Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - What are the five elements of fire in the zodiac?

What are the five elements of fire in the zodiac?

The zodiac has its own position in the five elements, and the meanings of different attributes of the zodiac are also different. The following is the information about the fire zodiac in the zodiac for your reference!

In the zodiac, fire is the zodiac sign.

In the 12 zodiac, the fire elephants are Si (snake) and Wu (horse), both of which are in the south.

Three fires: it's noon.

Trinity of fire: Yin (longevity) noon (emperor) Xu (grave)

Liuhe fire station: noon and dusk

The Six-gram (Chong) Relationship of China Zodiac

The son (mouse) ran to the afternoon (horse),

Ugly (ox) rushes at sheep,

Yin (tiger) rushes to Shen (monkey),

Mao (rabbit) rushes at you (chicken),

Chen (dragon) rushes to the dog, while Si (snake) rushes to the sea (pig).

Six evils are also related to the zodiac.

Children (rats) are not harmed by sheep, ugliness (cows) by horses, yin (tigers) by snakes, and Chen (dragons) by rabbits.

Shen (monkey) harms the sea (pig), and you (chicken) harms the dog.

Generally speaking, as long as the marriage between a man and a woman is not related by blood, it means that they will have a good development direction (their living bodies are in line with the favorable material elements radiated by the cosmic magnetic field to the survival of life on earth). Otherwise, it means that there is no good development trend (because they can't meet the material elements radiated by the cosmic magnetic field that are beneficial to the survival of life on earth). Is this what people often say? Those who go against the sky prosper, and those who go against the sky die! ?

The zodiac and the eight-character theory are the most important cultures in our excellent traditional culture. It evolved from the Book of Changes. It tells the theory of the invisible influence of magnetic field on our living earth in space and time, and explains our behavior. People? How's it going? Orders from heaven? This relationship process?

It is as early as the origin of our Chinese characters and as important to our lives.

I hope you're not afraid to wear one? You don't understand the hat of feudal superstition, but you dig this dust when you know it? Rare in the world? Absolute civilization and culture!

Believe it's there? Unearthed? After that, it will definitely bring great impetus to our modern civilization and culture today!

Will it be found for humans? Species? What is the real origin and the answer to life?

Most people will have all kinds of irreconcilable contradictions and conflicts in their short time together, so will parents, children, brothers and sisters. Marriage is a life-long event. If there are irreconcilable contradictions, parents and relatives are more concerned. In the old society, according to the matchmaker's words, parents' life was more ordinary, and people sought a way to predict whether marriage was harmonious or not. Under the understanding that the ancients were superstitious about "destiny", superstitious professionals such as Yin and Yang teachers and warlocks took advantage of the loophole and lied that the husband and wife were married or born on different dates, thus doomed the marriage. This method is simple and unreasonable, but it has prevailed for thousands of years, and many people still believe it.

This superstition has existed since the Han Dynasty, that is, the theory of "Liuhe". In the ancient poem "Jiao Zhongqing's Wife" handed down from the Han Dynasty, the mother found another husband for her daughter who was driven back to her family, and her husband's family "reopened the book according to the calendar, so that Liuhe could correspond this month." This "Liuhe" is to choose an auspicious day to get married. The so-called "auspiciousness" is the combination of yin and yang in jujube characters. There are six kinds: zi and ugliness, sea and yin, Xu and Mao, especially Chen, Shen and Si, Wu and Wei.

But ten heavenly stems and earthly branches belongs to Yang, and twelve earthly branches belong to Yin. Therefore, the words used in the branches of any day have a combination of yin and yang (that is, the earth branch and the sky branch), so there is no disagreement and no choice of combination. If the eight characters of earthly branches are divided into yin and yang, zi, yin, Chen, Wu, Shen and Xu all belong to yang, while ugliness, Mao, Si, Wei, You and Hai all belong to yin. It should be a combination of Zi Chou, Yin Mao, Tatsumi, Tachileik, Shen You and Xu Hai. But this is known to many people, and superstition does not say so. In order to deceive people and be mysterious, the creator of superstition changed the normal order of Zi, Ugly, Yin and Mao into putting Zi and Ugly in the middle, saying that Zi and Ugly are adjacent, and the sea and Yin are symmetrical, which is the so-called Liuhe.

Obviously, this is purely a man-made combination. There is no difference between yin and yang in the use of words in the ground branch, one word a day, and there is no layer of "yang". It can be seen that the so-called Liuhe is the combination of yin and yang, which is unreasonable and contradicts the theory of yin and yang.

The theory of "Liuhe" existed in the Han Dynasty, referring to the good days until the Book of Nanqi? "Book of Rites" gives an explanation: "The five elements say that the twelve mornings are Liuhe." Yin and the sea are in harmony, while the East cultivates Yin and Yue, Yin and Yue, and Sun and Chen are in harmony. "The so-called' Moon Building' simply means that a month corresponds to a dozen words, and' Day' means that a dozen words correspond to a certain day. It is also a layer without "Yang". In fact, the so-called "moon building" and "day" collocation only means that the combination of "moon" and "day" into the word "bright" will make this day bright or not. Bright and auspicious, so it is a good day.

