19. Bessie also tells some love and adventure stories to children. Where do most of them come from? Ancient myths and ancient ballads

20. What's in the secret drawer of the big cupboard in the red house?

Contracts for various parchment documents, Mrs. Reed's jewelry box and a small portrait of her late husband. 2 1. What did Jane suffer at her aunt's house? (1) john reid's ferocity and domineering (2). Her sister's arrogance and indifference. Mrs. reed's disgust.

(4) The strange behavior of servants

22. What ended the storm between Jane and John? Jane Eyre lost consciousness.

Jane got some preferential treatment during her illness. What book does Bessie want to read? Gulliver's Travels

24. Who enlightened me when my mind was hit for the first time? Mr Lloyd, the pharmacist. 25. How did Jane's parents die? Typhoid fever

26. When Jane Eyre left Gateshead, what did she shout when she went out the front door? Goodbye, Gateshead.

27. How much tuition does Lowood School pay per person per year? 15 lb.

28. Through whom did Jane learn something about Lowood School? Helen burns.

29. What kind of suffering did we suffer in the winter at Lowood School? 1. The clothes are too thin to resist the cold; 2. Without high boots, snow will get into shoes; 3. I didn't wear gloves, and my hands were covered with frostbite; 4. The feet are also covered with frostbite; 5. Insufficient food supply

30. What infectious diseases broke out in Lowood School in spring? Typhus

3 1. Where did Helen Burns die? Who was with her when she died? Miss Temple's bed, Jane Eyre.

32. How many years did Jane Eyre live in Lowood School? For eight years.

33. Who did Miss Temple marry? Reverend Nasmi.

34. What is Mrs Fairfax doing in Thornfield? housewife

35. Who is the owner of Thornfield?


36. When did Jane and Rochester first meet?

Rochester fell off his horse and sprained his foot. 37. Who is Adele's mother?

French opera dancer Selena Valen.

38. Why did Warren entrust Adele to Rochester?

One is that Warren thinks Adele is Rochester's daughter, and the other is that she went to Italy with a musician. 39. What did Jane say one night that made her hair stand on end? I heard strange laughter and found Rochester's room on fire. 40. What is Rochester's purpose in dressing up as a fortune teller? Dealing with ladies and trying to get Jane's heart out. 4 1. Why does Mrs. Reed hate Jane?

First, Mrs. Reed doesn't like her mother. Her husband is a special person. But Jane was sick and thin when she was a child, crying.

42. What two things did Mrs. Reed say before she died that she was sorry for Jane? One is that she didn't keep her promise and raised Jane as her own daughter; Another letter hides the fact that Jane's uncle let Jane inherit the inheritance.

43. What happened to georgiana and Irina Karp Tairova? Georgiana married a powerful man and a rich man in the twilight of high society. Irina Karp Tairova really became a nun. She became the director of the monastery where she spent her probation, and she donated all her property to that monastery. 44. How does Jane want to get along with Rochester? Maintain equal status. 45. What does St. John do? Pastor.

46. What was Jane's alias when she first came to Marsh Villa? Jane Eliot.

47. With St. John running away from home, what unfortunate news did the three brothers and sisters receive? Their uncle John passed away.

48. How does Jane Eyre distribute the 20,000 pounds left by her uncle? There are also three brothers and sisters of St. John, each with 5 thousand pounds. 49. What is the purpose of St. John's proposal to Jane Eyre? Let Jane Eyre be his companion and colleague in his missionary journey. 50. What was the end of Rochester and his crazy wife?

Rochester is blind and disabled in both hands. Her crazy wife fell to her death. 5 1. What did Jane say about her aunt when she was young?

Everyone thinks she's a good woman, but she's really bad, wicked heart, so she's cheating. 52. What happened to Helen Burns?

Lung disease.

53. Who was my best friend when turtledove typhoid broke out? Mary Ann Wilson.

54. Who helped Jane Eyre at Lowood School? Miss Temple, I'm Helen Burns.

55. What certificate did the school committee issue for Jane when she left Lowood School for a short time? Issue a certificate about Jane's character and ability, signed by several directors of the school. 56. Who will visit Jane when she leaves Lowood School? Bessie.

57. What important news did Bessie's arrival bring to Jane? Jane has an uncle visiting Jane at Gateshead House. 58. Who helped whom when Jane and Rochester first met? Jane helped Rochester.

59. What did Miss Temple give Jane as a parting souvenir? A small pearl jewelry.

60. Why doesn't Jane like Mr. Pollock Hearst?

Because he is a heartless man, arrogant and nosy. 6 1. Which aspect of Jane's painting does Rochester mainly evaluate? consider

62. What does Jane compare two tigers to? Jealousy, despair

63. What does Rochester think is the poison of life? Regret.

64. Among Rochester's servants, who has the highest salary?

Grace Poole.