It turns out that this is the truth and secret of the so-called "Liuhe" auspicious day. No wonder no one dared to open the window and say why, and no one came to study and expose it. Therefore, for thousands of years, magicians and yin and yang teachers have used this to deceive people, while superstitious people pay them to deceive themselves.

Superstition deceives people with a lot of bad luck. There are only six good days, but there are many kinds of bad days, such as "six reds", "six evils" and "three punishments" The explanation and explanation are as follows.

The twelve earthly branches and the twelve Chinese zodiac animals are connected from beginning to end, and go back and forth. Superstitious designers arrange them in a circle, take any branch word and connect it with the opposite branch word through the center of the circle. These six groups of relationships are called.

"Six Red" is a terrible day. In another way, without going through the center of the circle, the slave is connected with the corresponding sheep on the opposite side, and so on, and the other ten words are combined into a corresponding relationship, which is the so-called "six evils."

"Three punishments" refer to the other three combinations of days that punish and punish each other: zi and Mao, deficiency and ugliness, yin and si. It is not easy to see how they came from, because superstitious designers used more subtle means. Let's talk about the sub-hair group first, which is another way: starting from the sub, divide the ugliness into yin, and connect with the hair on the circumferential map; Similarly, connect Mao with Wu, Wu Heyou and You Hezi. In fact, there are four groups of relationships, and the other three groups are deliberately abandoned. Concealing the whole, revealing only a corner, is naturally difficult to know. There are also four groups, from Xu to ugliness, from ugliness to Chen, from Chen to Wei, from unitary to ugly, only mentioning Xu and ugliness. There are also groups of Yin, Si, Shen and Si Xu, and only Yin and Xu are mentioned.

Superstition will also be unconventional, so there are six evils, six evils and three punishments. There are other similar views, so I don't need to say them one by one.

Those auspicious combinations and disagreements are so "puzzling" from the paper.

In the Tang dynasty, there was a saying of "eight characters", which used four eight characters on the date of birth to make various fortune-telling. But the real calculation is too troublesome, and it is inevitable that one is consistent with the other, so it is difficult to choose. In fact, it is only determined from the "year" and only inferred from the words used in it. Because the word "earthly branch" only indicates the sequential relationship, it can also refer to a certain genus in a certain year, so the earthly branches of "Liuhe", "Liuhong", "Liuhai" and "Sanfei" have been replaced by the corresponding twelve genera, which are specially used to judge the marriage. Believing in the saying that "the five elements are born together", superstition also says that "Liuhe" is calculated from "the five elements are born together". This is another lie. Let's look at the soil branch, genus and five elements. The corresponding relationship between them is as follows.

The ugly branch of the earth did not apply for the sea at noon.

Zombies, cows, tigers, rabbits, dragons, snakes, horses, sheep, monkeys, chickens, dogs and pigs.

The five elements belong to water, earth, wood, wood, earth, fire, earth, gold, earth and water.

So corresponding, becomes:

Liuhe: zi and ugliness (mouse and cow), sea and yin (pig and tiger), Xu and Mao (dog and rabbit), especially Chen (chicken and dragon), Shen and Si (monkey and snake), Wu and Wei (horse and sheep).

Six reds: Zi and Wu (mouse and horse), Ugliness and Wei (cow and sheep), Yin and God (tiger and monkey), Mao and You (rabbit and chicken), Chen and Xu (dragon and dog), Si and the sea (snake and pig).

Six evils: the son is not (mouse and sheep), ugly and noon (cow and horse), yin and si (tiger and snake), Mao and Chen (rabbit and dragon), the sea and Shen (pig and monkey), Xu and you (dog and chicken).

These statements are actually sophistry, sophistry and deception. Because:

Water can wash away soil, and soil can also block it. This is the so-called water-soil collision. Metal knives cut wood, fire melts metal, and earth pressure can put out fires. These are collisions. But Liuhe said that children and ugliness (rats and cows), unity and Chen (chickens and dragons), Shen and Si (monkeys and snakes), and Wu and Wei (horses and sheep) are harmonious. There are three contradictions in the theory of five elements.

Chen and Xu, ugliness and ignorance are all dirt, and they are all the same, so the so-called collision between dragons and dogs, cattle and sheep simply doesn't make sense.

These statements conceal the mutual development of the five elements. If wood can make a fire, it is said that yin and four (tigers and snakes) are harmful; Trees grow in the soil, but it is said that Mao and Chen (rabbits and dragons) are harmful; There are metal mines in rocks and mountains, but it is said that dogs and chickens are harmful to each other.

Metal tools cut wood, but shovels, forks and other heads also need wooden handles. Fire can burn wood, but it is blunt; So, the tiger and the monkey clashed. But the sun and high temperature are also fire, but the growth of vegetation can not be separated from the sun, and it can still be consistent. Rabbit (wood) and dragon (soil) are harmful to each other, and the explanation is as follows: wood (plant) breaks ground and produces grams, so it is not suitable to raise wood with soil.