65. At night, I heard giggles and gentle sobs. Who should I ask briefly?

Mrs Fairfax.

66. After Jane Eyre's room caught fire at night, who did Rochester use to prevaricate her? And told Jane not to tell anyone. Grace Poole.

67. How long did it take Jane to crayon her portrait? How long did it take to draw the imaginary Blanche Ingram? An hour or two, two weeks. 68. What's the name of Rochester's puppy? Pilot.

69. What does Jane wear when she meets the guests?

Miss Temple bought a silver-gray dress when she got married.

70. On the first night when someone proposed to change the form of entertainment, what games did the guests say they would play? Crossword puzzles.

7 1. Who went to Rochester's house that night? Mei Sen.

72. What was the name of the fortune teller at that time?

A bunch, mom.

73. What news did Levin bring to Jane Eyre? Mr. John passed away.

74. After visiting Mrs. Reed, Jane returned to Thornfield. Where did she meet Rochester? On the stone steps at the door.

75. Why did Rochester try his best to convince Jane that he wanted to marry Miss Ingram?

Rochester pretends to pursue Miss Ingram in order to make Jane jealous and love him to the point of madness. 76. What did Rochester buy when he took Jane Eyre to Milcourt? Pure black satin and pearl grey silk.

77. Who prevented Rochester from marrying Jane Eyre? Jane Eyre's uncle.

78. What is the relationship between Richard Mei Sen and Rochester's crazy wife? It's her brother.

79. What was in the package when Jane Eyre left Thornfield House? Some underwear, a pendant and a ring.

80. How many shillings did Jane have in her pocket when she left Thornfield House? 20.

8 1. How much money does Jane have left when she gets out of the carriage? What did you buy with it? A penny and a loaf of bread.

82. What does Jane want from a sister-in-law when she is penniless? Cold porridge should be poured into the pig trough.

83. How old is the swamp villa? 200 years.

84. What does Jane do in Marshhill? What is the annual salary? Rural female teacher, 30 kg.

85. What subjects will Jane teach as a rural female teacher? Knitting, sewing, reading and writing.

86. Why did Uncle John leave their brother and sister? A commemorative ring.

87. What language did St. John ask Jane to learn from him? Hindustan language.

88. Briefly describe Miss Oliver's character. Sincere and straightforward, less thinking, arrogant and conceited. 89. From Jane. What have we learned from the book Love?

A small person, relying on his integrity and intelligence, as well as perseverance, hard work and courage, finally broke through many obstacles and reached his destination. 90. Rochester began to give Jane? What's your impression of love? A little strange, cold, fickle and conceited. 9 1. Why did Jane Eyre refuse St. John's proposal?

Jane Eyre finds herself still deeply in love with Mr. Rochester, and she seems to hear Rochester's affectionate call. 92. Why did Jane Eyre leave her beloved Mr. Rochester?

Jane learns that Rochester has a wife, and the power of morality and self-esteem makes Jane make a painful decision.

93. Jane loves her position in Mrs. Reed's menstruation family, even worse than the servant, and has been bullied by her cousin. But she doesn't want to be bullied. What can best show her rebellious spirit?

One day, my cousin hit her again. She fought back, but was put into a red house by her aunt. She was frightened and became seriously ill. 94. What kind of female image did Jane Eyre successfully create? Dare to resist and strive for freedom and equal status.

95. What kind of personality or spiritual pursuit does this famous saying of Jane Eyre reflect?

Self-esteem, self-love, pursuit of equality, freedom and personality independence, dare to love and hate, frank and sincere, dare to pursue happiness, etc.

96. After Jane Eyre left Rochester, St. John proposed to her and asked her to go to India to preach. Why did Jane refuse him?

97. Because Jane firmly believes that marriage is a product of love, a free and sacred union, and should not be alienated by the heavy religious mission, and should not be a tool to promote religion.

97. Why did Jane give up her two-year teaching career? What can you tell about her personality from here? She can't stand the loneliness and indifference there. She pursues freedom, happiness and dares to resist.

98. What did Jane dream on the eve of the wedding?

I saw a tall and ugly woman wearing her wedding dress and tearing it to pieces. 99. What are the two basic motivations of the heroine Jane Eyre?

Longing for freedom and happiness in the world and pursuing a higher spiritual realm 100. Where does Jane live?

Gateshead House, Loward School, Thornfield House, Marsh Villa, Findin Villa.