There are all kinds of relationships between things, and the superstitious view of mutual restriction is either just one thing and ignores the others, or it doesn't even make any sense. What's more, the animals themselves are not contradictory. Cats are the natural enemies of mice, wolves eat sheep, but there are no cats and wolves in the genus, so superstition can't take advantage of it. Tigers eat sheep, but they don't say they are each other's.

Marital disharmony actually exists because of class background, social status, ideological character, gender relations and so on. Arranged marriage intensifies this contradiction and even forms a tragedy. In ancient times, people generally ignored these essential aspects and simply attributed them to destiny. As a result, superstitious professionals skillfully took advantage of the incompatibility of their genus to scare and deceive people and broaden the ways to make money.

If we want to deceive people, we will also imitate those statements and put forward more inconsistencies.

For example, according to the formation method of the six pests, we draw straight lines that do not pass through the center of the circle from tigers and rabbits, Niu Long, rats and snakes, pigs and horses, dogs and sheep, chickens and monkeys, saying that this is another kind of six pests. Why not? By analogy, cow-tiger, mouse-cow, mouse-pig, pig-dog (that is, two adjacent zodiac signs) are a line, and each has four groups of parallel lines. Six groups of parallel strings, thirty-six harms. Among them, rats and cows (ugly children), pigs and tigers (Hai Yin), dogs and rabbits (Mao Mao), chickens and dragons (Youchen), monkeys and snakes (Shensi) and sheep and horses (noon) are exactly the so-called "six in one". Similarly, according to the theory of "three punishments" (that is, every two zodiac signs are connected), four constellations (pig tiger, tiger snake, snake monkey, pig monkey) can be drawn, and so on, there are four groups of sixteen kinds of punishments.

All these contradictions fully prove that "harmony", "conflict", "punishment" and "injury" are artificial fabrications. The superstition of six evils and three punishments has formed many jingles among the people, which are often quoted as proverbs. There are six kinds of harm to sheep and mice, such as "the sheep and mice stop as soon as they are matched" or "the rats and sheep don't reach their heads". It is harmful to cattle and horses, or "white horses harm green cattle" or "white horses are afraid of green cattle". Another example is "a snake sees a tiger like a knife", "a dragon sees a rabbit in tears", "black pigs are afraid of apes", "chickens and dogs are different" or "chickens and dogs match to marry", all of which are manifestations of six evils. Another example is "black dogs don't enter the sheepfold", which is the so-called dog and sheep punishment in the three punishments.

Throughout the ages, I don't know how many men and women who could have had a happy marriage have been separated by such superstition. There are still many people who believe these statements, especially the elderly. Young men and women who are talking about marriage should explain the relevant truth to the elderly, get rid of superstitions and strengthen their love. If we do some practical surveys from married men and women around us, we can certainly prove with facts that whether marriage is harmonious or not has nothing to do with the genus of both men and women.

generation among the five elements

The five elements, such as mother and son, love each other, meaning smooth and auspicious. For example:

Wood fire: Fire is kept burning by firewood.

Fire produces soil: the soil is irradiated by the sun to produce gold; Gold relies on rocks to store raw water; Water is dredged by iron.

Aquatic wood: Wood watered the five elements by rain and dew.

The five elements are fighting and hostile to each other. According to "White Tiger Yi Tong", the mutual harm of the five elements is the nature of heaven and earth. The public wins the minority, so water wins the fire; Fine wins strength, so fire wins gold; Just wins softness, so Jin wins wood; Specializing in scattering, so wood beats soil; Reality is better than emptiness, and homeland is better than water.

Mutuko: Trees can be buried underground, fire can kill gold, fire can dissolve gold, and soil can cover water.

Jin Kemu: Gold can cut wood, water can put out fire: water can put out fire.

As the saying goes, "when a white horse makes a mistake, the sheep and rats rest, the snake and tiger make a mistake like a knife, and the dragon and rabbit exchange tears." Golden roosters are afraid of jade dogs, and pigs and monkeys are endless. " If both men and women have the above zodiac signs, it will be difficult to get married.

On the other hand, if two people belong to the same family, other conditions can be accommodated. The appropriate zodiac sign is: "Rats match cows, tigers match pigs. Sheep with rabbits, horses with dogs. " This is the most important thing for both men and women.

There is also: the man's family is looking for relatives, and the most taboo is the girl who belongs to the tiger sheep. As the saying goes, "When a tiger enters the door, it will hurt people." And girls who are sheep also have the saying that "life is hard." Therefore, if a woman is eager to find a partner and likes a boy very much, in order to achieve her goal, she will often hide her true genus, otherwise it will be difficult to succeed.

Folk songs say:

The green rabbit and yellow dog have existed since ancient times, and the red horse and antelope live long.

The black mouse and the yellow cattle are prosperous at both ends, and the dragon and the phoenix match longer.

Marriage is rare, and the family must have money every year.

In this regard, there are different opinions in various places, each with its own reasons. ........